From: Nancy Taylor[] Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 1997 6:23 PM To: '' Subject: Without Regrets -- An Interlude (01/01) This little vignette immediately follows my story "A Knight to Remember". It tells of the conversation Nick and Nat had when he came back to her at the end of that story. It should be placed before "A Taste of Mortality" in the stories' timeframe. Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to Sony/TriStar and were created by James Parriott and Barney Cohen. I'm only borrowing them. No copyright infringement was intended. Without Regrets -- An Interlude by Nancy Taylor c 1997 It had been three days ... three days since he had fled her apartment after their aborted attempt to make love. Three days since he had proposed marriage and she had accepted. Three days with nothing but flowers and small gifts to sustain her. Three days of being alone.... He was gone, avoiding her, and she felt hurt. She also felt some anger, but the fact of the matter was that she loved him and needed to see him again. She wondered how long she would have to wait.... He had fled her apartment that evening three nights ago. He knew it was wrong to leave without talking to her, but he had been so afraid for her life that day and so mortified by his own behavior. He hadn't had more than a small flask full of blood that fateful evening.... He hadn't had any business finding himself in her bed that morning. But he couldn't help himself. Damn! Why did everything he tried to do have to go so terribly wrong? He had proposed. She had accepted. That Valentine's Day evening had been glorious up to the point where he seemed to have lost his reason and found himself in bed with her. He was frightened. Frightened of losing her ... frightened of losing himself.... But now, after all that had happened ... now, would she even want him back? They needed to talk, but would Nat be willing to hear what he had to say? Her doorbell rang just as Natalie was cleaning up her supper dishes. She put the last plate in the sink to soak, dried her hands and went to answer the door. He stood there holding a bouquet of wildflowers as a peace offering. Words seemed to fail both of them for a moment as the whole world and time itself seemed to freeze. Finally, giving herself a little shake, Natalie found her voice. "Nick...." She faltered for a breath, then, "please, come in." She gestured into her living room. Nick took a hesitant step inside, handing her the flowers. Words failing him for the moment, Nick found himself gathering Natalie in a tight embrace, burying his face in the volumes of her chestnut curls, taking in her wonderful scent. Oh, how he had missed her! "Natalie...." he began. "Nat, we have to talk. If you are going to be my wife, there are some things about me that you really must know...." His voice trailed off. Holding him close to her, Natalie smiled. She had hoped for a chance to talk, to clear the air, to learn about this man that she had come to love more than her own life. She led him over to the couch and pulled him down beside her. "So, where should we start?" Natalie looked deeply into those earnest blue eyes and saw such pain and sadness there that she couldn't begin to comprehend. "I think with an apology would be a good place." Nick tentatively took hold of Natalie's hand, engulfing it in his own. "I shouldn't have run out on you that night, Nat. I should have stayed. I just ... I just ... I was so afraid. So afraid of what I might do to you if I stayed. Nat, I needed to feed. I was a danger to you and I couldn't stand the thought of ever hurting you. Ever." His grip on her hand tightened and he seemed momentarily lost for words. His head was bowed, he couldn't look her in the eyes. Natalie took her free hand and tipped his chin up so that she could look at him. "I understand, Nick. I understand a whole lot more than you want to give me credit for sometimes. All you had that night was one small flask of blood. It was inconsiderate of me to forget that fact." "Nat, it wasn't your fault. None of this is your fault. I should have thought it through. I shouldn't have stayed. I should have known that I wouldn't be able to resist you in my weakened state." His head dropped again. This was hard for him. He wanted nothing more at that moment than to jump and run for the door ... but that wasn't why he was here. He was here to face those fears and come to grips with them. He was here because he was in love. Natalie sensed that fear and gathered him into her arms as though he were a frightened child. Somehow ... sometimes ... this big, strong, 800-year-old vampire seemed more like a child than a man. It was this gentleness cloaking the strength that had so attracted her to him to begin with. So much power at his command, yet he chose to live as a mortal, and love as a mortal. But he wasn't a mortal, he was a vampire. How easy it was at times to forget that. "Nick, marriage is a partnership. If you and I are really going through with this, you're going to have to let me take some of the blame sometimes you know." She smiled gently at him. "You don't take the blame when Schank screws up, do you? ... Do you?" She gave him a gentle nudge in the midsection. He shook his head. "Well, see.... You have to take me down off that pedestal, Nick. You need to be honest with me. Treat me like your *equal*, not your superior. Okay?" She had to nudge him again to get any reaction. "Okay?" "Nat, there's so much you don't know...." Nick let out a sigh. Just how hard was this going to be anyway? "Sooooo ... tell me. Tell me everything." Nat smiled encouragingly. , he thought. Then, drawing a deep breath and putting his arm protectively around her shoulder, Nick started at the very beginning.... They talked throughout the night; Nick alternately confessing his many evils and lapsing into uncomfortable silences. Natalie did her best to be supportive. Yes, some of these revelations came as a shock. She knew that because Nick was a vampire that he had to have killed, but the stark reality and brutality of it was more than she had imagined. As hard as it had been for him, Nick had held nothing back, and when he was through Natalie held him as he cried on her shoulder. She wept with him. For all the evil he had been and done, she couldn't see him that way now. He was a different person altogether, and she loved him. God, how she loved him! It almost didn't seem possible, but she loved him all the more for the knowing than she had in her ignorance. It had been hard for Nick to accept that Natalie still loved him, that she hadn't shunned him for what he had been ... for what he was. He was absolutely incredulous at her attitude, but was incredibly grateful for her understanding. Somehow, with her acceptance, he found that he didn't hate himself as much anymore. His resolve became firm. From that moment on, he would do whatever it took to become mortal, to have Natalie with him the rest of his days. "Natalie," he pushed back from her a bit in order to look upon her wonderfully accepting countenance, "there's just one thing.... I really think we should delay the wedding until I'm mortal." Natalie sighed. She had figured that was coming. "And what if you don't? What if I can't bring you back across? Nick, I want to be your wife. I don't care what you are; I need to be with you." "I have faith, Nat. I have faith in you ... in us. We can do it, together. I know that we can. Then we can be together the way God meant us to be. Don't you see? As long as I'm a vampire, I risk killing you every time we even try to make love. How would we ever even consummate our marriage?" He was so serious, so sincere, so full of the light of hope and faith. Natalie felt herself filled with the same hope and faith ... and longing. "I can wait," she said at last, with a sigh that belied her words. "I want nothing more than to be with you, you know, but I love you enough to wait. We're engaged, and that ought to be enough for now. I love you, you love me. Right?" She looked into his eyes and saw a smile there; hope, love, faith, they were all right there in his eyes. Nick gathered her into his arms then and rained a trail of kisses from her shoulder, up her neck, to alight on her lips in a passionate kiss of promise. THE END Slings and arrows and words of praise may be aimed at: Nancy * * Knightie with N&NPack tendencies * * Original Adoptive Bat Mom ^^v^^ * * Proud Harbourlite of the Lobster Yacht Lot * * FK-XStitcher -- "So many pictures ... so little thread" :)