Other People's Battles - notes
written for Vix for Yuletide 2007

This was written for Vix for While We Tell of Yuletide Treasure's 2007 rare fandom all-request challenge.

This was deceptively hard, probably because the source was written by George Lucas and therefore there's precious little to build on; bless his heart, any depth his characters have, the actors brought with them. So, you know, it's not that I can't come up with backstory on my own [note: there is apparently more backstory in some novelization or other, as well as earlier drafts of the screenplay, but we know how I feel about the canonicity of that sort of thing, right? of course right.], but that's two jobs in one, man.

Ellen Fremedon, sanj, Di, merrycontrary, cmshaw, and TangleOfThorns did yeomen's beta service.

Other People's Battles