14: Turning a Trick

Turning A Trickster

Fandom: Supernatural

Category/Rated: Rating: NC-17 for violence/sexual content

Year/Length: 2008/~19,574 words

Pairing: Sam and Dean

Disclaimer: No profit was made off this. The characters belong the originators of Supernatural. Was all in pure fun.

Warning: Wincest

Summary: Sam had opened the car and climbed in, and was in the act of hiding the Alice Cooper tape Dean had been playing for the past 500 miles when the car door was jerked open and a woman climbed in behind the wheel.

Series: Supernatural Virtual Slash Season 3

Beta: [info]ailurophile6 for which much thanks.


The brothers stepped out onto the sidewalk together, heading for their car. Sam was about to climb in when Dean was suddenly taken short and excused himself to go back to the diner for the bathroom.

Sam had opened the car and climbed in, and was in the act of hiding the Alice Cooper tape Dean had been playing for the past 500 miles when the car door was jerked open and a woman climbed in behind the wheel.

Sam blinked, wondering who she was and why she'd suddenly decided to get into Dean's car. "Listen, honey, if you're looking for Dean, you won't find him here. He's back in the restaurant there, and he's going to be pissed if he comes out and finds you sitting in his seat. You want to wait for him, I suggest you get into the back seat." He checked her out. She was beautiful, but then Dean's girls always were, and he felt an urge to be mean to her, because right then he felt as jealous as sin of her for having had his brother. "So come on. Don't make me tell you sharply."

Dean hadn't noticed anything when he went into the bathroom, nor when he walked out. Well, except the funny looks some people were giving him. Pulling the keys out of his pocket, he'd unlocked his side and clambered into the car. He gave his brother a strange look. Honey? Looking for Dean? Was Sam suddenly struck blind or stupid? He blinked at his brother. Something strange was happening - had happened - but he wasn't quite sure what it was, except that everything seemed wrong. Sam seemed so much bigger than he had just moments earlier. He looked down at himself. He was still wearing the same tee shirt, and the same outer shirt, although his jeans suddenly seemed much baggier than they had, swamping the shapely hips he was now sporting. Quickly, he checked his tattoo, the silver ring, skull bracelet and most importantly his talisman.

"Dude..." He started to speak but then stopped and put his hand up to his neck. What the hell had happened to his voice? It was suddenly much higher pitched. He cleared his throat and tried again. "What the ...?" He stopped speaking, and his eyes went wide. Horrified, he grabbed the rear view mirror and angled it so he could see himself.

Looking back at him was a pair of clear green eyes set into a pretty face surrounded by long dark curly locks. The face wasn't his! He looked back at Sam, eyes wide and blinking under long, thick lashes.

Enough was enough. Sam leaned forward to take hold of the girl's hand and tug her over and out of Dean's seat. That's when he noticed the talisman that usually hung around Dean's neck was dangling between this slender girl's breasts. "Uh... where did you get that?" he asked, his voice several notches higher than usual as he tried his best to keep his cool. "That's my brother's."

"Dude, I AM your brother!" Dean squeaked out in a higher tone, suddenly realizing just how small he was and how ... big Sam was. "I went into the bathroom and ..." He stopped, looking over his shoulder, annoyed at the amount of hair that blocked his vision as he looked towards the diner.

"The last time I looked, my brother was a dude. He was six-one, weighed 180 lbs and had at least two days worth of growth on his chin. You're not my brother." Sam was baffled. This was completely outside of his comprehension. Finally, he gave a sigh. There was one sure fire way of making sure that she was lying to him. "Okay, if you're Dean, show me your tattoo. Come on."

Dean couldn't believe his own brother was asking him this. Not believing or trusting him. Dean then looked down at his chest. Whoa, he had a chest. That was strange and new. And what if the tattoo wasn't there? What if ... now he was getting a bit scared. He reached up, curling fingers under the collar and closed his eyes, dreading to see as he pulled the collar down, stretching it to reveal the tattoo that stood out against his skin. "Is it there?" he asked, opening one eye.

Much to Sam's surprise, it was. Sam's eyes opened wide at that, and he turned a little pale. "Uh... Dean? How... I mean what the hell happened? Did you cross some witch or something? You were only in there for a few moments." He shook his head. "Does this mean we have to stay here til we get you changed back?"

Dean quickly looked down before looking back to his brother. "No! No, I mean, I don't think I did." He felt himself up, feeling back behind him for his gun. It was there. "I should hope we stay here till we find out what is going on."

Sighing, Sam looked at his brother - or would that be sister? - and shook his head. "Dude, we can't go back to the motel. Remember the state we left the room in?" He winced. "We're gonna have to go find another one."

Dean shifted then stopped as he looked at the steering wheel. "Um, I think you're gonna have to drive." He looked over at Sam, his face flushing red. "I ... um ... " he mumbled. "Can't reach the pedals."

The laugh that exploded from Sam was completely unstoppable. He couldn't move for a few moments, because he was laughing too hard. As Dean's eyes hardened and his - her - expression suddenly clouded over, he managed to get himself under control. "Uh, okay, dude," he managed to wheeze out between gusts of laughter. "Don't get your panties in a twist." Climbing out of the car he walked around to the driver's side and waited for Dean to slide over and vacate the seat.

Dean felt hurt, his ego wounded by Sam's laughter. Okay, he was probably being a bit over-emotional, but, even so, when his brother told him not to get his panties in a twist, Dean lunged to hit him and then swore because Sam was already out of the car. He landed, sprawled upon the front seat, cursing under his breath. He slid over and closed the door, pouting as he crossed his arms. "Bitch," he shot at his brother. Sam was enjoying his predicament way too much. Dean was gonna have to find a way to pay him back.

The hurt in Dean's voice rang true, and Sam studied her as she sat looking forlorn in his usual seat. "I'm sorry, dude," he said. "But you have to admit that it's at least a little bit funny, don't you?" He reached to give her a friendly punch to her shoulder the way he ordinarily would with Dean, and then froze. This wasn't Dean - well, it was, but it wasn't - and he couldn't just go hitting her the way he would normally with his strapping brother. He might... break her or something. He dropped his hands and frowned. "Dean, what are we going to do? You can't stay like this. I mean, you're cute and all, but... I want Dean back."

"I AM Dean. I'm still me!" Dean pouted and crossed his arms. "Let's find a motel room and call Bobby. See what he can come up with. We'll do some checking and see if there is some sort of coven or something around here that's found out about us." He noticed Sam wasn't starting the car but was just sitting staring at him. "Dude, we ain't gonna get there with your eyes bugging out at me. Let's go." He lifted one dainty little hand and pushed at Sam's arm. "God, you're drooling."

"I... I don't know what to say." Sam flushed to the roots of his hair and turned to start the engine. Pulling away from the curb, he set off towards the freeway, hoping to spot another motel. "There's something about this situation that's really puzzling me. You and me... we sat there in the diner and didn't annoy anyone. Then you went back and you changed. I... uh... when you went to the can, did you still have... uh, did you take a leak? Was your dick still present and correct?" He frowned. "I'm trying to pinpoint when you changed. Dude, was anyone in there with you when you were using the facilities?"

"I was fine," Dean answered irritated. "I even shook it a few times for you. Happy? It happened when I pushed open the door." Dean flopped back and sunk in the bench seat. "I was alone in there. God, I feel like such a tool."

"Well, I assure you, dude, you don't look like one." Sam pulled into the forecourt of a motel and parked, then turned to look at his brother, his eyes traveling the length of her body. "You're pretty hot - you know that?" he asked Dean. "I'd do you!"

"That's because you're desperate for some tail." smirked Dean. "Hell, you would even do me when I was a guy!" He started to push Sam out of the car. "Now stop objectifying me and go get us a room. Take advantage of the fact that for once the guy won't look at you strangely so you have to tell him we are... uh... were... brothers."

"You gonna cling to my arm and gaze up at me adoringly; give him a vicarious thrill?" Sam was still grinning as he climbed out of the car to go and do his brother's bidding. Returning with a key, he got back into the car and drove around the side to find the unit they'd been allocated. "I asked for the bridal suite," he said, smirking. "Let's go check it out, dude."

"WHAT!?" Dean smacked Sam as he made to climb out of the car, going to the room and unlocking the door. And sure enough, bridal suite, one bed and Dean looked back to Sam. "You are such a bitch." He crossed over to examine himself in the mirror, turning this way and that as he checked himself out. He quirked an eyebrow, considering. He didn't look half bad - actually he looked like someone he'd hit on. He took his outer shirt off and tossed it upon the bed, turning to look at his butt.

"Tits are kinda small," murmured Sam, appraising her with his grin still firmly in place. "But all in all you look pretty damned excellent." He came up behind her and stood, head and shoulders towering above her. "I think on the whole that I'd rather have my boy back, but you're not bad, not bad at all."

He turned away to start unpacking the guns and knives ready for cleaning and maintenance. "So are you gonna get your delicate hands dirty, dude, or are you gonna be a chick about this. I figure that we need to be ready for whatever it is that's made you like this."

Dean looked down at his tits and cupped them. They were kind of small, but Sam was right, the rest of him looked pretty good. Oh god, he was checking himself out! Dean rolled his eyes, went over and dropped down beside Sam. When Sam had come and stood over him, his body had warmed, feeling so small next to him. That heat he got from being around his brother continued to wash over him. Even now, sitting beside him, legs apart like a guy, he felt very small. "I'll help you. Maybe cleaning the weapons will help clear my head and make me remember."

They sat side by side, working on the weaponry together as if everything were normal. Sam couldn't stop sneaking sideways glances at the slender girl beside him, still not really convinced that it was his brother locked into the slender body alongside his. It wasn't long before they'd finished everything and finally sat looking at each other, confused. "So, do you remember anything about when it happened?" he asked. "Think, dude. Was there anything different when you came out than when you went in?"

Dean gave Sam a look as if he was asking a very, very stupid question. "Different. LOOK AT ME!" She reached over and pushed Sam back, "I'm a friggin' girl!" She got up, "I don't remember anything! I just remember going into the can, and nothing seemed odd when I walked out except the looks people gave when I came out of the men's bathroom!" There was clear frustration, irritation and more in that little voice that had once been masculine.

Sam's heart went out to his brother. She looked so forlorn that he reached out a long arm, pulled her to him and wrapped it around her, drawing her close and trying to infuse her with his confidence and comfort. "Well, dude, if there was nothing in the diner, we'd better head back down to search the area outside." He dropped a kiss on the top of Dean's head and then ruffled her hair. "We'll find out what happened and get you switched back. Til then, I guess you're gonna need to start acting like a girl."

At first, Dean put up some resistance to being held, but then he gave in, shoulders sagging as he leaned into Sam. The sound of his brother's steady heartbeat was comforting, but Dean made a face as his hair was ruffled, tousling the long, dark, curly locks. She batted at Sam's hand then straighten her hair. "Acting like a chick? Dude, I don't know how to." She got to her feet, the tee shirt she wore looked huge on her. reaching for Dean's jacket, she grabbed it and pulled it on, frowning when the sleeves covered her hands. Looking up at Sam with a helpless look, she flapped her arms up to show him, then dropped them with a sigh.

"Guess the grunge look is still in vogue in certain parts of the country," said Sam, grinning. "You want to go find some trendy girl stuff?" He reached out and pulled her to him again, grinning as he picked her up in his arms. "I recommend something pink with sparkly unicorns on it." For a moment he stood looking down at her indignant face and then started to laugh. "Dude, I think I'm gonna like this. I wonder if you're a virgin. I've got virgin experience now, you know."

"Girl stuff? You want me to go clothes shopping!" she growled as she was trapped in strong arms. Deam was used to being held in them, but not like this. Not when she felt so small and helpless. She was a wee bit scared now, especially when Sam started laughing, "You are such a bitch." She started squirming, "Put me down. Better get this embarrassing moment over with."

"I like you like this," smirked Sam, setting her on her feet again. "You're cute and easy to manage." He turned back to gather the weapons together and went to the door. "It's going to be really easy to get used to it." He paused by the door and looked back at her. "Seriously, dude, we'll find out how it happened and get you back, I promise."

Dean had lowered her head in a pout, but now she lifted it, peeking through her curls. "Promise?" This was really embarrassing. She followed Sam as they left the room. "You're having way too much fun with this, aren't you. It's because of all the teasing about being a girl I gave you as a kid, right?" They reached the car and, she smacked Sam when he tried to open the door for her. Climbing in, she pulled one leg under her and turned to face Sam. "Let's go see what we can find as clues."

Knowing Dean's short fuse, Sam merely put the car in gear and pulled out, setting off for the place where they'd eaten breakfast. The street was empty, quiet in the aftermath of the morning commute, and all that could be seen was a single pedestrian, idling with his dog as he studied the goods in the window of a hardware store. Sam parked the car against the curb and sat back, scratching his head. "Dude, I don't see anything. Check it out and see what you can find." He climbed out of the car and went around to pull open the door on Dean's side, bowing ironically. "After you, my lady," he said, grinning.

Dean just gave Sam a look, rolled her eyes and climbed out. She studied the area but she couldn't see anything untoward either. Sighing, she started walking along the sidewalk. "If someone did this to me this morning, they are probably gone already," she said, frowning. She looked back at Sam, scratching her head and got another strange look from a girl passing by. That made Dean look down at her clothing.

Considering that his brother had lost eight inches in height and sixty pounds in weight, Dean looked good. The jeans she wore had been rolled up to stop them dragging on the ground, and her T-shirt hung down almost to her knees. She'd commandeered one of Sam's hoodies to replace the ubiquitous leather jacket that was currently way too big for her, and her hair tumbled over her shoulders in riotous curls. Sam thought that she looked pretty damned good. Sighing, he peered up and down the street, wondering if there were eyes on them from one of the windows. There was certainly nothing to see that looked like a clue in the street.

Dean spun around, looking about and nearly tripped and went flying as her pants dragged on the ground. "Dammit!" She looked at Sam helplessly, pouting like a little girl. "I think we better get me some more suitable clothing. I only hope I don't change back while I'm wearing them, or I'll be talking an octave higher."

"We'll get you a miniskirt. That won't constrict the jewels if you suddenly decide to switch," said Sam, trying to avoid the laughter that wanted to escape and almost exploding from the effort. "Okay, okay! Don't hurt me! Let's go to a store and see what we can find for you. Pink sparkly unicorns and lacy stuff would be good." A thought hit him, and he stopped, turned to her and gazed, wide eyed. "Dude, do you need a bra?"

After trying to kick Sam on the shins, Dean stopped and looked at Sam with near horrified wide eyes, "I DON'T KNOW!" She looked down her shirt for the first time and saw no garment there. "Um, yes," came the small reply as she looked back up at Sam. Sam started snickering again, looking as if he was fighting a losing battle against full on laughter. She smacked him on the arm. "C'mon, before you pee your panties."

Looking around, they couldn't see anything that seemed as if it sold women's wear. "We need a mall," said Sam. He went over to the man with his dog. "Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to know where there's a mall or a Wal-Mart nearby, would you?" The man appeared taken aback by Sam's sudden approach, but soon gave them directions, and Sam thanked him. Heading back to the car, he called out to Dean to come back and get in.

Dean had gone back to the car and was now sitting waiting for Sam as he came back. "You found a place?" Sam started the car and headed in the direction he'd been given. "We heading for a Wal-Mart?"

"There's a Target in the mall along here," said Sam, giving Dean a nod. "What does it feel like?" he asked after a moment. "With the boobs and all of that. Aren't they annoying?"

"You're annoying," Dean snapped, crossing her arms over her chest, trying to hide the body part in question. She was finding it rather annoying herself, because she couldn't cross her arms properly. She finally settled on pulling Sam's hoodie out so her chest couldn't be seen. "They are different," she mumbled under her breath.

"They're very cute," murmured Sam, hiding his grin behind his hand. They pulled into the parking lot of the huge store, and Sam turned to his brother. "Okay, dude. Let's go get you that girlie stuff." They headed in to the store, and Sam made a bee line for the women's underwear. "Hey, these are pretty," he said, holding up a scrap of lace that appeared to serve no useful purpose. "It's a thong. Jess used to wear this sort of thing. Hot!"

Dean walked over and jerked it down, "I am so not wearing that. Looks good on women but I don't need to floss." She stopped to take a look at the bras. She was familiar with taking them off, but putting them on was a whole different thing... "I am so hosed!" she murmured and picked one up, looking at it dubiously. "How do I know what... and how to... I'm gonna have to try these on aren't I?" she looked helpless as Sam as he held up a pretty pink lacy bra.

"You don't look very... uh... well endowed to me," murmured Sam. "I guess you're maybe a 34B." He gave her a long slow look from head to toe. "Difficult to tell with you all bundled up in those clothes, but yeah, you need to go and try things on." He flagged down a sales woman and beckoned for her to come over. "See, my girlfriend here has lost a lot of weight and we decided to buy her new stuff, but she doesn't really know what size she is. Can you help her?"

"Sure thing. Come with me, honey," smiled the lady, gesturing towards the change rooms. "We'll get you all outfitted. Don't you worry."

Dean looked back at Sam, helpless as he was dragged away and shoved into a dressing room. She felt like she was poked, prodded and everything else, before the woman left her standing there nearly nude and returned with a bunch of clothing. Dean got the undies on okay, and the black jeans she was handed, but she was having a hard time with the bra. She was used to removing them, not putting them on. Peeking out the curtain, looking both ways, she spotted Sam. She waved her hand at him but he wasn't looking; he seemed to be fascinated by something on one of the nearby tables. Looking about, Dean found a shoe, grabbed it and threw it at Sam, hitting him on the arm. "Get over here," she hissed.

"Dude!" Sam was bereft of words as he looked at his brother. She was gorgeous, but most definitely not worksafe. "You can't be showing that to everyone. Look what happened to Janet Jackson, and she only showed off one of 'em." He slid into the booth with her and stood looking at her. "You're pretty fucking hot stuff, dude. What do you need from me?"

Dean gave Sam an exasperated look, "Help me put this on," she held up the bra. "I don't know how women do it?" She stopped, noting Sam was still staring. "Stop staring. No wonder you scare women away." She turned around, pulling the bra on, guessing it was right before looking over her shoulder at Sam. "Well?"

Sam dutifully fastened the bra for her, chuckling as he did so. "You're in trouble now, dude," he said. "You need me beside you at all times just to wrangle your underwear." He slid his large hands around to cup her breasts through the lacy mesh of the bra she was wearing and caressed the nipples briefly. "There. Fits like a glove," he said, stepping back.

Dean bit her lip as her nipples stood out into stiff peaks. She suddenly became all too acutely aware of Sam's body behind her. Looking up to him, she felt Sam tower over her, and she swallowed hard as she felt everything in her lower abdomen tighten. That was something new. She turned around and smacked Sam on the arm. "Pervert. Are you like this with all your women? I don't remember you doing it to Ashley." He grabbed the black lace shirt that was hanging on the hook to one side and pulled it on, pulling her hair out so it would float around her shoulders, and then she looked in the mirror. "Damn, I do look hot. I'm cute. But I'm not getting a purse!" Pulling her boots on, she seemed ready. "How do I look?" She twirled for Sam, "And no touching. If you're not gonna buy me dinner, you don't get to fondle, pervert." Pushing aside the curtain, she walked out.

Smirking still, Sam followed his brother. "Better get some new boots, dude. Those are too big for you, and they make you look like Minnie Mouse." He pursed his lips as he watched her twirl in front of the mirror. "Guess we should get two of everything, just in case we have to do laundry. Wouldn't want you to be stuck naked while I washed out your undies." He gathered the items Dean would need and told the woman to ring it all up, because Dean would be wearing half of it. "And of course I'm going to buy you dinner. Count on it," he said softly, his voice a low growl, and his lips close to her ear.

Dean shuddered, jerking his head away. He now knew how women felt when he did that to them. Damn! He could see why it worked too as looked warily at his brother. "Um, well, good." Nodding, he went to find some shoes, settling on a pair of boots and some tennies. Once they were paid for, he felt slightly less silly and a little more in control. Bags in hand, they returned to the car.

"Okay, I think we should go back to the room and call Bobby, see what he can come up with." She reached back, pulling at her underwear.

"Dude, Quit pickin' at your butt. That's so not ladylike," said Sam, unlocking the car and holding the door open for her. He was starting to get used to Dean being a girl, and that was unnerving. He turned to her. "So where do you want to go to dinner? I'll take you out later." He found himself checking her out all over again. "Maybe we should've got you a dress too."

"A what?" Dean blinked at Sam then shook her head, "No way am I wearing a dress." She tossed her purchases onto the back seat. "You can just get us take out or something."

Back at the motel, the pair started to try and find out how this might have happened. Working so closely together found them both unnerved at how they were acting around each other. Dean found herself brushing against Sam too much, and Sam found himself touching her far more often than he'd realized that he did when she'd been male.

The day wore on. Bobby had at first been incredulous, and then he'd started to laugh, much to Dean's disgust. He hadn't ever come across anything that could have such an effect, although he did feel a vague tickle at the back of his mind that there was something he'd forgotten. "Leave it with me boys... er... Sam, Dean. There's something I'm not remembering right, and I'll have to do a little research. I'll get back to you when it comes to me, okay?"

After the call ended, Dean moped about the room. Sam had snuck out, saying he had to go pick up a book or settle something with the cellphone billing. Whatever it was, Dean just sat upon the bed, grumbling under his breath. However, when Sam returned, he was carrying a bag, and it seemed to contain stuff for Dean. "What the hell is that?" she asked, sitting up a little and moving to the edge of the bed.

"All in good time," laughed Sam, going over to his laptop and sitting down. He was grinning as he began to type and from time to time he stole a look at his brother. He was actually looking for decent restaurants to take Dean to, but he was hoping that the transformed man would think he was doing research into his condition. Finding a place that looked good, he made a note in his notebook and then swiftly closed the site. "We'll go out at around six," he said. "Are you gonna need hours to get ready?"

"Huh?" Dean had been sitting back, absently playing with her hair. She looked up at Sam , innocence in her eyes. "Uh, to eat, yeah, I'll be ready." She got up, going to look at herself in the mirror. "I look fine. Why?" She slowly turned to Sam. His brother was up to something.

"Because you're gonna come out to dinner with me on a date, and we're gonna have a good time and forget that you're in the wrong body, just for tonight." Sam rose to his feet and went over to drop to his knees before Dean, cupping her face between his two palms. "I want to make you happy, man. I want to show you how it feels to be a girl, because you might as well get something out of it, if you've got to be a woman for a day or so." He bent to kiss her lips. "I love you whatever body you're in, dude. You're my boy... girl... whatever."

Dean almost scrambled back when his brother got on his knees, fearing he was gonna tease her with a marriage proposal. She froze at Sam's words. "I am?" She asked, as Sam held her face. His mouth brushed hers, and she closed her eyes, giving him a little kiss in return. "I love you too, Sammy. But I don't want to stay a girl. I want to be me again." She gazed sadly at Sam, feeling scared. What if she stayed like this? What kind of liability would she be toward Sam? And honestly, could she even handle it. She was already scared, freaked out and all around about to lose it. She seemed fine on the outside but inside, as usual with Dean, she was trembling.

"So a date, huh?" She asked, glaring at Sam. "Suppose you want me to dress up. I'm not putting on make-up."

"You don't need it," said Sam, kissing her again, a little harder this time. "You're hot, girl; get used to it." He could see the panic in her eyes, feel the fine trembling under her skin, and his heart broke a little at the thought of his beautiful brother perhaps being stuck like that forever. "We'll find out what happened, Dean, don't worry about it. It's not gonna be forever. I'ma make sure of that."

Rising to his feet he went back to the table and picked up the bag he'd brought home. "Meanwhile, you're gonna wear this, baby, because... hell, just because!"

The more Sam kissed her, the more she wanted. She wanted to be in his strong arms and held, because she'd discovered, much against her will, that it made her feel more secure. She looked at the bag as if it contained a severed head, and then slowly reached out to take it. "Okay," she whispered, hoping Sam was right, this wouldn't be forever. She looked into the bag, first pulling out the dress it contained, looking at it with a quirked eyebrow. Then again to pick up the shoes that were beneath it. "I'm suppose to wear this?" she asked. It was one thing to see 'women' do it. They were born to it. Dean knew that she was different...

Finally making her decision, Dean got to her feet. "Okay." She headed for the bathroom, closing the door. "No peeking!" she shouted as she started to change. This was gonna be so ... not right! She pulled on the dress and swiftly realised that not only couldn't she wear a bra with it, but that the back also needed zipping. She slipped on the shoes, and, with a little stumble, she emerged, having gone from caterpillar to butterfly in thirty traumatic seconds.

"I need help."

"You've always needed help, dude," murmured Sam, who was in the act of putting on a clean white shirt. He went over to her as she indicated her need for him to zip her up and gestured for her to turn around. He slid the zipper home and bent to kiss one of her shoulders, a soft caress that made his lips tingle. "You look... Let's just say that if I was free, and I saw you somewhere, I would totally hit on you."

Dean looked back over her shoulder. "Just saying that," she grumbled, scowling, then straightened her dress. "Well hurry up and get dressed. Let's go. I'm kind of starved."

Grinning, Sam reached for the suit he usually wore when masquerading as something official and put it on, turning to smile at his brother as he finished fastening his tie. "I'll be there in a second," he murmured, fumbling through his things to find the small bottle of cologne he had carried with him but had never used since the one time he'd taken Sarah out to dinner. "All right," he announced, finally. "I'm all yours, dude."

Dean was waiting by the door, fiddling with her dress. As she turned to take in the vision of Sam, all dressed to kill, she felt an unaccustomed fluttering down inside her. She blinked at him, looked him over then cracked a smile. "Good thing, might get jealous." Turning back, she opened the door, not caring that it was the guy who was supposed to take care of things like doors. Together, they went to the car. Dean had no idea where they were going till Sam was pulling up outside the restaurant and climbing out. "Do you always take your dates to nice places like this?" she asked as she was getting out, a a little startled to find that Sam was right there to take her hand and arm in his. "Dude, I feel so ... so ..." She glared at him as he chuckled. "You are so getting off on this, aren't you."

"You just bet I am!" Sam smiled down at her, and thought that it was a very long way down indeed. He never thought he'd think of his brother as pretty, but he made an incredibly pretty girl. He held the door for her as he ushered her into the restaurant, then slid an arm around her waist as they waited to be seated. "I only take dates I'm in love with to places like this," he murmured. "Can't see me ever wanting to take anyone but you ever again."

Dean looked up, realizing yet again just how tall Sam was. "Really. I think your pants are on fire, you liar." She was smirking as they were led to their table. Sam seated her first, and she reached for the menu. "I want a beer," she said as she began to look for her choice in entrees.

Ordering a couple of beers, Sam studied the menu as well. He decided on what he wanted to have and turned to Dean, waiting to see what his notoriously food loving brother would have in his current condition. "Dude, we've still got a shitload of money from my Vegas win. You can afford to order something good. I'm going with the salmon."

Dean frowned then nodded, putting the menu down, "I'll take the same. Sounds good." She gave the menu over to Sam then fidgeted in her seat. She was trying to figure out what to do with her legs. Finally, she crossed them, bumping Sam's longer ones under the table. Crossing her legs was so unusual. When the beer came, she took a healthy drink and coughed a bit as she gave Sam a rueful look. "Guess I can't drink like I used to," she said, although she was so not going to stop trying.

Watching Dean with a smile on his face, Sam reached for his own glass and raised it to his lips. He fumbled surreptitiously for his cellphone, and then called out to his brother, snapping off a couple of photos as Dean turned his head to look at him. "Got to capture this evening for later. You'll look back and laugh once you've got your body back," he said, grinning.

"Oh, you are so dead. When you are not expecting it, I'll get even with you," Dean reached, trying to grab the phone, but Sam was keeping it out of her reach. She glared at him for a moment then lifted her glass to her lips again in an attempt to seem cool. The swig was a deep one, the way she usually drank, and, whoa, she hoped their food would come soon, or she was going to be drunk. She was turning to be a cheap date.

The waiter returned at that moment with their meals, setting Dean's in front of her with a flourish and then moving round to give Sam his. "Would you care for ground pepper, ma'am?" he asked her, standing at her shoulder with the pepper mill. Sam could see the lustful look in the waiter's eye as he gazed down at Dean and felt a stab of anger shoot through him. As the man moved away to let them start eating, Sam reached to touch Dean's hand. "That asshole was looking at you, dude. I wanted to smack him."

Dean had turned down the waiter. No pepper for her. She was about to start eating when she felt Sam's hand and lifted her gaze to him. "Probably because they can tell I'm a freak. Some transvestite or something." She took her first bite and began eating with relish. If he'd seen himself while still male, Dean might have thought his current body was hot. Sam might think so too, but, hell, who else would? She settled in to drink more beer and devour the food, deciding that she would definitely go for dessert too.

Watching her, Sam felt unaccountably protective towards her. "You're a freak, for sure, but it doesn't show." He waved his hands, trying to find the words that would explain how he felt, but gave it up, merely reaching to touch her again. "You're hot, dude. You just look like the kind of girl that every guy would nail if he could. That's why he's looking. Hell, that's why I'm looking too! Do you feel objectified yet?"

"I felt objectified the moment I slid into the car next to you," Dean admitted. She squeezed Sam's hand before pushing her plate away. She was full and after drinking two beers she was feeling a good buzz, in fact she felt warm all over, especially when Sam touched her. "This was nice," she had to admit. "We haven't done this as ... we ... you know."

"Makes me wish I had you back, so that we could." Sam looked at her and felt his heart thump painfully in his chest. She was flushed, her eyes bright, and she was leaning forward, unintentionally provocative as her breasts strained against the silky fabric of her dress. Sam felt himself getting excited and had to move to adjust his straining dick, feeling his own face turning red. "Okay, you want anything else, or shall we move on?" he asked her. "Wanna go dancing, or you wanna just go back to the room?"

"Dancing?" She asked then shook her head, "I don't dance. I'll just fall over. Let's go back to the room. We can drink ourselves silly. Well more silly.You're blushing. Why?" she asked, grinning, because she thought she knew.

"Trust me; you don't wanna know." He gave her a quick smile and beckoned for the bill. "Let's go," he said as he laid down his money and rose to his feet. She seemed a little unsteady, as if the combination of beer and heels wasn't quite working for her, and he reached to pull her to him and put his arm around her again, glad to be leaving the restaurant now and wanting to take Dean back away from covetous eyes.

Dean leaned against her brother and wrapped an arm around him. She found it a bit difficult to walk and had to concentrate hard on staying stable. Once in the car, she leaned against Sam as he drove them back. "I think that beer went to my head." she murmured, looking up at Sam through long lashes.

"All part of my evil plan," murmured Sam, smiling over at her. "Get you drunk and have my way with you." He slid his arm around her, reaching to caress her breast through the thin silk of her dress. He could feel her nipple tighten and rise to form a little, hard bud under his fingers. "I think it'd be cool to be a girl for a day and find out what the differences are."

As he parked outside their room and popped the buckle on his seatbelt, Sam turned to her and bent to kiss her again. "What do you think of it so far, dude?" he whispered. "I'm liking it fine."

Dean found herself trembling a little at the caress to her nipples.p She shivered as her brother's mouth grazed hers, because he towered over her, and she suddenly realized how unequal any struggle with him might be. "It's okay," she breathed, suddenly grateful for her gentle brother.

"We should go inside," she said, suddenly realizing that she was caressing his chest.

"Yeah. We should." Sam's voice was a little shaky, and he could feel the blood pounding in his ears as he inhaled her scent. "You know what comes next, don't you," he whispered. "Uh... that's unless you don't want..." He kissed her again, pulling her closer. "Tell me you want it? Tell me that you aren't scared of me." He let her go and got out to go around the car and let her out.

Dean was overwhelmed by Sam. Her hand was still on his chest as he pulled back to speak, and then suddenly she was being kissed again, feeling Sam's heat all around her. She knew what was to come. It wasn't unusual. She had done it often as a guy, but now the shoe was on the other foot.

"I know." she climbed out. She couldn't say she wasn't scared. Feeling helpless was something Dean wasn't used to, and she didn't like it. Still, she moved in, grabbed Sam's collar and pulled him down, kissing him softly, "I want you," she whispered before moving away from him and going to the door. Her seduction scene was a little compromised when she stumbled on the unfamiliar heels, but she got the door open and fell through it. Giggling, she sat on the floor looking up at Sam as she covered her mouth. "Was that me?"

"Dean Winchester, I do believe you're drunk," said Sam, raising his eyebrows at her. He took a step forward and swept her into his arms. "Don't want you to break one of those pretty legs," he said, bending to pick her up. "I want you too," he said, shoving the door closed with his ass and leaning against it as he took her mouth, this time with a long, slow, deep soulkiss designed to curl up her toes and tighten things inside her. "Want to see how you feel. Want to compare the way you look when you come with your usual face."

Stepping forward, he took her over to the bed and laid her down, then went back to close the saltline again.

Dean's arms had wrapped around Sam's neck as she was carried, and when she was kissed she felt overwhelmed by Sam's need. His kiss did ignite things deep inside her. She ran her hands into his hair, moaning. They broke the kiss, and she was left panting as she was placed on the bed. While Sam was redoing the salt-line, she kicked her pesky shoes off and arranged herself on the bed, hair fanned out and leg slightly bent, waiting for him.

When he came back, she smiled, reaching up to him, "You are such a pervert. Who knew?" She grabbed his tie, pulling him down, mouth reaching for his as she kissed him sloppily. Dragging her teeth along his bottom lip, she sucked on it before letting go. "Just be gentle," she whispered, and hiccupped.

"I'll make you feel so good you just won't believe it," grinned Sam, pulling back to smile at her before kissing her again. He slid his hand up under her skirt and along one smooth thigh as he explored her mouth with his tongue. "You've gotta tell me if it's different," he whispered against her mouth, sliding his fingers into the edge of her panties and then tugging them down. He paused to slip them off, and then slid his hand back up to find and skim her breast. "I can't decide where to play first," he said. "Here, I think. As he spoke, he was plucking her nipple into tautness again. "You've got cute breasts."

Dean became fully aware of just how big Sam's hands were as he moved them up her leg to tug her panties off. She lifted up her butt and then squirmed as she was covered by Sam's larger body, suddenly trapped under him. She wound her arms around his shoulders, panting and bit her bottom lip. "It feels different. I feel so small under you," she answered and gasped as her nipple hardened. "Oh, now that... that feels really intense."

"I don't want to squash you or anything," murmured Sam, bending to suck her stiff little nipple through her dress. "You have to tell me if I get carried away and squash you." His hand was working at her dress, finding and undoing the zipper so that he could slide it down and peel it away from her torso. "God, Dean, you're gorgeous." He studied her breasts, mouth moving from one to the other as he swirled his tongue around each nipple, then sucked them into his mouth one at a time to tease and tickle with tongue and teeth.

Dean suddenly felt like she might have peed; she suddenly got so wet below. She was burning up, feeling tight in her skin, and it made her squirm even more. "Sammy," she moaned, running her hand through his hair to grip his dark locks. He was engrossed in teasing her nipples, but when she pulled his hair, he bit sharply and had her back arching. "Ah fuck!" She turned her head to the side, reaching for the headboard while she curled one leg around Sam and rubbed it up and down.

"Too many clothes," he gasped, pulling back again to start stripping himself of tie, shirt and suit. As he stepped out of his pants, he dropped back down onto his knees on the bed and crawled up between Dean's legs, spreading them with his hands so that he could gaze down on the auburn fluff at her groin. Lowering his head, he licked her open and spread her with his thumbs, dropping his face until he could lap at her, finding and tickling the little nub that he knew would give her pleasure. "You're gonna tell me how this feels," he mumbled.

Dean got out of her dress, tossing it aside only to pause and watch as Sam undressed. She felt her heart racing even more. Both in how turned on she was over Sam, and how this was really gonna happen. Sam's cock suddenly seemed a lot larger than it had been, and she bit her bottom lip again as she laid back and let him spread her legs apart. Both her hands went to the headboard, and she lifted her head to look down her body, watching Sam's dark head move over her.

She let out a little cry when he lapped at her, first tickling her and then sucking. "God, it feels... feels... wonderful and painful, god, just like when you suck my cock." She squirmed and moaned, lifting a leg to the side to open herself wider for him. "Sammy..."

He couldn't speak without stopping what he was doing, so he merely laughed a little and slid two fingers inside her, feeling her hot, sticky wetness and pressing deep. She was fever-hot inside and tasted sweet. He moaned, feeling his cock pulse and spit out a trickle of pre-come. "I want..." he whispered. "God, Dean." He returned to his task, licking and nibbling at Dean's clit all over again. "You're all mine" he said, his voice hoarse.

Dean squirmed and groaned, letting out little cries as her body twisted, and her back arched. She wanted to get away but didn't want Sam to stop what he was doing. And then she let out a little cry as she was invaded in such a different way. She sat up, tried to push him off her, "Too much," she whimpered, then dropped back, crying out as she felt herself release.

As he felt her flex around his fingers Sam whimpered softly. "Want you," he mumbled. "Want you now." He crawled up over her, his cock dragging wetly along her thigh as he groaned. "Gonna fuck you," he whispered, watching the way her mouth moved as she worried hwe lower lip between her teeth. He gripped his cock and slid it inside her, driving in until he was sheathed deep inside her. For a moment he froze, couldn't move, and then he gave a little, growling snarl deep in his chest and started to fuck her, sliding in and out, slow and relentless. "Want you to feel me, dude."

Sam filled her, stretched her, and she trembled under him as her arms went around him. She scratched his back with her nails as she held him tightly to her. Her mouth dragged along his jaw, finding his lips and kissing him. She found her hips rocking up into him, meeting his thrusts. She gasped and moaned then tried to roll them over, "Let me on top, Sam, please," She pleaded, knowing this way she wouldn't feel so small, so under his control. She let out another cry, pushing her head back into the pillows.

Rolling, bringing her with him, Sam lay back and let her ride him, arching his back to try and be inside her as deep and as hard as he could. His balls were tight to his body and the sweet tingles that flickered over his skin were almost unbearable in their intensity. He reached to grip her wrists and carried her hands to his mouth, licking at her fingers, sucking them in between his lips. "Mine," he growled, reaching to grip her thighs and hold her steady while he arched up into her. "Gonna come. Gonna come inside you."

Dean tried to ride her brother, finding the movement now more familiar. She kept rocking, rolling her hips, feeling another release building as she pounded her hips down upon him. She had her head tipped back, hair brushing her back; sometimes when she arched enough it brushed Sam's legs and made him moan. When he pulled her wrists to his lips, she came back up, looking down at him with fire in her eyes. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she heard his words, loving the possessive sound of his voice. She tried to move, tried, but Sam held her fast so her insides squeezed around him. She dropped down over him, hair falling to the side, "Me ... me too."

He could feel the pulsing of her walls around him. He could feel her body pressed against him, and the sweet release hit him, roaring through him like an express train and tightening every muscle until he couldn't move, couldn't do anything except cry out and try to keep breathing with lungs that didn't seem to find enough air for them. He lay gasping as she tumbled down onto him, finally able at last to reach up and clasp her against him, twining his fingers into the long, thick curls at the back of his neck. When at last he was able to speak again, he could only whisper, "Love you," and hold her tightly.

She shivered and trembled as her breath slowly returned to her. She felt warm and safe in Sam's arms, his breath against her ear. Turned her head lazily, she smiled. "I love you too, Sammy," she whispered. She cupped his cheek and turned his head, so she could kiss his lips. "It was really different and yet just as good."

"Yeah?" Sam gave her a half-hearted smile. "Maybe I'll be able to take a turn as a girl and check out the differences someday." He responded to her kiss, deepening it, loving her mouth, dragging his lips over her cheek and around to her ear to nibble there. "I think I like you better as a man. You're sexy as all hell, and your girly bits feel pretty damned fine, but I love my brother. I really want him back, when we can find him."

"Me too," She whispered, closing her eyes, feeling a tear wet her lashes. "Guess I suck at sex as a woman, huh?" She laid her head down upon his chest.

"Course you don't suck, dude," said Sam, horrified that she should think that. "You feel fucking awesome. It's just... I fell in love with you, and I miss you. You're beautiful, but I keep on thinking that I might break you if I hold you too tightly." He stopped for a moment, trying to decide how to put it so that he didn't make things worse. "You're my brother, Dean, and you're the guy that's always got my back. You're the one that's stronger than me, and you... I'll take you however I can get you, but I want my brother back, really."

"I want me back too," Dean admitted. "I need to protect you. I need to, and I can't do it this way." Dean pushed herself up, climbing off Sam. She lay down beside him, grabbing the covers to pull up over her body and sighed, rolling to face away from him. "This must be some kind of cruel trick. Teach me a lesson or something."

Sam paused in the act of moving up to spoon against her. "Jesus, dude," he said, letting go and sitting bolt upright. "That,s it! I think I know what this is. We just have to find it."

"Huh?" Dean looked over his shoulder to Sam. "Find what?" She had a confused look upon her face.

"What's the only thing you can think of that can just will things like this into existence? What's the only thing with the power to do this?" Sam was shaking Dean's shoulder now, his face screwed up in thought. "What loves to take people down a peg or two?"

"The Trickster," Dean dropped back upon the bed, groaning as she placed her hand over her eyes. "But I didn't do anything to him, and we weren't hunting him. Hell, we thought he was dead, unless there is another one out there?"

"We killed him, didn't we?" Sam murmured, stroking her body to comfort her. "But it's got to be a Trickster. It can't be anything else." He pulled Dean into his arms. "Sleep now, dude. We'll track him down in the morning and see what we can do about swapping you back." He bent to nibble her ear, then whispered, "You don't suck in bed, but you can't fuck me, and I used to kinda like that, you know."

Dean turned into his brother, "Yeah, I really liked fucking you too." She started nibbling along his jaw. "Especially when I can get you from behind." She pulled at his earlobe and then ran her fingers through his hair, kissing his neck as she pushed him onto his back. "I want to see something before I get changed back, though." She worked her mouth over his chest as she spoke, moving ever lower with each kiss, each little tug.


"Oh, baby," grinned Sam, snuggling back against the pillows as Dean slowly moved south. "What is it that you want to see?" He stroked her hair, wound his fingers in it and gave it a little tug. "Ask, and it shall be granted."

Dean merely lifted her eyes, rimming his belly button as she went. She moved lower, kept going till she could take his cock in her hand and start pumping it back to life, giving slow little licks to it. Lifting her eyes to him, she ran her lips along the side of it, giving a little moan because she could taste both him and herself on his flesh.

Raising his head to watch her, Sam took in the sight of her, beautiful eyes fixed on his, pretty lips parted to lick and suck at him. Her hands were dainty on him; her lips parted to let her pointed red tongue slide along his cock, circle the head and then stroke down over his shaft again and down to his balls. "That feels pretty damned good," he whispered. "You haven't forgotten how to do this."

Dean gave a smile before she parted her lips and started sucking him down, just the crown at first, letting her tongue lash him, swiping over the tip. She licked at the droplet she found pearling there and then started to work herself lower. She gave a little moan, mouth working over him, sucking harder. Her fingers played over his balls, feeling him shiver.

Spreading his legs wide, Sam tried not to buck against her tongue, tried to keep his hips still, so that he wouldn't choke her. Dean knew exactly where to lick, where to suck and when to apply the faintest suggestion of teeth against his cock, so it wasn't long before he was moaning, his body shuddering with the effort of staying still under Dean's ministrations. He began to talk, a litany of dirty words, praise for the way Dean's mouth felt on him, and descriptions of exactly what he wanted to do to her, once she let him up. He'd already come inside her, and his orgasm had been so strong he really didn't think that he had another in him, but as she worked him, her expertise began to prove him wrong, and he knew that it wouldn't be long before he would release again.

Dean's mouth kept working, feeling him tremble, squirm and curse the dirty words that made her redouble her efforts. Sam's potty mouth had Dean getting wet all over again. Wow, he thought, women recovered quickly. That explained why they were always pawing at him after he was exhausted. She glanced up at Sam and then pulled off him, not allowing him to come. Gazing up at him, she crawled up and captured his lips, kissing him long and hard, letting her tongue explore him and have him taste them together the way she had.

Going crazy must feel like this,: thought Sam, taking everything she offered and trying for more. He reached down to slip a finger between her wet folds, sliding it back and forth as he kissed her. That breathing problem of his was starting all over again. He couldn't get enough air into his lungs unless he panted, and his cock was telling him what it wanted, sending out a steady trickle of fluid as he butted his hips up against her. Reduced to whimpering and pleading, all he could do was kiss her and whisper, "Please," over and over again.

Dean's hips undulated, and she felt Sam's cock slide between her legs, teasing her as well. She looked down at him, pleased that he was reduced tothe same pile of whimpers and pleas she'd been, earlier. Kissing his lips, she let him arch up and hold her to him and looked into his clouded eyes before granting his wish and lowering herself down onto him, moaning. Immediately, she began to ride him fast.

It was all liquid heat and sweet, prickling bliss. She was everywhere, overloading Sam's senses as she ground herself onto him, loving him until he no longer knew which was up and which was down. He bit down on her smooth, creamy shoulder and cried out. It was almost too much - the scent of her, the feel of her velvet wetness clasping him. Arching back, he came.

Dean rode Sam through his release, loving how he looked. She moaned then pulled Sam to her, feeling his arms go around her as she sought her own orgasm. Clutching him while her hand gripped his hair, she finally felt it hit and rode the pulsing sweetness with her mouth open in a voiceless scream.

When she could finally speak again, she gave him a grin. "Gets better each time, huh?"

He gazed at her out of dazed eyes and nodded, mouth open and panting. "Baby, you have no idea," he whispered, when at last he had his breathing under control. "You're everything I've ever wanted, Deano."

Dean leaned into him a little more, rubbing her nose against his. "We are so not having kids though," she teased, climbing off him slowly to lie down beside him, curling up til she was half lying upon him.

"Aww, are you sure?" Sam laughed at the idea of his slutty brother getting pregnant and ending up giving birth, and then abruptly stopped laughing when he realized all the implications of that. "My God, Dean," he yelped. "We have to find that Trickster as soon as possible, because... because we didn't use anything, and... and..." He stopped talking. The possibility was too dreadful to contemplate. "You'd kill me, wouldn't you?" he asked in a horrified whisper.

Dean looked at Sam, eyes big. That was right, they hadn't used protection. Oh shit! "More than kill you!" Dean exclaimed. She smacked Sam's chest. "You better not have gotten me ... you know," She hit him again. But then she kissed him. "You are so changing the diapers."

"As long as you don't want me to breast feed it," growled Sam. "And Oh, my God, it'll probably be born with flippers and a tail or something, because we're brother and... Dude! You'd better stop being a girl. Stop it right the fuck now. It's bad for me to be thinking about all this shit!" He glared at her as if he could do something to stop her from being female, but it didn't seem to work. "Fuck! First thing in the morning we're gonna go find that friggin' Trickster."

Dean looked at Sam, "And if we can't?"

"Shut up, dude. We can. We will." Sam kissed her hard and then lay back again and closed his eyes. "Listen, man, sleep now, and in the morning, we'll find that thing and make it an offer it can't refuse."

Dean laid her head back down but didn't sleep. All she could do is lie there, staring across the room.


The next morning was bright and sunny - typical California weather. Sam woke to find Dean clinging to him, her small body wrapped around him as if for comfort. He gazed down at her, feeling a pang of loss at the sight of her pretty, female face, and he closed his eyes for a moment, picturing his big brother the way he had been before the change. Once more, he began wracking his brains for anything that might indicate a watcher, trying desperately to visualize someone who had observed them consistently throughout the day.

There had, of course, been the man walking his dog, and then later a number of passers by, but nothing that he could think of that was significant.

Sam sighed and sat up, reaching for his phone to call Bobby. "Hey, Bobby? Do you have any idea how to summon a Trickster? I think that's what's messing with Dean."

Bobby sighed, "Well I know of one way but it's gonna take a lot of work, and the Trickster not knowing you're after him. See you can only summon him if he doesn't know. If he is watching you, it's gonna be more tricky. Besides, I thought that Dean killed it, back... where was that college?"

"Maybe there's two," said Sam, sighing. "I dunno. It just feels like that's what this is. Dean made me think of it, when he said he thought that something was trying to teach him a lesson. I mean... that's what this thing does, isn't it? Takes people down a peg or two?"

"Yeah it does. But," he sighed and shook his head even though Sam couldn't see. "Okay, I'll send you the stuff you need. And take care of Dean. Boy gets into so much trouble." There was a click, and he was gone.

Dean shifted, blinking her eyes, then rubbing them as she looked at Sam.

"Morning, sunshine," said Sam, bending to kiss her gently. "Did you have a wonderful sleep, oh future mother of my children?" He gave her a quick squeeze. "I was just talking to Bobby. He knows a ritual for summoning the trickster. Said he'd send it." Sam yawned and stretched. "Guess I could go get coffee started, if you want," he murmured, sliding his hand down over her smooth skin.

"I am so not having your freakish children!" She batted his hand away. stretched and then climbed out of bed, "Yes, you make some coffee. I'm gonna shower. So he said we can summon it, but then what? We ask it nicely to change me back?"

"I think we'd better be nice, or it might decide to leave you that way," murmured Sam, pursing his lips as he appreciated her slender, shapely body. "You still have a really cute ass," he called, slowly getting out of the bed himself and stretching himself so that his spine crackled. "I'd marry you, you know," he added. "Wouldn't want my children to be little bastards."

"It runs in the family," Dean shouted back at him, crossly. She turned on the shower and climbed in, praying silently that they would find this trickster and get him back to normal.

Busying himself with the packet of coffee that the motel had laid on, Sam put water into the machine and set it going, nodding in satisfaction as the sound of gurgling heralded fresh brew. There was a Stop n' Shop across the street, and so he pulled on his clothes, grabbed the key and dashed over to find something for them to eat for breakfast. He managed to find breakfast burritos and paused while they were heated up. Re-crossing the road, he saw the same mangy dog that had been hanging around the day before, and frowned. The thing looked horribly undernourished, and he whistled. "Here, boy." He'd bought four burritos, and made the snap decision that he and Dean didn't need quite that many. Bending down to pat the sorry looking head, he studied the dog. "You hungry?" he asked the animal, unwrapping one of the burritos. "Don't know if you like Mexican food, but here you go."

The dog took the food, wagging it's tail as it started to eat. It looked up at Sam once in a while before going back to eating.

Dean was out of the shower, towel about her as she went to pour some coffee. Looking out the window, she could see Sam feeding some mutt. Filling her cup and holding it close to her face to inhale the steam, she went and stood by the window, sipping and watching.

As Sam pushed the door open and came back into the room, he was smiling at the pooch he'd just given his burrito to. "Honey, I'm home," he called. "Hope you saved me some coffee. I'll make it worth your while." He held out one of the burritos to her and set the other two down on the table beside the computer. "Don't know about you, but I'm starving," he said, pouring out his own cup of java and adding five spoons of sugar as he flopped into a chair beside the table.

Dean sat down as well, unwrapping the burrito to start eating it. "Took pity on the dog I see. Good thing, don't think I can eat all this." She crossed her legs to keep from sitting like a guy. "So we get anything from Bobby?"

"Not yet," he said, pulling out his phone to check. "Yeah, the mutt looked pretty damned hungry. I kinda felt sorry for him." He took a bite out of one of the burritos and winced. "Course, I might have poisoned the poor thing. This isn't the most delicious thing I ever ate. Not even close." He looked out of the window and saw the dog sitting beside the Impala, watching their room. "Dude, you don't suppose...?"

Dean looked over to the dog and tipped her head in thought. Then her eyes shifted back to Sam. "Dude, it was the only thing consistent. Nobody said a trickster had to be human all the time?"

"That's what I'm thinking," murmured Sam. He finished his burrito and raised his eyebrows at his brother. "If you're not gonna eat that second one, why don't you go give it to the dog out there? Pet it a little and give it the food. You never know, that might be enough to convince it that you don't deserve what it's done to you."

Dean looked at it then nodded, "Okay, if it will help." She got up, towel still around her as she went out. "Hey little doggie, want some more?" She called out and crouched down, offering the food to it.

Licking Dean's hand as she petted it, the dog gulped down the sandwich she held out and then sat down and scratched itself, yawning. Sam emerged to stand beside his brother and ruffled her hair. "We should go look for the trickster now, dude," he said to her. "You about ready?" He appeared to notice the dog. "Sorry, buddy. Gotta steal her away from you now. She's got a problem we need to fix."

She patted the dog one last time before standing up. "Sorry, buddy, but, hey, if you hang around, we might get ya some lunch." She padded back in to dress, pulling her hair back as she went so that the curls gathered and bounced. She pulled on her jeans and a lace shirt, ready to go. "Okay, I'm with you!" She turned to Sam, who had dropped into a chair once more.

"You think that it is?" Sam risked a peep at the dog from through the blinds. Grabbing his phone, he called Bobby again. "Hey, man, supposing we found the Trickster, and he was a dog... how could we capture him? Is it even possible? Is there anything like a devil's trap for dogs?"

"Put him on a leash," Bobby suggested. "Make him yours. You know boys, I can only tell you so much, the rest you are gonna have to figure out on your own. I've looked in all my books and well, I've got nothing."

"Okay. Thanks for checking." Sam put his phone away and shrugged at Dean. "He says he's got nothing."

He rose to his feet and stood for a moment, tapping the table as he pondered what to do. "Okay, let's go and charm the mutt and hope that we aren't idiots, and that it really is the trickster, okay?"

Dean looked at Sam in consternation. It figured that Bobby had nothing. She nodded, "OK, get some towels, lets make it a bed to sleep in." She walked over to open the door and jumped when she saw the Trickster standing there.

"Hello boys," He spoke with a smile.

"I thought that Dean killed you," said Sam, blinking. He stepped to one side to allow the god to come into the room, sitting back down on the chair he'd just vacated. "It's possibly a bit of an imposition, but if you wouldn't mind turning my brother back into a boy, I'd like that... a whole lot. I miss his ugly mug." He glanced over at Dean and reached out his hand. "C'mere, dude," he whispered. "Say please to the nice god."

Dean moved over to Sam, "Why? Why did you do this? We didn't bother you. Thought you were dead?"

"Oh Dean, it's not about you. This is about Sam." The god studied the taller brother. "You are going to be entering a war. And those demons, saying they are helping you, well, they are not gonna protect Dean. Have no reason to really." He walked over to play with Dean's hair. "Dean is your weakness. You need to toughen up when it comes to him. Of course, if he gets preggers, he could stay home with the kids."

"That doesn't even bear thinking about, dude." growled Sam, shaking his head. "I need Dean to have my back, and he doesn't feel confident the way he is now. If he doesn't have the confidence, he's gonna go down, and if he goes down, I'm gonna go with him, because he and I are a part of each other." He turned to face the Trickster. "Anyway, I don't see how weakening him is gonna toughen me up? I'm going to spend more time making sure that he's okay if he's a hundred and twenty pound girl than if he's six one with a hundred and eighty pounds of badass, aren't I?"

"Are you that dense?" The trickster rapped Sam's skull. "Either way, Dean is your weakness. And yeah, you go around advertising that fact, he dies, you die, what do you think those other demons are gonna do? Huh?" He looked over at Dean, "All cute and curly or all butch and cleaned shaved, they are gonna do things to him all because of you."

Dean looked down, "He's right," she whispered to Sam.

"So what do you want me to do? Kill him myself?" Sam was getting angry now. "Sorry I can't do that. This man raised me. He loved me when I was a baby, and he loved me when I was an annoying, whiny eight year old. He still loves me, and I love him. To me, that makes us stronger than the bad guys, because they'll never be able to split us up, never be able to separate us or destroy the love we share." He folded his arms and sat back, chin up in a defiant expression. "He's got my back, and I've got his, so whatever they do to one of us will be done to the both of us."

"Hmm, I would change that expression to 'she', if I were you." The Trickster commented.

"Okay so we get the point, me, Sam's weakness, got it." Dean finally spoke up.

"Oh, I know you get it, but what about knucklehead," he looked at Sam.

"I get it too." Sam was frowning. "But if you want us to even stand a chance of winning, please change Dean back? He's beautiful the way he is, but he's so much more vulnerable."

"You stand a chance of winning by not worrying so much about your brother... sister... whatever. You don't know what you are up against. I think you need to find that out instead of just ... rolling around with in the sheets."

"We will," Dean interjected.

"Will you?"

"Look, I'm willing to do what it takes if you think we can beat this thing. All you've got to do is tell me," said Sam, frowning. "Will you help us? Please?"

The Trickster rolled his eyes. "Help you. Okay I'll help you. Butch up. Be more like him. Her." He motioned to Dean. "You have stop treating these demons like they are your only out. Some will turn on you if you make the wrong move. You know that show, X-files had it right, don't trust anyone." He looked over at Dean. "Okay, I'll change him back." He turned and started heading for the door. "When you aren't expecting it. Gotta get a laugh somehow."

The words made Sam shiver. He could picture Dean's embarrassment if he suddenly became male again while wearing the skimpy silk mini dress he'd bought for their date the previous night. "So you think I trust the demons? You're wrong. I don't. Doesn't mean that I shouldn't use them though, does it?" He frowned. "They gave me a weapon. Is that reliable? Maybe I should test it out on a demon."

"Maybe, light bright boy," The Trickster was out the door.

Dean just sat there staring after him before looking over to Sam.

"So now we need a demon," murmured Sam. You think I should just stick the knife into that Star bitch next time she shows her skanky self?" Sam gave his brother a smile that was not even slightly humorous and went to pick up the weapon that the demons had given to him. "Dude, you know I don't trust them, don't you? I'll use them, but I don't trust them at all."

Dean looked at Sam, "Well, she may be a skank but, dude, she did give you that knife. She didn't have to. So yes, let's just play them along. And yes, I know you don't trust them but, let's just play along."

"Yeah." Sam sighed with relief. "He said he'd help us. Do you think he meant it?" He began to inspect the knife, testing the edge against his thumb and then setting it down with a little hiss as he succeeded in cutting his thumb. "Well, it works on people anyway."

"If it amuses him," Dean answered. She got up and walked into the bathroom, "What you get for playing with sharp things." She stared at herself in the mirror before emerging once more, looking glum. "Well, I guess he's not gonna change me back too soon. So now what?"

"I guess you wear dresses more often, because he might think it funny to change you back if you're dressed in a miniskirt or something." Sam stroked her cheek. "You know I love you, don't you? He said he'd help us, so let's just get on with what we were doing and trust that something amusing for him comes up, k? I can't see that we'll be any better off sitting here with our junk out"

Dean nodded, "Okay, so what do we do? I mean, I can't go see Ashley looking like this? As much as you would like it." Dean reached back and scratched his butt before getting up. "Let's go see Bobby."

"Yeah," nodded Sam. "Good call." He started to collect his stuff and put it into his duffel so they could leave. "I'll call her later and say we're gonna be delayed." It didn't take long before they were ready to go, and Sam reflected that he wouldn't be sorry to say goodbye to California. He'd avoided coming back here since Jess's terrible death, and being so close to it now made him feel slightly nauseous. Doing a final check around the room to make sure that they hadn't left anything behind, he nodded to his brother. "Okay, pretty lady, better give me the keys, cos those legs of yours aren't getting any longer anytime soon."

Dean rolled her eyes and handed over the keys, gathering her own stuff - mostly guy stuff - and hauled it out to the car. Climbing in on the passenger-side ready to go, she sighed and started to pout. How humiliating it was gonna be seeing Bobby like this!

"It's gonna be okay, dude. All you gotta do is embarrass yourself, and he'll change you back." Sam reached to pat Dean's knee and gave him a sympathetic look. "And Bobby's still looking for ways to summon him. We'll get you back, don't worry." He chuckled. "Either that or give you a periscope so you can drive your car."

Dean reached over and hit Sam. "That is so not funny. I want to drive my car again! It's my car. My baby! God!" She pouted some more and looked out the passenger-side window in a huff.

Wisely staying away from entering a discussion about it that would only upset his brother more, Sam didn't reply, and after a few moments the conversation lapsed. "So tell me how it feels to be a girl when we're doing it. How is it different?" he said, finally. "I'd kinda like to try it myself sometime, dude."

Dean looked over at Sam, "It feels, different. More intense in a way because of the different sensations, areas." She smirked as she realized that she'd been going to say, "you know," but of course, Sam didn't. "And if you were a girl, you would be horribly freakishly tall, dude. That would just be ... wrong."

"You don't think I'd make a good girl?" Sam considered that and rejected it out of hand. "I don't see that at all. I mea, you're quite cute as a girl, and you seem to be eight inches shorter and sixty pounds lighter than you were as a boy. You don't have size 13 feet any more, either."

Dean glared at Sam, "Okay and so if you lost eight inches and sixty pounds that would make you what? ... A supermodel?" She shifted in the seat then lay down, resting her head upon Sam's lap. "I don't want to be a girl any more."

"Yeah. It was fun for a short while, but I really want my big brother back," nodded Sam, stroking her tousled hair. "Can't you think of something embarrassing to do, so he'll turn you back? Kiss a trucker or something?" He desperately tried to think of anything that might be more embarrassing than that, but his brain refused to comply. "I'm sure you've got ideas."

Dean snuggled up more, moving his head more upon Sam's leg. "Could give you a blow job while you are driving but you are driving my car." She rolled to lay upon her back. "It will be embarrassing enough for Bobby and Ellen to see me like this."

"I'll always stop for a blow job," smirked Sam. "Although I don't think he'd consider that embarrassing enough. "No, you're gonna have to bite the bullet and kiss that big hairy trucker. It's the only way."

"I am soo not doing that." Dean looked up at Sam. "No way, Jose." Dean reached up and pinched Sam's nipple, giving it a twist as well.

"Oh, you jerk!"



It was late in the evening when they reached Bobby's place. Bobby himself came out to see what the rumpus was when Rumsfeld 2 began barking like a mad thing, and Sam had to call out quickly before his shotgun was leveled at them. Climbing out of the car, he walked forward to stand in the light so that Bobby could see him clearly.

"Sam? What the bejesus are you doing here? I thought you were in California." Bobby came down off the porch to greet them.

"Yeah, we were, but Dean here wanted to come and get some sympathy." He gestured to where Dean was lurking in the shadows beside the Impala. "Come on, babe. Show Bobby your cute new booty."

Dean hid behind Sam, not sure how Bobby would react. Thank goodness Sam was tall enough to hide her away. She peeked around Sam, giving a little wave, "Hey, Bobby," she murmured, winceing as she emerged fully from behind her brother.

"Holy God!" Bobby's expletive was fervent. "Is that you, Dean?" He turned to Sam. "When you said he'd changed into a girl, I didn't think you meant a little, cute morsel. I was picturing a six foot, burly type girl with big feet and a bad temper. Will you look at that! It's a big improvement, Dean, I gotta say." There was a twitch to Bobby's lips, and it was noticeable that he stepped back out of Dean's reach as he was talking.

Dean gave Bobby a look, "Oh funny. Really funny. I can still kick your ass." Dean crossed her arms. She then walked over and gave him a hug. "So did you find anything, 'cause the trickster said he would change me back, eventually."

"Got something, but I don't know if it's real or just someone's imagination, but he's the god of fire. To summon him, we need to build a fire of rowan wood and mistletoe, and we have to offer him mead. There's an incantation in Norse, but I'm still trying to get advice on the pronunciation." Bobby shook his head as he hugged Dean back and then turned to lead her into the house. "Ellen's gonna be tickled to see the state of you, girl," he said as he held the door for her.

Dean looked at the door then looked at Bobby who was holding the door. She stalked in, her head held high. "I don't think tickled is the right word," she said, stopping to look around herself. She frowned at Bobby, "You talking Norse god, like in Loki?" She glanced over at Sam. "Well he did make a speech to us about Sam and me being his weakness. You know, blah blah blah."

"Yeah. Loki." Bobby took off his cap, scratched his head and replaced it, somehow making the gesture a grim expression of his unease. "I don't think he's a native American trickster, although they share a lot of the same traits and characteristics as Loki." He took a couple of beers from the fridge and passed them to the two brothers. "So let's start by going with the Norse. If that don't work, we'll have to summon Old Man Coyote."

"Old Man Coyote?" Dean took a drink then sat down, crossing her legs. "Let me guess, a native american trickster?" She glanced over at Sam, pushing her hair back behind her shoulders.

"Yeah. That's the next most likely one. Never heard of Old Man Coyote shapeshifting humans though. That's why I think it's Loki." Bobby watched narrowly as Sam followed suit and drank from his bottle of beer, relaxing once they'd both taken a sip.

"Bobby Singer, did you spike our beer with holy water again?" asked Sam, grinning?"

"Well you can't hardly blame me, man. Not after the last time you arrived unannounced." Bobby gave the two of them an unrepentant smile.

Dean looked at her beer then shrugged. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." She took another drink. "Okay so we have a bonfire party?"

"Yeah, we do, and we offer him mead." Sam frowned. "Dude, you got any mead?" He peered into his own bottle and added, "Mead that isn't spiked with holy water would be good, too. Don't want to piss him off."

"Let's spike it with tabasco. He likes jokes," Dean offered up. She reached down, scratching her leg. "So shall we get things started or wait till tomorrow?"

"We can't do it tonight," said Bobby. "We're gonna have to go look for mistletoe, because I actually don't have any."

"Bobby! I'm surprised at you! How could you let Dean down like that?" Sam was grinning as he spoke, and the older man rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, like I keep it on hand constantly in case one of you two idjits gets turned into a girl!" He paused. "Either of you two got a silver knife? It has to be cut with a silver knife."

"Now that we have. I'm more surprised at you, Bobby for not having a silver knife," Dean got up, going outside for a moment. She started searching the trunk before pulling out a knife. She walked back in handing it over to Bobby. "So, what's for dinner?"

"Dinner?" Bobby laughed. "Guess it really is you inside that sexy skin, Dean. I never knew anyone who loved his stomach more than you do."

"Yeah," nodded Sam. "Good thing she's going back to being a he soon, really. She's gonna be growing out of those tight jeans if she keeps on eating the way she has been."

"If you're hungry, guys, there's a cold roast in the fridge. Go forage." Bobby had picked up a text book from the stack on one of the chairs and was now blowing the dust off the cover prior to opening it. "I'll have a sandwich, please?"

Dean looked at both of them like they lost their minds. She rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen to pull the roast out and start making the three of them sandwiches. "Barbarians," she grumbled under her breath.

"Who is?" Sam had followed her into the kitchen and was poking through the cupboards looking for something else to go with their cold beef sandwiches. "Oh, cool," he murmured.

Dean looked back at him, "You, making little me make your sandwiches." She finished slapping them together and set them on the table. taking a seat, she waited for them to join her.

Sam wasn't listening. He'd found a tin containing half a cake and a batch of cookies. "Hey, dude, you'll be grateful to me when you see what I've found." He reached for plates and began to set the goodies out. "Check it out," he said. "It's going to be a sumptuous banquet." He went to find more beer and then he set the table. "Come on, Dean! It's a good look for you. All you need now is to be barefoot and pregnant, and that trickster will be laughing his ass off."

"Don't say that," Dean reached across and kicked him. "That is so not funny." She looked up as Bobby came in. "Don't tell me you want me barefoot and pregnant too? You do I will do kick you in the balls."

"That would be a pretty mean thing to do, seeing as how I'm willing to try and help you regain your manhood," said Bobby, dumping his ancient tome on the table and flipping open a page to show Sam. "See, there's the whole Loki ritual. I never really learned the Norse runes, so I'm less help than I could be. You understand any of this shit?" He pointed to a section in English. "Says here that Loki likes to travel as an animal, and that when he's in animal form he can be constrained as one. When he was an eagle, he was held captive by holding his feet."

Dean looked at them, "Sam, remember, he was a dog. We could have put him on a leash or muzzled him." Dean moved in closer, leaning over the table, not realizing she was showing off her breasts to the two across from her.

Neither Sam nor Bobby answered her. Both of them were sitting, stunned, eyes fixed on her cleavage, and Sam's mouth was open, his eyes glazed with lust.

Dean finally noticed, glaring at them both and then down to see what they were looking at, before reaching across and slapping the two on the cheek. "Yes, up here. And you, nothing you haven't already seen." She sat back and crossed her arms, "So we do this tomorrow. Right now let's eat, then we can talk about it. And I need a shower."

"She's in a hurry to shed that girly body," said Sam, around a mouthful of sandwich. "I kind of like it, now I'm getting used to it, but I think it's probably for the best. She's too vulnerable like that, and also I kinda miss the big ox."

"It's a good disguise," replied Bobby, thinking about it. "And I think Dean's vulnerable whatever body you put him in, but it ain't right to make him a girl, when he's a man. I can see why that Trickster would think it was a lesson for him, but it's come a little late, hasn't it? I thought he'd given up his slutty ways."

"Of course I'm in a hurry, I want to be myself again." Dean was wistful now. "And I don't see how I'm vulnerable in whatever body I'm in? And FYI, it was not a lesson for me; it was a lesson for Sam; he even said so," he added. "And I'm not slutty, I just like to spread the wealth."

"You believe what you want to believe," nodded Bobby, reaching to pat Dean's hand without thinking. "But I think it's payback for your horndog ways."

Sam couldn't help laughing as Bobby spoke. "You're right of course," he murmured, ignoring the glare from his brother. "Have you noticed how difficult it is to treat him like a guy? Almost impossible, even when you know deep down that's what he is really."

Dean smacked at Bobby's hand. "Am not a horndog." She looked over at the two then rolled her eyes before getting up. "I so don't have to sit here and take this. I'm going to shower. And no peeking," she snapped at the two of them as she headed out the room and up the stairs.

"Is she PMSing?" asked Bobby, frowning.

Sam started to laugh. "Nah! She's always like that," he said. "Even when she's a man, she's like that..." He paused, suddenly realizing what he'd just said. "Dean's always been bitchy; haven't you noticed?"

"I heard that!" Dean yelled, stomping up the stairs and slamming the bedroom door. Once alone, she sat down heavily on the bed and sighed. She was starting to think she was never gonna be changed back. She should just crawl out the window and leave, but she couldn't leave Sam. She couldn't hurt him as he had often hurt her. Him. Dean dropped back onto the bed with frustration.

God, could just see it now, John was probably laughing his ass off at him. Telling him that was what he got for being careless. For not paying attention. Dean finally got up and started undressing, going to the bathroom and as usual, leaving a trail of clothing. She started the water before getting in and standing there under the spray to soak for a while.

Sam followed her up the stairs and was sitting waiting for her when she returned from her shower. He didn't say anything, merely opened his arms for her and pulled her down to sit her on his lap and cuddle her. He ached to have his brother back, but in the meantime, this would have to do.


The following morning was overcast, with a chilly wind that blew through Sam's jacket to set him shivering. "I guess we need to find oak trees, don't we? That's where mistletoe grows," he murmured. "Hey, Bobby? Know any druids?"

Dean was looking about the junkyard, her oversized jacket pulled tight around her. "Where the hell did this cold come from?" She scratched at her nose before heading off behind the house. "This is so not gonna be easy is it?" She looked at the woods with determination, getting ready to force a path through it. "Look, if you hear me scream, then you know druids are in there."

"Dude, wait for me. I don't want any druids deciding to sacrifice you." Sam hurried after his brother, but turned as he heard Bobby calling them back.

Bobby stood on the porch, arms folded . "If you two tearaways can wait just a minute, I'll show you the nearest oak grove. You want to go in my truck, or will we take the Impala?"

Dean stopped and looked back before glancing at Sam then stepping back over. "Well why didn't you say something earlier? Your truck is fine." She made for the truck as she was speaking, climbing in as the other two joined her.

There was a certain amount of squeezing and shoving as Sam crammed his freakishly large self into the truck alongside Dean, but then they set off, and before long they were driving along a dirt road that led out through the back of the breakers' yard.

The oak trees, when Bobby pulled up, grew in what almost seemed like a circle, and Bobby indicated one with his thumb. "I'm hoping we'll find some in here. It grows in the angle of the branches. Do you guys know what it looks like, or do I need to show you a photograph?"

"I know what it looks like," Dean answered, trying to push Sam out of the truck because he wasn't unfolding himself quickly enough for her.. Once out, Dean was upon the ground and looking at the trees. "Why are these things growing in a circle?" She was tipping her head but shrugged as she started to head over. Maybe she could climb one that they couldn't and get what they needed. She started to inspect the upper reaches of the grove, head tipped back as she tried to find growth in the bends of the trees where limbs branched off.

Sam wandered around the inside of the circle, craning his neck upwards in his own attempt to spy the plant they were seeking, but to no avail. The trees were too tall and too dense to see to the top, and after a while he started to grow despondent. "I think that the druids have had it all," he complained. "I can't see anything that looks even slightly like mistletoe. You got any more oak trees, Bobby, or are we SOL?"

"Don't know of any more around here," murmured Bobby. "Dean? How you doin'? You finding anything?"

Dean had climbed up into a tree, using the limber body she was now sporting to get close to the top. Looking through the tracery of branches she reached and grabbed a tiny clump of the plant they sought, but there was such a small amount she feared it wouldn't be enough. As she was climbing down, she suddenly felt a little sick to her stomach. Dropping to the ground, she looked at the two of them and held up her little morsel, "All I found was this," she said, suddenly deeper voiced.

Dean stopped cold, staring at his hand. He turned it over, then looked down at himself, quickly patting his chest. He was back to normal! No breasts. No long hair getting in his way. No emotional tugs at his heart. Just him. Man. Dude!

Sam had come to stand beneath the tree, hoping to be able to catch Dean if she fell. As his brother stepped down out of it, holding the little piece of mistletoe, he gave a whoop and flung his arms around him in a hug. "Dean!" he said, delighted. "Do you know how glad I am to see you?"

Dean felt the air leave him, "Breathe." He pushed Sam back, coughing before handing the twig over to Sam and giving fervent mental thanks that when he let go the mistletoe, he remained male. "I sooo don't want to do that again."

Taking the mistletoe from Dean, Sam lifted it above their heads and planted a smacking kiss on his brother's lips. As Dean spluttered, he chuckled, and Bobby, who had come running up, called, "Get a room, you two."

"He's back! He's back!" Sam was practically dancing with delight. "I missed your big flat feet so much." Looking down at Dean's feet, he could see that the sneakers that had fit him as a girl had now split apart on Dean's feet, and the jeans that had been so cute on his girl self were creaking dangerously as the seams began to pop. "Dude, you need to get out of those pants before they castrate you."

"Well if you get off me," Dean stopped a moment then looked at Sam. "Will you go get me some clothing before I give Bobby a show?" He undid the button and zipper, barely getting behind a tree before the pants split apart and wrapping the jacket, which was luckily his own, around him. "I think he did this on purpose, knowing I would be naked." The tattoo upon his chest stood out upon his tanned body.

"I think you're right." Sam turned to Bobby. "Hey, Bobby, what have you got in the truck that Dean can wear? He's gonna freeze his newly recovered balls off if we leave him like this."

Bobby gave a snort of laughter and headed off to his truck, fumbling through the locked tool compartment to find a pair of oily coveralls. "Here ya go; take these to shrinking violet behind the tree there and let's get back home. I'm thinking I've got a date with a hot cup of tea with some Jack in it."

"Oh, you didn't mind ogling me when I was a girl!" Dean snatched the coveralls and pulled them on. He shrugged back into his jacket and emerged from behind the protective tree. "Glad you two think this is so funny." He headed for the truck. "I want some Jack too... minus the tea."

Climbing into the truck again was even more of a challenge now that Dean was back to being himself again. They finally succeeded in squishing themselves in, and Sam pressed himself up against Dean, finding it great to have an excuse to plaster himself to the undeniably masculine body of his brother. By the time they exited the truck and trooped into Bobby's kitchen, he was shaking with relief that he had his brother back.

The bottle of whiskey was brought out and drinks poured, and the three of them sat down at the table to go over what had happened. "You think he realized we'd found a way to compel him?" asked Sam.

Dean downed his drink. "Look, for once, I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth." He pushed his glass over to Bobby, who refilled it without comment. He was more than happy to be back as himself. "Whatever the reason, let's not push it, okay." He looked over at Sam. "We just need to accept things. Besides, he said what he wanted to you."

"He said he'd help us." Sam pushed his own glass forward. He felt weirdly relaxed and shaky, as though he'd run a marathon. He wanted to hold Dean and not let him go, and he knew that from now on he had to maintain a distance when they were in public. Reaching under the table to squeeze Dean's thigh once, he nodded his thanks to Bobby as the older hunter refilled his glass and then turned to his brother. "So now we go to New Orleans, or you got something else you want to do first?"

"We go to New Orleans," Dean agreed.


The three talked most of the night, and Bobby suddenly turned to Sam, "That trickster was right, Dean is your weakness, but don't give in, because he's also your strength. I've never seen you Winchesters stronger than when you're all together. That was true when John was alive, and even more so now. I think you play off each other and keep the checks and balances in place." He paused, considering. "You know what? I see a role reversal happening. Dean's starting to become your conscience, while you're toughening up, starting to take Dean's role. I don't want you guys to lose sight of yourselves in this battle. In this war. Stay who you are. Stay human, boys."

After a few more drinks, they all went to bed. Dean went into the bathroom brushing his teeth. He couldn't stop double checking himself, looking down to make sure he was still him, and feeling his dick just to reassure himself that it was still there. It felt really really good to be himself again, it really did. He thought that he might just leave some mead and candy out for the damn trickster anyway, just to thank him for giving him back his own body.

After rinsing he came out, "Your go, Sammy."

There was Dean, broad and strong, and Sam felt himself thrill, felt his body tingle at the thought that this man was his. He cupped Dean's cheek and bent to plant a smacking kiss on his mouth. For a moment he stood, gazing down on his brother with a goofy grin on his face. Finally he sighed and then went to get himself ready for bed.

Back again in the room where they always slept when they were at Bobby's, Sam stood by the door, gazing down at him. "Glad you're back, dude. I missed you," he said.

"Yeah, yeah," Dean shook his head as he climbed into bed. "Admit it, you liked me as a girl too." He was under the covers, leaning on his elbow as he looked at his brother.

"I told you, it's you that I love. It's not just the way you look, dude, it's what's inside that I love." Sam smiled as he walked towards the bed to climb in beside his brother. "I'm not going to tell you that I'm sorry you're back. I'm not at all sorry. I think you were hot as a girl, but you're much hotter the way you are. I love you, man."

Dean moved over, looking at his brother as he spoke. "As a man," he chuckled and pulled his brother to him. He leaned in and kissed him. "I love you too." He then pushed Sam to his back, leaning down to kiss him more, pushing his tongue past those lips. His hand moved down Sam's muscular chest. "I really missed being able to do this to you."

"What? Brutalize me? Master me and beat me into submission?" Sam wrapped his arms around his brother, pulling him close. "Go on, Dean, dominate me; you know you wanna, don't you?" He answered the kiss, giving him back caress for caress and grinding his body against the comforting weight that covered him. "Know what I missed most of all?" He wrapped his legs around Dean's waist and wriggled suggestively. "I'll give you three guesses."

"Me fucking you is what you miss," Dean placed his hand under Sam's chin and pushed it up to kiss him along it, nipping and nibbling him. He lifted his head, biting that raised chin before moving lower, working his plush lips down over Sam's chest and using the flats of his teeth to tantalize and tease. Glancing up once as he pulled at a nipple, he rimmed out Sam's bellybutton. He suddenly realized that he was going to have to hold back, because it was very possible that, if he didn't, they would make a lot of noise.

Wriggling with bliss, Sam wasn't holding back. He was making breathy little sounds as his body was stroked, licked, bitten, and he threw his head back, mouth wide as he panted out his pleasure. "Gimme," he growled, reaching to drag Dean closer. "Missed you so much. Missed this!" He spread his knees wide and wrapped his legs around Dean, pressing him closer. "Don't want to wait," he said, voice hoarse. "Just want you to do it right now. Come on! Fuck, yeah."

Dean didn't move as Sam had wanted him; instead he grasped that thick cock, hand stroking as he bowed his head and licked at Sam's balls. Green eyes glanced up to see Sam begging for him to fuck him, but he wasn't going to - not yet. Sam had had his way with him as a girl. Sam had manhandled him, and now it was his turn. He intended to reclaim his dominance back from his brother and make Sam remember just what he was begging for.

He lowered his head, spreading ass cheeks and licked at Sam's puckered entrance, wetting it up with his tongue while his hand pumped him. Raising his head, he dropped his mouth over Sam's cock and started sucking on the crown of it, swirling his tongue around before licking along the sides and then then swallowing him down. "You look so good when you beg. Don't think you did this when I was a girl." He pushed his finger into Sam's ass, pumping it and reaching as far as he could to brush against that gland.

Loving the things that Dean was doing to him, Sam let his head fall back as he moaned his approval. He lifted his butt off the bed, legs splayed in offering as he took whatever Dean wanted to give him. He'd enjoyed girl Dean, but he'd missed this, missed his brother, and he was really, really loving the rediscovery of his brother as a man.

"I love you," he gasped. "I missed you so much; you know that, don't you?" He reached down to thread his fingers through Dean's short hair, carding it, relishing the texture of it as he whispered endearments and felt Dean do all the things to him that he knew would make him crazy.

Dean ran his lips up and down the side of Sam's cock before returning to the crown and taking it in. He knew just now to work his brother, knew what his brother liked best, knew that when he ran his tongue over the underside it would make Sam moan. He lifted his green eyes to Sam, watching him as he slipped more fingers inside to work him open for his cock. He moaned at the sight and bent to kiss Sam's inner thigh.

He didn't ask if his brother was ready. Dean knew he was. He positioned his cock and then pushed in, closing his eyes and moaning as he did so. Yes, this he'd missed.

"Full... so full," gasped Sam, spreading himself open for Dean. "Feels so good." He could feel Dean stretching him, and he bucked against his brother, wanting to feel the slide in and out. Dean's large cock was burning as he slipped it home, and Sam groaned as it made contact with his sweet spot. ""You're the only one I need," he whispered. "Missed you taking over and owning me."

As Dean snapped his hips and drove in deep, he suddenly lost the power of speech, resorting to little moans and whimpers to express the pleasure that was building in him. He curled his fingers and scratched Dean's back, lifted his head to suck a kiss onto Dean's chest and then dropped back again, allowing Dean full access to whatever he craved.

Dean bucked his hips into his brother, owning him once again. It was hard for him suppress his own groans, or disguise the fact that the bed was rocking and groaning as well. He moved his hips in and out, fingers gripping his brother's hips as he drove into him. The movement was hard and smooth, and Dean could feel his balls slapping against Sam's ass. He loved looking down on his brother's body. He couldn't take his eyes off him and the way it was reacting because seeing it let him know that it was truly him causing Sam's bliss.

He drove deeper, grinding and working his hips so that with each thrust, he felt his cock brush Sam's gland.

It was impossible for Sam to take his eyes off his brother. The soft light buttered his skin, turning it gold, and his freckles stood out like a dusting of cinnamon. Dean's eyes shone green, and Sam could see the haze of desire in them, felt his belly melt with the knowledge that it was for him, and that he was the cause. He reached up to caress Dean's cheek, unable to speak, knowing that his own eyes would send Dean the message of love and need he couldn't express.

His body was tingling, responding quickly to the rough pounding from his brother, and he knew that he wasn't going to last very long. Whimpering softly, he reached for his cock.

It didn't take long, Sam felt too good. Sam was making all the right sounds. Dean rocked a few more times before he rammed hard into his brother and began to release. Trembling, he bit his lip to keep from making any sound and shuddering as a groan from deep in his chest crept out anyway. He could feel himself spurting over and over, his cock throbbing til his sticky ejaculate began to ooze out from around his deeply embedded cock. Finally, he sagged, dropping to rest on his arm over Sam as he recovered.

Sam wasn't quite there, but he was close, so close. His hand shivered over his cock, his body arched, and he cried out as he felt the flood of hot, slick liquid fill him. "Jesus, Dean. Love you so much," he moaned as he felt his body tipping over the edge into his own climax. He spasmed, stiff and ecstatic, body spread and limbs flung wide. Thick, white gouts of jizz spurted from him, and he couldn't do anything but gasp and try to draw breath while his orgasm flashed through him, hot as fire, and sweet and tingling.

When he was finally done, and he had collapsed, sweat soaked and breathless, all he could do was grin at his brother and close his eyes.

Sweat dripped from Dean's body onto Sam mixing with that of his brother. Dean watched the little droplets as they fell, trying to find the strength to move and extract himself from his brother so he could drop down beside him. The bed moaned from the movement. Dean gazed up at the ceiling for a while before turning to look over at his brother, "I think we're gonna get looks in the morning from Bobby."

"You think he doesn't know?" Sam grinned at him and pulled him close to snuggle against. "I bet you he's known about us since before we did. He's pretty damned observant, is Bobby." He pressed a kiss against Dean's temple, licked the sweat from his brow and settled down against him again. "You ever wish we'd had more chance to find someone outside of our little circle? I mean, do you ever regret ending up with me instead of... I dunno who. Someone gorgeous."

"No," Dean answered. "But of course he knows, especially now, but he's definitely gonna throw us dirty looks for making all this noise and possibly breaking his bed." He studied Sam, considering. "You know, sometimes, I do wonder how things would be if we didn't do what we do, and, well, I told you about my 'wish' with that djinn, but I wouldn't have us different. Yeah, I miss mom a lot. But we didn't know each other in that dream of mine, and it wasn't good."

"I sometimes think I've got what I want, but that you maybe don't." Sam closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of his brother and sighing contentedly. "I always wanted you, ever since I was big enough to pop a boner. I left to go to school partly because it was getting so bad that I was afraid I'd give myself away to you, and that you'd hate me. You always felt like mine." He kissed Dean's shoulder. "Want you to have what you want as well though. Don't want to be the one that takes everything and leaves you with nothing."

Dean was staring off past Sam, reflecting that he never would have the life he might have wanted. It wouldn't be possible now, no matter how hard he wished for it, no matter how much of himself he gave away. How could he answer his brother? How could he tell Sam he had been denied all his life. All his twenty-nine years. It hurt, hurt like hell. He was going to find out just how much it hurt... soon. "I have you, Sam. That is all I could ask for. All I need."

"I want you to have more." Sam yawned, drowsy now. "If ever you and I beat this thing, I want you to have everything I can give you." He smiled against Dean's skin. "Wanna take you to Amsterdam and everywhere else you want to go." He splayed his hand across Dean's belly and gave a soft sigh. "Wanna make you happy."

Dean didn't answer. What could he say to his brother? All the charms in the world couldn't keep the people he loved from dying around Dean, and while he was scared to get close to anyone, he'd never be honestly and truly happy. Instead of voicing his fears, Dean merely hugged his brother tightly, and closed his eyes.

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