The First Time

By Huntress

Disclaimer: I was arrested last night by Lt. Steve Sloan, bailed out by Dr. Jesse Travis, and Dr. Mark Sloan invited me to stay at the beach house for a while. So much for disclaimers....


"Hi Steve," Jesse smiled. "I decided it was time I told you what the secret ingredient was in the barbecue sauce."

"Oh yeah? And what do I have to do for it?"

"Get down on your knees for me."

Steve dropped to his knees. "What else?"

"Unzip me. That's a good boy." Jesse kept his voice whispered. "Now, open your mouth and lick the tip. Yeah, just like that."

Steve looked up. "Can I suck you now?"

"Oh yeah. You suck to your little hearts content." The mouth was hot and wet, and Jesse came within seconds. "I love you, Steve."

"I love you too Jesse...."

"Jesse. Jesse wake up."

Jesse cracked his eyes open. "Huh?" His eyes widened as he saw Steve sitting beside him. "Oh shit!" He sat up abruptly, breathing labored. "Steve, umm, what are you doing here?" He looked around wildly, seeing he had fallen asleep in the doctor's lounge.

"Relax, Jess. I was just coming to find you. Dad said you were coming off a double shift, and I thought I would take you out to dinner." He grinned. "I know this great rib place, that has a secret recipe sauce that I would kill for."

"Secret recipe?" Jesse asked, his voice cracking.

"Yeah, and maybe one day I can convince you to tell me what it is."

"Tell you?"

"We're partners and you won't tell me. Not to mention best friends. Now what do I have to do to get it out of you?" Steve stood up. "Never mind. I'm not getting you Melissa Farmer's phone number. Look, why don't you get changed, and we'll get going. I have to go talk to dad, so meet me out front."

He left, and Jesse stared after him. "No. He couldn't know. I was dreaming. He's not psychic. Take it easy Jesse. Go to your restaurant and act like everything is normal." He nodded to himself, and went off to his locker to get a change of clothes.

Steve had a shit-eating grin as he walked down the hall. 'So Doctor Travis, you want me on my knees, huh? I can deal with that. And I bet you didn't know you talked in your sleep either.' He wasn't watching where he was going, and walked straight into his father. "Oh, hi dad. I saw Jesse, he really does look beat. I'm going to take him to eat, then back to the house, so I can make sure he gets some rest."

Mark didn't even think twice about that. "Okay Steve. I'll be home late. Dr. Finch's wife went into labor, so I'm covering for him. Don't worry. I promise not to overdo it."

"That's okay dad. You take your time."

"Steve, why are you grinning like a maniac? Is there something I should know?"

"Jesse talks in his sleep."

"I could have told you that," Mark smiled. "I've heard him more then once in the doctor's lounge. What was he talking about? I promise not to tell."

"He's in love."

"Jesse is always in love."

"With me."


Steve tilted his head at his father. "Dad, does it bother you? Because I have to tell you...."

Mark cut him off. "Steve, I've never cared about your lifestyle, you know that. I just want you happy. But I will tell you, that I think Jesse is, no matter what he says in his sleep, heterosexual. If you're going to embark on a relationship with him, tread gently."

"If you'd let me finish, I was going to tell you that I love him too. I'm going to take him to dinner, then back to the house, and if all works out," Steve lowered his eyes, chewing on his lower lip like a small child, "would it be okay if he moves in with me?"


Steve looked up. "Flowers, he likes flowers doesn't he? Yeah, white roses. I'll get him some. A dozen. No, two dozen. Hell, I'll buy out the store. Thanks dad!" Steve practically ran off.

Mark shook his head, seeing Amanda headed his way. "Mark, what's up with Steve? I've never seen him like that. He seems positively...giddy."

"He's in love with Jesse, and he just discovered Jesse is in love with him."

Amanda rolled her eyes. "I could have told him that."

"I could have too, but this is more fun. Would it be okay if I stayed at your house this evening? This way, they'll have some privacy."

"If you don't mind staying up all night. CJ is cutting a tooth, and he is not a happy camper."

"Been there, done that," Mark said. "I don't mind, don't mind at all."


Things don't always go as planned, and Steve's evening with the (hopefully) new love in his life was following Murphy's law.

They arrived at BBQ Bob's to find their manager sick, and had to take over when she went home. Jesse got a swift kick from a six year old for not giving him enough hot fudge on his sundae. Steve nearly got into a fistfight when a patron accused him of making eyes at his wife. The dishwasher broke, and the rest of the evening was spent at the sinks. By the time the night ended, both men, and their employees, were exhausted. Then Alex discovered his car was broken into, and Steve waited for the police officers with him.

At this point, Steve went back inside, and sat in a booth. He put his head down, shaking it. "I can't win, I can't win," he mumbled. "I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life."

He felt Jesse's hand on his shoulder. "Aww, Steve, did you have a date tonight? You should have told me. I could have handled things myself."

Steve lifted his head. "No, no date. But I was hoping for some peace and quiet. This always happens to me."

"Honey," Jesse said.

Steve blinked at him. "Huh?"

"Honey is the secret ingredient. You looked so down, I figured I would tell you."

Steve smiled. "And I didn't even have to get on my knees to find out." Wide eyes as he realized what he had said.

Jesse backed away. "How did you...."

Steve, seasoned cop that he was, thought quickly. "I thought I was going to have to beg you to tell me. You know, get on my knees, and plead."

"Oh." Jesse chuckled. "Of course. I'd never make you get on your knees and beg Steve."

'But I wish you would,' Steve thought. Aloud, "Let's go back to my house. I have a six pack with our names on it, and we just got the NFL pack on the dish. I'm sure, even at this time of night, we can have our choice of at least six games."

"You're on," Jesse grinned.

'Finally, something normal,' Steve thought, as he and Jesse sat on the couch watching the Jets trounce the Bears. 'Now, how do I approach this.' He narrowed his eyes, his mind coming up with quite a few ideas. Before he could decide on one, the Jets made a fantastic play, and Steve jumped up, spilling his beer over Jesse's shirt. "Oh Jess, I'm sorry. Let me clean that up for you." He ran to get a towel, and when he came back, Jesse already had his shirt off. Steve's mouth fell open, and he gulped, feeling the drool forming at the corners of his mouth. "Uh, here's a towel." He flung it at Jesse. "I'll just go get you another shirt. Yeah, I must have a shirt for you. Wait here. *Don't* move!" He went downstairs, his breaths coming quick. "This was a bad idea. I can't handle this. I thought I could. I'm over forty. I've been around the block a few times. How hard could it be to spend an evening with Jesse? He took his shirt off. He shouldn't have done that."

"Why not? It was wet." Steve whirled at Jesse's voice. "Steve, you okay? You're kind of pale."

"I'm fine!" Steve snapped. " just go upstairs and wait for me to bring you a shirt."

"No. I won't. I don't understand you. Would you please tell me what's going on? I'm starting to seriously freak out here."

"Okay. You want to know? Fine, I'll tell you. You talk in your sleep." Steve ran his fingers through his hair. "I heard you this evening before I woke you up. I have a general idea what you were dreaming." He finally looked at Jesse. "I'm sorry. Jess, I wanted to have dinner with you, bring you back here, and...."

"And what?" Jesse sat beside him.

"Doesn't matter. I feel like a first class idiot. Now, would you please leave before I do something stupid?"

Jesse grinned at him. "Do you want to kiss me?"

"NO! I mean, yes. I...dammit Jess, you have me kind of confused here."

"Well, either you want to kiss me or not. Now which is it, 'cause I can't stand the suspense."

Steve gave him a small smile. "Yeah, yeah I do. Can I?"



Jesse's grin got bigger, and he leaned in, kissing Steve. He pulled back. "No, because I kissed you first."

"That was *not* a kiss." Steve brought his hand behind Jesse's neck, pulling their mouths close. "This is a kiss." He pressed his lips upon Jesse's, tongue snaking out, licking Jesse's lips. Increasing the pressure, he parted those sweet lips, tongue forcing its way inside Jesse's mouth. He broke the kiss, licking his own lips. "What do you think?" Jesse opened his mouth, but no sound came out. "I'm going to assume you liked it. Want another?" Jesse nodded. This time Steve wasn't as gentle, and pulled Jesse onto the bed, rolling atop him. "I want you." Another hard kiss, hands pulling at Jesse's pants. "Get the damn things off Jess."

Desperate as he was to get naked with the cop, Jesse was also a little nervous. "Steve, give me a chance here. I've never done this before."

"You never pulled your pants off in desperation, for someone who wanted your body? I find that difficult to believe." Steve's fingers wound in Jesse's hair, holding their lips together, while his free hand undid Jesse's pants. "I need you." He slid down Jesse's body, standing at the edge of the bed, pulling off Jesse's pants and briefs, his own clothes following so fast, that Jesse was in awe. Quickly crawling back up Jesse's body, he took Jesse's mouth again, letting passion take him over, not even considering what Jesse was feeling at the moment. Steve began to hump the younger man, rubbing their cocks together, moaning at the sensation. It took him a moment to realize that Jesse wasn't participating. "Jess? What's wrong?"

"I need you to slow down."

"Huh?" Reality came crashing down, and Steve stopped, releasing the younger man. "Oh Jess, I'm sorry. I didn't think. I've just wanted you for so long."

"I figured that out. And you can do what you want, I'm yours. Just take it a little slower, that's all."

"You're not mad?"

Jesse stroked his fingers along Steve's cheek. "How could I be angry with someone who wants me so much? Just the thought that I can turn you into an animal, turns me on something fierce. But I have to learn what I'm doing, so I can do it right."

Steve leaned into the touch. "No such thing as wrong with this, Jess. You just do what comes naturally, let your body go with the flow, let the feelings move you."

"What I really want, is for you to be inside me."

Steve froze. "Jess, you don't have to...."

"I want you to. I want to belong to you, and that's the best way I can think of. Please, Steve, I've waited so long."

Steve took Jesse's hand in his. "Jess, a minute ago you wanted to slow down. Now you're asking me to...."

Jesse leaned in, blowing in Steve's ear, feeling the bigger man shiver. "Don't make me wait any longer."

"Okay baby, whatever you want." Steve opened the nightstand drawer, rummaging through it. "Shit! Of all the times to not have some...." He began to toss things out of the drawer.

Jesse watched, kneeling behind his lover, arms around his neck. "What can't you find?"

"Lube," Steve groaned. "No fucking lube."

"What do you need that for?" Jesse asked, without thinking.

"Jess, you're a doctor. What the hell do you think I need it for?!" His tone was such, that Jesse let him go, and moved away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He leaned against the headboard, eyes down.

Steve turned around, mentally kicking himself. "Sweetheart, I didn't mean to yell. But I can't take you dry. It'll hurt like hell."

"Well, does it have to be, I dunno, *genuine* lube? I figure there's got to be something we can use."

"Jesse, you're a genius!" Steve kissed him. "Don't move. I'll be right back." He jumped out of bed, heading for the bathroom. He emerged a moment later, shaking his head. "Nothing there. Hold on." He ran upstairs, into the hall bathroom, and searched the cabinet, finally, in desperation, grabbing a tube of suntan lotion. On his way back, he went into the kitchen, taking out a *really* good bottle of wine, and reaching for two wine glasses. Then he spotted the jelly glasses, and took those instead. 'Who needs fancy glasses when you have Snoopy?' He put them on a tray, then snagged a box of Twinkies. 'In case Jess gets hungry.' He grinned. 'Oh man, Steve, you've got it sooo bad for your young doctor.' Arms full, he headed back downstairs, and couldn't believe his eyes when he got back.

Jesse had fallen asleep. Out cold. Curled on his side, snoring peacefully, looking years younger then he was.

Steve put the wine and Twinkies on the dresser, placed the lotion on the nightstand, and lay beside his new lover, shaking his head in disbelief. "Now, do I wake you up, or let you rest?" A glance down at his rock hard cock. "You behave yourself. He's here, he's not going anywhere, and he does need his rest. Let him sleep for a while." Steve smiled to himself. "He looks so damn cute." He sat back, and watched Jesse. "How does the song go? Sweet and Innocent? Yeah, that's him." Too wound up to sleep himself, Steve took out a book. "I just wait for you to wake up. Then I have my wicked way with you." A pause. "Well, maybe not wicked...not yet anyway." He managed to find one condom, laying it on the nightstand. "Gonna have to get to the drugstore as soon as possible."

An hour later, Jesse began to shift. Steve glanced over, just watching. The younger man turned onto his back, taking his cock in hand, stroking himself. Steve tossed his book aside. As Jesse got himself harder, and his strokes increased their pace, Steve felt himself getting hard. He leaned over, kissing Jesse, making sure the kiss was soft and gentle. 'No need to act like an animal...I can do that later.' He brought his hand around Jesse's, stroking with him. His other hand wrapped around his own cock, moving in rhythm with Jesse. Letting his lust take over, he moved between Jesse's legs, licking at the tip, hearing Jesse moan. He started to suckle on the head, hands moving to rest on Jesse's thighs, holding him there.

Jesse cracked his eyes open, trying to focus. When he was finally able to see clearly, his eyes bugged out of his head, and his mouth dropped open. His mind was trying to assimilate the vision before him. Steve, macho Lieutenant Steve Sloan, was between his legs, giving him a blow-job. This was the last thing he had expected. "Steve...."

Steve heard the moan, and glanced up. Meeting Jesse's eyes, he removed his mouth. "Like that, baby?"

"Don't stop...feels so good."

"I'm going to take you to Heaven." Steve moved his hands again, interlacing them with Jesse's, tongue circling the head, then swallowing in one swoop. Head moving up and down, teeth grazing the length, he listened to Jesse's soft moans, feeling Jesse's hips moving, that beautiful cock fucking his mouth. His hands moved, grasping Jesse's ass, pulling him deeper, swallowing as Jesse's cock hit the back of his throat.

"Steve, you don't have to, stop, I'm gonna...Oh God!!" His orgasm hit, flooding Steve's mouth with his seed.

Steve moaned, drinking Jesse's sweet essence, taking his own little trip to Heaven. When Jesse stopped shooting, Steve pulled back, licking the spent cock, cleaning his lover. Finally done, he moved to his knees, sliding his hands up Jesse's chest, around his back, pulling Jesse into a sitting position. "Taste so sweet," Steve murmured, before taking possession of Jesse's mouth.

Jesse got lost in the taste of his own seed, mixed with Steve's saliva, moaning into Steve's mouth. His hands wound in Steve's hair, deepening the kiss, laying back down, taking Steve with him. The need for air forced them to break the kiss, Jesse murmuring, "Fuck me...fuck me now."

Steve nodded, squirting lotion onto his hand. "Turn over baby. Less pain that way."

"Want to see you," Jesse said. "Have to see you. Then I'll know it's real. Not some messed up masturbation fantasy."

"You have fantasies about me?" Steve asked, tonguing Jesse's ear.

"All of 'em," Jesse admitted, face turning a deep shade of crimson.

Steve kissed him softly. "I'm glad babe." He moved to his knees, pushing Jesse's legs back and apart. "Because I have dreams about you too." Steve teased Jesse's tight hole with a finger, expecting some resistance on his virgin lover's part. Jesse opened to him immediately, pushing back. A second finger entered, Jesse moaning in pleasure, grinding his ass against the fingers, moaning for more. Steve obliged by slipping a third in, stretching his lover as best he could. Jesse responded by caressing Steve's nipples.

Seeing the condom, Jesse took it, eyes meeting Steve's. "I love you."

Steve grinned. "Good, 'cause I sort of feel the same."

"I love you, you love me." Steve nodded. "I'm clean, and I'm sure you are." Steve nodded again. "Then who needs this." Jesse tossed the condom.

"Jess, maybe you shouldn't have...."

"It's just me and you from now on, right? So we don't need one of those. It's okay."

"I don't know."

"Steve, I've used condoms with every woman I know. *Always*. I want to be bare with you. No, scratch that. I *need* to. Please. Don't take this away from me."

Steve was hesitant, but finally nodded. "Okay Jess. I don't want this to be any less then perfect for you." He allowed himself a smile. "But you do realize, that in tossing that condom, we have just committed to each other forever."

"Only forever?" Jesse shot back.

"I...." Steve began, then paused, thinking. "Maybe a few weeks beyond forever."

"Good. Now that we've cleared that up, would you shut up and fuck me already!"

"Why Jesse Travis, you're a romantic," Steve teased, fingers returning, pushing deeper, at different angles, searching....

"Steve please...OHHHH GOD!!!" Jesse screamed, his prostate found. "What did you...OHHH...." Jesse was rocking hard against Steve's fingers now. "Do it again...please...."

Steve obliged, cock swelling at each scream. The thought that he was doing this to Jesse was his fantasy come true. As he got painfully hard, Steve slowed his fingers, brushing the prostate one last time before he eased them out.

"Steve? Don't stop...please...."

"Shhh, relax sweetheart. Gonna give you more." Steve reached for the lotion, taking Jesse's hand in his, pouring the lotion in Jesse's palm.

Jesse stroked Steve's thick cock, feeling it harden some more as he touched it. "So big Steve," he said innocently.

Steve smiled at him. "It'll fit baby." He pulled Jesse's hand away from his cock. "Hands over your head for now." Jesse obeyed, and that made Steve happy. His own hands went to Jesse's ass, spreading the cheeks, resting his cock against the hole. "This is important babe. Take a deep breath and relax for me. I don't want to cause you too much pain."

Jesse nodded, understanding. As a doctor, he had seen his share of rape victims, male and female, and knew the internal injuries that could be caused by rough penetration. He closed his eyes, concentrating on his breathing, relaxing as best he could...eyes widening a moment later when Steve breached him. Instinct took over, and he tried to pull away, but strong arms held his hips, keeping him still.

"It's just me, Jess. Take it easy lover. The pain will go away, that I promise you. Trust me."

"I trust you," Jesse said, forcing a smile against the pain. He let his eyes close, knowing Steve would take care of him.

Steve slid further in, watching Jesse's face, stopping when he saw a grimace of pain. He finally found himself balls-deep, and stopped, just undulating his hips. "Ohhh Jess, never felt like this before, so fucking tight."

Jesse's body was soon moving in rhythm with Steve's, grinding his ass against Steve's cock. Sliding his legs up, he moved them over Steve's shoulders, Steve taking hold of the legs, kissing and nipping the inner thighs. "Do it...fuck me now...."

Steve pulled out a bit, sliding back in, trying to be gentle. "Like that?"

Jesse was writhing at that point. "No...yes...please more...."

"Yeah, baby, more is what you'll get!" Steve pulled out almost all the way, teasing the hole with the tip of his cock. He rammed back in hard, Jesse screaming from the mix of pain and pleasure. Again, and this time Steve angled right, hitting Jesse's sweet spot, Jesse howling. He hit it again, watching as Jesse's eyes rolled back, and he screamed, shooting his load over them. Seeing his lover in the throes of an orgasm, brought Steve's on. As he felt his seed fill Jesse, he felt complete and whole, and the feeling was intoxicating. "Ahh Jess, I love you." It was a moan of complete pleasure, as he thrust deeper, emptying himself inside his young lover. He stayed inside, until he grew soft, easing Jesse's legs from his shoulders, removing himself from Jesse, who hissed at the separation. "Sweetheart, I'd stay buried inside you forever if I could." Steve leaned down, kissing Jesse, backing off the bed.

"Steve?" Jesse's voice cracked.

And Steve, smart cop that he was, understood what Jesse meant with that one word. "'I'll be right back. Promise." A soft kiss. "We gotta clean up, and change the sheets." He smiled. "I bought a set of denim blue sheets about a year ago. Took them out of the package, washed them, and put them in the closet." He shrugged. "I bought them for you. Thought you'd look sexy laying on them. I hoped that one day I'd be able to use them."

"Me?" Jesse cocked an eyebrow at him. "You thought *I* would look sexy? Steve, did you hit your head recently?"

Steve laughed, and stood, heading for the bathroom. "We have definitely got to work on this self-esteem problem of yours." He washed himself at the sink, coming out with a cloth for Jesse. Sitting on the bed, he slowly and meticulously cleaned every inch of Jesse's body, except one spot. He slid the warm cloth down Jesse's chest, along his stomach. Wiping around Jesse's cock, slowly down his legs, and back up. Resting one hand on Jesse's hip, he cleaned Jesse's cock with his tongue. He smiled to himself as he heard Jesse moan, finishing, moving to his knees. "Turn over." He pushed Jesse's legs apart, wiping down Jesse's sweaty back, brushing his cheeks gently. Continuing down his legs, back up, then tossing the cloth back into the bathroom. Hands resting on Jesse's ass, Steve began to knead the cheeks, pulling them apart. Dipping his head, his tongue darted out, licking Jesse's center.

"Steve! Oh God...that feels so good...OHHHH!!" Jesse felt his cock hard again, pushing himself to his knees, Steve tongue-fucking him deeper. Taking his cock in hand, Jesse stroked himself, pushing back to meet Steve's tongue. He fisted himself rough, Steve's fingers entering beside his tongue, bringing him to another mind-blowing orgasm. When Jesse finally focused again, he was being cleaned with another cloth, Steve grinning at him.

"I take it you liked being rimmed," Steve said huskily, leaving a love bite on Jesse's ass.




"Let's change the sheets."

Jesse pulled Steve down onto the dry side of the bed, and crawled atop him. "Don't wanna now. Sleep here." He kissed Steve's neck. "Nice and comfy."

Steve wrapped his arms around Jesse, holding him close, rubbing soothing circles across his back. "Then sleep now, love." A kiss to the top of Jesse's head. "Sweet dreams, my angel."