This is the Big One

Author's Notes:This piece of silliness was posted to the Fight Club for "Flame the Fight" day. I feel that the content is far too important for the world to lose.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The time has come to reveal my hidden skills to the world.

By dint of much sneaking around, I was able to secure a look at the thing that the FC chats have speculated about for the last couple of times.

I now have to report to you that Alex Krycek has a huge cock. Yes, I do have proof. His pecker is enormous.

I'm hoping someday for a follow up shot of Mulder riding it, but for now, I'm afraid that you will have to bear with me and merely adore the beast itself. No wonder he keeps a cock restraint on it. If it got going it could wreak untold harm.

So folks, please stand back and give it some room and, let's hear appreciation for Alex's huge cock.

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