Stoppit and Tidyup...Jim and Blair...
Separated at birth?

Stoppit is a compact, hyperactive bundle of energy encased in a ball of wild, unruly hair. Extrememly prone to bouncing and chattering, usually in a language incomprehensible to those around him.

Blair is a compact, hyperactive bundle of energy encased in an anthropology grad student with wild, unruly hair. Extremely prone to bouncing and chattering, usually in terms and on subjects incomprehensible to those around him.

Tidyup is larger and stronger than his best buddy Stoppit. He is calm, cool, collected. He is neat. Everything in his home must be in its proper place. He gets upset if there is disorder in his life or home, which there usually is, thanks to Stoppit.

Jim is larger and stronger than his best buddy Blair. He is calm (usually), cool, and collected. He is neat. (Pronounced NEAT). Everything in his home (including Blair) must be in its proper place. he gets upset (pronounced BITCHY) if there is disorder in his life or home, which there usually is, thanks to Blair.

Stoppit And Tidyup is a cartoon that is/was shown in England. I don;t own the charcters, but I sure can't tell you who does.