Babbling Nyn

Wherein I talk, have opinions and save the world wearing kicky Doc Martens

Lately I've noticed that I like to talk.  Which in and of itself wouldn't normally be a problem as talking is generally the way most human congress is conducted.  Not that mute people can't communicate, and I happen to think American Sign Language is one beautiful thing to watch, but I myself would have a big problem ordering my Tzao Chai Latte from the Starbucks girl without being able to make myself heard above the spitting, steaming espresso noises and the twenty perturbed people in line behind me.  Mostly because I don't know AmSL, but nevertheless I find that talking is a good thing.  It certainly makes my life easier and the faster I have my caffeine fix, believe me, the better.

Now that I've shown you one of the key ways talking eases my path through life, let me tell you how my talking is a unique thing in my world, and one at which I need to be good.  Words are my life.  I teach elementary school, attend law school and in my free time I try to write fiction.  When I teach, the whole point of my day is to use words as a tool for the benefit of children.  Except...I talk really, really fast.  I must be getting faster because at least once a day now I get a "Miss Haley!  You talk fast!" and a room full of giggles.  I didn't use to be that bad.  Why would I speed up?  Perhaps it is in response to my perception that there are not enough hours in the day and every day there seems to be less.  Or maybe...maybe it's not just me.  Maybe the days really are getting literally shorter.  Someone, somewhere is stealing time.  Pretty soon we'll get up, brush our teeth, put on a clean pair of PJ's and go right back to bed.  Maybe then I'd actually sleep?!  Actually, rather than some conspiracy I think that I just get excited about a thought or the way my kids are responding to a discussion and just can't wait to get the words out.  It's not just teaching.  I talk fast all the time.  My family has learned to pay close attention :)

Another recent "talking development" is my tendency to start analyzing every situation and pulling out facts and influences and extrapolating possible problems and solutions.  In other words, law school is getting to me.  I've begun seeing life as a potential exam question.  After three years of life-draining study, this is not too surprising and we were warned that this would happen way back during Orientation.  The only problem is that my mother fears that I am losing my conscience, becoming unable to use my own morality in dealing with a problem and instead only searching for loopholes.  I try to tell her that it is just a law school exercise, that they have to teach us HOW to do this and that when we are out in the "real world" we will be able to choose for ourselves WHEN and WHY we do this.  It's like voluntary vampirism.  Just because I know how to be a blood-sucking fiend doesn't mean I will be one.  I still know how to give somebody my honest-to-goddess opinion without qualifying it with legal implications.  I can still rip anyone a new one with honest words and emotions--fear not!  I have yet to sign away my soul completely.

On a side note: I have cool shoes.  I have this on good authority--or at least the authority of the dozen or so people who have complimented my shoes in the last two weeks.  Of course, it's entirely possible that the entire Sacramento area has suddenly come down with a case of collective bad taste, but it's nice to hear anyway.  Just out of the blue people are looking at my feet.  I'm still not sure I shouldn't be worried about that, but I'll take the ego-rubs.

[Side, side note: I will hear no comments on how Sacramento and bad taste are redundant terms.  I may live in the biggest cow-town city in the whole U.S. of A., but I happen to be fond of it.  Not that I will live here forever (in fact I fully intend to move once I've passed the Bar in about a year and a half assuming all goes well and my law school knowledge doesn't leak out my ears between now and then) but I've come to appreciate the benefits of living in a state capital while still enjoying many small town bonuses.]

I bought these shoes in Austria this summer.  I went to summer school at the Salzburg Institute which is serendipitously right across the street from a Doc Marten boutique.  Lucky me!  I window shopped whilst walking home just about every day.  Finally, the last day of class, my favorite pair went on sale.  The Gods were obviously speaking right to me.  Burning bush, ha!  I'll take a price markdown any day.  999 Schillings later and the black pair with side buckle were mine!  Not only that, I got a snazzy black tee shirt that proclaims to the world that I have "bouncing soles" in the bargain.

See?  Cool shoes.


Previous Babble

September 2000--Original birth of this site.  Flushed with the miracle of seeing my things on the 'net, I babbled shamelessly about myself and my trip to Europe.  Very, very hyper Nyn.  Scary.

Argh, take me home!

Border courtesy of Boogie Jack