"Bali Hai" (Vickie's Special Edition) by Nancy Taylor c 1997 Part 1 of 4 Nick set the last of the large, heavy suitcases down by the elevator door. "You about ready?" he called up the stairs to Natalie. She appeared at the top of the stairs, still fussing with her hair, dressed in jeans and a casual blouse, ready for a long day of travel. "Yeah ... I'm coming," she muttered with bobby pins sticking out of her mouth. She finally managed to corral the last of the stray wisps of hair that had been falling in her face as she reached the bottom of the stairs. "It's a good thing, too ... the cab's here." Nick picked up the two heaviest suitcases and Natalie grabbed the three smaller ones, tucking one under her arm. "Bali, here we come!" Natalie smiled at Nick with anticipation as she headed for the elevator and fun in the sun on a tropical island paradise. * * * * * The plane landed at the Naurah Rai Airport near Kuta on Bali and the happy couple caught a cab for the five kilometer ride to their destination of the Kartika Plaza Beach Hotel. Nick would have nothing less than a five-star resort hotel for his lovely bride. They checked in and went to settle into their private traditional Balinese-style bungalow. Standing on the verandah, they admired the view of the lowering sun over the sea and the sparkling beach sand. "Let's take a walk," Nick suggested. The sun and the sand looked so inviting to him. "I'll second that motion," Natalie replied. "Didn't I see some shops over there near the beach? I need a new swimsuit, wanna help me pick one out?" "Sure, why not? I guess I could use one myself," Nick chuckled. "I didn't get out much for midnight swims in Toronto." Natalie slapped him playfully on the arm then grabbed his hand and led him off the verandah and toward the shops. They perused several of the beachside establishments. Natalie was eyeing some colorful, but modest, one-piece suits while Nick was examining some of the skimpier of the bikinis. "How about this one?" Nick held up a brightly colored, flowered bikini for Natalie's inspection. "There's not enough material in that whole suit to cover a three-year-old, much less a thirty-three-year-old," Natalie laughed and motioned for Nick to hang the offending scrap of material back on the rack. "No, no, Nat. This is perfect! This is BALI for God's sake! Live a little!" Nick looked at Natalie who was staring daggers back at him. Suddenly she reached over to the next aisle pulling a skimpy electric blue Speedo from the rack. "If I can see YOU in THIS, you can see ME in THAT!" she declared. Nick looked at her with dismay. This was the one man, who even though he was now in Bali, was still buttoned up tight to the collar. He sighed. "It's a deal," he said with a resigned voice. What he wouldn't do to see his Natalie in the bright orange and yellow flowered suit. True, there wasn't much of the material to admire, but that simply meant that there would be that much more of Natalie to enjoy. He smiled to himself. Yes, he thought, it was well worth the compromise. They wandered the beach, hand-in-hand, with their purchases swinging jauntily from their hands in colorful tote bags, and watched the sun go down. Just as the sun was touching the water, Nick pulled Natalie into his strong embrace and kissed her until the sun had set well below the horizon. * * * * * The couple was exhausted after their long trip, jet-lag, shopping and all, and decided to order a light dinner of tropical fruits from room service. The waiter arrived with a most appealing assortment of local delicacies. "What's this?" Natalie asked, picking up a small, hairy red fruit. She looked at it dubiously. "Can you eat this?" "I believe that's what the locals call 'rambutan'," Nick replied. "It's good. Well, at least I've HEARD they're good." He smiled up at her. "Let's try one." He cut into the red fruit revealing pristine white flesh and a small brown seed. He skinned and pitted it and offered half to Natalie. "Hey, this really IS good!" Natalie exclaimed. "What's that one?" she asked pointing at some fist-sized golden chunks of fruit that had already been peeled and arranged on the plate. "It's very, ah, pungent ... whatever it is." She made a slight face. "Durian," answered Nick. "Don't knock it 'til you try it." He smiled and offered her a bite from his fork. "How do you know so much about the local food?" Natalie looked at him skeptically. Here was a man who hadn't eaten in over 700 years. What made him so knowledgeable about fruit anyway? "Hey, I got around you know." Nick smiled at her. "I might not have been able to eat, but I had to pretend to. It's amazing what you can learn if you get around enough." "But Bali? Somehow I can't picture vampires in Bali.... Too much sun." "Not at night!" Nick chuckled. Natalie reached across the table and punched him in the arm. "Cut that out!" she laughed. After dinner the couple retired to bed. Natalie finished brushing her teeth and went to crawl beneath the cool sheets. A few minutes later when Nick arrived at the bed, Natalie was snoring softly. Nick crawled beneath the sheets beside her and, smiling at her sweet innocence, kissed her on the temple and rolled over to fall quickly asleep himself. Part 2 of 4 The next morning, Nick was up at dawn. He donned his new Speedo, pulling a pair of Bermuda shorts over the top and slipped into a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt. Natalie was still sleeping, so he tiptoed around her to get the phone and called room service. When breakfast arrived the aroma of the freshly brewed Balinese coffee brought Natalie to wakefulness at last. "Hmmmmm.... Whatcha got there?" she mumbled, running her fingers through her unruly curls and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Oh just a little 'nasi goreng' and fruit ... and coffee, of course. How can you stand that stuff? Brrrr...." Nick shuddered at the thought of the coffee. It was the one thing he hadn't managed to develop a taste for yet. "What the heck is 'nasi gor--whatever'?" Natalie asked as she padded over to the table and poured herself a cup of Java. "Basically? ... Fried rice...." "For BREAKFAST???" Natalie looked incredulous. "It's pretty typical for breakfast around here. Besides, we've got a busy day ahead and a good breakfast will hold you that much longer." Nick placed the plate in front of Natalie. "Looks good." Nat poked at her plate before putting a biteful in her mouth. "Mmmm-hmmm...." she replied and then concentrated on enjoying her meal. When she was finished eating, Natalie got dressed as well, putting her new bikini on first. "Do I really have to wear this? I don't have the figure for a bikini.... Especially one this small." She grimaced at her reflection in the mirror. Nick came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and nibbled at her ear. "I think you look terrific! Besides, I'M the one that's going to be doing the looking, not you!" He grinned. "I'm holding to my side of the bargain, and I'm already dressed." He gave her another squeeze and handed her a sarong that matched her swimsuit. Natalie took it and wrapped it gratefully around her body, covering the skimpy suit. "Okay. I'm ready then, I guess." Natalie smiled up at Nick. "So, where're we going?" "I managed to secure us a private stretch of beach for the day. Come on, the rental car is right out front." He grabbed a knapsack full of various paraphernalia and led the way out to the car. * * * * * Natalie stood on the glistening white sand, admiring the sapphire blue waters of the ocean with the waves gently lapping at the shore. "This is all ours? Nobody else's?" She was quite incredulous looking up and down the stretch of deserted beach. "Yep. What good's a fortune if you can't use it to good advantage once in a while?" Nick grinned. "Just think of it as our very own 'Blue Lagoon'." As he was speaking, he was removing his outer clothing. He soon stood in front of Natalie wearing nothing but the electric blue Speedo she had bought for him. "My turn...." He smiled at her as he unwrapped her from the concealing sarong. "There, that's better." His admiring grin made Natalie blush brightly. Lacing their arms around each other's waists, they began a lazy walk up the beach. Suddenly, Natalie got a mischievous gleam in her eyes and, pinching Nick playfully on the butt, she went running and laughing on down the strand of beach. Nick, looking a bit nonplused for an instant, took off after her after a moment's hesitation. "You'll pay for that, Natalie Knight!" he called at her retreating back. Her laughter drifted back to him on the salty breeze. Nick closed the gap quickly, with little difficulty, and in one flying leap closed the final distance by tackling Natalie down into the surf. Natalie was giggling uncontrollably. Nick silenced her with a passionate kiss. They lay there on the beach, with the waves of the blue Bali Sea washing over them, locked in a lover's embrace. Nick continued to kiss every exposed inch of Natalie's body, his feather-light touch making Natalie shiver with sensual pleasure. His left hand went up to the strap of her bikini top, and he gently pulled it down, peeling the bikini top back to reveal the creamy mound of one breast. He immediately began giving the exposed breast his full attention, showering it with gentle kisses as he slipped the other strap down. In a fit of impatience, he gave the bikini top a sharp jerk, snapping the clasp in the back and leaving the shred of material in the sand. As his warm mouth suckled one soft breast, his hand gently roamed over the other, tweaking the nipple and causing Natalie to groan with the sheer pleasure of his touch. Natalie moaned and squirmed under Nick. The last of her embarrassed reluctance disappeared under Nick's expert ministrations. He certainly had learned a move or two in the last 800 years she mused to herself. Her thumbs hooked into the sides of the Speedo and she began to pull the garment down past Nick's rapidly growing erection as she continued to lavish kisses over every inch of him that she could reach. Once she had freed him of the restricting garment, she stroked her hand down the length of his very ample member. Nick moaned, and Natalie increased her attentions, grabbing his shaft and briskly rubbing her hand up and down its length. Nick growled deep down in his throat, very reminiscent of an aroused vampire. Natalie looked up from her business to see Nick's intense blue eyes watching her every move. "Don't stop now...." He smiled at her. Natalie grinned and went back to giving her full attention to his very large and very erect penis. Nick paused a moment in his attentions to Natalie's bosom, to relieve her of her bikini bottoms. The two of them lay naked in the surf on the beach with the white waves lapping over them, increasing their passion and need. Natalie had turned her attention from Nick's generous cock and went to exploring the rest of this uncharted territory she now called her husband. She was so busy exploring Nick's gorgeous body that she was taken by surprise by a sudden sharp pain between her legs. She let out a little involuntary yelp. Nick immediately stopped his penetration and looked at Natalie sharply. "You okay?" he asked. Natalie's answer was to pull him down into a tight embrace and kiss him soundly. She then grabbed his buttocks with both hands and urged him to fully penetrate her. They lay there on the beach, locked in conjugal bliss, not even moving for a few moments. Natalie thought that nothing had ever felt as good as the feeling of Nick filling her so completely. He filled ever inch of her and she engulfed him completely. They were a perfect match. She let out little moans and sighs as he gently thrust into her, increasing the intensity and speed of his thrusts as he reached his climax. Nick let out a cry as he felt himself emptying his semen into Natalie. She arched her back under him and cried out for joy; never in her wildest dreams thinking that anything could feel better than this. The waters of the Bali Sea washed over them as they lay, temporarily spent, on the sand. As the torpor of their lovemaking wore off, Natalie sat up and retrieved her bikini bottoms and put them on. The top was broken and she was unable to fasten it. That mischievous gleam returning to her eyes, she stood up, looking admiringly at her lover still laying in the surf, his penis flaccid from their lovemaking, then she grabbed the Speedo and went running off down the beach again. Nick wasn't about to let her get away with that twice and took after her immediately, running naked down the bright sand. He caught up to Natalie and, grabbing her, he lifted her to shoulder height and swung her in wild circles. All the while, Natalie was screaming for mercy and laughing until she thought she would burst. When Nick finally put her down she was so dizzy that she sank to the sand. That gave Nick the chance he needed to grab the Speedo back and slip into it. He then sat down next to Natalie. "Here, let me see if I can fix that," he said, taking the loose dangling ends of the bikini top into his hands. Through some masterful manipulation, he was able to keep the ends clasped together and Natalie was finally dressed again. She was beginning to feel that the skimpy suit really did cover quite a bit after all. She wasn't sure she'd ever get used to running topless down a beach. Nick went back down the beach for the knapsack and pulled out a couple of bananas and oranges. "Hungry?" he asked. "Famished!" Natalie replied, not realizing just how much energy she had expended until the food was placed in front of her. Nick poured some coconut juice from a thermos and offered it to her. She drank with gusto, her thirst intensified by the hot Bali sun. Part 3 of 4 After a light lunch and a quiet stroll along the beach to let the lunch settle, Nick pulled some snorkeling equipment from the knapsack and offered a mask and fins to Natalie. "Ready to try a little swim? I hear the fish and reefs are really beautiful right off this beach. We shouldn't have to swim out far." Natalie was delighted and quickly donned the equipment and waded out into the surf. Nick followed close behind. Swimming out to the reef just a hundred yards off shore, the couple marveled at the tapestry of colors laid out before them in the form of the brightly colored tropical fish. Natalie was sure she had never seen anything quite so beautiful. Nick, who had spotted an eel, tapped Natalie on the arm to get her attention. Startled, Natalie made a sharp turn and the weakened clasp on the bikini top broke. Almost before Natalie realized what had happened, the tiny scrap of cloth floated to the ocean floor about thirty feet down. Nick turned in time to see the swimsuit top floating lazily toward the ocean floor. His attention was no longer on the eel or the fish; he only had eyes for his lovely bride. Swimming back to Natalie he shed the snorkeling equipment in order to be able to fully explore her shapely form. He gathered her in his arms as they tread water over the coral reef. He gently caressed her back and breasts as his mouth met hers in a passionate kiss. Natalie could feel his hands at her waist as he gently removed her bikini bottoms, letting them fall to the ocean floor with the rest of her suit. For once, Natalie didn't mind a bit. As his kiss deepened, she became aware that Nick's suit had joined hers on the bottom of the ocean. Nick's passion was rising quickly and so was hers. She felt Nick's erect penis pressing against her legs. He attempted a penetration as they hovered there in the waters above the reef. He pulled her down onto him, causing Natalie to bob beneath the water. She came up sputtering and struggling slightly. "Don't you think we ought to do this back on the beach?" Natalie chuckled. Together, they swam back to shore. When they reached about chest depth in the water, Nick stood up and gathered Natalie into his arms, carrying her the rest of the way to the beach. He strode up the sand to where they had left their beach blanket after lunch and laid Natalie down. As his hands and mouth hungrily explored her breasts and neck, he gently penetrated her with three fingers of his right hand. He carefully thrust his fingers in and out, stroking her clit with his thumb as he did so. Natalie squirmed and cried out. Nick felt a gush of her wetness cover his hand. He removed his hand and gently, carefully, using Natalie's own wetness to lubricate himself, penetrated her once more, this time going much more slowly and carefully in deference to his bride. As he gently thrust into her, wave upon wave of the most exquisite pleasure pulsed through Natalie's body and she felt her first orgasm wash over her as Nick climaxed within her. They lay on the blanket, exhausted by their play. Natalie stroked her hand down the length of Nick's arm, reaching down to stroke his flaccid penis as well. "You're looking a little pink.... Did you remember to put on your sunblock this morning?" Natalie was suddenly becoming a bit concerned for her overly fair-skinned husband. "Oops...." was all Nick could think to say. "Well, we'd better get you out of the sun. I think you've had more than your share today." She gathered their clothes and handed Nick his. After dressing, he packed up the knapsack and they walked arm in arm up the beach to where they had left the rental car. * * * * * It was early evening by the time they returned to their bungalow. Nick ordered dinner from room service and the couple ate out on their verandah. With dinner over, they stood by the railing looking out over the sand and sea, watching the sun set in blazing oranges and reds. "Why didn't you tell me?" Nick asked, staring out over the water. "Tell you what?" Natalie wanted to know. "About you ... about you're being ... a ..." "A virgin?" Natalie turned to look at Nick, but he was trying to avoid her eyes. "I'm sorry. I should have said something. I MEANT to tell you.... It's just ... well ... at the time I was, ah, distracted." "I hurt you." Nick turned to look at Natalie then and she could see the pain in his eyes. "No, you didn't." "YES, I DID," Nick insisted. "Well ... maybe just a little," Natalie conceded. "But it wasn't much, and I didn't mind. It was worth it, really." She took Nick's face in her two hands and held him gently, looking deeply into his fathomless blue eyes, trying to convey with her words and expressions how very important he was to her. He gathered her into his arms then; enfolding her, keeping her safe. "It's just that I thought.... Well, I just ... I don't know, Nat, I just didn't know." "I didn't expect you to, silly," Nat mumbled into his chest. "It just isn't one of those things a woman wants to talk about too much after she passes thirty." She smiled up at him. Nick looked back at her with warmth and love, but questions filled his eyes, so Natalie tried to explain. "When I was in med school, there was just too much to study, too much to do just to keep up with papers, exams and lab work. When I was an intern I was too darn tired to even think of dating, much less the baggage that comes with it. By my residency, I was studying forensic pathology. That didn't make me the most popular of prospects. Then, of course, I end up with the night shift in a morgue. Not the most conducive to getting dates." "But you did date?" "Occasionally ... rarely. When I did it just never seemed to go very far before either he or I would end it for whatever reason." Natalie held Nick a little tighter. "Then you came and woke up in my morgue one night, and my life changed forever. From that very night I knew that I would never want anyone else. The problem came in convincing YOU." She poked him in the ribs and elicited a chuckle from him. "There now, better?" "Better." He smiled at her. "Then let's get to bed. I'm pooped!" And Natalie raced him for the bathroom. Laughing, Nick followed her and wrapped his arms around her waist as she stood at the sink brushing her teeth. He leaned over to nibble her neck and ear lobe. "Cut that out!" Natalie giggled and squirmed, spitting toothpaste all over the bathroom mirror. "Now look at what you've made me do!" "The housekeepers will take care of that in the morning," Nick said, smiling at her with that special glint in his eyes. "I've got other plans for you this evening." "Oh Nick, I'm really tired, honest...." Natalie tried to protest. "I need to take a shower, then I want to go to bed ... and SLEEP." "Well ... after that play on the beach, I need a shower too...." Nick answered her suggestively. Natalie started the shower and when the water was steamy hot, she shed her bathrobe and stepped in, shutting the door in Nick's face. Not to be deterred so easily, he shed his robe as well and, grabbing a loofa, stepped into the shower stall with Natalie. He soaped her back and gently rubbed her with the exfoliating loofa. Natalie arched her back with pleasure and sighed. Nick put the loofa down and encircled her from behind. With soap-slick hands, he massaged her breasts, titillating her nipples while kissing her shoulders and neck. He turned her around to face him, the hot shower water spraying over both of them, echoing the heat of their passion. "You're insatiable!" Natalie cried out in mock consternation as she felt his firm penis against her legs again. She giggled at the thought of just how long Nick had waited to have this kind of sex with anyone, and contemplated how long she had wanted this very thing with him herself. With soapy fingers, she guided him into her and leaned into his chest, holding tightly to him as she felt his thrusting intensify to a quick, but utterly satisfying, climax. Nick sagged against her a bit after ejaculating. Natalie took hold of him by his shoulders and gently turned him around. "You're turn," she smiled as she picked up the loofa and gently rubbed the too-pink skin of his back. After their little soiree in the shower, they dried each other off and crawled beneath the thin cotton sheets of the bed. Natalie was asleep almost before her head hit the pillow. Nick stayed awake a while longer, watching Natalie as she slept. He knew for a fact that in all of his very long life, he had never seen anything quite so beautiful. With a sigh, he rolled over and made a concerted effort to fall asleep. After the day's events, he thought he should fall asleep as quickly as Natalie had, but he found his thoughts of her kept him awake well past midnight. Part 4 of 4 The next morning, Natalie awoke to sounds of quiet moaning. She rolled over in bed and saw Nick in the bathroom leaning heavily against the sink. He was dressed only in his silk pajama bottoms and every inch of him that she could see looked as red as a boiled lobster. She got quickly out of bed and ran to his side. "Nick, are you okay?" She reached out, but Nick recoiled from her. "Don't touch!" He backed away from her, fear and pain both showing in his eyes. Nick had never experienced anything quite like this sunburn in all his endless years. Not even the mild burn he had received during his day in the sun on the Lydovuderine came close to matching this. "Let me check you out Nick, please. This looks serious." Natalie was very concerned. Nick's eyes were bright and unfocused. He staggered and nearly fell as he continued to back away from her. Natalie was at his side in a instant. She wrapped her right arm around his waist, slung his left arm across her shoulders and practically dragged him back to the bed. When she got him there she gently eased off the pajama bottoms to find exactly what she had expected to see ... every inch of Nick was bright red. EVERY inch.... It was obvious to her that he would need immediate care. She was especially concerned about the severity of the burn to his genitals, on a purely professional level, of course. There was the chance, however slim, that a serious burn to this area could render Nick sterile. She wondered if the two of them would EVER have a family.... But she pushed those thoughts from her mind as she concentrated on the sunburn and grimaced at the thought of the pain he was going to suffer when he came out of his stupor enough to be conscious of it. She gently covered him to the waist with the thin cotton sheet in deference to some modesty, but she could tell that even that was painful for him. Ever the doctor, Natalie dug out her blood pressure cuff, knowing that it was going to hurt like hell. Nick appeared to be lost in his own thoughts though and he didn't put up any resistance to her ministrations. His blood pressure was way too low. That, coupled with the dizziness and lack of perspiration told Natalie just how severe this sunburn was. Nick was beginning to go into shock. He was also badly dehydrated. Natalie grabbed the bedside phone and called the in-house doctor. She explained the problem and asked him to bring some IV equipment and sterile saline so that they could begin to rehydrate Nick. When the doctor arrived, his quick assessment agreed with Natalie's initial perceptions. As he began the IV line, Natalie went to the bathroom to make some cool compresses from the towels there. Before the doctor left, she asked him to fill out a prescription for a soothing steroid creme that would help the burns. Fortunately, there were only a few minor blisters ... Nick wasn't going to die of this, he might only wish he had. She gave him some pain medication and a sleep aid, and spent her day watching over him. That night she crawled carefully into bed beside Nick, but was very careful to keep to her side of the bed. Nick seemed oblivious to her as he slept fitfully throughout the night. After three days of bed rest, compresses, and pain medications, Nick finally felt well enough to get up and walk around the room. The redness in his skin was beginning to fade slightly, but he was still too sensitive to want to wear any clothing. He got up only to make use of the bathroom and to soak in a nice cool tub of water laced with baking soda. Natalie tended to his every need, fussing over him like an old hen. Right now she was doctor, nurse and mother; 'wife' had taken a back seat for the moment. It was nearly a week before Nick would consent to get dressed, and then only in loose, unrestricting clothing. He refused to leave the bungalow until after nightfall, all too easily slipping back into his old habits. Natalie was disappointed, but she couldn't blame him. This had been very hard on Nick and it was not the most auspicious introduction to 'fun in the sun.' The last week had been seriously lacking in the spontaneous sex play of their first full day on Bali. As Nick began to heal, he did his best to make it up to Natalie, but she could tell that the friction of the penetration and thrusting hurt him. During their first "session" since the burn had healed enough for Nick to consider having sex with her, he looked so pained as he tried to pleasure her, that Natalie gently removed his red and swollen penis from within her. Nick looked very grateful and relieved and continued instead with very intensive foreplay. Natalie found herself more than satisfied as his skillful fingers brought about yet another very intense orgasm. There was plenty of night life in nearby Kuta and the newlyweds took good advantage of it. They tried the different restaurants ... Nick was still in the early stages of delighting in new gastronomic experiences; took in the cultural shows, and danced. Natalie loved to dance, and to her delight she found that Nick was quite accomplished. What did surprise her though was that he was nearly as good at the more modern steps as he was in the traditional, classical dances. What she saw emerging from her solemn, angsting husband was a man full of the joy of life, a man full of laughter who wasn't afraid to make a fool of himself up on the stage with the Balinese dancers. Natalie clapped and hooted along with the rest of the audience at his antics. Despite all that had happened, their two-week honeymoon vacation ended all too quickly. Natalie packed her sarong, along with lots of trinkets and souvenirs to give as little gifts when they got home. She looked up at Nick as she packed the last of her things. "I can't believe it's time to leave, can you?" She watched as Nick tucked the last of his things into a suitcase. "We had fun, didn't we?" His disarming grin made Natalie smile. He was such a mess! Ever since the sunburn had begun to heal, Nick had been peeling like crazy. There were times that Natalie thought he resembled a snake trying to shed its skin. With any luck there might at least be a bit of a tan left for him when he was through.... "Yeah, we had fun," Natalie chuckled. One last time, for old times' sake, she pinched him playfully on the butt and went running for cover out on the verandah. Nick cornered her there and kissed her soundly. "Now quit messing around and get your things or we're going to miss our plane," Nick scolded. Natalie returned his kiss and let her hand drift down his chest to rest on his belt. Nick smiled and took her hand in his. "Later, Nat, later," he chuckled, and turned to pick up the suitcases. THE END Comments cheerfully accepted at: Nancy * * Knightie with N&NPack tendencies * * Original Adoptive Bat Mom ^^v^^ * * Proud Harbourlite of the Lobster Yacht Lot * * FK-XStitcher -- "So many pictures ... so little thread" :)