Author: Surreal
Feedback: please?
Status: Complete
Category: series, romance, ER and first time
Rating: NC/17 for sex
Summary: Sequel to "Kama."  Jesse makes his decision.
Archive: BBQ Bob's and The Abode
Disclaimer:  Not mine, but they are treating them badly by putting them in *hetero* relationships.  We know what's best for them.
Notes:  Ok...despite having written over 50 slash fics in my time...this is one of my rare first time fics.  In other words, it's not something I do often so if it sucks, that's cause I'm used to my boys knowing what they're doing.  *G*
So - many thanks to my beta Juli, for her quick response and ability to make my blithering coherant; and to Rae, my tech support - who gave me *way* too much info on delicate issues, yet again. 

~~<~@  @~>~~

Jesse stood staring out the glass doors, the view of the
ocean at night always captivating.  He smiled gently as
he saw his new lover's approach behind him reflected
in the glass.

Pressing his lips lightly to Jesse's nape, Steve rested
his hands on the shorter man's hips and met his eyes in
the reflection.  "Heavy thoughts?"

Shrugging slightly, Jesse leaned back into the other
man.  "Kinda. know, stuff."

"That's vague."  Steve slid his arms the rest of the
way around Jesse's waist, pulling him close.  "Everything
all right?"

"Yeah,"  Jesse assured him, turning within the circle of
his friend's embrace and hugging him tightly.  He smiled into
the warm, solid chest when he felt Steve kiss the top of
his head.  "Mmmm, that's nice," the blond sighed contentedly. 

Steve rubbed his hands slowly up and down Jesse's back,
soaking in the warmth his partner radiated.  "Very."

Jesse moved his arms, curling them around Steve's neck and
stroking the short hairs at the nape.  He gave a slightly
unsteady sigh and raised his head, meeting his lover's eyes
before giving him a light kiss on the side of his mouth. 
"Was just thinking...I think I'm ready."

Pulling back a little to look down at Jesse, Steve held the
somewhat uncertain gaze.  He knew what his partner was
talking about, what they'd been dancing around and half-
discussing uncomfortably since soon after they became
lovers.  They'd taken their time adapting to the sexual side
of their new relationship, getting used to touching each
other in ways they hadn't before as only friends.  Though
Steve had had previous male lovers, Jesse had little experience
to draw from and so they took it at the younger man's pace,
moving from lingering touches to gentle kissing, gradually
working up to sleeping together on a regular basis.  And finally,
not long before this night, making love to each other using
their hands and mouths, exploring and getting to know the
other's body. 

The one major step they hadn't taken yet was anal sex, though
they'd both done things with their fingers and tongues to
raise the comfort level for when they were ready to take
that leap.  Steve had already offered himself in that way,
but Jesse admitted that he wanted to go first, as if it were
a challenge.  Perhaps it was, to him. 

Steve saw the determination, as well as a fair amount of
nervous energy, staring back at him.  "You sure?"

Jesse grinned and reached up to kiss Steve's chin.  "Positive. 
I want you, all of you, *so* much.  Been thinking about it the
last few days, and I just want to do it, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," Steve smiled affectionately, pulled his love
into a tight hug then released him.  "C'mon, bed."

"Don't waste anytime, do you?"  Jesse snickered and let
himself be pulled along by his hand downstairs to Steve's

Steve tugged the other man into a kiss, meaning to keep it
light but quickly falling deeper into the warm depths he'd
grown addicted to.  Humming softly into the kiss, Steve
wedged his hands down and slowly unbuttoned Jesse's
pants, pushing them open enough to slip his hand down
and cup the hot, expanding bulge in his palm.

Jesse gave a pleased moan deep in his chest, and pushed
against Steve with his whole body.  He reluctantly let his
hands drift from the larger body, pausing in his explorations
to help Steve push his pants down, then off. 

"You do yours, I'll do mine - faster that way," Jesse kissed
hard, once, before stepping back and pulling the rest of his
clothes off like a pro.

Watching with amusement and not a little arousal, Steve
did as he was told and removed his own clothing as well. 
He took a step forward and groaned softly, when Jesse
crawled onto the bed in a sensual slither. 

Jesse reached a hand out to pull him down onto the bed, the
other hand curling around to grasp the back of his neck and
bringing him in for deep, intense kisses. 

Breathing hard, Steve let his weight rest over his partner, lining
their bodies up perfectly and rocking gently.  Jesse pushed his
hips up against the other man's groin, moaning as their cocks
slid together.  His legs bent, he held Steve by pressing his knees
into the taller man's hips.  "Not too much, wanna do it right this
time," Jesse panted, already slick with sweat and pre-come. 

"If we haven't been doing it right already, then I missed something," 
Steve smiled down at him, and kept Jesse from responding by
giving his tongue another duty.  Kissing him until they both gasped
for air, the detective grinned smugly as Jesse blinked at him,
dazed.  He rested his weight on his elbows, caging the man's ribs
beneath him.  "So, it's your call.  How do you want to do this?"

His heart suddenly racing, Jesse licked his lips.  He put his hands on
Steve's shoulders, tugging and positioning his lover as he pleased. 
The cop ended up sitting with his back against the headboard with
pillows behind him.  He straddled Steve's thighs and smiled, sneaking
a kiss. 

", I need know," Jesse shifted awkwardly, reaching
into the bedside table drawer.  He dropped a condom onto the bed but
kept the bottle of lube in his hand.  Fumbling a little, he managed to
coat his fingers generously before setting the bottle back onto the

Reaching around behind him, he stretched and readied himself as
he'd practiced in private, his other hand resting on Steve's shoulder
for balance. 

Steve took in the sight before him, completely struck by the beauty
of the other man, and the trust being handed over to him.  He realized
that no one else would ever see this, had ever seen the young man like
this and he was grateful to be the first and last to do so. 

Jesse finished preparing himself, giving Steve a shy smile as he
brought his hand around and rubbed the excess slick onto his own
cock.  He picked up the condom and while kissing Steve, slipped
it over his lover's erection.  He leaned forward a bit to grab both
their dicks into his hand and rub them together, to spread the lube 
and heighten their arousal even more. 

"Ready?" Jesse whispered against his lips, pulling at Steve's hips
to get him to slide down a bit.  He rested his arms on the other
man's shoulders, his hands gripping the top of the headboard
for balance.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Steve replied, his hands
gravitating to rest on the slim hips above him. 

Jesse grinned and crawled forward a bit.  "Let's find out."  He
positioned himself over Steve and sank down just enough to get
the head of his cock into him.  He gave a harsh grunt, his hands
tightening painfully on the wood.

His legs shook under him, making it harder to stay steady.  He
found it harder to breathe as the enormity of what he was doing
hit him.  God. he was actually *doing* it, he was going to have
sex with Steve, not like they'd already been doing but in the
most basic, carnal sense. 

"Easy, take is slow," Steve guided him softly, his touch grounding
the trembling man above him.  He stayed as still as he could, giving
Jesse complete control. 

Nodding with a jerk of his head, Jesse rested his forehead against
his partner's and pushed down again.  A strangled groan escaped
at the pressure.  "Damn...this is - " he hissed, then suddenly
snickered, nearly losing his balance. 

"What?" Steve steadied him, wondering what he was laughing at. 

"Nothing...was gonna say 'this is harder than I was expecting'
and realized what a bad pun that was," Jesse giggled, glad for
the distraction.  He sighed deeply, taking the opportunity to
kiss Steve before moving again. 

Steve smiled at the small joke.  He wrapped one arm around
Jesse's waist, his fingers stroking gently in the small of his back. 
He couldn't believe how tight the other man was, couldn't imagine
it would be this hot and he was only halfway in, the most
difficult part still to come. 

He stroked Jesse's back and side with his hands, kissing his
jawline soothingly.  "You're doing great, just a little more."

"Nothing little about it," Jesse muttered, but he managed to
relax and slide down a bit more.  He felt himself being stretched
beyond what he thought possible, but despite the burn he knew
he wasn't in any danger.  His legs ached, his stomach was
knotted, he discovered muscles he never remembered studying
in medical school. 

And despite all this, he was nearly giddy with pride.  All the
hours spent reading, trying different kinds of lube. 
practicing for weeks with his own hands, and talking himself
into this, he was finally *doing* it. 

He wiggled a bit where he was, then slid back up so he pulled
almost all the way off before twisting back down to where he
had been.  Steve figured Jesse was testing his comfort levels,
taking the time to relax into a loose rhythm before taking the
final step.

But it felt *incredible*.  Steve closed his eyes and bit his
lip lightly, the slick, tight motion around his dick killing brain
cells as more blood rushed to where all the action was.  He
could feel himself getting impossibly harder and knew Jesse
felt it too. 

After several seconds, Jesse felt his muscles finally relax
and he could take Steve in the rest of the way without a
problem.  "Ooooh...god."

"Jesus, Jesse!" Steve grunted out, his arms wrapping around
his partner and pulling him close.  "Was that safe?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jesse sighed against his shoulder and
kissed his neck.  "Just had to wait for the muscles to relax
enough."  He felt completely filled in a way he had
never experienced, every nerve in his body tingling.

Steve answered with a soft 'mmhmm,' and leaned back
again.  His hands rested on Jesse's waist so he dragged his
thumbs down to stroke both hollows of his hips.  Jesse's
erection had faded for the most part while he was focusing
on taking Steve into his body.  Steve moved one hand down
to run his fingers lightly down the warm, fragile flesh. 

Jesse hooked his hands together loosely behind Steve's head
as he started to move.  They both sighed, soft sounds of
pleasure ghosting between them. 

Finding a rhythm together after a moment, they rocked
against each other in a steadily increasing tempo.  Jesse
was stunned again by how connected they felt, not at all like
the other times they had made love.  He could feel every
twitch, every pulse of Steve's body around him, inside his
own body and decided right then and there that he would
make sure his lover someday felt this, too.

Pushing back into the now-stronger thrusts, he grunted
every time they came together, his breaths punctuating the

Steve had already been close when Jesse started, now he was
losing it fast.  "Jesse...sorry, need to..."

"S'okay, it's fine...come on, let go..." Jesse quickened
his pace while keeping his motions controlled.  He twisted,
making a tight corkscrewing action. 

With a few quick, snapping jerks of his hips, Steve came,
his body curling into Jesse's.  He buried his face in his
lover's shoulder to muffle the cries that accompanied
his spasms. 

Jesse rode out the other man's orgasm easily, loving the
feel of Steve's climax inside of him, deep pulsing,
twitching movements that he never expected.  He felt
his own cock demanding release, his balls tight against his

Holding onto the condom, he pulled his body off Steve's
cock before it went soft and discarded it. 

Steve, loose-limbed and panting, found the energy to kiss
Jesse deeply, tenderly.  "Oh, my god..." Steve sighed,
stroking Jesse's hair with one hand. 

He felt Jesse's erection poking his stomach and smiled. 
Pushing the doctor onto his back, Steve kissed his way
down the pale, warm chest until he came to the dark red
cock jutting eagerly up to greet him.

Taking the base in his hand, he sucked the head into his
mouth and licked it thoroughly.  Rewarded with a sharp
groan and a hand tangled in his already disheveled hair,
he went to work with his tongue and his fingers.

Within a minute, Jesse was writhing under him, his leg
muscles twitching and his head thrown back in complete
ecstasy.  "Godgodohgod..." he muttered, interspersed with
Steve's name.

Finally, Jesse's hand tightened on Steve's head and he felt
the cock on his tongue jerk just as his mouth filled with a
salty warmth.  He swallowed quickly several times, releasing
Jesse's penis when he was finished.

Sprawling next to the panting, prone form of his blond
partner, Steve grinned up at the ceiling.  "So...when is
it my turn?"

Jesse, despite his state, found the power to pick up a
pillow and place it over the laughing detective's face.

~~<~@  @~>~~
