At the moment, this page is going to simply hold Obi-Wan Kenobi focused fanfic written by my friends and myself. More fanfic, by other authors, may appear later. If you need a home for your fic... email me and I'll consider adding it here.
The Path Not Walked... -by Nati_A
An Alternate Universe story where Qui-Gon never accepted Obi-Wan as his Padawan learner. The two men meet up again on Naboo, 12 years after Obi-Wan left the Jedi Temple, and the story continues from there (similar to the movie).
[Part 01]
[Part 02]
[Part 03]
[Part 04]
[Part 05]
[Part 06]
Qui-Gon's Journal -by Nati_A
A small series of journal entries Master Jinn may have written about his Padawan. These were written for an e-zine that is still awaiting more submissions. WARNING: A *slash* (m/m) relationship or the desire for such a relationship is implied within. The idea is this: Obi-Wan has a journal and he has written about his desire for his beloved master. Qui-Gon has read the journal and begun his own without his student's knowledge. For information about the e-zine, email Lilith.
[Entry 01]
[Entry 02]
Frustration -by Nati_A
Another *slash* (m/m) story in-progress. This started as a PWP, but has since evolved into something more, though a real plot has yet to appear. Qui-Gon decides to relieve his apprentice's frustrations prior to an important mission.
[Part 01]
[Part 02]
23 Dec 99
General Disclaimer:
Each story is owned by it's respective author. However, Star Wars, both it's galaxy and characters, are owned by George Lucas. (If you somehow missed this fact, go crawl back under your rock, now! :-) No infringement of any type is intended.