The Discovery

By Huntress

Disclaimer: Oh please, why disclaim, I ask? Does anybody *really* think that the characters are real?? Or that we fanfic writers own them??


Steve was putting on his coat, getting ready to go off duty. He was happy it was a slow day at the PD, as he had to take Jesse's night managing BBQ Bob's. The young doctor was coming off a double shift shortly, and, despite Jesse's reluctance, Steve had wrangled a promise that he would go home and rest. It was Friday, a very busy night for the restaurant, and he knew Jesse would be in no shape to go there from the hospital. And with his father out of town, there was no one else but him.

"Hey Steve," Cheryl Banks came over. "We're going to Phil's for drinks. Care to join us?"

"Can't. Jesse's coming off a long shift, and I'm taking his turn tonight at Bob's." He made a face. "I swear, I think he is purposely trying to exhaust himself. Double shifts, classes, the restaurant. He doesn't have time for fun anymore." Steve took a deep breath. "We used to have a standing date Sunday morning, to go out for breakfast, and do some surfing. We haven't done that in weeks."

She smiled at him. "Steve, how do you feel about Jesse?"

"How do I feel?"

Cheryl nodded. "I've known you twenty years, and I've only seen you smitten once before." She smirked. "And you *married* her."

Steve thought for a moment. "If you're asking me if I love him, yes I do. If you're asking if I'm *in* love with him, then I'm not sure."

Any other conversation was cut short by the Captain, who came out of his office at that moment. "We have a double homicide in Palmieri Courts. Husband and wife. The twenty year old son found the bodies. Lieutenant Sloan, Sergeant Banks, guess who's going to investigate?"

The two got the information and went to do their jobs.

Steve didn't even think to call BBQ Bob's.


Five hours. It had been five long hours. When they got to the austere home of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Edwards, they went over the crime scene, then questioned the son.

One hour later the two seasoned detectives were convinced the son was guilty.

Two hours later the boy's psychiatrist showed up.

Three hours later, a lawyer at his side, the boy confessed.

By hour four, they had been given the boy's life story, how he was mentally unstable, had tried to kill his parents before, and had escaped the mental facility where he was being kept.

And now, hour five, Cheryl and Steve had finished their reports, signing them, leaving them in the Captain's office.

"Okay, dinner is shot to hell," Cheryl laughed. "How about a late night snack?"

Steve jumped to his feet. "Shit! I forgot all about BBQ Bob's!"

He was halfway out the door when Cheryl said, "Think about what you said regarding Jesse."

He nodded to her. "Yeah, I will."


Steve sighed as he finally reached the restaurant. It was just after midnight, and the restaurant was closing.

He was surprised to see Jesse's car in the parking lot. He passed a few of his employees, saying goodnight to them, but was stopped by Alex, who looked more then a bit pissed.

"Hey man, how could you leave Jesse alone tonight? You knew he was coming off a double shift at the hospital. That is low." Steve was about to answer, but Alex wasn't done. "This has got to be the busiest night of the week. Steve, I think you owe him an apology. He is ready to drop off his feet."

"Why didn't you send him home?" Steve asked, a bit annoyed at the med student.

"Don't you think I tried? You ever try to deal with Jesse when he's on an adrenaline rush?" Steve's face softened, knowing exactly what Alex was talking about. In a way he felt sorry for Alex. "Where were you anyway?"

"Double homicide. The son did it. Quickest confession I ever got." He smiled at Alex. "You'll probably read about it in the papers tomorrow."


Alex turned to his friends who were waiting for him. Back to Steve, he grinned. "Clubbing tonight."

"Don't drink and drive," Steve said, not patronizing, just saying it.

"I won't, and thanks. You're pretty cool...for an old guy." He took off before Steve could respond.

"Ah, to be twenty-two again," he sighed, watching the younger men drive off. He worried a bit about the orphaned Alex, realizing that he had taken a paternal interest in the young man, the way his father had taken to Jesse. "Jesse!" He ran into the restaurant, seeing his partner setting the alarm. The doctor looked so tired, that Steve's heart wrenched. "Jess, I'm sorry. There was a double homicide, and I had to go and I...I'm really sorry I didn't call. I could have given Alex a heads up, and...what are you doing here anyway? You *promised* to go home and rest."

Jesse sat on a counter stool. "Melanie had a problem with the dishwasher, and Alex couldn't get into the cash register, and they couldn't reach you, so they called me. It's okay Steve. The bad guys don't believe in taking a day off." He nearly slid off, but grabbed the counter.

Steve was at his side a moment later, standing him on his feet. "Okay, here's the deal. You're going to go outside and get into my truck. I'm going to take you home, where you will rest. I will drive you back here tomorrow, where we will both spend the evening greeting and feeding our customers."

"You have tomorrow off," Jesse mumbled, letting Steve lead him outside.

"So do you." Steve sat him in the truck, buckling him in.

By the time Steve got in, Jesse was out cold. "Might as well take you home with me. At least that way, I'll know you got some rest." He started the truck, smiling to himself. "Idiot doctors. Think they're indestructible." He chuckled. "Just like cops."


Jesse woke up, to find himself in bed, clothed, in the guestroom in Mark's house. He stretched, looking at the clock, eyes widening. It was nearly noon! Why hadn't Steve woken him? He thought for a moment, and knew why. 'I guess I was more tired then I thought. Don't even remember getting here.' He quickly washed, and wandered into the house. He then heard Steve's voice, and headed for the kitchen.

"I know I said we'd have lunch, but I have my partner here, and I have to make sure he gets some rest. I should be done at BBQ Bob's by midnight, and we can meet after. I promise." The sounds of kissing were very audible, as well as a moan. "Don't do that...I mean it...don't...ohhh yeah...."

Jesse smiled, standing behind the wall. 'Figures Steve's got a date. Maybe I should tell him I can handle things on my own. He needs a break.' He paused as he heard Steve's voice again.

"Your mouth is so nice there. Hey, why'd you stop?"

Jesse shook his head in amazement, and couldn't resist a peek around the corner. He froze when he saw Steve's partner...who was distinctively male.

"You'll get more tonight, if you're lucky."

Jesse just stared.

"Finish what you started," Steve growled.

"Oooh, forceful aren't we," the other man laughed, avoiding Steve's lips, which were trying their best to kiss him. "You have to wait until later."

"And what do I do with *this*?" Steve asked, holding his cock in his hand.

"Tuck it back into your pants and suffer. Oh, and don't make it too late baby," the other man said seductively. "I may have to find someone else to play with."

Jesse watched the man leave, and turned around, going back into the guestroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he tried to make sense out of what he had just heard. 'Steve was with a man. A man who him head. I can give head. I mean, I never did it before, but I'm sure I could.' He thought some more, eyes darting from side to side. 'Wait a second. Why would I even *want* to give head? I don't like men. I like women.' He nodded to himself. 'I like Steve. He's a great guy. But I don't want to go to bed with him.' His eyes narrowed in further thought. 'I bet he's good in bed. Probably go all night.' Jesse smiled to himself. 'Like the energizer bunny. Man, he must be hot in the sack.' Jesse's eyes widened in disbelief. Aloud, "No! I did *not* just think that." His stomach growled in hunger, so he headed back to the kitchen, running into Steve. "Morning Steve. Or should I say good afternoon. Um, thanks for bringing me here last night. Sorry I went to BBQ Bob's."

Steve smiled at him. "You're forgiven. *This* time. How about some lunch? I'll make you a grilled cheese. Then you can rest until it's time to go."

Jesse nodded, they ate lunch, and Jesse vegged in front of the TV, while Steve went surfing.


All Steve could think about was what Cheryl had said, and he wiped out three times before giving up, and just sitting on the beach. Jason showing up when he did was the icing on the cake. He pictured Jesse's face, had the young man walked in on him getting a blow-job in his a man. 'Never gonna have Jess.' He closed his eyes, laying back on his towel, smiling to himself.


A deserted beach, silent, peaceful. Steve lay on the blanket, naked, sweaty, waiting...hard as a rock.

The appearance of Doctor Jesse Travis, naked, straddling his body.

Said Doctor spreading his own ass, settling himself on Steve's cock...and riding Steve's cock to oblivion.

Steve at the edge, his seed ready to erupt, filling Jesse's tight ass....


He sat up as he felt his cock swelling, looking around quickly. Wearing a Speedo, on a public beach, was no place to get off. He got his stuff together and headed to the house. He didn't see Jesse, and figured the doctor had gone back to bed. He walked toward the stairs, hearing the soft moans from the guestroom, and paused.

"Oh yeah, that's good...ahh, ahh, yesss...."

Steve glanced at the swelling between his legs, suddenly rock hard and painful. His cock wanted out, and he chewed on his lower lip, ready to sprint to his room.

"Oh Steve...give it to me...."

Steve froze, shaking his head. 'He did *not* say my name.'

"Oh yeah...Steve that is good...."

Steve's hand wandered, of its own volition, to his crotch. He eased his hand inside, rubbing himself, picturing Jesse doing it for him.

"In it...."

Steve dropped to his knees outside the door, releasing his cock, fisting himself rough.

"So hard...."

Steve's hand moved quicker, jerking himself off harder.


Steve's orgasm hit him without warning, and he shot his load on the towel, a satiated smile on his face. Reality, however, came back, and he stared at the towel, and his spent dick. He heard Jesse moving in the room, heard the footsteps come toward the door, and ran to his room, moving out of sight as soon as Jesse opened the door. He fell on the bed, breaths panted, a slight giggle on his lips. "Shit Steve, you haven't moved that quick since Janet Harmon's parents came home unexpectedly." He sat up, heading for the shower. "And you haven't cum like that since...." He thought hard. "Damn. You *never* came like that before." He grinned again, thinking, 'Now this is going to be an interesting evening.'


Interesting was not how he felt by nine o'clock. BBQ Bob's was packed. A local high school football game had let out, and everyone decided they wanted ribs. Or so it seemed to Steve.

The men's toilet overflowed, thanks to a four year old who was playing with toilet paper, and the employees/students spent ten minutes arguing if a future doctor or nurse should clean it up...the doctors lost.

Melanie dropped a one pound cut of beef on Jesse's foot, which made the doctor's face change various colors.

Alex hit on a customer, after Steve cautioned him against it, whose boyfriend turned up...taller then the student, and a hell of a lot meaner. Steve had to threaten him with arrest to stop him from beating the shit out of Alex. Alex spent the rest of the night bussing tables, loading the dishwasher, and cleaning the toilets.

By eleven-thirty, Steve was staring at the clock, and Jesse couldn't resist teasing him. "Hot date?"

"Uh, yeah," Steve said nervously.

"Well then, I think you should get going."

"Hey, thanks Jess. I owe you." He was out the door before Jesse could answer him.


Thirty-five minutes later, braving the Saturday night traffic, (and fighting the urge to issue traffic tickets for pure stupidity), Steve was finally parked in the club's lot, when his cel rang. "Sloan...and this better be a homicide."

"Uh, Steve? It's me."

"Jess? What is it? I told you I had a date."

"Well, uh, my car died again, and everyone is gone, and I'm sitting here in an empty parking lot, and AAA said it could be two to four hours...."

"Jess, just go inside and wait. You'll be fine."

"Oh, yeah, sure Steve. Sorry for sounding like a baby. You're right."

"Look Jess, if they don't show up in two hours, call me back, and I'll come get you. Okay?"

"Thanks Steve. I'll do that. Sorry to have bothered you. Uh, have a good time."

Steve looked across the street at the club, and thought of the man waiting inside for him. He had known Jason over ten years, and they got together when one or the other had no plans. There was never any commitment, just the occasional buddy fuck. He opened the door, stepping out, one foot hitting the ground. His thoughts turned to Jesse, sitting alone in BBQ Bob's, waiting for a tow truck for two hours. Sighing, Steve got back into his truck and headed to his restaurant.

Steve saw Jesse's car in the lot, and pulled up to the front doors. He was thankful Jesse had locked the door, and kept some of the lights on. Steve made his own call to AAA, cancelling the tow truck, telling them it could wait until morning. Going inside, he spotted the young man immediately, sitting in a booth, his head pillowed in his arms, fast asleep. Steve drank in the look of innocence Jesse always had, magnified tenfold in slumber. His dick swelled rather quickly, and he unconsciously adjusted himself. Steve slid in next to Jesse, putting an arm around him, shaking him a bit. "Hey, Jess, time to go home."

Jesse snuggled into Steve's arm, nuzzling his neck. "Mmm, Steve, what are you doing here?"

Steve kissed the top of Jesse's head. "I've come to take you home."

"Home," Jesse mumbled. "Home with you babe."

Steve ran his finger along Jesse's cheek. "Home with me."

"Wanna go to bed." Jesse began to kiss Steve's neck.

"Mmm, me too." Steve lowered his head, lips meeting Jesse's. He was surprised to have the kiss returned...for about ten seconds.

Jesse's head shot up as he suddenly woke up, staring into Steve's smiling face.

"Babe?" Steve asked.

"I...I...I'm fucked, aren't I."

"Not yet. But if that 'babe' was for me, you will be before the night is over."

Jesse pushed himself to the far end of the booth, away from Steve. "Oh no. Nonono. I didn't...oh Steve, tell me I didn't. Please?"

"I don't know Jess. What is it you think you did? Or didn't?"

"I'm not sure. Uh, Steve, did you just kiss me?"

"Yep." Steve looked rather smug. "And you kissed me back. *And* you started it by calling me babe. Actually, you started it when you shouted my name this afternoon."

"When did I shout your name?"

"I came into the house, and you were in the guestroom. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say that when you moaned, 'Oh Steve...give it to me,' you were thinking about me. Then there was the 'Steve that is good,' followed by 'in it.'. Oh, and let's not forget the remark about me being big and hard." Steve watched Jesse blush, and smiled evilly, deciding to make Jesse's pink cheeks turn crimson. "I jerked off outside the door. I came with you." He slid closer to Jesse, basically trapping the younger man. He reached for the doctor, but Jesse pushed his hand away.

"I like girls!" Jesse was insistent. "I don't know what came over me to shout your name, or to kiss you. Temporary insanity, maybe. When I saw you and that guy in the kitchen, I...." Jesse slapped his hand over his mouth.

"You were spying on me Jess?" Steve wasn't angry, just amused.

"I got up and went to find you and you were...I like girls!" Jesse repeated firmly, taking a deep breath. "Maybe if I keep saying it, I'll even believe it."

"You were jealous," Steve stated flatly.

Jesse thought for a moment, nodding. "Yeah, I was jealous."

Steve reached for him again. "Can I kiss you?"

Jesse opened his mouth, his mind saying 'no,' but his body had other ideas. The next thing he knew, his breath was being stolen. A hand on the back of his head, deepening the kiss, and Jesse pushed him away. "Please don't do that."

"Do what?" Steve asked innocently, palm smoothing up and down Jesse's chest, while he kissed Jesse's neck. "I didn't do anything." He began to unbutton Jesse's shirt, getting about halfway down when he exposed the nipples. "Nice." Steve dipped his head, taking a nipple in his mouth, sucking hard, first on one then the other. His hand moved down, feeling Jesse's hardness, and he undid Jesse's pants quickly. Sliding out of the booth, Steve pulled Jesse's body flat, ass resting at the edge of the cushion. Dropping to his knees, he pulled Jesse's pants down, took Jesse's ass in his hands, and inhaled Jesse's cock to the root.

Jesse was in shock. This was the *last* thing he had expected. He didn't know whether to pull away, or fuck Steve's mouth. He felt the fingers ghosting over his balls, and shoved his dick down Steve's throat, moaning as Steve took him easily. He groaned in frustration when Steve's mouth left him, turning to see Steve sucking his fingers, spitting on his hand. Steve brought his mouth back, Jesse screaming as he felt the fingers inside him, pushing deep, nearly passing out when his prostate was touched for the first time. The spot was hit again and again, and Jesse felt himself being stretched further, knew that Steve had three fingers inside him now. He pushed against them as best he could, wanting more.

Steve sucked Jesse harder, and hit his prostate one last time, before slowly pulling Jesse to the floor. He pulled off Jesse's shoes, and yanked off the pants so fast he tore a seam, the underwear quickly following. Steve opened his pants, freeing his cock, not even bothering to take them off. He turned Jesse over, pulling him to his knees, holding him by the hips. Steve spit on his hand again, spreading the saliva over his cock. He spread Jesse, cock resting at the tight hole, easing in slowly. Steve was *not* prepared for Jesse's quick move back, taking him in with one motion.

"JESSE!" Steve froze, afraid Jesse was in pain.

"OHHH THAT'S GOOD!!" Jesse pulled forward, impaling himself again.

Steve draped himself over Jesse, whispering, "Want me to fuck you?"

Jesse leaned his head back, exposing his neck, which Steve's mouth latched onto. "Anything Steve...just do something...AHHH!" Jesse shouted as he felt the teeth biting his shoulder, followed by sucking. "Oh yeah...."

Steve finally pulled his mouth away, a smug smile as he got a look at the mark he had made. Shifting up again, Steve slowly pulled out, shoving back in, holding Jesse still, keeping control. He fucked Jesse harder, feeling the heat envelop his cock on each push in. Jesse's hand moved to his cock, but Steve pulled it away. "That's mine." Jesse placed his palms flat on the floor, meeting each of Steve's thrusts. His hand wandered again to his cock, and this time, Steve placed it back on the floor. "Ahhhh...Jess...I'm gonna cream...cum with know you want to...ahhh...yeah...gonna be so good...." Steve was leaving bruises on Jesse's hips while he thrust even harder, feeling Jesse squeezing his muscles, trying to drag him deeper. "Let it go baby...cum for me...."

Jesse felt the caress of the fingers along his length...his seed spurted all over the floor. He wanted to collapse, but strong hands still held him, Steve's hard cock still riding him.

"That's beautiful...ohhh...." Steve pounded his orgasm into Jesse, feeling his seed filling his lover. They stayed like that, Steve holding Jesse, until Steve slid out. He pulled Jesse into a sitting position. "Got to clean up now." He stood, pulling Jesse to his feet, sitting him on the booth cushion. "Be right back."

Jesse just sat in the booth, resting his head against his palm, staring at Steve with a dopey grin. He reached for his underwear, putting them on, and picked up his pants, staring at them.

The adrenaline rush was gone. Jesse suddenly noticed he was naked, and his ass hurt. He had let Steve...he couldn't even think the words.

Steve was back a moment later, tossed one wet cloth to Jesse to clean up with, and cleaned the wet spot on the floor with another. He went back into the kitchen, disposed of the cloth, washed his hands, and went back to Jesse...who had put his pants and shoes on, but was still sitting in the same position, staring at him "Jess? What's the matter?"

Jesse looked at him, innocent eyes staring, accusing.

Steve had known Jesse six years, and the seasoned cop could read his every emotion.

Jesse was scared. And Steve knew why. Up until today, Jesse was an ardent lover of women. Steve had now changed that. "C'mere." He pulled Jesse to his feet, holding him close. "I love you Jess." He tilted Jesse's head a bit, looking into Jesse's eyes. "I won't hurt you or leave you. I won't stalk you or try to kidnap you." He smiled. "Unless you're into role-playing games." Jesse's mouth twitched. He was fighting a smile...and Steve saw. "Would you consider dressing up as Little Red Riding Hood?" Jesse began to giggle. "I can dress up as the Big Bad Wolf." He growled playfully, and nuzzled Jesse's neck. Jesse's giggle turned into full-blown laughter. "Jess, do you love me?"

Jesse stopped laughing. "Yes."

"Gonna move in with me?"


"You want to fuck me?"

Jesse shrugged. "I dunno."

"It's okay to be scared Jess. This is a bit new to me too."

Jesse looked up at him. "You've never been with a guy before?"

Steve chuckled. "Jess, I've never been in love like this before."


Steve sighed. "Sometimes even the best and brightest can be dense. Yeah. Love. As in *I* love *you*."

"Good." Jesse burrowed into Steve's large arms. "'Cause I love you too. Can we go home now?"

"My dad is at that conference until Tuesday." Steve leered. "We have the whole house to ourselves."

Jesse kissed Steve softly. "Can we order pizza and turn up the stereo?"

"Only if you dance with me," Steve answered, taking him by the hand, to the door. Locking up, they got into the truck, and Steve pulled out, heading home.


Jesse was making the drive home a sort-of nightmare for Steve. The doctor's hands were caressing Steve's upper thighs, skimming his erection, and rubbing his nipples through his shirt.

Steve glanced over at him. "I thought you never did this with a guy?"

"I haven't," Jesse answered. "I'm just doing to you what you did to me."

"Jess, you weren't driving in Saturday night traffic. I'm gonna get into an accident."

"No you won't," Jesse whispered, undoing Steve's pants. "You're a very careful driver." He slid his hand in, running his thumb over the head of Steve's cock...Steve hit the gas, running through a yellow light.

"Dammit Jess!"

"Relax Steve. You know yellow means drive like hell, 'cause the light is about to turn red."

"Jess...." This time it was a warning,

Jesse tucked Steve's cock back in, but left his pants undone. "Ya know, we'd get home a bunch quicker if you'd use those flashing lights."

"Those are for a police emergency Jess. I can't abuse them." Jesse reached over and groped Steve. "Fuck!"

Steve turned on the lights.


Epilogue, two days later....

Mark came home a day earlier then planned, with a massive headache. The conference was interesting, yet tiring. As he walked to his room, he cast a glance at the rest of the house, and his mouth dropped open at the sight before him. Furniture was moved, cushions strewn about. Clothing littered the various rooms, as did takeout boxes, and more then a few empty bottles of beer and wine. The strong smell of sex permeated the house as well. 'I can't believe him. A man his age having a wild party. Steve, it's about time you grew up. You haven't done this in years.' He went to his bedroom to put his suitcase away, opening the door slowly. The last time Steve had a party, he came home to find a woman in his bed. 'Not that that was a bad thing,' he grinned to himself.

He then went into the kitchen for some juice, hearing the moaning coming from downstairs. 'Just what I need. That boy needs to soundproof his room.'


Mark pinched the bridge of his nose, head pounding harder now, and he stalked toward the stairs, intent on giving his son a piece of his mind, no matter who Steve was with.


Mark froze. 'Jesse'?'


Mark felt his face getting red. 'Oh my.' He backed up, going back to the kitchen. Picking up the phone, he called the hospital administration office. "Lucy, it's Mark. I'll need you to prepare a change of address card for Jesse. He's moving. Oh, his new address?" Mark paused, a huge grin coming to his face. "Same as mine...okay, same as Steve's. I'll see you tomorrow. The conference? Oh, it was average." He hung up, and turned, walking out of the kitchen, and nearly straight into his son and Jesse, who were standing together in a tight lip-lock. Naked. Well, almost naked. Steve was wearing a baseball cap.

"Mmm, hi dad," Steve murmured against Jesse's mouth, unconsciously grabbing Jesse's ass, pulling him closer. "Oh shit." He pulled Jesse behind him, covering his own erection as best he could. "Uh, hi dad," he repeated, feeling like an embarrassed child. "You're home early." He heard Jesse's sharp intakes of breath, and pulled him around holding him close. Taking him to the couch, he sat down, Jesse in his lap, shifting the cushions to hide their nude selves. "It's okay Jess. Honest." He kissed Jesse softly, then looked at Mark. "Tell him it's okay dad. Before he has a full blown panic attack."

Mark went over, laying a hand on Jesse's shoulder. "It's okay Jesse."

"See, I told you," Steve grinned, kissing Jesse on the nose. "Thanks dad."

Mark nodded, smiling at his son and Jesse, and said firmly, "When I get up, I expect to have this mess cleaned up."

"You got it."

Mark went to his room.

Jesse smiled at Steve. "I guess the dining room table is out for now." He leered at the cop. "You look so cute in that cap. Next time, I wanna be the baseball player and you be the groupie."

Steve leered back, stroking Jesse's hardening cock. "Can I swing your bat?"

Jesse slid his fingertips down Steve's body. "If I can play with your balls."

"You gonna pitch?"

"If you think you can catch." Jesse took off for the stairs, and Steve followed happily ever after.