From: Nancy Taylor[] Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 1997 4:41 PM To: 'Nancy Taylor' Subject: For In Death This is one of those stories that just wanted me to write it. If you don't care for stories involving a lot of faith and prayer and visions of angels, don't tread here. It also takes LaCroix somewhat out-of-character, although I do believe there is a basis for his actions in this story based on series canon. Please, no flames. If you don't like this, just hit "delete" now. You've been warned. This also is the final story in a loose series starting with "A Knight to Remember" and continuing with "A Taste of Mortality" both of which may be found on Mel's website and the ftp site. Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to Sony/TriStar and were created by James Parriott and Barney Cohen. I'm only borrowing them. No copyright infringement was intended. For In Death There Is Life by Nancy Taylor c 1997 Part 1 of 4 Nick walked quietly through the back alley, stalking his prey. This man, this *vampire*, had been murdering indiscriminately on *his* watch. Nick and Schanke had been on the case for weeks now. This one was a clever bastard. Only Nick knew they were hunting a hunter. He had to take this one out before Schanke had a chance. He was forced by circumstance to make this one an "unsolved" case on the books. A footstep sounded behind him and Nick spun around quickly. He found himself faced by the man he was hunting. His months of sticking to his protein shakes for Natalie's sake had taken their toll on his speed and reaction time. He barely saw the stake in the vampire's hands before he felt the agonizing pain of the thing lancing through his chest like fire and ice, and then darkness.... LaCroix, ever conscious of his son, felt Nicholas' pain as the stake was driven into his chest. The jolt, the backlash, of that pain made LaCroix stop in his tracks. With a bare hesitation, he was out of the Raven and launched into the night sky. * * * * * An anonymous call came in to the morgue for Dr. Natalie Lambert that night, "Come to the loft, NOW!" Natalie recognized LaCroix's voice, despite the strangled tenor of it. Something was wrong with Nick, and it must be serious for LaCroix to be calling *her*! She jumped in her car and drove like a madwoman over to the loft. Without even waiting, she entered the alarm code and let herself in. For the second time in as many months, she was stopped dead in her tracks by the scene before her. LaCroix was sitting on the couch, Nick's head and shoulders cradled in his lap. LaCroix's hands looked as though they had been burned. There was no movement or sound from Nick. "What's happened? What's going on here?" Natalie hurried over to the tableau on the couch. " ... You're hurt ... Nick? What's happened to Nick?" Natalie was noting the torn shirt and the blood on Nick's chest when her eyes finally settled on the jagged wound and followed to the stake on the floor by the couch. She let out a little gasp. It was all she had the strength for at that moment. "What happened?" she asked again, only slightly more calmly this time. "Isn't it obvious, doctor? Nicholas has had a serious run-in with a stake. To judge by the burns I received when pulling it out, I would venture to guess that it had been dipped in holy water or blessed first." "Is he ... is he ... dead?" Natalie's voice quivered and she wasn't even sure she wanted to know the answer. "Not quite yet," LaCroix sighed. "The rogue vampire who did this to him as been dispatched to hell, at least." With an uncharacteristic gentleness, LaCroix stroked Nick's hair, running his fingers through the unruly curls. "It was another vampire??" Natalie could hardly believe her ears. Just at that moment, Nick stirred slightly and let out a piteous cry. LaCroix was quick to bite his own wrist and offer the blood to Nick. "I've been trying to feed him, without much success," LaCroix muttered, softly, almost to himself. Nick took two or three swallows from LaCroix's wrist before coughing feebly and pushing the wrist away. "Can't ... can't drink...." Nick's voice was ragged and weak. Natalie knew that he needed the blood to heal and was seriously considering transfusing him again. Unfortunately, Nick had not replenished his supply of blood packs, and Natalie, not expecting another serious need again so soon, had let it go as well. LaCroix noted her looks and quietly shook his head. "Not this time, doctor ... not this time. Perhaps it is time that both you and I leave Nicholas to his fate." Natalie began a frantic pacing, picking things up and slamming them down again as her anger grew. "I can't believe this! *You*, of all people, willing to let Nick go?! *You*, the most manipulative son-of-a ..." she sputtered. "... You wouldn't let Nick go! You've never done anything for Nick's good.... Only for your own!" LaCroix let her rant, knowing that it was merely her fear for Nick's life that was doing the talking. "Nat?" Nick's voice broke through Natalie's rampage and she was at his side in an instant. "Nick? It's Nat ... Nick, talk to me," she pleaded, her eyes filling to the brim with tears. "Pray for me? Say a prayer for my soul ... please, Nat...." Nick coughed and bloody sputum dribbled from the corner of his mouth as he clutched at his chest. Natalie took his hand in hers; it felt so cold ... colder than usual. Her tears could not be held back as she knelt in front of the couch to be nearer to him. "Oh God, spare him...." Natalie's voice was choked with tears and almost too quiet for a mortal ear to hear. "Not for my life ... for my soul ... Please pray for me...." Nick was losing consciousness again, but it was obvious that he was fighting it. LaCroix looked up at Natalie then and she could see that there were tears nestled in the corners of his eyes too. He knew he was losing his son, the man-child he loved almost more than he loved himself, this fledgling of his that had caused him so much grief and had given him so much joy over the centuries. "Help me, doctor. Help me pray for him." LaCroix's voice was so quiet that Natalie wasn't sure she had even heard him correctly. Tentatively, she took both of LaCroix's hands in hers, bowed her head and closed her eyes. As she began reciting the Lord's Prayer, LaCroix jerked his hands from hers and looked at her intently. His hands were smoking slightly. Natalie stopped the prayer and looked at him questioningly. LaCroix went back to cradling Nick in his arms. "Continue doctor," he stated flatly. Natalie bowed her head once again and began the prayer over. LaCroix looked briefly at her downturned face, and closed his eyes as well, emptying himself of everything but the words she spoke. She proceeded to recite the 23rd Psalm, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want...." and continued with her own private words to wish Nick's soul godspeed on its journey. Her tears were falling freely now and her voice was getting thicker with them by the minute. When she finally got to the "Amen", LaCroix echoed her, "Amen. So be it." Natalie opened her eyes again to look at Nick. She felt so frustrated that there wasn't more she could do. She thought that if a stake was removed quickly enough, the vampire should recover. So why was Nick getting weaker by the minute? Could it be that this was his time and Nick was ready to go? Natalie didn't want to believe that. She wanted to believe in their future together. Just last week they had been discussing the wedding plans, despite the fact that they had decided not to get married until Natalie found the cure for Nick's vampirism. How could all that be gone so quickly? At that moment, Nick chose to open his eyes again. At first they looked dull, nearly lifeless, but then his face lit up, absolutely radiant, and he smiled. "Nick, what is it? Nick?!" Natalie shook him gently to get his attention. "The light ... I see it, Natalie ... Angels ... angels coming for me...." and he closed his eyes. LaCroix bit into his wrist once more and pressed the bloody wound to Nick's mouth. Nick sputtered and choked, gagging on the blood trickling down his throat. He fought LaCroix with what minimal strength he had left, then he let out one deep shuddering breath and was still. Natalie finally let go of all the pain she had bottled up since entering the loft mere minutes ago. Her wracking sobs shook her whole body as she covered her face with her hands, down on her knees in front of Nick, crying for what they had lost. LaCroix felt the thread of his connection with his son snap, and with that moment felt an extreme emptiness in his heart that he had hoped to never have to feel. He threw back his head and, fully vamped, let out a roar of anguish. End Part 1 For In Death There Is Life by Nancy Taylor c 1997 Part 2 of 4 As the worst of Natalie's tears began to recede, she again looked at Nick through tear-swollen eyes. What she saw was a man finally at peace with himself. Nick had a small smile on his face and he appeared to be no more than sleeping peacefully. Natalie reached out to gently stroke his face with the back of her hand. It felt warm.... Natalie looked closer and saw a slight flush to Nick's pale cheeks. When she saw his chest gently rising and falling, she was quite sure that she was seeing things. LaCroix had closed his eyes after the first of the shock had worn off. He had refused to cry for this son of his, and he would not do so now. Even so, he cradled Nick's head in his lap, unwilling in the end to let go. He felt Natalie as she gently rested her hand on top of his. "Lucien," Natalie used LaCroix's given name to shock him out of his stupor. "Lucien, look ... he's alive," she breathed, her voice sounding breathy and soft. Putting her head to Nick's chest, she heard a thready, but regular heartbeat. The heartbeat of a mortal man. She looked up in amazement to encounter LaCroix's icy blue eyes staring at her. "He's not dead, LaCroix ... he's *mortal*." Natalie almost could not believe it herself. Realization slowly dawned on Natalie as she recovered from her initial shock that if Nick truly was mortal now, he wasn't out of the woods yet. She jumped up to grab the phone and dialed 911. As they waited for the ambulance to arrive LaCroix and Natalie both wrestled with the meaning of this miracle in their own hearts. LaCroix's first thought, after the tremendous relief that Nicholas was not *truly* gone, was to bring him back across posthaste. But something stayed his hand. He had already accepted that his son was lost to him. Perhaps it was time to let Nick live out his fantasy of mortality. There was always time to bring him back across again at a later date.... The ambulance roared away from 101 Gateway, carrying its precious cargo to Toronto General Hospital. Natalie was gathering her things to go there and be with Nick when he came out of surgery. LaCroix had begged off for the time being as it was nearly dawn. He promised Natalie that he would check up on Nicholas the following evening. Natalie didn't trust herself to drive to the hospital, she was much too tired and overcome with rollercoaster emotions, so she called a cab. She arrived at the hospital fifteen minutes later and checked at the nurses' station about Nick's status. He was currently in surgery, so Natalie settled down in the lounge to wait it out. When the surgeon arrived to give her the news, she was asleep. The doctor gently shook her awake. "Dr. Lambert?" he smiled down at her. "I'm Dr. Simonson. I was told you are Nicholas Knight's next-of-kin?" "His financee, yes," she answered. "How is he? Is he all right?" She sat up, feeling more alert than she had in days. "He has three broken ribs, a punctured and collapsed left lung, and some damage to the heart muscle. We've done what we can to repair the damage. He's a very lucky man to be alive at all," Dr. Simonson's voice held a small amount of awe. "He's always had an iron constitution," Natalie smiled slightly thinking to herself, . "Can I see him now?" she asked. "He's still in recovery. Be there for awhile yet, I suspect. When he's recovered enough we'll be moving him into Intensive Care. I guess you can go see him now; just don't stay long, he needs his rest." Natalie hurried off to the recovery room. What she saw there made her heart skip a beat. Nick was resting comfortably, but the myriad of needles and tubes sticking into him made him look like a puppet on a string. A puppet without his puppetmaster. Nick looked so vulnerable that Natalie had to fight back her tears again. She was well aware of the fact that Nick might be able to hear her and she didn't want the first thing he heard to be her crying. She walked over to the bed and gently lifted his hand and held it in hers. "I'm here, Nick. I'll stay with you; you don't need to be afraid. Just be strong for me. Hold on a little longer and we'll both come out of this okay, I promise." She pulled up a chair next to his bed and sat there, holding his hand, until the nurses finally shooed her out. * * * * * A week had passed and Nick was making excellent progress. He was finally moved to a private room and at least some of the tubes and needles were gone. Natalie noticed the rosy glow to his cheeks as she popped her head through the door and offered a cheery, "Hi, Nick!" "Hi, yourself. I was wondering if you were coming today," Nick smiled up at her. "Are you kidding? Think wild horses could keep me away? No ... I was just arguing with the nurses as to whether or not I'd finally get to feed you something today. They insist you're not quite ready for solid food yet, but they allowed that this chicken broth might be okay. Wanna try?" She offered up the steaming bowl of broth as she pulled the table across the bed. Nick looked a little dubious. He hadn't been out of ICU all that long and up until now and been fed solely by IV lines. Remembering the *last* time he'd tried real food made him more than a little anxious about trying it now. His chest still hurt like h**l and he didn't want to cause an unwarranted coughing spell. It was bad enough that the nurses came in on a regular basis and made him cough to clear his lungs whether he liked it or not (and he definitely *didn't*). "Oh, don't give me that 'look'," Natalie smirked at him. "The last time you tried food you were a ... well, you know...." She looked over her shoulder to see if there was anyone within earshot. "You're mortal now, so try it!" She scooped up a spoonful and brought it to his mouth. He sipped at it cautiously. "Hey, that's not so bad!" Nick's face lit up with a smile. "Want more?" Natalie asked, handing him the spoon. As Nick readily tucked in to his lunch, Natalie nattered on about her day and how things were going at the precinct; about how much everyone wished him well and wanted to see him back again soon. The noon sun shown brightly through the windows, crossing Nick's bed. Natalie marveled at how good, no, *great*, Nick looked in the sun. She had brought him a huge bouquet of yellow coneflowers, because they reminded her so much of sunflowers, and Nick loved everything associated with the sun. He positively glowed as he lay there, propped up by the bed, eating his soup. Nick was a good little patient, with some prompting from Natalie, and was able to leave the hospital in record time. The doctors marveled at his recuperative powers while Natalie secretly thanked the vampire in Nick that had healed at least the worst of his wounds before he ever came back across. The day was sunny and warm and Natalie had driven the Caddy with the top down to the hospital to pick Nick up. When she arrived at the pickup area, she saw Nick in a wheelchair being pushed toward her by his favorite nurse. The sun was glinting off his very blond hair. Why hadn't she noticed before just how blond he really was? She smiled to herself. There would be so many wonderful things to discover about this man now that he was freed from his dark prison. She looked forward to that discovery with relish. She grinned. End Part 2 For In Death There Is Life by Nancy Taylor c 1997 Part 3 of 4 When they arrived back at the loft, Nick looked around in wonder. "Looks like you've moved in on me," he smiled at Natalie. "Of course. You're still not that strong, and Dr. Simonson said you'll need a lot of rest. I assured him that I would be your in-home health care to make sure you follow his orders to the tee." Natalie gave him a mock-stern look that caused Nick to throw up his hands in a gesture of resignation. "All right, all right. I can tell when I've been beaten. So, what's up now, doc?" "Well, first of all, above all else you still need rest. Get upstairs and change and get into bed." "But I just got out of bed! Give a guy a little break?" he looked at her with what she always thought of as his 'wounded puppy' look. It had worked every time before and it was working now. Natalie knew she was going to have to build up a defense against that one or find herself shamelessly manipulated by the man who now stood in front of her. Nick laced his arms around her waist and pulled her close. She tipped her head up to look at him and found his warm lips pressing hers in the most passionate kiss he had ever given her. Reluctantly, she gently pushed him away. "I don't think you're ... we're ... quite ready for that yet," Natalie replied. "Maybe you'd just better go on upstairs and lay down for a bit." "Not without you." That shameless 'wounded puppy' look had been replaced by a fire in his eyes that was nothing less than lustful. "I'm not going upstairs without you, Nat ..." and poking her gently in the ribs to emphasize each word, "and ... you ... can't ... make ... me." His eyes glittered with mischief and Natalie knew she had lost this round too. She was really going to have to work on that, she thought. She wrapped her arm around his waist, and together they walked up the stairs to Nick's bedroom. Natalie made Nick change into his pajamas (and she marveled again at just how *good* he looked in black silk....) while she kept herself modestly dressed. "I'll just lay beside you until you fall asleep," she stated. "I really have a lot of work to do...." "Later," Nick sighed into her ear, "later." * * * * * Natalie marveled at just how much Nick could pack away during meals. She hadn't found a thing yet that he didn't like and didn't eat in copious enough amounts to feed an entire hockey team. "Look, Nick.... I'm really happy you like my cooking; and I'm really pleased that you seem to be enjoying new foods; but really, Nick! All things in moderation, or else you'll be as big as a house!" Natalie laughed as Nick stuffed himself full yet again. "I've got a high metabolism," he said, looking up between bites. "Yeah, for how long? You're developing into quite the couch potato, you know." Natalie couldn't help but laugh at the look of his chipmunk cheeks. "Don't you think you ought to slow down a little at least? You're not immortal anymore, you know." Something about that statement made Nick choke on the bite he was trying to swallow. Nat was up almost immediately and pounding on his back. "See what I mean? Take it easy!" Nick just sputtered and nodded. His table manners and eating habits changed dramatically after that. * * * * * LaCroix had pretty much stayed away. He had visited Nick several times during evening visiting hours at the hospital, but since Nick came home, LaCroix had made himself very scarce. Natalie wasn't at all displeased by this, but she knew that even though he didn't speak it, Nick was missing the company of his former master, so she took it upon herself to invite LaCroix over for the evening. When he arrived, he was sporting a green bottle with the Raven's label and a bow around its neck. Natalie was suspicious and wary of this offering until she realized that it was a high quality red wine from the Raven's private cellars. This she accepted graciously. Smiling at LaCroix, she gestured toward the couch. Nick had just arisen and was coming to meet the master vampire. He reached out and took LaCroix's hands warmly in his own. "Welcome, LaCroix, I'm glad you consented to come." Nick guided LaCroix over to the couch. LaCroix was hesitant, as the last time he had spent time on that couch it was anything but pleasant. Still, he allowed himself to be led by this man whom, in many ways, he still considered his son. Nick sat beside him and turned to him with a smile. "You know that Nat and I are going to be married soon?" LaCroix gave a little snort. He was feeling a bit nonplused and wondered why he had even bothered to come. But he knew ... yes, he knew why he was here. He gave Nick that full head-to-toe look and sighed. He missed this boy, more than even he cared to admit. "We want you to be a part of the wedding ceremony. *I* want you to be a part of it. Would you stand with me as my best man?" Nick looked hopeful but unsure of his ex-master's reaction to the request. "Shouldn't you be asking Detective Schanke to stand with you? He'd be the better choice, you know." LaCroix did his best to look disinterested. "I can't stand with you in a church by any means anyway," he stated. "Oh, well, Nat and I plan on having the wedding here, in the loft. There's plenty of room. We can have a Justice of the Peace perform the ceremony.... I want you there, LaCroix ... please? This is the most important day of my life." "More important than the day I brought you across?" LaCroix laid the sarcasm on thick enough to spread with a knife. Nick refused to rise to the bait. "Yes, LaCroix. But because of that, I lived long enough to meet Nat and fall in love. I lived long enough to find a cure. I want ... I *need* ... you to be a part of this." Nick was pleading his case as best he could, but LaCroix's stoic mask did not allow him to read the emotions behind the guise. He sat back in silence and waited once more for LaCroix's reply. Finally, LaCroix nodded once and rose to leave. He found the nearness of a mortal Nicholas, his heartbeat and the sweet smell of his blood, was more than he could endure. He would do as Nicholas asked because, in the end, he stilled loved him; but he could no longer tolerate being close for any length of time without risking forgetting himself and bringing Nicholas across again. Time. Time would bring his Nicholas back to him. He only needed his patience, and he had plenty of that, cultivated over the years of waiting for Nicholas to come around to his way of thinking. He nodded to Natalie in passing and exited the loft by way of the elevator. End Part 3 For In Death There Is Life by Nancy Taylor c 1997 Part 4 of 4 -- Epilogue The loft was quite crowded. White crepe paper streamers were strung across the room. Flowers filled every spare nook and cranny. The furniture had all been moved into one small grouping at the far end of the loft leaving a large open area in the middle. A large table occupied the window area next to the fireplace, a large white tiered cake stood as the proud centerpiece while the rest of the large table was filled with an assortment of buffet items. Nick circulated among his guests, an unusual assortment of his and Natalie's friends from work and vampires from Nick's colorful past. The vampires tended to stand apart and Nick was determined to see that they mingled, on their best behavior, of course. Nick looked stunning himself in his black tuxedo with tails, but it was obvious to the more observant occupants of the room that Nick anticipated a great beauty soon to be in their midst. LaCroix walked over to him, finally, and said in his best sotto voce, "Will you *please* calm down? You're setting everyone's teeth on edge," and he tilted his head in the direction of a knot of vampires. At that point, the judge who was to perform the ceremony walked over to Nick and whispered in his ear. Nick gathered up LaCroix and Grace, who had kindly consented to be Natalie's maid of honor, and went to stand in front of a floral-festooned archway. The pianist that Nick had hired for the occasion began to play the wedding march and everyone in the room quieted and turned toward the stairwell. Natalie appeared at the top of the stairs accompanied by Don Schanke, who had eagerly accepted the duty of giving away the bride. Natalie was absolutely stunning in her regal white gown, studded with seed pearls and crystals. She sparkled like a princess, and it wasn't just the gown.... The look on Nick's face was priceless. The love that shown there was not to be matched by anyone else in the room, except, perhaps, by Natalie herself. She flowed down the stairs and came to stand beside Nick as Schanke presented her to him. The judge began, "Dearly beloved...." Nick and Natalie floated through the ceremony as though in a dream. Neither one would remember much of the specifics afterward as they were far too much lost in each other at this moment. They both came out of their mutual fog with the judge's words, "I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Knight." The room erupted in applause, but Nick and Natalie were too far gone into that "just wed" kiss to notice.... The End Comments cheerfully accepted at: Nancy Knightie, N&NPacker, JamiePacker Adoptive Bat Mom ^^v^^ If you are interested in more tales of Nick and Natalie's life of wedded bliss, I would point you toward Nancy Kaminski's wonderful tales, "Suburban Life" and "Sticky Wickets". I'm sure you'll enjoy those as much as I have. :)