Hercules/Xena Fanfiction

Clash of the War Gods (Ares/Alt Cupid): A Herfic list challenge. Ares, God of War, meet Cupid, God of War from the Sovereign's alternate universe.

Ares Needs a Laugh (Ares/Joxer) Aphrodite decides that Ares need some lightening up, and uses Cupid's arrows to do it.

Fun in the Sun (Ares/Apollo) Ares decides to get an ally against Hercules, and goes looking for his other brother Apollo. Apollo, on the other hand, just wants to get some sunbathing in.

Teaching Lessons (Alt Ares/Sovereign) A 500-word spanking challenge on Hercfic, where Ares, god of love, excercises some 'tough love' on the newly returned Sovereign.

Hm... I think I see a pattern here...

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