From: Nancy Taylor[] Sent: Monday, February 17, 1997 12:52 PM To: FKFIC-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU Subject: "For All Eternity" -- Complete Hello again, I'm baaack! This will be, hopefully, the last installment of what has become a saga for me. The whole thing started with "A Knight to Remember" and has been clicking right along. This story follows "Bali Hai" which was posted exclusively under the Adult header. If you did not get it and wish to have a copy, please e-mail me privately and include an age statement. This current story will have no adult headers. Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to Sony/TriStar and were created by James Parriott and Barney Cohen. I'm only borrowing them. No copyright infringement was intended. Comments may be sent to Nancy Taylor For All Eternity by Nancy Taylor c 1997 Part 1 of 3 Upon their return to Toronto and to their respective jobs, Nick found that he was forced to put up with an inordinate amount of ribbing, especially over the sunburn peel that just didn't seem to end. Schanke was the worst. His innuendoes had Nick blushing beneath his new-found tan. Natalie was rested and ready to get back to the big bad world of forensic pathology. At the morgue, Grace pushed her for all the juicy details of the honeymoon. Good sport that she was, Natalie let her friend in on selected parts of their trip. Grace "woo-hooed" the thought of seeing Nick in the electric blue Speedo, and was mildly disappointed to hear that the swimsuit didn't make it home with them. Work and life continued at their usual pace for the next couple of months. Natalie was feeling a bit more run down and tired than usual, but she poo-pooed Nick's attempts to baby her and went in to work anyway. "Girlfriend, you look like death warmed over," Grace greeted her one evening. "Thanks, you look great too." Natalie hung up her jacket and sat heavily down in her desk chair. "How many customers do we have tonight?" she asked. "Three so far, nothing too out of the ordinary." Grace looked at Natalie with some concern. "You sure you're feeling well enough to be here?" "I'm fine, Grace, fine. Just give me a minute, okay?" Natalie smiled up at the worried look on her friend's face. After a few minutes, she got up and put on her lab smock. "Bring me in the first one ... I'm ready." Grace wheeled in the first cart and helped Natalie lift the body onto the autopsy table. Natalie unzipped the bag and began her initial examination. And then the phone rang. Grace grabbed the receiver and after a pause to listen she replied, "Uh huh, she's right here." She handed the phone to Natalie, but the look on her face was subdued. Natalie put the phone to her ear and listened for a couple minutes. The look on her face as she listened got bleaker and bleaker. "I'll be right there," she said finally and hung up the phone. She shed her smock and grabbed her coat. "I gotta go, Grace. It's Nick." And she was out the door before Grace could ask her what the problem was. Grace was left standing in the empty morgue in stunned silence. Natalie raced over to Toronto General Hospital. As she slammed through the emergency room doors, she was met by Captain Cohen. "What's happened to Nick? Where is he?" Natalie was frantic. Amanda Cohen gently took her by the arms and tried her best to calm Natalie down, but Natalie refused to be pacified. "He was in an automobile accident, Natalie. Apparently he was in a high-speed chase with a perp...." Natalie interrupted her, she had heard all she needed to hear from the captain. "Where is he? Is he okay?" She was upset and fighting the restraining hands of the Capt. Cohen. "The doctors are with him right now, Natalie. We'll know soon. You just have to calm down." Amanda tried to get Natalie to sit, but she was too full of nervous energy and began pacing restlessly up and down the between the seats in the crowded waiting room. Shortly thereafter, a doctor arrived in the waiting area. "Is there a Natalie Knight present?" he asked. Natalie nearly tackled him in her haste to cross the room. "Where's Nick? Is he going to be all right?" The doctor looked at her fear-filled face with compassion. "We've done all that we can for him, but his injuries were very severe. He is resting now, but I'm afraid I can't hold out much hope for him surviving the night." Natalie stifled the scream that threatened to erupt from her throat. "Can I see him?" she asked. "Yes, certainly." The doctor led her out of the waiting area and down the hall to a private room. Nick lay so quietly on the bed, Natalie could barely detect his breathing. He was bruised and broken, looking pathetically young and fragile. Natalie took his hand in hers as she sat next to the bed. "You can't leave me now, Nick, you just *can't*!" she cried. Being a doctor had its downsides sometimes too, she reflected. She was all too well aware of the readings on the monitors, and Nick's life signs didn't look at all good. She was worried, more than worried. There was a terror in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't lose Nick now ... their lives together had barely begun. Then a desperate thought occurred to her and she reached for the bedside phone. Mere minutes later, LaCroix arrived in the hospital room and stood by her side. "So, you need me now, do you?" His voice was laced with sarcasm, but also with concern over Nick. "And what is it you would ask of me in the hour of your need?" "Bring him back across. Make him a vampire again," Natalie pleaded. "Please, LaCroix, you *must*!" "There is little I *must* do, I can assure you of that, my dear," LaCroix replied. "He's dying! He won't live through the night. You have to bring him back across. Please!" Natalie pleaded, choking on her tears. LaCroix smiled privately to himself. Yes, this was just the opportunity he had looked for, lo those many months ago when Nicholas crossed back over to humanity. He would not let this opportunity pass him by. LaCroix gently moved Natalie aside, and bent over Nicholas, savoring the smell of his mortal blood. Then in one swift movement he was at Nicholas' throat, draining him. He then bit his wrist and let his own blood dribble into Nicholas' mouth. "Come back to me, Nicholas. It is not yet your time to die." Nick didn't respond. As he continued to lay as quiet as death upon the hospital bed, Natalie panicked. "What's wrong? Shouldn't he wake up?" "He's been here before, Natalie. He must choose. Perhaps this time he will choose death over vampirism." LaCroix looked at her with a measure of compassion. He had come to have a grudging respect for this strong young woman that his Nicholas loved so dearly. Natalie leaned over the bed and spoke to Nick, "You've got to come back, Nick, please. I can help you back across again, but you've got to come back to me now. Please, Nick," she pleaded. "Come back." Her tears fell softly upon his face. Somewhere, in that land between the living and the dead, Nick heard Natalie's pleas. Here he was, given the choice he had longed for; the chance to walk into the light and be redeemed as a mortal. In the other direction lay vampirism ... and Natalie. A decision must be made, and soon, but Nick struggled with that decision all the same. Natalie sensed the struggle, knew what each decision could mean for Nick. She deemed it was time to play her trump card at that point. She leaned close to his ear and whispered softly, "Nick, I'm pregnant. You're going to be a father." Part 2 of 3 In that place between light and dark, Nick finally came to his decision. He had to return to Natalie, no matter the consequences. He opened his eyes and saw his Natalie bending over him. He reached for her ... and she was abruptly pulled away to be replaced by the face of his master. "No! You mustn't be too near," LaCroix hissed at her. "He will experience the first hunger soon and if you do not intend to be his victim, I suggest you find some blood for him soon. Human blood." Natalie looked sharply up at LaCroix. In her desperation to save Nick at any cost, she hadn't really thought through the consequences of what she had asked him to do. However, being a doctor gave her some advantages in the hospital. She slipped out of the room to go in search of a supply of blood. Nick had been badly injured in the automobile accident. Injured to the point of mortal death. He found his hunger for blood, human blood, to be nearly overpowering. It hadn't felt like this the first time, in 1228. This time he was not healthy and strong. This time he was weak with need. LaCroix realized this and offered Nick his wrist again. Eyes blazing a hungry red, fangs extended, Nick roughly grabbed the proffered wrist and drank greedily. But it wasn't enough. LaCroix pulled his arm from Nick's grasp before he could be seriously drained himself. It wasn't enough to satisfy the hunger that continued to grow within his protege. Natalie returned to the hospital room about fifteen minutes later carrying three blood packs. She paused in the doorway, seeing Nick's eyes glowing from across the room. LaCroix jumped up and met her quickly, pushing her back outside the room. "Is this going to be enough?" Natalie was concerned that perhaps she hadn't been able to procure enough blood to satisfy Nick. "It will do for now." LaCroix took the blood from her, then turned back to look her directly in the eyes. "Do not come in until I tell you it is safe. Do you understand?" "Nick needs me," Natalie protested. "He wouldn't hurt me," she insisted. "He doesn't recognize you now. You are nothing but prey to him. Give him a chance to feed and heal. He will come to his senses soon." LaCroix gave her a gentle shove out the door and then closed it in her face. At that moment, Nick's attending physician came by with the intention of checking up on him. Natalie stopped him at the door. "There's been no change in his condition, Dr. Mallory. He's resting now. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't disturb him." Natalie put on her best professional air. Not for the first time, she wished she had a vampire's ability to "whammy" people into agreeing with her. Dr. Mallory gave her a dubious look, but agreed to come back in an hour to check on Nick then. Natalie breathed a sigh of relief and sat down in a chair outside the door. About a half hour later, the door opened a crack and LaCroix appeared. "You may come in now, Natalie. He's still weak, but he's come to his senses. I believe you will be safe for the moment." Natalie jumped out of the chair and hurried inside the room. As she reached the bedside, Nick reached out for her hand. She was momentarily shocked at the coolness of his touch. In the three short months that Nick had been mortal, Natalie had grown used to his warmth. Now, she knew, she would have to learn all over again how to cope with a vampire. Nick looked up at her and smiled. At least his smile hasn't changed, she thought. "Natalie.... Did I hear you right? We're going to have a baby?" Nick's face glowed with anticipation. "Yes, Nick, oh yes ... we're having a baby." She smiled warmly down at him, stroking her free hand through his hair and leaning in close to his face. She kissed him then, regardless of the possible danger. "We must get him out of here soon," LaCroix interrupted them from across the room. "It is not safe to leave him in this environment much longer." "How are we going to do that?" Natalie turned and looked at LaCroix with genuine puzzlement. "Just a few hours ago he came in here and he was dying. He can't just get up and walk out now." "I will be forced to make some 'attitude adjustments' with the staff, I'm afraid," LaCroix replied dryly. "You're going to hypnotize them into forgetting Nick was here?" Natalie was incredulous. "Not into forgetting he was here, merely into thinking that his injuries were minor, not life threatening." "Well, that's going to be a good trick." Natalie's voice contained more than a hint of LaCroix's own sarcasm. "There are records, you know, both written and in the computer." "I will take care of it," LaCroix stated, then he left the room. Natalie turned back to see a bemused smile on Nick's face. "What?" she asked, smiling back. "Oh, just enjoying you and LaCroix. He's a bit intimidated by you, you know." Natalie looked genuinely surprised by that statement. "You've got to be kidding! He's the one that intimidates me!" "But you stand up to him. Not many mortals are willing to do that. And you're a resister, he can't bend you to his will. That makes you a regular thorn in his side," Nick chuckled. "Keeps him on his toes." "Gets me dead if I'm not careful," Natalie replied. "Oh no. No, no, no ... he's promised me that." Nick looked deeply into Natalie's large, wide eyes. "It's part of our ... arrangement. He won't hurt you." "Arrangement? What arrangement?" Natalie was more than a little concerned that Nick would make any kind of deal with LaCroix. "Ah, Nat ... you're not going to like it," Nick sighed. Just then LaCroix reentered the room. "Quickly, Nicholas, get dressed. You've been released and we must hurry before the dawn." LaCroix handed Nick his clothes. As Nick began pulling them on, Natalie grabbed LaCroix by the arm. "What do you mean, he's been released?" she demanded. "I've taken care of ... everything," LaCroix replied. "Now we must hurry." The trio quickly walked out of the hospital and over to the parking lot where Natalie had left her car. They all piled in and Natalie drove swiftly back to the loft, just barely beating the dawning of a new day. Part 3 of 3 Nick and Natalie sat at the kitchen table; she was nursing a cup of instant coffee while Nick nursed a glass of LaCroix's "House Special". LaCroix had retired to the couch and was sleeping soundly. Turning her attention away from the sleeping master vampire, Natalie turned to Nick and spoke quietly. "Tell me about this 'arrangement' you have with LaCroix." "I told you, Nat, you're not going to like it." Nick was hedging. No doubt about it, he preferred not to be discussing this subject with his wife. Natalie, however, was persistent. "I don't really care if I'm going to like it or not," she claimed, "I just need to know what's up with you two." Nick stared deeply into his glass, looking guilty and avoiding Natalie's eyes. "I'm not going to bite, you know." She smiled at Nick, trying to put him at ease. Whatever this was, it had him upset. That fact alone was enough to make her not like it. Nick finally looked up. "LaCroix agreed to leave you alone, to let us live as a married couple without his interference, if...." He paused, uncertain about continuing. "If what?" Natalie urged softly. She took Nick's hand in hers and stroked the back of it, trying to reassure him of her love. "If I go back to accepting the vampire in me and ... and to drinking human blood." Nick's voice had dropped so low that Natalie barely heard his last words. "Oh Nick ... no! Please say you didn't agree to that," she cried. Nick looked so miserable at that point that Natalie realized that that was precisely what he and LaCroix had agreed upon. She felt a cold hard lump form in the pit of her stomach. All their years of hard work were over. Nick had agreed to give up his search for his mortality. "It doesn't have to be like this forever," Nick spoke rapidly, trying to get it all out before he lost his nerve. "Just long enough to satisfy *him*," he cocked his head in the direction of the couch, "and we can go back to looking for the cure. Nat, I need to do this ... for you as well as for him." "For ME??" she practically screeched. "How can this be for *me*?" "Nat, you've got to understand," Nick was desperate now to see the light of understanding in her eyes, "if I drink human blood again, we can be together, really *together*. When I was drinking the cow, I was weaker, I couldn't resist you when we got too close. If I feed regularly on human blood I'll have more control, don't you see?" "No, I really don't see." Natalie was getting angry. "Nat, please ... I don't plan on killing. LaCroix has promised me a supply of donated blood. If I can't get donated, I'll at least drink bottled. I haven't given up on my promise not to kill." Nick searched Natalie's eyes for some kind of acceptance. "It will make me stronger. Strong enough to resist the urge to drink from you when we make love. It's the only way for us to be truly together and for you to be safe ... you and...." He placed a hand on her abdomen. Natalie covered his hand with hers and smiled. "I still can't believe it," he said, staring at their two hands. "I'm going to be a father." "Yes...." Natalie sighed and smiled. "Okay. This isn't going to be easy to get used to, but I understand your reasoning. I'm not saying that I completely agree with you, you understand, but I'm going to respect your decision.... For now." Nick looked incredibly relieved by her statement. He stood up and came around the table. Helping Natalie up, he swept her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs to their bedroom. Once in the privacy of their own space, he drew her into a passionate embrace. He was determined to show her just how pleasant life with a reformed vampire could be. But Natalie had other plans. "Look, buster," she laughed, playfully pushing him away from her, "you just got out of the hospital, again, and you need to get some rest. Let's save this for next evening." Nick was actually feeling better than he had in quite a long time and was in no real mood for Natalie's precautions. He kissed her again, more insistently than before. Natalie shoved him back again, not quite so gently this time. "Look Nick, maybe you don't need to rest, but *I* *do*. It's been quite a night, for me at least ... and I'm not feeling so good." She sat down on the bed, holding her stomach, partly doubled over. Suddenly all the solicitous husband, Nick was at her side helping her undress and get into the bed. "I'm sorry Nat. I guess I wasn't thinking. We've got to take special care of you now." He looked so sweet as he fussed over her that Natalie decided to forgive him this time. She smiled to herself as she contemplated this dichotomous man of hers; so strong, so gentle; so fearsome, so vulnerable; so worldly, so childlike.... He was going to make a terrific father, she reflected. * * * * * It had been the longest seven months of his entire existence, Nick contemplated, but it looked as though the wait might finally be over. Natalie's water had broken four hours ago, but she had refused to go to the hospital until the sun had set. The contractions were coming less than four minutes apart now and Nick was more than anxious to get going. During the time since Natalie's labor had started, Nick had fed well and fully and made sure everything was packed and in order, ready for the trip to the hospital. Natalie waddled out of the downstairs bathroom and grabbed her heavy coat. It had been snowing lightly since yesterday and she wondered at the propriety of having a baby in January. That decision, however, was completely out of her hands. The baby was coming, and it was coming now. Nick picked up the overnight bag and linked an arm with Natalie's to help steady her as they walked to the elevator. A contraction hit just as they were entering the lift and Natalie gasped and doubled over slightly at the strength of it. Without a moment's hesitation, Nick swept her up in his strong arms and carried her the rest of the way to the car. "You didn't have to do that, you know." Natalie was stifling a giggle when another contraction hit and dragged a low moan from her. "Yes, I did," Nick insisted. "We've got to get you to the hospital ... now." He drove cautiously on the snow-slicked streets, but Natalie could sense his rising frustration at every red light. They finally reached the hospital's maternity entrance. A nurse was waiting for them with a wheelchair for Natalie. She gratefully eased herself into it and allowed the nurse to take her to the birthing center while Nick signed the necessary papers. By the time Nick arrived in the room, Natalie was already in her hospital gown and settled in the bed. The nurse finished her preliminary examination. "You didn't get here any too soon, sweetheart. You're seven centimeters dilated already. At this rate it isn't going to be long." The nurse looked from Natalie to a very anxious Nick. "Is this your first?" she asked. "Oh yeah...." Natalie exhaled deeply after a particularly nasty contraction. "Is everything all right? Is Natalie okay?" Nick looked from his laboring wife to the nurse. "Everything is just fine, Mr. Knight; going right on schedule," she smiled reassuringly. Fathers, she thought, they always feared the worst. This was usually the first time they had every seen their wives in this kind of pain and they really weren't equipped to deal with it. "I'm okay, Nick, really," Natalie reassured him. Men, she thought, were never really prepared to deal with the reality of labor. Good thing this job was left to the women. Five hours, and many ice chips later, Natalie was finally near to giving birth. Cecilia, her nurse, looked up from the posterior end of the bed. "Almost there, sweetie. You're nine and a half centimeters. Just hang in there, we're almost done." The contractions were coming one on top of another now, not giving Natalie a chance to breathe between them. Nick was close to being a nervous wreck, but he was managing to cope somehow. Concentrating on Natalie and not on himself helped a little. He tried to wipe Natalie's perspiring forehead with a cool cloth and got his hand batted away for his efforts. "Don't you touch me, Nicholas Knight. This is all your fault," she gasped as the next contraction hit upon the heels of the last. She looked up and saw the 'wounded puppy' look in his eyes. He really had been trying to help and she wouldn't have wanted him anywhere else. His presence had been a great comfort to her, even when he seemed at a loss for what he needed to do. She took his hand then, and gasped out between contractions, "I'm sorry, Nick.... I love you.... I'm really glad you're here." She tried to smile, but the best she could manage was to grit her teeth and grimace. "It's time, sweetie," Cecilia cooed. "You just hold on for a few more minutes while I go and get Dr. Kline. No pushing while I'm gone...." and she quickly exited the room. "No! Don't go!" Natalie called at Cecilia's retreating back. "Oh God, I've got to push!" she moaned to Nick. "You can do it, Nat. You can wait." Nick held her hand and beamed at her with pride. "I'm right here. I won't leave you." It was only five minutes, but it seemed like five hours to Natalie, before Dr. Kline arrived. He was an older man, with thinning white hair, old-fashioned spectacles and a gentle manner. Natalie had been referred to him by one of her co-workers and had never since doubted her choice. "So, it looks like we're ready to have ourselves a baby here, eh?" He lifted the sheets to examine Natalie for himself. "Can I start pushing now, Dr. Kline? Pleeeease?" Natalie begged. "Anytime you're ready, dear. It's your show. I'm just here to catch 'em when they come out." His charming smile set Natalie at ease. The pushing felt so good.... Nick was concerned over the amount of effort she was expending and the redness of her face, but she assured him that everything was fine, this was how it was supposed to be. The contractions and Natalie's pushes intensified and she screamed. Nick had his arms protectively around her in an instant. He wanted nothing more than to take this pain from her, but he knew that wasn't possible. He really did feel quite responsible for this and it was an agony for him. After a particularly hard push, accompanied by another scream, Dr. Kline looked up from the end of the bed. "Give me another one just like that Natalie ... good ... good.... Now stop. Don't push until I tell you to. The baby's head is out." He paused a moment as he turned the baby's shoulders gently. "Nick, would you like to come catch the baby and cut the cord?" Nervous, but excited, Nick moved to the foot of bed. Dr. Kline showed him what he needed to do, then looked up at Natalie. "It's all yours, my dear. Give us one more big push." Natalie took a deep breath and pushed with all her might. Suddenly, Nick looked up at her and he was beaming from ear to ear. "It's a girl, Nat! It's a girl!" He was so excited. Natalie chuckled. Yep, she thought, it's going to be like having two kids around the house. How will I ever manage? She smiled a contented smile and lay back on her pillows, exhausted. * * * * * Forty-eight hours later they were home with Laurene. Natalie was taking a nap after being up half the night nursing, and Nick sat in the rocking chair holding his precious bundle. This, he thought, this is true immortality. And he smiled. THE END Author's note: Okay, let's see. In this series I've made Nick sick, staked him to death, made him mortal, given him a terrific sunburn, almost killed him in an auto accident, made him a vampire again and finally, made him a father. I'm done doing bad things to our Nicky for now. He's happy. Let's leave him that way. Thanks for sticking with me all the way to the end. -- Nat Comments cheerfully accepted at: Nancy * * Knightie with N&NPack tendencies * * Original Adoptive Bat Mom ^^v^^ * * Proud Harbourlight of the Lobster Yacht Lot * * FK-XStitcher -- "So many pictures ... so little thread" :)