by Surreal
Website: http://netjeru.ma-at.net/SurrealArts/
Feedback: please? 
Status: Complete
Category: Slash, Steve/Jesse, first time, romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Jesse finds himself with a secret Valentine.
Archive: BBQ Bob's (they *do* have the best ribs in town *G*),  and The Abode
Disclaimer: Unlike a lot of my fandoms, these pretty boys are still being used by their owners so I'm just giving them a little fun time before I return them.  No profit comes of it...just a  little pleasure. 
Note:  The title "Kama" means "acquisition of love or sensual pleasure" and is part of the phrase "Kama Sutra," long misinterpreted as being merely an art of sexual flexibility, but is indeed an entire belief system that encourages long, healthy, and equal relationships between couples.
**Much thanks to Juli for the wonderful and speedy beta!**

~~<~@  @~>~~

The first indication that this Valentine's Day would not be like
any other day for Jesse Travis was when he arrived for his
shift and found his locker had been visited.

Taped to the door was a small, plain white piece of folded
paper.  He glanced behind him, squinting though the window of
the doctor's lounge to see if he was being watched.  Not seeing
anyone suspicious, he took down the note and opened it.

~You are loved.~

Jesse blinked, frowning curiously.  "Cryptic," he muttered,
stuffing the paper into his pants pocket and opening his

There, on the shelf, lay a single red rose, secured in delicate,
blue plastic wrap.  He carefully picked it up, unable to believe
someone would do something so touching for him.  He hadn't
been dating anyone in several months, and the one person he
had interest in...well, there was just no way. 

He heard the door open, and turned to see Mark Sloan come
into the room behind him.  Mark smiled warmly at him and
raised his hand in greeting.  "Hey, Jesse."

"Hi, Mark," Jesse smiled in return, then held up the rose
for his mentor to see.  "Have you seen anyone at my locker

"Can't say that I have, Jess.  Something missing?"

"No, something added, actually."  Jesse shrugged and set the
flower back on the shelf.  "Can't imagine who'd leave it in
*my* locker, though.  Maybe someone got the wrong one."

Sloan smirked knowingly while Jesse's back was turned, the
younger doctor pulling on his lab coat.  "You never know,
Jesse.  Maybe someone has a crush on you."

Jesse snorted and closed his locker.  "Right.  Probably some
shy intern.  Not gonna worry about it, my shift started a
few minutes ago.  Gotta run."

Watching the young man's exit, Mark chuckled to himself.

~~<~@  @~>~~

Three hours later, the young doctor returned to the lounge on
his short break.  He went to his locker, digging out from his
coat pocket several tiny, handmade paper Valentine's he'd
received from some of his favorite patients in pediatrics. 

Opening his locker to set them in for safekeeping, he found
another surprise.  Setting the cards down on the shelf, he
picked up the small, white cloth bag from where it was resting
on the same shelf. 

Attached to the thin ribbon holding the bag closed was a small
tag that read:  ~You are loved by someone close.~

Smiling curiously, he opened the bag, and laughed.  Inside were
typical candy hearts - only, they were all green.  His favorite

Looking at the note again, he wondered.  It would have to be
someone close to him to know what his favorite was.  But he
couldn't imagine who it could be. 

Putting the bag back on the shelf next to the rose and the
children's cards, he shut the door and headed back to work. 

~~<~@  @~>~~

"Hey, Katy - can you put this with the other releases?"  Jesse
handed his most recently finished patient chart to the desk

"Sure, Dr. Travis," she replied, taking the clipboard and filing
it.  "Oh, this arrived for you about half an hour ago, also." 
She ducked down beneath the desk and came up with a small
red and white gift bag. 

"For me?" Jesse nearly squeaked and took it.  Peeking inside,
he snorted.  He reached in and took out the contents - a soft,
white stuffed teddy bear hugging a heart.  "Oh, man.  This
just keeps getting weirder!"

"Got a girl on the side we don't know about?" Katy grinned.

Jesse shook his head absently and read the small tag attached
to one of the string handles on the bag:  ~When your shift ends,
you will find out who loves you.~

"Guess we'll find out in a couple of hours,"  Jesse smiled back,
and headed for the lounge to put the newest gift in his locker
with the rest.

~~<~@  @~>~~

Jesse hung up his lab coat a few minutes after his shift ended,
thankful that it had been a quiet day.  He gathered the rose and
bag of candy, placed them in the gift bag with the teddy bear
and headed out.  He wasn't sure what to expect, as the last note
had told him that he would meet his secret Valentine when his
shift ended. 

Lost in thought, he walked down the hall and was just passing
the reception desk when he heard a familiar voice call his name. 

Looking up, he spotted Steve Sloan leaning against the desk,
his arms behind him.

"Oh, hey, Steve," he grinned.  "Listen, I haven't seen your dad
for a few hours, so I'm not sure where - "

"I'm not here to see him, Jesse," Steve cut in, and Jesse noticed
for the first time that the detective looked...nervous.  "Actually,
it's you I wanted to...um..." 

"Me?" the younger man replied, startled.  He opened his mouth to
continue, but was unable to find words when Steve took a step
toward him and pulled his arms out from behind his back.  In his
hand was a rose, identical to the one Jesse had found in his locker
when he'd first arrived this morning.  "Steve...you?"

Steve cleared his throat and nodded hesitantly, suddenly sure
he'd made a huge mistake.  "I...thought..."

"Oh, Steve," Jesse breathed softly, the air catching in his chest. 
He dropped the bag on the floor and all but flung himself into
Steve, his arms wrapping around the older man tightly.

The detective released the breath he'd been holding and returned
the enthusiastic embrace.  "I wasn't sure if you'd...but I had to
try," he whispered.

Jesse grinned against the broad chest, and lifted his face to
meet Steve's eyes.  "I'm glad one of us had the courage," he
responded, then yelped as he was lifted off the ground by the
bigger man, so that they were at equal eye level.

Both leaning forward slightly, their lips met in a soft, gentle
kiss.  Behind Steve, the women at the desk whistled their

The young doctor broke away giggling, and buried his blushing
face into Steve's shoulder. 

"How about we go somewhere more conducive to romance?"
Steve asked softly, setting Jesse back on his feet. 

"I'm all over that," Jesse smiled, happier than he'd been
in a long time.

~~<~@  @~>~~

Much later that night, Mark Sloan came home to find his
young colleague curled up on his couch in front of the low
burning fire, tightly wrapped around a small, white teddy

Wrapped around Jesse was his son, both men sound asleep.

~~<~@  @~>~~
