Well, you survived my Christmas tale, and some of you even asked for more. Be careful what you wish for. This bit of fluff in honor of Valentine's Day comes complete with enough sugar to send a diabetic into a coma. If you aren't into Nick and Nat romantic mush, bail now. There is absolutely no substantial content in this piece, so please don't go in expecting any. :) Consider yourselves warned. Just a note: Part 3 of this story will be posted with an ADULT heading. Nothing great, just a tad more than your PG-13. I pretty much had a handle on things through the end of Part 1, after that I didn't know where I wanted the story to go. It seems as though Nick and Nat knew what *they* wanted however. Therefore, if you don't like the message, please don't shoot the messenger. My good friend Vickie Sykes urged me to post this; shoot her. (Just kidding! ) Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to Sony/TriStar and were created by James Parriott and Barney Cohen. I'm only borrowing them. No copyright infringement was intended. Comments may be sent to Nancy Taylor --------------------------------------------------- VALENTINE: A Knight to Remember -- Without Regrets by Nancy Taylor c 1997 Part 1 of 3 It started on January 31st. Her doorbell rang. Natalie Lambert stretched and picked Sydney off her lap and set him down on the couch. she wondered. She'd had a long night at the morgue and had settled down to watch a movie. She was tired and feeling a little bit grumpy. Taking a swipe at her unruly hair before answering the door, Natalie shuffled across her living room grumbling as she went. When she opened the door she was confronted by a delivery man with a package that needed to be signed for. Natalie's grumpiness gave way to curiosity, and she puzzled over what could be in the package as she signed her name on the manifest. Whatever in the world could this be? And who would be sending her a gift this time of year? It certainly wasn't her birthday, and Christmas was already long past. She took the package over to her kitchen table and got out a knife to slice through the heavy packing tape. Once open, she was forced to dig through an enormous amount of packing material to get at the contents. When she finally removed the item, she stood marveling. In her hands she held a large Waterford vase; full-lead crystal and cut so the facets caught every beam of light in her kitchen. It was obviously not an inexpensive piece. She dug around in the packing, but found no card, nor any indication of who had sent the gift. She heaved a mental shrug, and still in awe of the beautiful object, went to find the best window in which to display it. It was quite a large piece and Natalie wondered where she'd ever find a bouquet large enough to fill it. she thought. The sunlight sparkled in the facets as Natalie wondered who had given her such a delightful gift. She remembered the lovely Christmas she had spent with Nick, but even he wouldn't send her such an expensive gift just out of the blue for no reason and no occasion. Her curiosity was definitely piqued. @--}---}--- The next night was another in a series of difficult nights at work as well. Nat wondered. It seemed there would be no end to the suicides she was autopsying here lately. She just couldn't find it within herself to understand why holidays caused so much depression. True, she usually didn't have anyone to spend them with; Nick was sweet and attentive, but where can a relationship with a vampire go anyway? But she never felt alone, not with friends like Grace around to see that she didn't suffer too much. Grace had been her usual ebullient self, bouncing around the morgue with obvious delight, putting up red and white streamers and lace-doilied hearts. "What has gotten into you, Grace?" Nat finally asked, turning to her bubbly technical assistant. "Oh, guess it's just the old Valentine spirit kicking in. Ever figure out who gave you that vase?" Grace had an impish smile on her large friendly face. "No, still no clue," answered Nat as she set about beginning another of the seemingly endless autopsies. "I'll bet I know who it was, girlfriend. I'll bet it was from a certain handsome detective that frequents this place more than he needs to." She chuckled to herself at the look on Nat's face. "I don't know, Grace. It was a pretty spendy gift for a man on a detective's salary." But Natalie was thinking to herself that Nick didn't have to live solely on his salary, and that he *could* have afforded the vase. Still, there was no indication from either the gift *or* Nick that he was the giver. She couldn't imagine anyone else, however.... @--}---}--- Natalie had no more than gotten home from work the next morning and gotten her coat off when the doorbell rang. Again she was confronted with a delivery man, this time from an upscale florist shop. He presented her with a long, ornate box. Closing the door and turning toward her kitchen again, she opened the box. Inside was a single, perfect, long-stemmed white rose. She picked the flower out of the box and stared at it in amazement. She thought she knew now who had sent her the vase and it sent shivers down her spine. She thought back to Valentine's Day of the year before and the large bouquet of white roses that had arrived at the morgue with a note to meet him at Azure. *Him*. He thought she didn't remember what had happened that night. And for her own health and well-being, she had decided not to let him think any differently. LaCroix. The name sent shivers down her spine. Her first response was to throw the rose in the trash and not think about it anymore, but something compelled her to put the single rose in the large crystal vase instead. @--}---}--- On the second of February the florist delivered two perfect long-stemmed *red* roses to her door; on the third, three perfect white roses; on the fourth, four perfect red roses. The pattern continued on a daily basis, giving Natalie something very pleasant to look forward to after a rough day at work. Her crystal vase was rapidly filling up. She smiled at the beautiful red and white blossoms, but her heart still did flip-flops wondering if this was LaCroix again and what he was up to this time. Then, with the thirteen white roses that arrived on the thirteenth, was a note, obviously written by the florist, for it was in no handwriting that Natalie recognized, asking her to keep her calendar free on the fourteenth. Natalie's hand was poised over her phone. She was undecided as to whether or not she should call Nick and tell him what was up. She really did not like the thought of another Valentine's Day with LaCroix, but she didn't want to pull Nick into this either. *He* didn't know she remembered last Valentine's Day either, and she didn't want to put him through the guilt trip she knew he would go through if he knew that she knew what he knew about that night. She smiled. she thought to herself. To be continued.... @--}---}--- @--}---}--- @--}---}--- VALENTINE: A Knight to Remember -- Without Regrets by Nancy Taylor c 1997 Part 2 of 3 The fourteenth dawned with a red-hued splendor. It looked as though it would be a most beautiful Valentine's Day. Natalie had taken the night off from work and spent the day washing her hair and relaxing in her fuzzy pink bathrobe and slippers, wondering what would happen that night. She finally decided that she ought to get a little sleep before evening and shuffled off to bed. @--}---}--- That evening, barely a few minutes past sunset, the doorbell rang as it had each day this month. Natalie got up to receive her roses, which she was expecting by now. Even with the fact that she'd had to throw a few of the older ones out, her beautiful crystal vase was nearly full to the bursting point already. Sure enough, fourteen of the most perfect red roses she had ever seen greeted her as she opened the florist's box. She had no more than managed to put the last of the roses in the vase, when the doorbell rang again. Natalie was a little concerned this time. She was still in her robe and slippers and certainly not ready for a guest. Especially not the guest she half expected to see standing there. The person who greeted her at the door was not LaCroix, however. Much to her relief, she noted that this was *another* delivery man. she wondered. She'd been wondering a lot lately. Whatever this was all about, the person behind it certainly had an elaborate sense of creativity when it came to romance. This time she took the package to her bedroom, thinking that perhaps she ought to get dressed before her doorbell rang again. Placing the box on her bed, she went to the closet to look for a dress that was casual, but a little dressy. she thought as she smiled to herself. But she couldn't stand that box just sitting there on her bed. Her curiosity overcame her need to get dressed right away and she opened the large, heavy package. Inside, on top of the inner wrappings was a notecard. She opened it to reveal a handwriting that she did finally recognize. On the card was the message, "Sir Nicholas de Brabant requests the honour of his Lady's presence downstairs at her earliest convenience. Please do me the honour of wearing the enclosed gift." Natalie turned back the tissue paper and lifted out the dress. It was the most gorgeous thing she thought she had ever laid eyes upon. The deep burgundy red velvet of the floor-length gown was trimmed in gold brocade and cut and fashioned much in the style of 13th Century noblewomen. Natalie couldn't believe her eyes. The navy blue suit dress she had pulled from the closet lay forgotten on the bed as she quickly slipped into the luscious gown. She smiled as she looked in the mirror. It made her feel like a princess. There was even a pair of matching red velvet slippers. And everything fit as though it had been custom tailored just for her. Slipping on her coat, she hurried outside to meet her "prince". There on the curb stood Nick, dressed very authentically in the garb of a 13th Century knight. Beside him stood a beautiful dapple-gray horse. His grin at seeing her decked out in her finery nearly split his face in two. He offered her his hand, and after mounting his steed, pulled her up behind him. "And just where do you think you are taking me, Sir Nicholas?" Natalie said with a twinkle in her voice as she held to Nick's waist for dear life as they cantered down the streets of Toronto. "Just you wait and see," was the only answer she got. @--}---}--- Finally, Nick reined his horse in at the base of the CN Tower. After dismounting, he helped Natalie down and led her to the elevator. They rode in silence all the way to the top. "I thought you might enjoy dinner in the '360' tonight," Nick said with a smile. "I hear they have a wonderful chef and the view can't be matched." As long as she'd lived in Toronto, Natalie had never managed to find the time to visit the rotating restaurant before. "The view is fabulous!" she exclaimed, admiring the vista of Toronto at night from far atop the landmark spire. Then she looked around the restaurant itself, noting that they appeared to be alone. "I bought it out for the evening, in your honor," Nick explained. Soft music from a live band played in a corner of the room. The maitre d' showed the couple to their seats. Nick ordered a bottle of a fine red wine while Natalie looked over the menu. After placing her order, she excused herself to powder her nose. She assumed, correctly, that the ride over to the restaurant had done nothing good for her hair. While she was gone, Nick poured her glass of wine and, pulling a silver flask from a pocket, filled his wine glass as well. "This place is fantastic!" Nat commented as she returned to her seat a few minutes later. "The view is so breathtaking." "I won't argue with that," Nick commented, never taking his eyes off Natalie. She blushed at his intent look and picked up her wine glass to take a sip. "There's something in my glass!" she exclaimed in surprise. Getting a spoon, she fished the offending object out of the wine glass. She looked at the object nestled in the spoon, then up at Nick and back down at the spoon. Nick rose from his seat and, kneeling in front of Natalie, removed the ring from the spoon she was holding. He offered the ring for her inspection. Natalie turned the delicate band in her hands. The 18 karat yellow-gold ring was topped by a flawless one carat diamond solitaire. Inside the band was engraved in flowing script, "Natalie and Nicholas, Forever". "Natalie Lambert, will you do me the honor of being my wife?" Nick's words broke through Natalie's reverie. Natalie just stared for a few seconds. All the thoughts of why she shouldn't even begin to consider marrying a vampire passed through her thoughts; she'd never have a decent day in the sun again, she'd be in even greater danger from the rest of the vampire Community than she already was, she wouldn't be able to make love to Nick, or to have children. And all the while these thoughts were fleeting through her mind, her voice uttered a soft and sincere, "Yes." To be continued.... @--}---}--- @--}---}--- @--}---}--- ADULT: VALENTINE: A Knight to Remember -- Without Regrets by Nancy Taylor c 1997 Part 3 of 3 The rest of the evening flew by in a fog for Natalie. She vaguely remembered her dinner, and some dancing. When it was nearly dawn, Nick took her down to a waiting black limousine. The beautiful horse that Nick had brought her here on had mysteriously and conveniently disappeared. Considering the bitter cold of the February predawn night in Toronto, Natalie was glad of it. When they arrived back at Natalie's apartment, she invited Nick in. "It's far too close to dawn for you to get back home safely now. How would you feel about spending the day here? I could fix the couch up for you," she offered. Nick weighed the odds of getting home in time with the temptation to stay the day with Natalie. After the night they had just been through, the temptation won out over reason. Natalie found an extra pillow and some sheets and a blanket and began to fix up the couch while Nick made use of her shower. Natalie had to stifle a giggle seeing Nick coming out of the bathroom, hair all wet and tousled, and wearing her fuzzy pink bathrobe. He had that air of complete innocence about him that always amazed and delighted her. "It's all I could find...." he shrugged. Natalie wasn't sure, but she thought she noticed a slight flush to his pale cheeks. While he had been showering, Natalie had changed into the warm light blue sweats that she used as pajamas during the winter months. She smiled up at him and they both sat down on the couch. "I had the most marvelous evening." Nat stared into those bottomless blue eyes, nearly losing herself in their depths. She looked down to the jewel that now adorned her finger. "Are we really going to do this, or will I wake up and find this was all an elaborate, wonderful dream?" "It's no dream, Natalie. I love you more than life itself and I have faith that you will find the cure for me ... for us.... But you're tired now, and so am I. I think perhaps you ought to go to your own bed now." He leaned over and gave her chaste kiss on the forehead. Reluctantly, Natalie had to agree that she *was* very tired, and with regret she made her way off to bed alone. When Natalie had retired to her bedroom, Nick pulled out the silver flask again and finished the contents in one long draught. He tried to settle down to sleep, but he found himself listening to her heartbeat and her breathing in the other room. She called to him, even in her sleep. He wasn't sure just how long he could resist the siren call of her heart. @--}---}--- About mid-day, Natalie awoke to the feel of another body beside her in bed. Nick was sleeping, his arm draped around her waist protectively. He had on his briefs and nothing else. She lay there, savoring his closeness and the coolness of his body next to hers, and wondered when it was that he had decided to join her in her bed. Her increased heart rate and the slight movements she'd made since waking, disturbed Nick enough to wake him up. He stirred slightly, shifting his body beside her. Without a word, he slipped his hand up inside her shirt and lovingly caressed her breast. He cupped its soft fullness in the palm of his hand and began rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger until it was a tight little nub. Natalie moaned with delight at the sensations that swept through her body at his touch. Nearly purring with the pleasures of the sensations coursing through her body, Natalie reached down to the hem of her sweatshirt and pulled it off over her head. Nick admired the creamy whiteness of her skin and the soft mounds of her breasts. He continued to stroke and caress her while he leaned over to begin nibbling behind her ear and down her neck to her shoulders and then her breasts. He began to suckle lightly on one breast, gently teasing her nipple with his teeth. Natalie moaned with pleasure. The sensations sweeping through her body now were ones she had feared she had forgotten; ones she hadn't held out much hope of ever feeling again. Nick rolled her over and pressed his lips to hers. His rising passion was evident in the probing of his tongue in her mouth. It was evident in other ways as well, as Natalie noticed a distinct pressure against her thigh. She began rubbing the area with gentle movements of her leg. Nick let out a deep moan and rolled onto his back, breathing heavily, his eyes shut tight. Finally he could stand it no more and gently stopped her ministrations. "Stop.... We have to stop...." Nick was nearly breathless and his voice had turned deep and rough. He opened his eyes to look at her and Natalie saw the gold that had replaced the blue. She saw the tips of his fangs as he labored to breath through his mouth. He quickly shut his eyes tightly and turned his back to her. Moments later he turned to look at her again with clear blue eyes. He had hoped and prayed that he had had sufficient blood the night before, but he had been unprepared to spend the day with Natalie. With great regret in his voice, Nick apologized profusely and went to spend the rest of the day alone on the couch. Natalie found she had great difficulty getting back to sleep; her body remembered the warm tingly sensations of Nick's touch and she longed to have him beside her again. When she finally did fall asleep, she awoke with the evening to find that Nick had fled with the waning of the light. @--}---}--- It was three days before she saw him again. He had sent flowers and gifts in the meantime, but Natalie was anxious to be with him again. He arrived at her apartment right after sunset. He must have been nearly smoking when he left his loft to have arrived so shortly after the sun had set. "Natalie," he said, taking her into his arms, "we have to talk. If you are going to be my wife there are some things about me you really must know...." Natalie smiled. His words warmed her heart. That's all she'd ever wanted; to talk, without fear; to talk, without running away; to talk, without regrets. And she knew from that very moment that, without a doubt, she'd made the right decision. THE END @--}---}--- @--}---}--- @--}---}--- Comments may be sent to: Nancy Knightie, N&NPacker, JamiePacker Adoptive Bat Mom ^^v^^ FK Welcome Wagon Salem, Oregon