Sports Night - notes
posted to slashsn on various dates

Three of my four SN fics were co-written with Caroline Baker, and because of this the style is different from my usual. I like them, and I'm glad to have had a hand in writing them, but you can tell from forty paces that I didn't write them on my own. (The fourth is a bit of utter silliness from IRC.)

Sports Night has been a strange fandom for me. I adored the show when it was on, but wasn't really in fandom until shortly before it was cancelled, and while there has been fiction written since then, it seems -- from where I'm sitting, anyway -- mostly to have dispersed, as a community. This could be because it wasn't long after Sports Night was cancelled that I got sucked into The Sentinel. Perfectly valid suggestion.

It's not that I don't watch the show any more, though -- I do, and I've made at least three complete copies of my set of VHS tapes for various friends and family members. But it doesn't cry out to have fanfic written from it, to me, the way the others do. It's not a matter of quality -- due South and Harry Potter are both quite well-written in the original, and yet the ideas come. But Sports Night -- and West Wing, too, you won't get me near that one -- is a stumper. If I really concentrated, I could come up with Sorkin-style dialogue, but what on earth would the characters talk about?

So, here's what there is. I'd say there probably won't be any more, but who knows. This fandom is like that.

the Sports Night fics