The Rough With The Smooth

Fandom: Supernatural J2 RPF

Category/Rated: PG13

Year/Length: 2007/~100 words

Pairing: Jared/Jensen

Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit, only having fun. This never happened.


"You're so fucking scruffy." The words sound harsh, but they're tempered with a sweet smile that sends the blood rushing to Jeff's groin. He leans back in his chair, allows Jensen to apply the foam to his face, even puts up with his attempts to doodle pictures in it.

When Jensen applies the razor, he catches his breath, wondering if the other man will cause him injury by mistake, but pretty soon his face is smooth, perfect and Jensen's toweling it, drying it, dropping a teasing kiss onto it and smirking. "Okay, now you won't give me rug burns on my thigh, asshole," he murmurs, fumbling for his belt.

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