All images and fiction on this page are
Copyright© 1999 Nancy A. Taylor
All Rights Reserved

-- 1997 --

My Daddy, the Vampire
(a Halloween story)

Keeping Watch Over the Knight

Sugar and Spice -- ADULT
Sugar and Spice -- PG13

Innocent Blood

The Price

Silver Threads

The Gift of Giving
(a Christmas story)

-- 1998 --

Where Love Abides -- PG14
Where Love Abides -- ADULT
(a Valentine's Day story)

Smiles of Fortune -- mild ADULT
Smiles of Fortune -- PG

Fortune's Favor -- PG

And To All a Good Night -- ADULT
(a Christmas story)

-- 1999 --

Valentine Reflections -- G
Valentine Reflections -- Adult
(a Valentine's Day story)

The Ladder by Which We Rise -- Adult

Things That Go Bump in The Night
(a Halloween Story)

Be My Valentine -- Adult

The Sunrise

To contact me please write:
Nancy Taylor --

This page was last updated 07/26/2024