The Quiz

By Huntress

Simple Disclaimer: I don't own them....there, that should make everybody happy.

Authors Note: I signed on to AOL accidentally under my son's ID, which is for teens. The first thing I saw, in bold letters, was: *IS JESS JUST YOUR TYPE?* (They were talking about some actor...I, however, of course, came to other conclusions LOL) The questions are my own, and even I have to admit they're not that great, but what else do you expect in fifteen minutes <G>....


"Is Jess your type?"

Steve Sloan was talking to himself, as he sat on the beach, reading a magazine. The article was about finding out if you were really in love, or just in lust. He decided to take the short quiz and see the results.

1) Do you and your mate enjoy romantic candlelit dinners for two?

The one time they had tried that, Jesse set fire to a set of napkins. So that rated a big no.

2) When another ogles your mate, do you feel jealous?

Steve thought for a moment. There had been that lady mechanic, and the librarian guy, but it didn't bother him. He knew Jesse's heart belonged to him, and nothing else mattered. He shook his head, and marked it with a no.

3) Do you make public showings of affection, i.e. holding hands, kissing?

Steve had been out of the closet for years, and didn't mind. But to Jesse, a relationship with a man was new, and Steve had agreed to keep the two of them a secret for as long as Jesse wanted. Henceforth, that question also rated a no.

4) Do you allow your mate to drive your car?

Steve grimaced as he pictured his beloved truck, all of three weeks old, with the crushed front. 'He only wanted it for a half hour. How could someone trash a huge truck in that time?' He would *never* allow Jesse to touch a truck or car that belonged to him again. So that became another no.

5) Do you and your mate have pet names for each other? Or is it just a one way street?

'Oh boy,' Steve grinned. He thought of some of the names he had for Jesse: Snugglebunny, Babycakes, Angel Eyes, and his personal favorite, which he reserved for hot and steamy nights, Doctor Feelgood. As for Jesse, well, all he ever called Steve, was Steve. He sighed as he checked off another no.

6) Do you and your mate go clothes shopping together?

'It was just *one* time.' A glance down at the tight Speedo, which he reluctantly agreed to buy, (and wear, when Jesse was around), got that question a *very* quick no.

7) Do you and your mate enjoy the same entertainment? i.e. Movies, books, etc.

Steve was a closet romantic, and dragged Jesse to every sappy movie, where he happily held his lover's hand in the dark. Jesse's idea of a good flick was watching good guys and bad guys shoot it out...the more blood and gore, the better the young doctor liked it. As for books, Steve was reading the new John Grisham, while Jesse was reading the new Harry Potter. He sighed as another no was marked off.

8) Do you and your mate spend the majority of your time together?

Between BBQ Bob's, the visits to the hospital, (both as patient and general visitor), and the times Jesse helped him on his cases, they had virtually *no* time apart. In fact, Steve realized, the longest they had been apart, in the three years they had known each other, was when Jesse flew to Minnesota to visit his mother...and that was for a whole three days. Steve smiled. 'Finally! A yes answer.'

9) Have you and your mate discussed having children together?

That question made him laugh out loud. 'Only if they came up with a new medical procedure.' He checked off no, then thought for a moment. 'If Jess and I could do it, I know we would have.' He changed it to a yes.

10) Do you say *I love you* to your mate on a regular basis?

Steve thought for a moment. He and Jesse had been lovers for almost two months, and in all that time, he had never said it. He had thought it, felt it, and known it in his heart...but he had never verbalized it.

'Well, that's it. Let's see how I did.' Steve turned to the back and read the results. *If you have more then four no's, you are in a state of heat, and you should go and find another that you can give your heart to. If you continue with your current mate, you are headed for a romantic disaster.* 'And I had eight no's and two yesses.' Even though he knew this was just a silly quiz, his face fell. But then he heard it....

"Hey Steve? Can I borrow your surfboard?"

Steve turned around to see his lover, excited, as per usual, over hitting the waves. He also had Steve's board in hand...well, almost in hand. The board was bigger then Jesse, and the younger man was having a hard time holding it. He put the magazine down, stood up, and walked over. "Just put it down gently Jess. I'll carry it for you." Picking the board up, they walked to the water.

"What are you reading?" Jesse asked.

"Nothing important," Steve replied. "Hey, have I told you lately that I love you?"

Jesse tilted his head, staring at the cop. "Steve, guys don't say that to each other."

"I do," Steve grinned. "I love you."


Steve nodded, laying the board in the water so Jesse could climb on. "Yeah." He stroked Jesse's cheek with the palm of his hand. "I love you, Angel Eyes."

Jesse gave him the biggest grin he had ever seen. "Well, that's good. Because I love you too." Jesse went out to catch the waves, and Steve walked back to his chair.

"Stupid, idiotic, assinine quiz." He picked up the magazine, threw it in the trash, sat back, and enjoyed his favorite pastime...watching Jesse Travis.