The Reflection
Anne S.   
There's nothing really special about me,
     It's the light shining from him
          That you can see.
There's no brave heart beating in this chest,
     You hear in me
           The echo of his best.
                          the one who has it figured out.
     He's the brains
          And I am just the clout.
I am
                          not the one who's really strong,
     And he will always
           Right me when I'm wrong.
                          when a spear has pierced my heart again,
     He'll bring me comfort
           And help me through the pain.
                          not the one with sun-lit hair you seek,
     The voice of reason
           every time he speaks.
If you
                          see me and think
     It's sunlight that I vend,
          Look again, it's only the reflection of my friend.... 


Comments on this poem can be sent to Anne at