Father Knows Best

By Huntress

Disclaimer: If they were mine, would I be writing? No, I would be having the best sex of my life....

Father Knows Best

Authors Note: There is a touch of dirty talk, just because I like it....oh, and I gave Steve an office, because I think the good Lieutenant deserves one.


"Oh yeah...oh yeah Jess, just like that...suck my cock baby...mouth's so hot, so wet...oh, oh...OWWW!!" The crack of his head against the shower wall brought Steve Sloan out of his fantasy...and softened his erection. "Dammit!" Growling at himself, he stepped out of the shower, wiping the mirror, and staring at himself. "Look at you. Middle-aged, although not bad looking, and pining over a man almost half your age." He glanced down at his cock, which was twitching. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But he's straight. You know that." He sighed. "That's why we dream. To attain the unattainable." Stepping out of the bathroom, the first thing he saw was a picture of him and Jesse laughing on the beach. Mark had taken it after Jesse's first surfing lesson. "When did you become so important to me?" Another sigh, and he got dressed. "Never gonna get what I want." A small smile as he walked upstairs. "At least I can have my fantasies." As he walked to the front door he muttered, "Aww, Jesse, why did you have to like girls?"

Steve left the house, not noticing his father standing behind him.

Mark had heard every word. "Ah, Steve, what makes you think that Jesse likes girls? Or boys for that matter?" He thought of all the looks Jesse had given Steve in the time they had known each other. "Anybody that's looking can see that Jesse likes *you*." A grin split his face. "Sometimes I wonder how I could have raised an idiot son."


Steve looked up from his paperwork at the knock on his door. "Dad! What brings you down here?" He suddenly paled. "Oh God! What happened?"

"Nothing," Mark replied, smiling at him. "Can't a father visit his son to eat lunch with him?"

"Any other father, yeah. The last time you came down here to take me to lunch, you told me Jack was leaving." He got even paler. "Jesse? Jesse's leaving?" He looked almost frantic. "When? Today? Tomorrow?" His voice jumped an octave. "Next week?!"

Mark put a hand on Steve's shoulder. "Relax, Steve. Jesse's not leaving. Although you are partially right about my visit. How about we go to eat and I'll fill you in."

Steve grabbed his jacket. "He's not leaving?"


Steve followed his father out. "You're sure."


Steve was picking at his food. His father hadn't said much since they got to the restaurant. "Dad? What's wrong with Jesse? Is he sick? Dying?"

"Steve, calm down. Jesse is fine, he's not sick, he's not leaving. But...."

"But what? Dad, I can't take this. My nerves are shot. He's my best friend."

"I need some advice. I think Jesse's getting involved with the wrong person. I know it's not really my business, that I shouldn't get involved...."

"You should!" Steve took a deep breath. "Getting involved with the wrong person can be dangerous. Who is she? I'll go back to the station and run a check on her. Just to be sure he'll be okay."

"That's the problem Steve. It's not a she." Mark nearly lost his composure seeing the look on Steve's face. "There's a new doctor on staff, and Jesse and he, they've been getting a bit serious."

"Jesse's gay? Since when?"

Mark bit the inside of his cheek to stop the chuckle. "Well, I don't *know* if he's gay or not," Mark said truthfully. The elder Sloan only knew one thing--Jesse Travis was in love with his son, there was no doubt in his mind about *that*, and the feeling was mutual. "But as far as the other man, the last couple of weeks. Didn't you notice he hasn't been at BBQ Bob's that much?"

"B-b-but he said he was taking extra shifts at the hospital."

Mark nodded. "Yes, he has, but that's because of..." Mark thought quickly. "...Harold."

"Harold? What kind of a name is Harold?!"

'The first one that came to mind,' Mark thought. Aloud, "Yes, Harold. And they've been getting rather serious. I don't know how to tell you this, but, Steve, I saw them kissing yesterday. Not that I care whether he's gay or not, you know that, but I think...Harold...is the wrong man for him. He's older, probably has more experience, you know, that sort of thing. He strikes me as a 'love him and leave him' kind of man, and I don't want Jesse hurt."

"And you're telling me this because...." Steve let the sentence hang, awaiting an answer.

"I don't know. I guess I needed to talk to someone. I'm sorry to have bothered you with this." Mark continued to eat, subtlely watching his son.

"No, you did the right thing dad. Maybe I should have a talk with this Harold guy." Inside Steve was fuming. 'And beat his face in.'

Mark thought quickly. "Steve, we don't want Jesse to know he's being spied on. Jesse's young, and impressionable. I'm sure it's just hero worship. I was thinking you could spend more time with him, try to keep him busy. Like this weekend. Jesse's got the weekend off, and he was going to spend it with Harold. But I made sure that Harold has to work, so that leaves Jesse free."

Steve seemed to perk up. "Yeah, I could do that. But after we do something, whatever it is, he could just go home and call Harold."

'Unless you manage to keep him otherwise occupied.' Aloud, "I'll think of something, don't worry. Leave it to me."

Steve was definitely a happy camper now. "Yeah dad, you do that." Steve finally began to eat his food. "Oh, and don't you worry either. I won't mention Harold to him. He'll have no idea I know about his private life."

'Now,' Mark thought, 'how do I get Jesse to spend the weekend with Steve?' His devious mind began to go to work.


"Jesse, could I talk to you for a moment?"

Jesse smiled at his mentor and friend. "Sure Mark. Look, if it's about Mrs. Parker, it wasn't my fault. I didn't know Penicillin would cause her to break out into hives. *She* didn't even know she was allergic."

"No, it's not that. It's about Steve." Mark nearly lost it as he watched Jesse's face pale, as Steve's had.

"Is something wrong? Has he been shot? Taken hostage?" Jesse plopped down in the nearest chair. "You have to tell me. Please."

"No, nothing like that. Jesse, I, I need some advice."

"From me?" Jesse's eyes widened. This was the last thing he had expected.

"This is a bit difficult for me, but being you're his best friend, maybe you can help me. Jesse, what I'm about to tell you...."


"Steve is...seeing someone, and I'm worried. I think he may be taking advantage of Steve and I...."


"You didn't know Steve was gay? It's never been a secret, and I thought you knew."

Jesse shook his head. "Uh-uh. But why are you telling me?"

"The man he's been seeing...Harold...I think he's using Steve."

"How did Steve meet this guy?"

"He...works for the DA's office. About two weeks now. Anyway, since Steve's been seeing him, he hasn't been sleeping much, staying out late, that sort of thing. I got a call from his Captain. We're old friends. He says Steve hasn't been concentrating on the job, and he's giving him the weekend off to relax. Now, I happen to know that Harold is working on a case," Mark hoped Jesse didn't ask him how he knew, "and won't be around this weekend. I was thinking, maybe you could stay at the house for the weekend, keep him company. Maybe go surfing, give him cooking tips so he doesn't starve, or eat junk food, when I'm not around." Mark shrugged. "No. You probably have plans. I'm sorry Jesse, I didn't think. I know, that new nurse, the redhead in the ER, Janie, she likes Steve. Maybe I can set them up."

"NO! Mark, if Steve needs a friend, he needs a friend, not a girl. I mean, you know what I mean. A weekend sounds good. I need a break anyway." He thought for a moment. "Mark, why don't you just spend the weekend with him?"

"I have plans...with a lady friend." He winked at Jesse.

"Cool," Jesse grinned. "No problem Mark. Consider your son safe for the weekend."

"Thanks Jesse, I knew I could count on you. Steve's lucky to have you for a friend."

"Me too...I mean lucky to have him. For a buddy."


Jesse showed up at the beach house, let himself in, calling out, "Steve, you here?"

"In the kitchen."

Jesse dropped his small suitcase, and wandered into the kitchen. "What are you making? Smells good. That's weird in itself."

Steve turned, grinning at his friend. "Are you questioning my culinary skills? And what are you doing here anyway?"

"One, yes. Two, I, umm, had nothing to do tonight, and Mark is going to be with a friend, so I figured you might want some company. If you have plans, I'll go."

Steve shook his head. "No, that's okay. No plans." He wondered what Mark told Jesse, then shrugged it off. "And I confess, it's Chinese takeout."

"From Emerald Coast?" Steve nodded. "That's my favorite restaurant. What'd you get?"

"Shrimp Lo Mein, Honey Garlic Shrimp, Shrimp Fried Rice, and Shrimp Egg Rolls."

"Shrimp's my favorite," Jesse grinned.

"I know," Steve mumbled.


"Nothing. Want a beer? I got Beck's Dark."

"I love Beck's Dark. How'd ya know?"

"Coincidence. It's a favorite of mine." In fact, Steve knew for sure what beer, and foods, Jesse liked. He hadn't made Lieutenant for nothing. He watched as Jesse opened the refrigerator, and bent down to get two beers from the bottom shelf. He chewed on his lower lip, as he eyed Jesse's ass, so tight in the jeans he was wearing. He reached out to grab it, when Jesse turned, then softly smiled, taking one bottle from him. "Thanks. Uh, I'm not too hungry right now. How about you put your stuff in the guest room, and I'll, umm, do something. I mean, we'll do something. Uh, how about, umm, a swim. Yeah, a swim. Sound good?"

Jesse raised an eyebrow at him, never having heard Steve stammer. "Sure. Okay. A swim is good. I'll just go get changed." He got his suitcase, turned one last time to Steve, wondering if the cop was feeling alright, shrugged it off to a long week, and went to the guest room.

Steve, in turn, went downstairs to get changed himself.

"That kid...." Steve looked down, seeing the erection straining through his pants. "Oh no. NoNoNo. I'm going to ignore you. Now behave. We have enough problems with our love life. We can't do that. We like Jesse. I mean, I do. He's my friend. My best friend. And I'm not messing it up." A pause. "Great Steve, you're having a conversation with your dick."

"As long as it doesn't answer you, I think you're okay." Steve whirled around, nearly falling, facing a grinning Jesse. "So, you and your...friend...like me?"

Steve opened his mouth, then shut it, then opened it again. "I'm...I...I...yeah." He turned, then paused, and turned back. "Jesse, do you like me?"

Jesse nodded.

"Like a friend, right?"

Jesse shook his head.

"Like a lover?"

Jesse nodded.

"Would you get naked for me?"

Jesse's trunks were pulled off and tossed aside. Steve quickly divested himself of his own clothing, the two men now naked, and hard, and facing each other.

"Drop to your knees," Steve ordered. Jesse did as he was told. "That's a good boy." Steve took his cock in his hand, stroking it slowly. "Like what you see?" Jesse nodded. "Want to suck it?" Another nod. "Go ahead. Just make it worth my while." Jesse's mouth moved forward, licking the tip, hand resting on Steve's thigh. Steve moaned, grabbing a handful of Jesse's hair, his cock disappearing into the wet mouth. "Do you know how good that feels baby? Your mouth on my cock?" He pulled Jesse's head back a bit, then slammed his cock full force down Jesse's throat. "You're a good little cocksucker. But I bet you already knew that." He heard Jesse's muffled moan. "Oh, sweetheart, that is sooo good." He pushed deeper, feeling his cock at the back of Jesse's throat. "Drink me, swallow it all...." He couldn't hold back, and let loose with his orgasm. "Oh yeah...sweet, sweet Jesse. My very own cocksucker."


The voice brought him out of his reverie. 'Already did,' he thought, but screamed back "YEAH, JUST A MINUTE." Steve caught his breath, and looked down, seeing the mess he had just made on his bed. "Oh fuck. Just changed the sheets yesterday too. How the hell am I going to survive a weekend with him?" He quickly changed the sheets. "Dammit dad, you and your bright ideas."

Walking to the shore, Steve spread his towel next to Jesse's, sat down, and watched the younger man in the water. The sun was starting to set, and the soft hues made Jesse seem like an ethereal angel.


Steve closed his eyes, offering up a quick prayer that he be able to control himself. He opened them, and walked to the water, slowly wading in.

"What's the matter? You afraid of the water?"

Steve blinked, hearing the voice from beside him. "Huh? Oh, no, just thinking."

Jesse grabbed Steve by the arm, and pulled him into the water. "Come on, we'll frolic and build up an appetite."

"Frolic?" Steve raised an eyebrow at him. "Cops don't frolic. Bad for the image."

"Then swim with me. I'll race you to the buoy and back."

"You'll lose," Steve said, with a big smile.

"Maybe...maybe not." Jesse pushed Steve, and the larger man lost his balance, falling, and Jesse took off into the water.

"CHEAT!" Steve yelled.


It was no contest. Even with the head start, Jesse had nothing on Steve when it came to swimming. The cop quickly surpassed him, reaching the buoy first. When Jesse finally caught up to him, Steve was laughing. "Don't mess with a cop, kid. You'll lose every time." A thought suddenly came to mind, something he remembered when they had gone to a film revival the month before. "There's sharks in these waters Jess. Remember the opening of 'Jaws'?"

Jesse went pale. "Sharks? For real?" His breathing sped up, eyes widening. He looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack. "Steve, I wanna go back to shore."

One look at Jesse, and Steve felt the pangs of guilt. "Jesse, it's okay."

"N-n-no. I...."

"Jess, I was just teasing. You've been here long enough to know sharks don't inhabit these waters." He watched Jesse's eyes dart from side to side. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. C'mon, race you back. I'll even let you win." He gave Jesse a small smile, and dove under, heading back to shore. Coming up for air, he looked around and noticed Jesse was still at the buoy. Feeling like a piece of shit at the moment, he swam back to his friend. "Jess?" He saw that Jesse's hands were around the buoy, the knuckles stark white, as was Jesse's palor, and Steve felt even worse. "Jesse, come on back. I give you my word, there are *no* sharks." He took one of Jesse's hands off the buoy, smiling at him. "We'll go back, eat some of that tasty shrimp, and you can beat me senseless for teasing you."

"No sharks?"

"No sharks."

Jesse nodded, and the two men swam back to shore.

Reaching the beach, Jesse almost fell onto his towel, still shaking. Steve picked up his own towel, and wrapped it around the smaller man. "Jess, you sure you're okay?"

Jesse looked up at him, shaking his head. "No," he said in a small voice. He stood abruptly, and ran back to the house, leaving a very confused Steve behind.

"*You* are an asshole," Steve muttered to himself. He walked back to the house, finding Jesse sitting on the deck. Coming behind him, he began to massage Jesse's shoulders. "Jess, I'm *really* sorry. I never should have teased you." His hands slid down Jesse's chest, lips placing a kiss atop Jesse's head. "I'll never do it again," he whispered.

"Steve, what are you doing?" Jesse asked, turning to face him.

"Huh?" Steve swallowed hard. This was *no* fantasy. "Oh shit." Now it was his turn to panic. He backed away. "I'm going to take a shower." He was in the house, and down the stairs, before Jesse could say another word.

Jesse just sat there, mouth agape, staring after his friend. His thoughts went into overdrive. 'O-kay. He kissed me. Well, he kissed my head, but...he kissed me. Nah, he was just worried 'cause he scared me. Yeah.' Jesse nodded, happy to give himself the answer. 'That's all it was.' He went inside himself, pausing, thinking a little more. 'Chinese food from my favorite restaurant, my favorite dishes, my favorite beer...if I didn't know better...but you *do* know better, you shmuck. Mark told you Steve likes guys. But why would he act that way towards me? Maybe he...but if he...well *I* don't like guys. I like women. Shapely hips, a nice set of breasts.' He smiled to himself. 'Long legs, muscular arms, broad chest, strong body....woah! Muscular arms? Broad chest? Where did that come from?' He shook his head again. 'Me and Steve?' His cock suddenly jumped to attention. 'I like girls,' the voice in his head insisted. He closed his eyes, thinking of a brunette he had seen on the beach. His erection waned. He thought of Steve again, and his cock responded. 'I like Steve.' His cock twitched. 'I love Steve.' That thought threw him for a loop, and he ran to the guest room, throwing his clothes on, stuffing his things back into his suitcase. 'I can't stay here.' He headed to the front door, put his hand on the knob, when he heard Steve's voice.

"Jesse, please don't go."

Jesse froze. "I have to."

"Please don't." The voice was right behind him. Jesse turned, but stared at his feet.

Steve reached out, taking Jesse's chin in hand, bringing the younger man's eyes up. "Look, I know about Harold. It's okay. You want to call him, go ahead. Hell, I'll drive you to his house myself. But if he hurts you, I promise, I'm going to kick the crap out of him."


"You know, it's probably hero worship. He's older, probably flighty, going to take advantage of you, and maybe hurt you. I don't want that to happen."

"Harold? The guy from the DA's office? I'm not interested in him. He's yours."

"No." Steve looked confused. "Harold the doctor. The one you've been seeing. He sounds like bad news."

"I haven't been seeing any doctors. I haven't been serious with anyone in ages. Not since...." Jesse couldn't finish. "Anyway, Mark told me about Harold and you. Steve, staying out late, not getting enough rest, that's not like you."

"What are you talking about? I haven't been seeing anyone. I...." It finally dawned on him, and he found himself grinning. "Jesse, what exactly did dad tell you was wrong with me?"

Jesse shrugged. "Just what I told you. That this guy, Harold, was using you. He thought we should spend more time together. To get your head straight."

Steve began to laugh. "I'll be damned. Jess, I don't know anyone named Harold. Dad told me you were seeing a doctor named Harold, and that *I* should spend more time with *you*, to get *your* head straight."

Now it was Jesse's turn to be confused. "I don't understand. Why would he do that?"

"I think I know." Steve took the suitcase from Jesse's hand, set it down, took Jesse by the hand, and led him into the living room. He sat on a chair, and motioned Jesse to sit on the couch opposite him. He thought of the question his fantasy self had asked, and decided now was as good a time as any to ask the real Jesse. "Jess, do you like me?"

"Of course I like you. You're my best friend."

Steve took a deep breath, and moved, sitting next to Jesse. "That's not what I was asking. Do you *like* me?"

Jesse wound his hands together, staring at his feet again. "Yeah." He snuck a glance up. "I think I do."

"Good. Me too." Steve placed his hand on Jesse's cheek. "Can I kiss you?" Before Jesse could answer, Steve's lips were touching his. Feeling Jesse relax, he pressed down harder, forcing the mouth under his to open, sliding his tongue in. Finally, the need for air caused him to release the younger man. "That was...electric."

"Do it again," Jesse moaned.

"Any time you want it." This time, Steve felt Jesse's lips open immediately. He let his hands wander, stroking Jesse's back, untucking his shirt, fingers touching bare skin. Pulling back for a moment, he quickly divested Jesse of his shirt, pulling his own off, and went back to the kissing. Breaking this kiss, he caught his breath, whispering, "Oh Jesse, I have wanted this for so long." The next kiss saw Steve's hands wandering down to Jesse's crotch, rubbing the erection through the pants. Feeling Jesse stiffen, he backed off. "Jess? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"No, Steve, I...Steve, I have something to tell you, and I don't know how you're going to take it."

Steve moved away, sliding to the other end of the couch. "You don't like guys, you like girls. That's okay. We're still friends, I hope. I promise, I'll never touch you like this again. I'll make it up to you. Work all your shifts at BBQ Bob's for the next month. Clean your house, do your laundry, fix your car...."

Jesse rolled his eyes. "Steve!" Steve stopped rambling at the shout. "It's not that. I've just never...never...."

"You've never been with a guy?"

"Well, yeah."

Steve looked hopeful. "But you'd like to be with me?"


Now Steve understood. He smiled at Jesse, moving close again, pulling Jesse into his lap, so the two men were facing. "I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable." Slow strokes up and down Jesse's arms. "I would never hurt you, or force you." He began to nuzzle at Jesse's neck. "Mmmm." His lips strayed down, sucking gently at a nipple. "Taste so good." The other nipple was then given attention. "What do you want, baby? Just tell me and it's yours."

"You." It was a whisper.

"You got me, lover." Steve gave him a soft smile. "You want to see what my bedroom looks like?" Jesse just nodded, and Steve gently pushed him from his lap, taking him by the hand, leading him downstairs. Once inside, Steve closed the door, and slid his arms around Jesse, facing Jesse away from him. Steve went back to kissing his neck, while his hands popped the button on Jesse's pants, one sliding inside, slowly fondling his cock. "Oh yeah...you are so ready for me." He unzipped the pants, bringing both hands inside, caressing the hard-on the younger man had. Removing his hands, he turned Jesse to face him. "Gonna make this so good for you." He took Jesse's mouth again, while he pulled Jesse's pants off, the briefs following. He stepped back, slowly licking his lips. "Jess? What's wrong?" Steve's voice was soft, seductive, and he began to kiss Jesse's shoulder, while his hands returned to Jesse's cock, stroking gently.

"Don't want you disappointed," Jesse murmured.

"Never going to happen." Steve pushed Jesse onto the bed, quickly removing his own pants, both men now naked before one another. Steve stood there, fondling his cock, eyes darkened. This was his fantasy, now reality, and he wasn't quite sure how he was going to handle it. "Jess, I've been thinking about you. Almost every day. No, *every* day."

Jesse smiled at him. "Yeah, well, I think about you too."

"No, you don't understand. You fill my fantasies. I haven't dated anyone in six months. Hell, I think it's been longer then that."

"What kind of fantasies?" Jesse asked. "No, never mind, I guess I know what kind. I mean, what do we do when you think about me? What do I do?"

"Jess, I don't think you're ready for the things I picture in my head."

Jesse put his hand over Steve's, stroking with him. "Tell me. I'd like to make them real." He leaned in, kissing the head of Steve's cock.

"Y-you do that."

"Kiss your dick?"


"What else?" Jesse snaked his tongue out, licking the drops of precum.


"You want me to suck you, Steve?"

"Only if you want to. If you don't, I'll understand."

"I want to...." Jesse took the head into his mouth, suckling, running his tongue back and forth. He glanced up, to see Steve's eyes closed, watched Steve lick his lips. Opening wider, he took more in, taking Steve's hand from his cock, and placing it on his head. He took Steve's other hand, doing the same. Pulling back, he met Steve's eyes. "Fuck my mouth."

"Aww, Jess." Steve wound his hands in Jesse's hair, pushing his cock further down Jesse's throat. This was definitely no fantasy. "Your mouth is hotter and wetter, then I dreamed." He heard Jesse moan. "I talk to you while you suck me." Another moan. "I tell you what a good cocksucker you are, *my* cocksucker." Jesse sucked hard, and Steve pulled his head away.

"Steve, I'm sorry."

"No, no baby, nothing you did. I just don't think I can stand up if you keep doing that." Steve crawled onto the bed, laying against the pillows. "Come here, lover. Let me kiss you again." Jesse was in Steve's arms a moment later, getting his tonsils sucked out.

Jesse finally pushed him away, gasping for air. He grinned at Steve, lips moving to Steve's neck, leaving an obvious bruise. "Mine."

"Possessive little demon aren't you?" Steve leaned in, leaving a bruise as well. "Mine too."

Jesse kissed his way along Steve's shoulder, across his chest, laving a nipple. Moving across the broad chest, he nipped at the other nipple, hearing Steve moan this time. "I take it you like that."

"Oh yeah, that feels so good. Make love with me Jess. Touch me everywhere. I want to be your fucktoy."

Kisses down Steve's body, along with licks and nips, and Jesse felt Steve bucking up against him. "Relax Steve. I may be a novice, but I'm a fast learner." He watched, smiling as Steve wound his hands in the sheets, gripping them tight. He gently prodded Steve's legs apart, shifting to his knees. Leaning down, he kissed the cockhead, opening his mouth, slowly taking the large cock down his throat. Jesse swallowed the cock to the root, bringing his mouth up, suckling on the head, then swallowing again.

"Jess, baby, sweetheart, you keep doing that, and I'm not going to last long."

Jesse lifted his head, a big grin on his face. "That's the whole idea, Lieutenant." His mouth returned, head bobbing up and down, sucking hard, then gentle, fingers caressing the balls.

"Jess...oh God...suck me..." Jesse worked his cock rougher, hands holding Steve down, leaving bruises on his thighs. "I can't hold on...gonna cum, shoot my sweet cream down your throat." He felt the beginnings of his completion. "Here it comes, baby." His body went wild, thrusting up, moving his hands to Jesse's hair, holding Jesse's mouth over his cock. He let loose with the most powerful orgasm he had ever experienced. "Oh yeah, drink me dry." He was so wound up in the feeling, that he didn't notice that Jesse was choking. Steve opened his eyes, and quickly pulled Jesse's mouth from his cock. "Oh love, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry." He pulled Jesse up his body, holding him tight, rubbing his back, as the younger man coughed and caught his breath.

"Nothing to be sorry about. I just didn't expect that." A reassuring smile. "It was different...it was amazing...cosmic."

"Don't get carried away Jess. A simple 'I love you' will do just fine."

"I love you."

"I know." Jesse froze, then tried to pull away. "Jess? What's wrong?"

Jesse turned his head away. "Nothing, I gotta go clean up."

Steve held tighter. "Jess, I...I love you too."

"You don't have to say that, Steve."

Steve turned his face back, a soft kiss to Jesse's lips. "I do. I *really* do."

Jesse shook his head. "Been told that before. Post-orgasm excitement."

Steve shifted Jesse, so Jesse was sitting on his chest. Hands on Jesse's hips, he brought Jesse further up his body. "I really and truly do." His mouth swooped down, swallowing Jesse's cock. He sucked hard, hands sliding to Jesse's ass, pulling the cock deeper. Kneading the cheeks, he ran a finger along the crack, gauging the reaction of the man above him. Opening his eyes, he watched Jesse chew on his lower lip, hearing the soft moans. Bringing his hand up, he put two fingers to Jesse's lips, Jesse's mouth opening, sucking on them. Hand moving back, he slowly pushed one inside, feeling Jesse rock back against said finger. Grazing his teeth along Jesse's cock, he added the second one, pushing deeper. He knew just what he was looking for, and found it.

"STEVE!" Jesse shot his load down Steve's throat, Steve drinking him like a starving man.

When he had swallowed all, Steve moved Jesse away. "Does that convince you?"

Jesse could only nod. Words evaded him at the moment.

Steve felt his own cock coming back to life with a vengeance. "Jess, would you let me...I want to be inside you."

Jesse let his eyes wander the room for a moment, before settling back on Steve's. "I'm afraid."

Steve pulled their lips together again. "I know baby." He smiled. "I told you, I promise to make it good for you."

Jesse swallowed hard. "It's gonna hurt," he stated.

Steve nodded. "I won't lie to you. It will, at first. But then it's going to feel so good. Please...I need you."

Jesse nodded back. "What do you want me to do?"

"Lay down, and just relax." Jesse lay on his back, but Steve rolled him onto his stomach. He lay atop Jesse, feeling the smaller man tense. "Shhh, won't do it 'til you ask me to." He kissed Jesse's neck, hand moving to the nightstand drawer. As Jesse turned his head to watch, Steve pulled out a bottle, smiling. "Massage oil. Edible." Seeing the look on Jesse's face, he added, "Haven't used it in ages." Moving to his knees, he poured a small amount onto his hands, then began a slow massage of Jesse's shoulders. "That's a good boy. Just let me do all the work." Hands gliding down Jesse's back, then up, feeling Jesse relax under him. His mouth followed the trail his hands took, slowly moving down Jesse's body. Reaching the ass he coveted, he kissed each cheek, slowly spreading them. A kiss to the tight hole, and Jesse jumped. "Hey, I told you to relax." Another kiss, followed by his tongue. "Mmmm, yeah, delicious." The tongue went deeper, darting in and out. "You like being tongue-fucked?"

"More...please more."

Steve continued for a while, until Jesse was a pile of mush. He shifted back to his knees, slowly pushing a finger in. Another finger followed, then a third, and Jesse began to push back at the fingers. Spreading them inside, he shoved deeper, finally pulling Jesse to his knees. "You ready for me?"

"Yes...please Steve, do it."

Steve took hold of his cock, guiding it to the tightness before him. "This is important Jess. I need you to fully relax. Take a deep breath and let it out." Jesse did as he was told. "Now another one." Steve placed the head against the hole, and slowly pushed in.

"Hurts!" Jesse cried out.

"I know baby, I know. The pain will go away, just like I told you." He pushed further in, breaching the muscle, which was trying to expel the large intruder. Jesse pushed back, but this time he instinctively tried to get Steve off of him. "No, Jesse, don't fight it...don't fight me. The pain will only get worse."

"Please stop," Jesse whimpered, tears flowing freely. "I can't do this."

Steve held himself where he was, holding his own tears in check. The last thing he wanted was to force his newfound lover. He tried words instead. "Yes, you can. I love you." A hand rubbed up and down Jesse's back, and Jesse calmed for the moment, allowing Steve to push further in.

"NO!" More pain, Jesse pushed back again, hard, inadvertently drawing Steve all the way in. "Too much pain." He was sobbing now, and Steve felt his own eyes welling with tears.

"Sweetheart, no, please don't cry. I'll stop." He shifted, intent on moving away, instead hitting Jesse's prostate with the tip of his cock.

Jesse saw stars, felt the pleasure mixed with pain, and, without thinking, shouted "MORE!"

Steve blinked, realizing what he had done. He angled his next thrust, hitting that same spot, feeling Jesse relax. "That's it, lover, just feel what I'm doing to you." He reached down, taking Jesse's soft cock in his hand, slowly stroking, thumb rubbing the head on each upstroke. He didn't move out, just undulated his body, feeling the cock in his hand grow harder. He felt Jesse's cheeks clench his cock, drawing him deeper, choosing then to speed up his movements. "So tight...never had a cherry before." Steve buried himself deeper. "My dick loves your ass. Your ass loves my dick. Tell me how it feels now."

"Good Steve, feels good. Do it harder."

"Knew you'd love it. My little slut." Steve gasped, not believing he had said that.

"Oh yeah...only yours."

"This ass belongs to me now." He wrapped his hand tighter around Jesse's cock.

"Nobody but you...oh yeah, need more, please...."

"Whatever you want, baby, I'm all yours." He felt the tightness in his balls, knew he was on the edge, wanting to take Jesse into the abyss of pleasure with him. "Cum for me. Cum with me. Lemme feel you...."


Steve felt the hot liquid in his hand, and it pushed him over the edge. He let loose, filling Jesse with his seed, continuing to thrust until his strength was gone, his body numb. He nearly collapsed upon the smaller man, but caught himself, rolling to his side, gently removing his cock. He shifted, and stood up.

"No," Jesse whimpered, reaching out for him. "Please don't leave."

Steve was beside him a second later, rubbing his back. "Jess," Steve whispered in his ear, "I'm not leaving. I promise. We need to clean up."

"You're coming back?"

"Wild horses couldn't keep me away." He returned a moment later, cleaning Jesse with a washcloth. Laying down, he pulled Jesse close to him. "Can I kiss you?"

"Yes, please."

Steve placed a gentle kiss upon Jesse's lips. "Oh Jess, I love you so much." He felt a tear, quickly wiping it away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'll never make you cry again. I'll never touch you like that again if you don't want me to."

Jesse knew it was his turn to comfort now, something the young doctor was quite skilled at. "'S'okay Steve. Shhh. I've got you, and I'm not letting you go. The pain went away, just like you said. You *did* make it good for me. I'm so glad we were together." Now Jesse felt Steve stiffen up, and chuckled. "Wrong choice of words. I'm so glad we *are* together."

"Stay with me always?" Steve asked quietly.

"You betcha," Jesse giggled. "Now, since I stopped crying, and you stopped your guilt trip, maybe we can go and eat some of that shrimp."

"Can I just hold you for a while?" Steve asked.

"I can deal with that," Jesse answered. He snuggled into Steve's arms, and dinner was forgotten, as the two men drifted off to sleep.


"Good morning dad," Steve said, a stupid grin on his face. "What are you doing here? Jesse said you were busy this weekend."

"Well, I had to say something to get him to come out here."

"Oh yeah. Umm, I think I need breakfast for two. On second thought, better make that three. I have a feeling Jess is going to be starving. He was kinda...I mean, *we* were sort of busy last night."

Mark cocked an eyebrow at him. "Yes, so I heard."


"Steve, if Jesse is going to be spending any more nights here, I would appreciate it if you would install some kind of soundproofing in your room. I *don't* appreciate being woken in the middle of the night to Jesse's voice shouting your name at the top of his lungs."

"Oh God!"

Both men turned to a (once-again) pale Jesse.

"Morning Jesse," Mark said matter-of-factly, smiling at him. "How do you like your eggs?"

"Oh God!" Jesse repeated, then turned tail, and ran back downstairs.

"Great dad, now you scared him."

"Well, if I scared him, shouldn't you, as the love of his life, be comforting him?"

Steve smiled, matching his father's grin. "Yeah, yeah I should."

"Might even get some make-up sex if you're lucky."


"Trust me Steve. It always worked with your mother when we stayed at her parent's house."

"Too much information," Steve muttered, turning bright red. "I like to think I was hatched, not created in the conventional way."

"If that's what you want to think, then go right ahead," Mark laughed. "Now go to Jesse, and make him feel better."

"Dad? I love you...and thanks."

"You're welcome. Oh, Steve, tell Jesse he has the week off. And I think you should take the week off also."

"For what?"

"Why, your honeymoon, of course."

"Honeymoon, huh? Yeah, I think I can deal with that." Steve turned, looking down at his crotch. "Oh yeah, I can *definitely* deal with that."


Authors Note: Emerald Coast is a restaurant here in Fort Lauderdale, and it is *my* favorite..I am also a shrimp freak <VBG>....