Death, the Rat, the Thief and the Boyscout
what happens when wmanda invites some friends along for a nice romantic afternoon with mac (highlander/x-files) 

A Time for Christmas
a tale of two immortals who meet before christmas.  (highlander/angel:ts)

Home is Where the Heart Is
(sequel to A Time for Christmas)  cordelia takes methos out for lunch and a tune.  (highlander/angel:ts)

Two Worlds Collide
methos battles a demon, and discovers more than he expected.  (xover with angel:ts)  

Knight Moves
new page to hold the stories centered around angel/kevin  (angel:ts/bsb)

Acceptance* new
(sequel to A Time for Christmas, before Home)  why do angel and adam know each other (highlander/angel:ts)

comments to: heidi

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