Mister Clairol

By Huntress

Disclaimer: Steve and Jesse belong to each other...just ask Mark.

Authors Rant: In one week of eps I saw Barry's hair blond, light brown, and dark brown. Personally, I like the blond best. Not the really light blond, but the darker blond. And no, I have no experience in this area. In forty years, my hair has remained the same mousy brown LOL.

Authors Note: I gave Jesse's mom a name in a previous fic, and am using it again. I call her Catherine. Dunno why. It popped into my head.


It was a quiet, dull, average evening at BBQ Bob's.

Then Steve walked in.

Alex noticed first. He dropped a tray of food on the floor.

Melanie's eyes bugged out, and she fought the urge to giggle.

Stan opened his mouth, then thought better of it, and went into the kitchen to get Jesse.

Jesse came out, wondering what was going on, spotted Steve in the booth, and his mouth dropped open. "Steve, what happened to your hair?!"

"Don't ask. *Please*. Don't ask."

"Steve, your hair is...it's...."

"Blue." Steve wiped his hands over his face. "If you say one word, you're going to be a patient at Community General, I swear it."

"Hey Steve," Alex grinned, "the punk rock look has been out for a few years." Steve snarled, and Alex ran into the kitchen.

"That's the same color my Granny has," Stan laughed. Steve put his hand on his gun, and Stan followed Alex.

"Stop threatening our employees," Jesse said firmly. "Now tell me what happened."

"It...I...she said she wanted to practice on me. She asked so nicely, I said yes. She said she'd change it back. But then she had to leave, and I...I...." The big, tough cop actually looked close to tears.

"Who did this?" Jesse asked.

"Mrs. Phipps," Steve answered, blushing hotly.

"Your housekeeper?" Steve nodded. "Why?"

"She's taking a course in hairdressing, and I was there, and she asked me, and like a fool I said yes. Then she got a phone call, and she ran out before I even got a chance to look. I would have locked myself in my room, but I know you have shift at the hospital, and I had to come here, and I forgot to take a hat...."

"Steve," Jesse said, "just calm down. We...we can change it back. I mean, how difficult can it be. Melanie changes her hair color once a month. Relax and wait here for a moment." He went into the kitchen, finding everyone laughing themselves silly. "HEY! This is *not* a laughing matter. He's a police Lieutenant. He deserves our respect." He felt the corners of his mouth twitch. "At least it's not green." He started to laugh. "That would clash with his eyes."

"Thank you very much Doctor Travis," Steve said. "I'm glad you all got a laugh out of this. Alex, if you can stop laughing, you're in charge tonight." He turned around and stormed out of the restaurant.

Jesse stopped laughing, as did the others. He turned to Melanie. "You think it can be fixed?"

"It shouldn't be a problem Jesse," she answered. "That color is usually more temporary then a red or brown."

"And how can we fix it?"

Melanie thought for a moment. "Just get a blond dye. Miss Clairol makes a lot of shades. You just find the one closest to his natural color and that's it. He'll be back to himself in about an hour. In a month or so, the original color should start to return."

"Tell him we're sorry for laughing," Alex said. "It was just a shock."

"I will. I have to get going. Alex, you think you can open tomorrow? If this doesn't work, I don't think Steve will be available."

"No problem. Just fix it. I don't know if we could stand seeing him like this again."

"I'll do the best I can."


Steve drove home, more then a little surprised at himself, over his childish behavior in front of everyone. 'This is supposed to be my weekend off,' he thought. 'The first one in four months. All I wanted to do was surf all day, hit a club or two at night, have no worries, no cares...no caseload.' When he got home, he followed his usual routine to get himself calm and centered. It was a technique he had acquired in college, and it never failed.

He grabbed a six pack from the refrigerator, a bag of Cheetos, and sat down to watch sports.


Jesse got to the hospital, and explained what had happened to Mark and Amanda. Amanda offered to take Jesse's shift, and told him to go do what he could. The moment he was out of sight, she began to laugh.

"Blue. Oh Mark, I should have told him to take a picture of it. It would have made great blackmail material."

"Oh, of course Amanda. This coming from the mother whose white uniforms all turned pink thanks to her young son and a bright red shirt he threw in the wash."

Amanda stopped laughing. "Point taken boss. I'll just do my rounds now." She turned, and walked off.

Mark waited until she was out of sight before letting his own chuckles come. "At least it wasn't green."


Jesse started with the L'oreal, ('Gee, isn't Steve worth it?', he giggled to himself), then moved on to Miss Clairol. By the seventeenth shade of blond, they were all starting to look alike to him.

"Need some help?"

Jesse looked up, a saleswoman smiling at him. "Uh, yeah. A...friend of mine, he let someone practice on his hair and the color was...turned. I need to change it back. He's pretty upset about it."

"Oh my. What color is it?"

"Umm, blue." He expected her to laugh, but she nodded in sympathy.

"Tell him not to panic. When my daughter was a hairdressing student, she turned my hair green with red streaks. Now, what color was his hair?"


"What shade of blond?"

"I don't know. It was a nice blond." He paused, thinking. "It had a few different shades to it."

"Okay. Was it a light blond? Dark?"

"Sort of dark, I think. I can't even remember now. I...." Jesse looked up, seeing a TV, and grinned. They were running a news broadcast from the day before, when Steve had been interviewed about a murder he had solved. "That's it! That's the color!"

She looked up. "That's Steve Sloan. He's an important police officer, and he's been on the news a few times in the last week. You want your lover's hair to be that color?"

"What? He's *not* my lover, he's my best friend. And *that's* the color!"

"Hmm. That might be tough. I'm sure *his* hair is natural and it'll be hard to find that shade. Perhaps your friend would want to go blond like maybe Rutger Hauer."

"No. It has to be *that* color."

"Look, I'm trying to help you. Okay, let's see." She pulled out a few shades.

"All I want is for Steve's hair to be blond again. Not blue, not dark blond, not light blond. Just plain old Steve Sloan blond. How is he going to do his job if the criminals are laughing at him?"

"Oh my. You are talking about him aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am. And I was one of the people who were laughing at his hair. I figure if I can find the right shade, and help him change it back, maybe he'll forgive me for laughing." He sighed. "I hurt my best friend's feelings, and believe me when I tell you, that's *not* an easy thing to do. In fact, up until today, I would have sworn it was downright impossible."

She gave him a soft smile. "Okay. Let's see...."

Twenty minutes later, Jesse was on his way to Steve's. He only hoped the shade was right.

Jesse rang the doorbell a few times, then knocked for about five minutes, but got no answer. Steve's truck was there, so the cop was inside. "STEVE! OPEN THE DOOR!" No answer, but he did spot movement inside and knew Steve could hear him. "Aww, Steve, I'm sorry for laughing. I think I can help you fix your hair. Now please open the door."

The door was finally opened. "Did you come to laugh some more Jesse? Well go ahead. Ha-Ha." Steve turned, and walked away, heading downstairs.

Jesse shut the door, following him. "Please don't be mad at me. I didn't mean it. It was a shock, that's all."

"What makes you think I'm mad at you Jesse?"

"You just called me Jesse. Twice."

"And? That's your name, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but you *always* call me Jess. Except when you're mad at me."

Steve sat on the couch. "I do *not* call you Jess *all* the time."

"Yes you do. The first day you met me, your dad introduced us, and you said 'Hey Jess, nice to meet you'."

"That was two years ago. How could you remember that?"

"I just do," Jesse said softly, taking a seat beside him. "The last time you called me Jesse was after I waxed your board. I honestly thought you used Turtle Wax." He smiled, showing Steve the box. "I got this. Melanie says it should work. I read the instructions, and it doesn't seem so tough. I mean, if women can do this, *we* certainly can."

"First off, don't *ever* let a woman hear you say *anything* like that. Not unless you want your balls in a vise. Second, I think we should just leave well enough alone. I can wear a hat for the next...until Mrs. Phipps can fix it. I'll volunteer for stakeout duty."

"Yeah, okay." Jesse's eyes fell. "I was just trying to help, you know? I'll go and leave you alone."

"Jesse...*Jess*, I'm not angry. I'm sorry for yelling at you. Really. You don't have to go."

Jesse lifted his eyes, meeting Steve's, a hopeful smile on his face. "Still friends?"

Steve smiled at him. "Yeah, always." He picked up the box. "You think this stuff will work Jess? I don't want to end up with pink or green hair."

"Let's find out. It can't make it any worse." He winced at his words.

Steve, however, continued to smile at him. "Okay. We'll give it a shot. Like you said, it can't get any worse."

One hour later, Jesse was sitting on the couch, waiting for Steve to come out of the bathroom. "Steve? You okay?"

Steve came out, the towel over his head. "I'm afraid to look. What if it turned purple?"

"Well, take the towel off and let's have a look." He snatched the towel, and gasped.

"Oh shit! It turned green, didn't it! Jess, what am I going to do now?"

Jesse shook his head. "No. It looks...Steve, go look in the mirror."

Steve walked into the bathroom with his eyes down, but finally brought them up, looking in the mirror, expecting green hair. "It's blond again. And pretty close to what it should be." He came out of the bathroom, and without thinking, pulled Jesse into a hug, kissing the top of Jesse's head. "I love you. You're a genius." He blinked, looking down at Jesse, realizing what he had just said...but he didn't let go. "Jess...."

Jesse tilted his head, lips meeting Steve's, and Steve's world exploded. He picked Jesse up, sitting him on the bar, deepening the kiss. Hands wandering up Jesse's back, holding him closer. Finally letting Jesse's lips go, he took a deep breath. "That was nice."

"Yeah, it was," Jesse agreed, arms around Steve's shoulders. "Did you mean it? What you said?"

"Yes, I did," Steve grinned. "*You* are a genius."


"And yeah, I love you."

"You do? I mean I hope you do, 'cause I love you too."

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it."

"Yeah?" Jesse grinned, then his grin faded. "Steve, you're not talking about, you know, 'I love you like a brother' stuff, are you? Because you should know that I'm not."

"Jess, I just sucked out your tonsils. What kind of love do you think I'm talking about?"

Before Jesse could answer, Mark came downstairs. "Hello boys. Oh good, I see Steve is a blond again."

"You told him?!"

"I had to Steve. Didn't you wonder why I was here, and not at the hospital? Amanda took my shift."

"Oh," Steve shrugged, then turned to his father. "Dad, I don't know how you're going to react, but Jess and I just found out we love each other."

Jesse's mouth dropped open at that declaration, but Mark just smiled.

"Steve, I was able to gather that from the fact that your arms are wrapped around each other, and I heard you say something about sucking out his tonsils." He watched both men flush pink. "Besides, I've known that for quite some time. I am truly amazed it took the two of you, who are both quite intelligent, so long to figure it out." He smirked at both of their wide-eyed looks. "Jesse, will you be moving in? Because I would be happy to give you a few days off to pack."

Steve nodded. "Yeah, yeah he will dad."

"Oh good. Well, I have to get some sleep. Since Jesse won't be in for a few days, Amanda, Phil, and I will split his shifts. Goodnight boys."

"Goodnight dad."

Jesse just stared at Steve. "I never said I'd move in with you."

"But you will, won't you Jess?"

"What if I say no?"

"I'll cry."

"I'll move in."

"I'm glad."

"Uh, Steve, I think you should know, this is completely new to me. I've never been with a man before."

"That's okay Jess, neither have I. But we're...two intelligent men. Who love each other. I think we can figure things out." Steve picked Jesse up, kissing him again.

"Steve, where are we going?"

"To bed. I want to start figuring things out."

"I can walk."

"I like carrying you. It's romantic." Another kiss. "I always wanted to carry my true love to my bed."

Jesse started to giggle. "If you tell me you read Harlequin novels, I'm outta here."

"Too esoteric." Steve sat Jesse on the bed. "I read Anne Rice."

"Leather and bondage?"

"When we know each other better."

Steve stood between Jesse's legs, pulling off his tee-shirt, tossing it aside. He bent down, tongue snaking out, tasting Jesse's lips, while he untucked Jesse's shirt. His hands wandered up Jesse's chest, caressing the nipples, as he deepened the kiss. He broke the kiss for a moment, to pull Jesse's shirt off, his lips returning to Jesse's full force. By the time he released Jesse's mouth, the younger man was dizzy from lack of air, and so was Steve. Steve pulled away, walking to the stereo.

"Hey," Jesse panted, a grin on his face, "we gonna dance?"

"I'm old Jess. I like make-out music." He flipped through his CD's, finally stopping, taking a few out. "It's been a long time since I wanted to make out with someone." Steve programmed the songs he wanted, and put his hand out to Jesse.

Jesse took it, allowing Steve to wrap his arms around Jesse. "I can't wait to hear what you old guys consider make-out music."

Steve smirked, and a moment later, *Sunshine Of Your Love* came out of the speakers.

Jesse felt Steve's bare chest touch his. "Ohhh." A moan as he felt Steve's hardness grind against his own. "Steve...." A whispered moan this time, as Jesse felt his pants unbuttoned, felt the soft fingertips ghosting over his pelvis. He heard the soft, whispered, "please" in his ear, and understood its meaning. His own hands moved to Steve's shorts, unsnapping them, caressing Steve the way he was being touched.

All the while, Steve moved them to the music, not losing the beat. Harder kisses to Cream, bolder touches while Jim Morrison crooned, groping to Jimi Hendrix's hard guitar riffs...as the songs progressed, the two men explored each other, learning by doing.

However, neither man was sure what to do with the other beyond the 'making-out' stage.

Jesse finally tore his mouth from Steve's, pushing him a few inches away, catching a breath. "I need to sit."

"How about lay down?" Steve murmured. He pushed Jesse onto the bed, taking Jesse's pants and briefs off, followed by his own shorts. Laying down himself, Steve propped his head up in one hand, while his other slid down to Jesse's cock. He took Jesse's shaft in hand, and the younger man froze. Steve quickly removed his hand.

"Maybe we should slow down," Steve said, a bit nervous himself.

"Yeah, maybe we should," Jesse answered, his hand moving, on its own, over Steve's erection. "Then again, maybe we should keep going." He pushed Steve onto his back, laying atop the larger man. He didn't quite know what he was doing, so he closed his eyes, and let his body do what it wanted. His lips kissed Steve's neck, moving to the shoulder, down the arm. Kissing his way across Steve's chest, Jesse laved one nipple, hearing Steve moan, moving to the other, sucking hard. Jesse moved back and forth between the two, realizing it was a hot spot for Steve.

Steve watched Jesse, biting his lower lip so hard he broke the skin. He could barely comprehend that his best friend, best *male* friend, was making him hotter then any woman he had known...including his ex-wife, who he once considered the best lover he ever had. Jesse had her beat by miles. He ran his hand through Jesse's hair, holding Jesse's mouth on his nipple, feeling Jesse's hands stroking his sides, down to his hips and back up. Steve did what he usually did with a woman in this position...he began to push Jesse's head further down his body, rubbing his shaft against Jesse's body as Jesse kissed further down.

Jesse lifted his head. "Is this okay?"

Steve continued to stroke Jesse's hair, almost reverently. "Oh yeah."

Jesse's mouth eventually found it's way to Steve's cock. His eyes looked up, meeting Steve's. "I don't know if I can, you know...."

Steve took Jesse by the arms, pulling him up the bed, onto his back. "Let me see what I can do." A deep kiss, and Steve did to Jesse as Jesse did to him. Kissing Jesse's neck, Steve couldn't help himself. Moving to the juncture where neck met shoulder, Steve sucked on one spot, and left a nice bruise.

Jesse didn't even realize he was being marked.

Steve kissed further down, laving one nipple, then sucking the other, smiling as Jesse shouted. Down Jesse's stomach. Moving between Jesse's legs, he took Jesse's cock in hand, stroking gently, watching it swell. Kneeling down, he kissed the tip, swirling his tongue around the head, hearing Jesse moan. "You alright?"

"Yes." Jesse's voice was a squeak.

Steve suckled on the head, tasting the salty drops of precum. It was heady, and he slowly brought his mouth down, easing the length down his throat, taking his time, soon swallowed to the root. He moved his hands to Jesse's ass, pulling him deeper, head moving from side to side, moaning as he sucked, Jesse arching into his mouth. Steve knew his mouth was giving Jesse pleasure, and his hands wanted to further pleasure the younger man. Steve was unsure what to do at his point, so, like Jesse, he let his body take over. He pulled his head back, and swallowed again, kneading Jesse's ass. A finger teased the virgin hole, and Jesse wound his fingers in Steve's hair, softly sighing.

"Steve...I can't hold it...."

"Want you to cum Jess...want you to cum on me, on you, on the bed...." Steve blew on the head, stroking the length harder. "Let it go baby...."

And Jesse did. Streams of cum all over, just like Steve wanted. All over the two of them, on the sheets. Steve pulled back a bit, the cum hitting his face, licking his lips, moaning from the taste. "Oh wow...that tastes good." Steve began to clean Jesse's body...with his tongue. "Want some more." He flipped Jesse over, biting each cheek. "I want some of that." He leaned down, parting the cheeks, tongue diving right in.

"Ahhh...Steve...what are you...ohh, ohhh God...." Jesse threw his head back, lost in what he was feeling.

Steve was lost himself at the moment. Pulling back, he met Jesse's eyes, swallowing hard, almost afraid to tell Jesse what he wanted. "I want inside you Jess. Can I?" He watched Jesse nod, taking his cock in hand, guiding it to the small opening. He was ready to take possession of his new lover, when he froze. "I may be new at this, but I think we're going to need more lubrication." He backed up, halfway off the bed, when Jesse grabbed him.

"Don't go." Jesse's voice was whispered.

"Jess, we need...*OOOF*." Steve was pulled back down.

"Don't want you to go."

Steve took the edge of the sheet, cleaning them both, kissing Jesse lightly, while Jesse climbed atop Steve, using him as a body pillow. "Comfy."

He watched Jesse stifle a yawn, and made a decision, giving a silent apology to his own hard and aching dick. Pulling the blanket over them, he whispered, "Go to sleep."

"Wanna make love."

"I'd rather have you awake and aware. And I need some rest myself. I'm not as young as I used to be."

Jesse snuggled closer. "Love me?"

"Very much."

"Me too."

Steve just held him, smiling as soft snores hit his ears a moment later. 'How does he fall asleep so easily?' He was starting to doze off himself, when Jesse's cel rang. Steve answered quickly. "Doctor Travis' phone."


Steve gently moved Jesse to the other side of the bed. "Who's this?"

"Who is *this*?"

"Lieutenant Steve Sloan, LAPD."

"This is Catherine Travis, Steve. Is Jesse okay? The hospital said he went home, but there was no answer at his house. So I called his cel, and here you are."

"Jesse's fine. He's right here," Steve said, without thinking.

"Can I talk to him?"

"He's sleeping."

"Steve, where are you?"

Once again, Steve spoke without thinking. "In bed."

"With my son?"

This time Steve did think...of what he had just told her. "Uhh, I umm, well see it's like this...." Steve was flustered. He had no idea of what to say. He had just admitted that he was sleeping with a man, to the other man's mother of all people, who had no idea her son was gay...or at least bisexual. 'Waist deep in the big muddy now,' Steve thought. 'Might as well come clean.' "Catherine, I love him. All I can promise is to never hurt him." There was dead air on the phone. "Catherine?"

"I'm here Steve. If you ever hurt him," her voice was cutting, "I will cut off your balls and hand them to you. He's my baby, and he's been hurt too many times. *You* know that."

"I'll cut them off myself before I hurt him!" Steve shot back, angry at her insinuation. "Do *I* make myself clear?" Jesse began to stir, and Steve put the phone down, giving Jesse a quick kiss, and a soothing hand across his brow. He smiled as Jesse calmed, and picked the phone up. "I have to keep my voice down. I don't want to wake him up. He needs some rest."

"Steve, will he be moving in with you?" Her tone remained the same.

"My dad already gave him a few days off to move."

"Well then, I guess that's that." Her words were extremely curt.

"I'll tell him to call you later." Steve hung up the phone, a small smile on his face. Jesse's mother was going to be a formidable...'friend or foe?' he thought. 'Foe', he decided. He snuggled back under the covers with his new lover, wondering how Jesse was going to react over being outed to his mother.

Steve's phone rang at 5:30. His Captain apologized, but Thompson had called in sick, and Steve was needed for a homicide investigation. Steve protested for a few minutes, getting a promise for the next two weekends off. "Why can't murderers keep business hours?" he growled, sitting up, wiping his face, staring down at the man laying next to him. "And here I thought we were going to practice making love all day. Welcome to Steve's lovelife...aka Murphy's Law."

Jesse was still asleep, and Steve watched him for ten minutes, before finally getting dressed. He thought about the previous evening, and wrote a note to Jesse, taping it to the bathroom mirror, so Jesse wouldn't miss it. On his way out, he stole a last glance at his new lover, and began to think of different tortures for his Captain.

Jesse's eyes cracked open at nine, and he rolled over, ready to grab his lover. His eyes widened when he saw he was alone, a slight frown on his face. "He chickened out." A heavy sigh. "Way to go Jesse. He doesn't like men, and even if he did, there is no way a good-looking, blond-haired, blue-eyed, hunk of California surfer boy is going to want a short, average-looking, doctor from Chicago warming his bed." Getting out of bed, he stumbled into the bathroom, relieving himself, washing up, and smiling at Steve's toothbrush. 'We shared body fluids last night,' he thought, picking up the toothpaste. He looked in the mirror, and saw the note. As he brushed, he read....

**My Sweet Jess,

I wanted to kiss you awake this morning, and tell you how much I love you.

But my evil Captain has cancelled my Saturday off for a homicide.

I did want you to know that your lips are so soft, I could kiss them for hours and not get tired. Your neck is suckable, and if you check you'll see that your right shoulder is too.**

Jesse spit, rinsed, and took a look. Right at the juncture where his shoulder met his neck, was a purple bruise.

**I'll get home as soon as I can. Please wait for me.


'Like I would leave,' Jesse thought, smiling to himself. He stretched and got a whiff of himself, making a face. 'On second thought, a quick shower, then home for a change of clothes.'

Jesse took his shower, and headed out, going east, and home. Thirty seconds later, Steve pulled up, from the west.

Grinning in anticipation, Steve jumped out of his truck, but his grin faded when he didn't see Jesse's car. He went into the house, going downstairs, hoping that Jesse was there. "You scared him." A heavy sigh. "Way to go Steve. He doesn't like men, and even if he did, there is no way a young, cute, genius doctor is going to want a middle-aged, boring, homicide cop." Steve lay back on the bed for just a moment, intending to rest his eyes. That moment was all it took for the cop to fall asleep.


"Lemme alone!" Steve turned over, pulling a pillow over his head.

"Steve, what's the matter?"

"Jesse left. He had second thoughts."

"Oh, I see. Told you that, did he?"

Steve opened his eyes, meeting Mark's. "Didn't have to. I wrote him a note, asking him to stay, because I had to go out on a case. He wasn't here when I got back."

"So that means he had second thoughts."

"Well, what else could it mean dad? He's not here, is he?"

"Steve, sometimes I wonder how your mother and I conceived an idiot for a son."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What it means Steve, is that Jesse is at the hospital, covering for a doctor who got salmonella."

"He's at the hospital?"

Mark nodded. "And he asked me to give you this." Mark handed him an envelope. "He says you need to read it, and he'll be here right after Doctor Phillips goes on duty, which should be at five."

"Thanks dad."

"Come up for some food..." Mark made a sour face, "...after you shower."

Steve got out of bed, heading for the shower, reading the note. He grinned as he saw what Jesse had done. He had taken Steve's note and answered it....

**(My Sweet Jess,)

Hey Surfer Dude,

(I wanted to kiss you awake this morning, tell you how much I love you.)

That's okay. I needed my rest so I could stay awake tonight.

(But my evil Captain has cancelled my Saturday off for a homicide.)

I know many ways to make your evil Captain suffer.

(I did want you to know that your lips are so soft, I could kiss them for hours and not get tired. Your neck is suckable, and if you check you'll see that your right shoulder is too.)

You gave me a hickey. Alex and Amanda noticed, and wanted to know who the woman is. Your father thought it was funny. Let's see how you like being marked.

(I'll get home as soon as I can. Please wait for me.)

I only went home to get a change of clothes, but then I got a call to go do the doctor gig.

I thought you should know that your kisses make me dizzy, your tongue is very talented, and I can't wait to feel it over my body again.

And I also thought you should know, I love you too.


Steve chuckled as he saw that Jesse had drawn a heart at the bottom, which read *JT loves SS*. He happily went into the shower, and when he came out, he looked around the apartment, mentally cataloguing the space. He thought about what Jesse owned, and how it would fit here. He smiled, went upstairs, and, while he was munching a sandwich, asked Mark if Jesse could have some of the closet space in the guestroom. "All of his stuff is not going to fit down there."

"Steve, did he tell you he'd move in with you?"

"Yeah, he did. We made love dad. It was...electric."

"Thank you for that information Steve."

"Uh, sorry dad. But Jess, he...oh man, he makes me feel...."

"Lightheaded?" Mark asked.

"Yeah." Steve gave him a dopey grin.

"Like the rest of the world has no meaning?"


"Steve I think you may be ill."


"You sound like you're lovesick."

"I am."

"Well, if it's any consolation, I noticed that Jesse looks just as ill as you. Now, finish your sandwich, and we can watch the La Brea High School Lacrosse game on ESPN."


"Rough sport Steve. You should see these girls go at it. Do you know they have a full-time doctor on staff? I treated four of them yesterday...one of them had two broken ribs."

"Sure dad, whatever you want. Nothing I like better then watching young women battle it out."


Jesse showed up at five-thirty, with a suitcase, and a big smile.

The smile was nothing compared to the one on Steve's face. "You came back." Steve sounded almost surprised.

"Um, yeah." Jesse chewed on his lower lip. "You haven't changed your mind, have you? Because I can leave, go home, and...." His words were stopped by the lips upon his. "Then again, I can stay."

"Dad went out for a while, and we have the whole place to ourselves." He took Jesse's suitcase and tossed it across the room.

"I need my clothes."

Steve leered, licking his lips, eyes moving up and down Jesse's body. "For what?" He stalked toward Jesse, a starving look in his eyes. "I'm hungry." He took Jesse by the hand, and led him into the kitchen. He pinned Jesse against the pantry doors, blowing in Jesse's ear. "Aren't you hungry Jess?" He began to nibble on Jesse's ear, having discovered it was a hot spot on the young man.

"Y-y-yes," Jesse stammered, taking a deep breath.

"That's good baby." Steve brushed his lips over Jesse's, tongue snaking out to lick Jesse's lips. "Because Dad made a lasagna and it should be done just about...now." As if on cue the oven beeped. Steve grinned at Jesse, and kissed him softly. "You're fun to tease."

Jesse narrowed his eyes, trying his best to look angry...and failing as usual. "I don't love you any more."

Steve opened the oven, taking the lasagna out. He placed it on top of the stove to cool, and turned to his lover. "Oh well. Dad said to share this with someone I loved. But since you don't love me...."

"I take it back. I do love you." Jesse moved his eyes to the lasagna. "I worship you." He took out two plates. "I'll be your slave for eternity." He took out two bottles of beer. "I'll open your beer for you."

"That'll get you dessert too," Steve grinned, taking the open bottle. He leaned against the counter, taking a drink. "The oven makes it hot in here."

Jesse stood before him, taking the bottle from his hand and drinking from it, licking his lips. "You sure it's the oven?" He ghosted his fingers over Steve's crotch. "Or something else?"

"Gimme that," Steve laughed, taking the bottle back. "You don't do seduction very well, Doctor Travis."

Jesse nodded, opening his own beer. He put it to his lips, said, "I wanna suck your cock," and drank.

Steve had beer coming out of his nose.

Jesse sank to the floor in a laughing fit.

"Okay, you win," Steve said, catching his breath, taking a paper towel to clean up. He grinned. "That was good. I'm impressed."

"Can we eat now?" Jesse asked, eyeing the lasagna again.

They sat and ate, Steve talking about his new murder, Jesse about his day in the ER. Finally finished, they put their dishes in the sink, and stepped out onto the veranda.

"Your hair looks good," Jesse blurted out.

"Thanks to you," Steve smiled.

"It didn't look so bad blue."

"Okay, next week I'll go green," Steve raised an eyebrow at him. "Or maybe purple. Hey, how about a mohawk?"

"You really think my lips are soft and kissable?"

Jesse's question caught Steve off guard. "Huh? Oh, oh yeah Jess, I do." He grinned. "Do my kisses really make you dizzy?"


"You think my tongue is talented?"


"You love me?"


"Can you answer in more then one syllable?"

"Kiss me."

"That'll do it." Steve swooped down for a hard kiss, not letting go until Jesse was practically pushing him away. "I will *never* get tired of doing that."

"I want to move in with you Steve," Jesse said softly. "I want to make love with you until I can't see straight." He smiled. "You know, we could go on-line and...study gay sex."

Steve raised an eyebrow at him. "Jess, how would you know where to go?"

"Search engines."

Steve shook his head. "I don't think so Jess. I think I prefer the old-fashioned way--learn by doing." He took Jesse by the hand, going inside, downstairs. He locked the door, and turned to Jesse. "We are *not* going to be interrupted by my dad again." He leered, licking his lips, eyes moving up and down Jesse's body. "Take off your clothes."

Jesse complied, walking toward the bedroom, taking clothing off, and throwing it behind him. By the time he got to the bed, he was naked. Climbing onto the bed, he turned, smiling as he saw Steve was the same.

Steve walked into the bathroom, coming out with a bottle. "It's not lube, but it should work." He tossed it to Jesse.

"Edible massage oil Steve? Cherry flavored? Do you have a kinky side I should know about?"

"There was this woman and..." Steve caught himself, sitting beside his lover, kneeling down, tongue in Jesse's ear. "...maybe it's a side I haven't discovered yet. Now turn over so I can give you a massage."

Jesse complied, pillowing his head in his arms. "I never had a massage before."

"I'm glad." Steve straddled Jesse's legs, pouring some oil in his hands, warming it with his palms. He started on Jesse's shoulders, moving down his arms, then up again. Lips at Jesse's neck, across to one shoulder, back to the neck, down to the other shoulder, up to Jesse's ear. "I love you." Jesse quivered, and Steve noticed, sitting back up, dribbling the oil along Jesse's back. His strong hands slid down to Jesse's waist, then back up, rubbing in a soothing motion. He heard Jesse's soft moans, dribbling more oil into his hands. He shifted back, fingers ghosting across Jesse's ass, massaging down his thighs, all the way to his feet, then decided to kiss and lick his way back up. Placing both hands on Jesse's cheeks, Steve spread him wide, tongue hitting Jesse's center dead on.

Jesse bit the pillow.

Steve's tongue made love to Jesse's ass for what seemed like forever. He kept Jesse pinned to the bed, denying him the freedom of movement, driving him to the precipice of ecstasy, but pulling him from the edge each time. Steve finally stopped, shifting back. "Roll over babe. I'm going to finish your massage."

Jesse rolled onto his back, his erection standing at attention, the first drops of precum leaking from the slit. He watched Steve wipe his finger through the drops, bring it to his mouth, and suck on it. "I thought you never did this before," Jesse whispered.

"I've had fantasies Jess." Steve poured some oil into his hands, settling himself between Jesse's legs. "Of what I wanted to do with you, of making love to you." Once again Steve started on Jesse's shoulders, down his arms, and back up, then went across his chest, brushing each nipple, teasing them, feeling them get hard. He brought his mouth down, sucking on the hardened nubs, giving each one attention. Lips moving down Jesse's body, tongue dipping into the navel, getting a giggle. Kisses along the crease where hip met thigh, bypassing the one place Jesse wanted those lips. The hands moved down his legs, back up, meeting at Jesse's cock. Steve took the length in the palm of both hands, stroking softly, dropping a brief kiss to the head. Taking Jesse by the hips, Steve turned him onto his stomach, pulling Jesse to his knees. Anointing himself, he spread Jesse's cheeks resting his cock against the tight hole.

"Now Steve...."

Steve heard the words, and nearly thrust in full force. But common sense took over, and he slowly pushed inside, giving Jesse a chance to adjust. Jesse pulled him in with a clench of his muscles, and Steve moaned, resting his chest against Jesse's back, his cock reveling in the tight warmth of his lover. Jesse pushed back hard, taking Steve deep, and Steve bit his lip to stop the scream. Steve started to pull out, but the heat drew him back. He was enjoying the sensation, and slowly began a rhythm with Jesse.

Jesse was lost himself. He clenched his muscles each time Steve thrust inside, holding him there, wanting to become a part of Steve. One hard, forward thrust, and Jesse literally saw stars, fighting the urge to black out from the pleasure.

"Jess? You with me babe?"

Jesse turned his head. "You hit my prostate. At least I'm assuming that's what it was. I thought I was going to pass out."

Steve pulled almost all the way out, teasing the opening with the tip. "Let's see if I can do it again." Steve slid back in, moving slowly, hands spreading Jesse's ass, watching his cock disappear again. The warmth returned, and this time he sighed, moving deeper then before.

"OHHH!!" Jesse shouted, unable to contain himself.

"I find it again?"


Steve hit the same spot, stilling himself, wrapping his arms around Jesse's chest. He rotated his hips, hitting Jesse's sweet spot, while keeping the doctor still as well. His fingers found their way to Jesse's nipples, and he teased them hard, one hand slowly moving its way down his body. He took Jesse's hard cock in hand, soft touches, massaging the head with his thumb on each upstroke, rolling Jesse's balls each time he moved down. "Ohh, Jess, so tight and hot...pull me deeper...ahhh, just like that. Gonna cum baby...ahhh, yeah, so good." Harder strokes to Jesse's cock, and Steve felt the wetness on his hand, finally letting loose with his own orgasm. He continued to thrust, until he was soft, cock sliding out. Steve eased himself from Jesse, hearing the groan from the younger man. "You okay Jess?"

"Yeah. Just wanted to stay like that all night. Felt good."

Steve chuckled. "I have a feeling it wouldn't feel so good stuck together in the morning. I'm going to get a nice warm cloth, and clean us both up. Sound good?"

"Don't take too long." Jesse pulled Steve into a deep kiss, and Steve had to push himself away.

"Do that again doc, and you may just kill me." He grinned as he went to the bathroom.

Jesse lay there, catching his breath, eyes wandering the room. They finally stopped, focusing on the foil packet on the dresser...unopened. Jesse sat up, staring at the bathroom, and Steve. "Why didn't we...we didn't...."

Steve sat beside Jesse, wiping him down gently. "What's the matter Jess?" He followed Jesse's eyes to the condom. "I guess we forgot about that, didn't we." Steve knew the unasked question, and had an answer. "I have *always* used a condom Jess. Even before the days of AIDS. That's what happens when both of your parents are doctors. My blood work is clean. Every six months. Department policy." He shrugged. "I guess I never felt so...desperate...to be with anyone before."

Jesse met his eyes. "Hey, *I'm* the one who thought I was a father. I guess I haven't been as careful as I'd like to think."

"You have blood work on a regular basis also. I'm going to assume you're negative."

Jesse nodded. "And it's just you and me now?" Another nod. "Would you feel better, if we get our blood tested before we go bareback again?" Jesse lowered his eyes, giving him a slow nod. Steve lifted his head up, smiling. "Then that's what we'll do." He slid to the end of the bed, picking up Jesse's underwear and tossing it to him. "Less temptation for my dick." He took out a pair of sweatpants, putting them on, lay back down, and pulled Jesse into his arms. "Love you sweetheart. And next time you do me." He kissed Jesse softly, then felt himself pushed away.

Jesse was staring at him. "You want me to...to you?"

"You were beautiful. When you came...oh God Jesse."

"You called me Jesse."

Steve smirked. "It's your name, isn't it?" He ran a finger down Jesse's cheek. "Sweet Jesse." Another gentle kiss. "Sexy Jesse." He kissed his way to Jesse's ear. "My Jesse."

"Mmm," Jesse moaned. "My Steve?"

"You betcha. Now go to sleep. I'll tell you about your mom later."

"Okay," Jesse snuggled closer. "Love you, surfer dude." He was almost asleep when his eyes popped open. "What about my mom?"

Steve groaned. He was hoping Jesse would fall asleep without asking. "Nothing. She called your cel last night, and I answered."


"She wanted to talk to you and I told her you were sleeping."

"Go on...."

"She asked me where I was, and I didn't think. I just said in bed. She wanted to know why I was in bed with her son."

"And you told her what, exactly?"

"That I love you and I would never hurt you." He leaned in for a kiss, but Jesse ducked his head, pushing away, and sitting against the headboard. "Jess, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for her to find out like that. It was an accident."

"What did she say?"

"She told me not to hurt you and I promised I wouldn't."

"That's a lie Steve, but I'm going to let you get away with it. I don't want to know what she *really* said."

Steve leaned in, bringing one leg over Jesse's two, sitting in Jesse's lap, facing him. "Can I kiss you?"

Jesse shook his head, teasing his lover.

"Jess, sweetheart." Steve dove for Jesse's lips, getting his cheek instead. "Babycakes." He attempted to turn Jesse's face to his, but Jesse refused to budge. So he brought his lips to Jesse's ear, blowing softly, voice a low whisper. "Angel eyes." Steve felt Jesse relax, finally meeting Jesse's eyes. He took Jesse's jaw firmly in his hand, not allowing the young man to move. He brought his lips to Jesse's, tongue snaking out to lick those lips. "Doctor Feelgood." Taking Jesse's mouth before Jesse could react was a smart move...for about a minute and a half.

"Steve, you told my mother about us." Jesse sat up.

"And...." Steve prompted.

"Umm, I don't know. You think she still loves me?"

"Of course she does Jess. I'm not sure how she feels about me though." He kissed Jesse softly. "Sleep now. We'll make love again tomorrow."

"Steve?" Jesse murmured, half asleep.

"What baby?" Steve answered, allowing Jesse to snuggle closer.

"Kiss me awake in the morning, and tell me how much you love me."

"Every day Jess. Every day for the rest of our lives."



Catherine got in touch with Dane, and told him about Steve and Jesse. Dane paid a little visit to Los Angeles, ready to shoot the man he was sure had seduced his innocent son. Arriving at the beach house, he went around back, getting a glimpse of Jesse and Steve, slow-dancing in the living room, the voice of Jim Morrison clearly heard. Steve's arms were wrapped around Jesse, Jesse's head resting against his chest, Steve's head atop Jesse's, both men wearing the dopey smile of love. He left them alone, and sought out Mark at the hospital. Five minutes of Mark describing the relationship their sons had, and Dane understood.

And decided not to shoot Steve.

Depending on what else he saw though, torture was still a maybe.

He spent the weekend with Mark, Steve and Jesse, and called his ex-wife, telling her to keep her nose out of their son's love life, and if she were so damned concerned, she could fly out and see everything for herself.

He talked to Steve and Jesse about the plusses of adoption, and how he wanted to be a grandfather someday.

Mark concurred, telling the two that they didn't have to adopt an infant, they could start with an older child.

To shut them up, Steve and Jesse agreed to adopt a puppy.

Catherine came to visit, staying in the guestroom, telling Jesse that living on the beach wasn't safe, bitched at Steve for encouraging Jesse to surf, (she was convinced that Jesse could get killed catching a wave), and had Steve's small apartment redecorated. She said it wasn't good enough for her son.

Somehow the puppy got into her room, and anointed her open suitcase, and her clothes, with his...scent. He then proceeded to use all of her belongings as chew toys.

When Jesse asked him about it, Steve professed his innocence, then dropped to his knees...Jesse forgot everything else.

Mark took the puppy to the drive-thru, got him two hamburgers, and praised him for doing a good job.

And they all lived happily ever after.