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Part 1

"Wake up, Mister Parker."

"Just one more minute, Sister..." Wait a second. Sister Francis doesn't have a Russian accent, Parker thought, suddenly a lot more awake. He turned over, opened his eyes.

"Well, hello, Olga. To what do I owe the pleasure of having you in my room?" He flashed the trademark suggestive grin and watched as she pressed her lips together in annoyance. This was just too much fun.

"Actually, Mr. Parker, there are news that a backstep might be ordered in the near future." She moved away from him as she spoke, turning her back. He took the hint and started pulling on clothes.

"Since you are always bothering everyone with your requests to know more about the situation from the very beginning, we thought it would be best if you were to be present during the discussion of this problem." She paused. "Are you finished getting dressed?"

"Yes. And I want you to know how much I appreciate that you actually want my input on this..."

"No one said anything about input, Mister Parker," she interrupted, turning around. "You will be present. You will not do anything more than sit and listen. I see you are ready to go. Shall we proceed?"

She did not wait for a reply. Parker stared at her back for a minute, then hurried to catch up with her. They walked in silence, and Parker amused himself trying to match his stride to Olga's. Right. Left. Right. Left. Stop. Oops! He had been watching Olga's feet and crashed into her when she stopped without warning.

"Sorry!" They both said simultaneously.

"Listen, Mister Parker. I just wanted to clarify something for you." She paused, looking for words. "This no- participation rule applies to all members of the backstep team, not only to you. We do not make decisions, we follow them. Do not take it personally."

"No danger of that, Olga. I've learned not to take anything personally." She frowned. Parker smiled at her, hiding his delight at puzzling her with his cryptic words. He gestured to her to proceed him and hid his smile with a hand over his mouth. Oh, she's never going to figure it out, no matter how many hints he dropped! Then again, he couldn't afford to be obvious. And they though he had no talent for subtlety! He wondered again at how this sort of thing was looked upon by Russians in general and Olga in particular. Hmmm...


Parker couldn't remember when he was more bored.

The briefing had been going on for over four hours now with no end in sight. Sitting on his butt was not his style. He was itching to get into the thick of things.

Not even trying to look interested any longer, he snatched a handful of nuts from a nearby bowl and began tossing them into the air and catching them in his mouth.

"Mr Parker, are we losing your interest?

Crunching the nuts between strong teeth, he grinned. "Olga, you lost me hours ago. What's all this chatter doing besides giving me bed sores in a rock hard chair."

She looked indigantly around for support and found none. "All this...Chatter, as you put it, is a necessary part of putting together a successful mission. You do want to have a successful mission, don't you, Mr Parker?"

The cocky grin flashed again. "Sure, hate to get mud on a perfect record."

Part 3

David Lee Rickman II

Mentnor spoke up. "Mr. Parker, I don't think you understand the full implications of this situation. Earlier today, Air Force One disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean with the president and vice president."

"Yeah, yeah. I understand that. What I don't understand is why you guys make this so complicated. All we have to do is backstep to yesterday and make sure Air Force One doesn't take off."

"Frank, I know you have your own ways, but the NSA first wants to know what made Air Force One go down, and where it is."

Olga jabbed Parker in the ribs. "What did I tell you about no input? Don't you ever want to be invited to another early session again?"

"Just cutting through the red tape, that's all." Parker wanted to say, but stopped. "I am sorry. Just wanted to know my options." That sounded more professional he thought. He glanced over at Olga. It looked like she accepted that reasoning.

Donnovan saw Parker needed the subject changed. "Do we know what caused communications to be lost?"

"I have reviewed the FAA tapes myself, and at the moment the plane disappeared, there was a loud hissing sound." Ballard paused, and then concluded, "It could be anything."

"Parker, you do realize that if we don't know what caused the disappearence before the backstep, you'll have to guard them on Air Force to make sure they don't disappear."

"O.K., but where did they disappear?"

"Parker!" Ramsey slammed his debriefing file on the desk., "Haven't you been listening the last four hours? Talmedge give me that pen." Ramsey took the laser pointer pen and aimed it at a map on the wall screen. "Right there between Miami Florida, Cuba, and Bermuda. Do you understand now?"

Parker looked shocked. "You mean that's where they disappeared?"


Parker shook his head. "Forget that. I am not going there!"

"Why not?," Talmedge inquired.

"No wonder they disappeared. That's the Bermuda Triangle. You can send me through time, but you're not sending me there."

Talmedge looked stern. "I am sorry Mr. Parker, but you have no choice.."



"Olga, you don't get it!!! Ships and planes have been disappearing in the Bermuda triangle for ages! I don't understand -- why can't they just fly some other route?"

"Mister Parker." Olga turned around and paused. "And how are you going to tell them that? What will you say? 'Oh, by the way, you don't know me, but please, don't fly over the Bermda triangle, it'll make you disappear!' You will sound like an idiot, Mister Parker, not that you have to try very hard." She spun around on her heel and started off back to the living quarters. Parker pressed his lips together in annoyance. Her superiority was beginning to get on his nerves. What did she know about the Bermuda triangle?

He followed her, fuming. No matter how gorgeous she might be, if she kept up that attitude, he would be over her very soon. Spotting Donnovan, he waved.

"Hey, man, how's it going?" Donnovan slipped his arm around Parker's shoulders as they fell behind Olga.

"Nice view, isn't it?"

If you only knew, Parker thought, but did not say out loud. You don't say things like that to your buddy, he'd learned that a long time ago. And he had to admit, Olga's backside made up for the fact that he just wasted four hours of his life, just as Donnovan's closeness made up for the nights he spent alone, wishing.

"Tell me, what do you know about the Bermuda triangle?" He changed the subject before his thoughts led him into depression.

"Same as everyone, I guess. People tend get lost in there more than other places." He frowned. "You know more than that, don't you." It wasn't a question. "You wouldn't be scared if it was just that."

"I tried to tell them. They wouldn't listen. And I just know there will be a lot of backstepping in the next few weeks. Or should I say in the *past* few weeks?" He added, with a smile, turning the discussion into a joke again.

"Noooo," Donnovan's moan mixed with his laughter. "No more time paradox jokes, please! You'll give me a headache with those things."



"Don't say I never gave you anything, then." Parker grinned, taking a swipe at Donnovan's head for good measure.

Donnovan ducked the playful punch and caught Parker in a loose head lock. "Say uncle?"

Having his body pulled tight against the other man's had some very interesting reactions flooding Parker's sysem. Reactions he sure as hell did not want the other man noticing. "Uncle, dammit. Let go."

Donnovan turned his head slightly. His lips grazed Parker's ear, sending an electric jolt straight to his groin. "Meet me at my place in an hour, Parker. And we'll continue this a little more privately." He released the hold, laughing darkly at the stunned expression Parker could not hide. "Maybe then you will tell me the secrets you have on the triangle, hey? If I give you a little incentive?"

Parker swallowed hard. "Incentive?"

Donnovan crooked a knowing brow. "I know what you like, Parker," he murmured. "...To drink."

"But the mission...?"

"Is on hold till we can learn a bit more about this area." He got serious. "I need to know what you do, Parker. One hour. Don't make me send security to bring you there."


David Lee Rickman II

"Mr. Parker, you don't really believe that people disappear in the Bermuda Triangle just like that.," Ballard said snapping his fingers.

"But people have had strange things happen to them in areas like that. Instruments start to go haywire and green lights appear."

"Mr. Parker, it's all mythology. It's just a magnetic field from naturally occuring rock under the ocean and plasma when the atmosphere becomes charged."

"But Ballard..." Frank was stopped in mid-sentance by a knock at the door.

"Parker, would you mind if I talked to Ballard privately?" Frank got up. "Sure Talmedge, I was just leaving to see Donnovan anyway." Frank closed the door behind him, but then stood outside the door to hear what was happening.

"But that's impossible..."

"I know Ballard, but that's what the satellite picture caught."

"It has to be an optical illusion."

"No, it can't be. Three other satellites got similar pictures."

"My God, but where did the plane..."

"Mr. Parker!" Frank jumped at the voice behind him. Olga looked sternly at Parker. "What do you think you're doing with your ear against the door in a high security complex?" Talmedge opened the door when he heard Olga.

"Look guys, this isn't what it looks like." Parker wanted to just pop out of this siuation.

"It looks like you were evesdropping on a classified meeting." Talmedge shook his head disapprovingly. "This calls for some serious action."


Lori Gilkey

"Hold on a minute, Talmedge, Frank said, " I was not really evedropping, just trying to get a handle on the situation.

"And what is your handle on the situation, Mr. Parker", Talmedge asked.

"Well I think that there is more going on in the Bermuda Triangle that you think" Frank said, thinking fast on his feet, "Didn't anyone ever see the Addams Family movie?"

Olga, Ballard and Talmedge looked at Frank like he had lost his mind. "What does a movie like that have to do with this discussion?" Olga asked.

"Come on guys" Frank replied. "Fester the long lost brother comes back from the Bermuda Triangle with no memory of his family, What do you think is happening to the people on that plane....?"

Everyone looked at each other trying to think of a reply....



"Mister Parker, it has no relevance, what happened to the people in the movie! Your job is to backstep and prevent whatever happened in real life!"

Parker listened to Olga, and figured out that he'd finally found a way to figure out if she's really mad or just joking. How stupid was he, to not see it before! Her accent got more pronounced the angrier she got. Well, fine then! He could get angry too.

"Oh, you don't get it! Nevermind, you never listen to me anyway!" He let a note of annoyance show in his voice and watched their reaction to his act. "You don't listen because you don't care what I think, you're only concerned with me being your puppet, doing backsteps at a moment's notice, whenever you feel like it!"

"Frank, you know that's not true-" Talmedge tried to interrupt, but Parker was on a roll.

"Well, I have a say in it, too! It's my life that you're risking, and this is one risk I don't want to take. I'm not going to backstep until you give me leave to prevent the disappearance in my own way." With that, Parker stormed out the of the room. It was just too easy! Just a few seconds before, he was about to get chewed out for eavesdropping, and how neatly he had turned the tables on them! Whoever was it that said that the best defense is good offense? They were definitely right...



Talmedge was the first to regain himself after Parker stormed off. His laughter shocked the others out of thier stunned disbelief.

"What do you find so funny?" Olga deamaned, hands on her hips.

"Parker." he explained. "I don't know what gag he's trying to pulll, but he sure has you going."

"Parker in not pulling the gag." Olga snapped. "Is he?"

Donnovan shook his head. "No, he is not." He glanced at his watch and headed for the door. "He's meeting me in five minutes. I intend to get to the bottom of this

By David Lee Rickman II

"Mentnor, don't you think maybe we should have been more honest with Parker? I mean, he has a point that its his life also."

"I didn't like the way we had to treat him either Ballard, but there are some truths that shouldn't be spoken. Parker believes that something will happen to him, and he'll never backstep if we tell him we're afraid also." Mentnor turned the computer monitor back on and pointed to a red dot off the coast of Miami. "And I want to know what this is."

"Search and rescue teams continue to comb the area Air Force One was last seen in hopes of finding the president. Fortunately, in case of situations like this Air Force One is designed to float for about nine hours before sinking. Until then..."

Donnovan turned off the news report when Frank entered his room. "Have they found the president yet?"

Donnovan shook his head. "No. The good thing though is that there is a cease-fire and the treaty signing is on hold. But Pakistan will not wait forever."

"Donnovan, I overheard something between Ballard and Mentnor about the president's plane on a satellite photo."

"If Ramsey heard you say that, you'd be in even bigger trouble than you had outside Ballard's office. Did they say exactly what they saw?"

"No, Olga caught me before they could. They're hiding something from me. I don't know what, but I am going to find out."

"And how will you find out?"

"Donnovan, how would you like to do me a little favor?"


"Only if you'll do me one in return." Donovan had the same glint in his eye that Frank had seen in the hallway earlier. Frank could feel heat infuse his body at the thought of what Donovan could mean.

"What kind of favor were you looking for?" he asked, trying to appear non-chalant.

Donovan laughed as he crossed the room to sit next to Frank. "You don't have to sound so scared, Frank. I just want to satisfy my curiosity about something."

Frank sat stock still, looking at Donovan out of the corner of his eyes. "And just what would that be?"

"What it feels like to kiss you."

With that, Donovan moved in quickly, one hand snaking behind Frank's head to make sure that he didn't move, the other resting lightly on his leg. Donovan's lips pressed tightly against Frank's, his tongue working its way past Frank's lips. He fought for a second, more out of surprise than out of a desire to get away, and then he settled in to enjoy it. He pulled Donovan closer to him and opened his mouth to give Donovan the full pleasure of kissing him. They're tongues entwined, rough and hard, making the kiss more like a battle than like an intimate joining. As the kiss became deeper, Frank could feel more of his body responding. Without completely realizing it, he moved his hand to stroke Donovan through the fabric of his fatgues. A low groan came from Donovan's throat the moment Frank's hand touched him. He broke the kiss as his hand moved up Frank's leg, and whispered into Frank's ear "I guess that's answering that question."


"Wh-wh-what? But... How...?" Frank stammered. Donovan laughed. Whoever said it was hard to make Frank Parker lose his cool?

"How did I know?" He asked, then answered his own question, "I was watching you, and listening to you drop little hints to Olga."

"You were?"

"Mmhmm. Now, the funny thing is, you were so intent on turning everything you say into a clue, that you missed something completely. You know what that was?" Donovan paused, leaned back. Then, with a huge smile on his face, said, "Olga was doing the same thing!" He paused again, for effect and to watch Parker's reaction.

"You didn't realize it, did you!" He continued. "You were trying to tell her you are bi, and she was trying to tell you the same thing, and both of you missed it! I can tell you, it was hilarious to watch."

"So, what's with this? I know that *you're* straight!" Parker said.

"I may be straight, but I'm not narrow." He smiled again. "The *idea* doesn't bother me... And I know that Olga wouldn't be against a little threesome..." His voice trailed off, and he winked, watching Frank's face become even more red that it was until then.

"Anyway," Donovan changed the subject, seeing that he wasn't about to get a response. "What is it about the Bermuda Triangle thing that has you so scared?"

"I'm *not* scared!" Vehement denial. Donovan almost cracked up again."Me thinks thou dost protest too much, Frank!"


A fine sheen of sweat broke over Frank's upper lip as he shook his head. "You're nuts."

"Convince me."

"Convince you?" Frank ran a shaky hand through his dark hair. "Donovan, this is crazy. How am I gonna convince you of anything?"

Smirking, Donnovan settled into an overstuffed chair. "Tell me a story."

Frank blanched. "A story?"

"About a man, a woman and their child on a boat in The Triangle." Donovan pressed, leaning forward. "About a child found alone and half dead from exposure three months later." Donovan pinned him with his harsh stare. "What did happen to your parents, Frank?"

Part Fourteen
David Lee Rickman II

Ramsey sat chewing on a hamburger. He glanced up at the T.V.s that displayed the things going on in the complex. He thought through the checklist. "Janitor cleaning a hall, Ballard sleeping at his desk, Donavon and Parker kissing, truck coming around...Wait a minute! What in the name of all holy is this?" Ramsey cursed below audible ability to hear. "I am going to hear this." Ramsey picked up his headphones and adjusted the sound knob for Donavon's quarters.

"I don't know Donavon, I don't believe it myself. They found me dehydrated. I almost died that night."

"Well, what happened?"

"All I remember is fear...screaming...There was a greenish fog. It was kinda beautiful. I don't remember for sure, but I think somebody tried to swim away."

"There was something overhead."

Parker shook his head. "I am not sure what is real and what I've imagined over the years."


Talmedge walked into Ramsey's office. "Ramsey, I..."

"There is something weird going on with Parker and Donavan."

"Well, it's going to start getting more weird for Parker. I need to talk to him."


Parker sat in the debriefing room minutes later.

"Parker, what you are about to see is something few have knowledge about. This doesn't leave this room."

Talmedge ran an old black and white film with a movie projector. "Now watch the ship Parker."

Parker saw a battle ship slowly fade away, and then return a few minutes later. "Is this a camera trick?"

"No, this was the beginning of Project Backstep. We made a ship invisible back in WWII. Ever since then we've been in a fragile relationship with them."


"The aliens that control the Bermuda Triangle and gave us our temporal technology."

Part 15

"Wait a minute!" Parker sat up quickly in his seat, his angry glare resting on Talmadge. "Are you telling me that you've known about this for over 50 years, that the Bermuda Triangle is NOT a hoax, and you haven't done anything about it? You let people like my parents DIE to further research? So what's the story with the Roswell aliens? Are they just a cover or do they tie in here too?"

"They tie in." Talmadge said simply. "But is still classified information for the time being."

Frank stood up to paced the room. He was quiet for some time, trying to fit all the pieces together in his mind. "Ok," he finally said, stopping to look out the window into the corridor, "let me see if I have this straight.

"Over 50 years ago, we started a 'relationship' with the aliens in the Bermuda triangle. It let us do all sorts of top-secret stuff like making ships invisible and it started Project Backstep. But, it didn't stop them from doing things to people that crossed into their 'space'. And now, the President and the Vice President have been taken by them. So why don't we just ask for them back?"

Mentnor spoke up for the first time. "It wouldn't be that simple, Frank, even if the aliens were the ones who took them."

Frank interrupted, "What do you mean *if* they were the ones who took them? Who else could have?"

Talmadge sighed, "That's what we've been trying to figure out for 50 years. It just never took on enough importance for a backstep before. Not like it does now."

Frank tried to control the anger he felt well up in him, knowing that it would do no good, but he couldn't stop from almost spitting his next words out anyway. "No, people like my parents disappearing aren't nearly as important as the President. Let's make sure that the little people get screwed again."

A hint of simpathy crept into Mentnor's voice, "Frank, you know we can't backstep to save everyone."

"No, but that doesn't make it any easier, does it?" Parker walked quickly out the door before he said anything he *really* regretted.

part sixteen

Parker bumped his shin on a chair and fell down into it, his feet no longer able to support him. Shin -- the device for finding furniture in the dark. He chuckled weakly. Well, this evening has certainly been a mess! In an effort to sort out what it actually meant, with the aliens and all, he had sneaked off base and gotten royally drunk.

Oh, yeah, that cleared his thinking! He laughed this time, loudly, the sound bouncing off the walls.

He stopped, suddenly afraid. Too loud, Frank, he'll hear you, you'll wake him, he'll hurt you, too loud, too loud, too loud-

"Shut up!" He yelled into the empty room. "Just shut up!" Angry now, he stumbled off in the direction of the bed, tripped, fell. He rolled over on his back, looked up. His eyes widened, his arms came up to cover his face, his mouth opened to scream...

The world exploded in a flash of pure white light.

part 17

Parker staggered to his feet with his jaw hitting his chest. "No. Oh, no, not again. I don't wantta...."

But before his eyes, they stepped out of the light. Tall, blonde, strikingly beautiful in an unhuman way. The Norsemen, they'd been catagorized, if he was remembering right. A species so close to being human. And so alien that the resemblence had to be God's joke o the human condition.

One of them held his hand out.

'It is time."

Parker shook his head against the words burning in his mind.

'Come, child of Parker.'


The second man's eyes glowed golden.

Parker stepped into the light.

David Lee Rickman II

Frank Parker suddenly found himself on a hard metal bed. The room was dimly lighted by a strange orange glow radiated from the walls.

"Where am I?," Parker could barely lift his head.

There were no ropes of any kind holding him down, but the harder he struggled to get up, the harder some force kept him down.


Parker couldn't see anyone in the room. "Who's there?"

"I am the one who has watched you since you're earlier days."

"Why can't I see you?"

"It is against our laws for you to see us. We are just observers."

"You better not even think of probing me, you son of a..."

"Nesbion," the voice interupted.


"Where we come from, the phrase is, 'You son of a Nesbion.' As long as you insult me, I would like you to insult me in my language."

"Fine, I just want to leave."

"You will. You have much to do."

"What is your interest in my well-being?"

"It is your world's well-being. We are very interest in your world."


"Out of all known worlds to have split the atom, all of them split the hydrogen atom first because it is more abundant and produces more energy. Your world was the 28th known world, and it split the uranium atom first in its nuclear history. This fasinates us, and we want to see if your world can survive with this differance. To help you along, we sent you a ship in your year 1947."

"Roswell, right?"

"Yes Parker, Roswell. It was no mistake that the only time in history a spaceship was recovered was right after you split the atom and were safely out of world war."

"Then why tell me now?"

"Because in Air Force One was a special package. It is a technology that will further progress your society. You must leave now."

"But what is the package?"

Parker looked around and found that he was back in his quarters. He was about to believe it was a dream, but then he was startled to hear a familiar voice behind him.

"Mr. Parker? How did...I mean you were gone, and you just appeared again. What's happening?"

part 19

Frank tried not to let his disorientation show. "Olga, it must have just been your eyes playing tricks on you. I was here the whole time." He turned to face her.

"No, Mr Parker. You just appeared. I watched you just... Mmmphh"

Frank shut Olga up the only way he could think of. With a kiss. For a moment, Olga struggled, but then she melted into Frank's arms, kissing him back as forcefully, and passionately, as he could ever wish. The experience Frank just went through went back to the farthest recess of his mind, the kiss becoming the most important thing in the world to him. He felt Olga put her arms around his back, reaching down and massaging his butt. He held her head with one hand and started to caress her back with the other. Almost unconciously, he started to move her toward the bed. As he started to guide her down toward it, she broke away.

"Mr Parker! Just what do you think you were doing?" Olga had stepped back and put her hands on her hips, trying to look indignant.

Frank just smiled rakishly. "I think I was kissing you. And, from the looks of things, you were kissing me back."

"Why... I..." Olga sputtered.

"Come on, Miss Vukovich. I could feel the passion in that kiss as well as you could. I've been able to feel it from the first time I met you. You can't tell me that kiss wasn't pleasant."

Olga flushed just a little before she said, "It did nothing for me, Mr Parker. And I'd thank you not to try anything like that again. And you still didn't answer my question. HOW did you manage to just pop into existance?"

Frank tried to think of some other stalling tactic when he noticed Donovan leaning against the doorjam, a very mysterious grin on his face.

part 20

"Mister Donovan! It's not what you think! He started it -- I just couldn't get away!" Olga stuttered as she jumped away from Parker. Donovan looked at her for a moment, amused, then turned his gaze to Parker.

"So, Frank, trying to beat your record for the number of people you can kiss in one day?" He asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Olga!" Parker turned toward her. "For a person who was forced into this, you sure care a lot! Besides, Donovan, I seem to remeber that the other person I kissed actually started it, no?"

Donovan laughed. "You got me there, Frank. I started it."

"You did?" Olga gasped, and both men watched, sarcastic grins ready, as comprehension dawned on her. Just in case she was less open-minded than they'd assumed she would be.

"You two?" Surprise, but no disgust. Good so far.

"No, Olga, we're not together. It was just one kiss, much like between you and me."

"Oh. I didn't know you... oh." She was quiet for a while, thinking it over. "Okay. But you never did tell me -- where did you appear from?"

"Appear from? What? Now you're just changing the subject on me," Parker said, but not before Olga noticed a glance exchanged between Parker and Donovan. There was something going on here. Now, to find out what... Andhow was she supposed to do that anyway?

"Da, vot i zadachka," she mumbled under her breath. And it *was* a puzzle of a sort, and she loved to solve puzzles. She just had to approach this problem as she would any other. How could she get what she wanted? She had to make one of them talk. Or both. Preferably both. So, how to do that? What could she do to make them tell them what she wanted to know?

She clapped her hands twice.

"Olga, *what* was *that*?" Frank had apparently gotten tired of waiting for her to say something.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that the light bulb that goes on when I get an idea is attached to a clapper." She smiled, using the old joke as a way to buy some time. She had really clapped her hands because she had a great idea! And a very simple one, too -- what could please any man, regadless of age, preferences, tastes, etc? Sex, of course. You can meet a perfect stranger, have sex with him, and he will be telling you all about his life. It's a very useful skill to have sometimes.

"But let's get back to our subject, gentlemen," she continued. "Why don't we take our conversation to a more comfortable location, first, however? My room is much nicer than Mister Parker's...."


Inside Olga's room, Frank and Donovan exchanged somewhat wary glances, while Olga looked almost exactly like the cat that ate the proverbial canary. "Gentlemen, why don't you have a seat over here on the bed? It's probably the most comfortable place in the room." Olga suggested as she sat down in the middle of the bed, patting the spaces next to her. The bed had more than enough room for all three of them to be comfortable.

As the two men sat down, Olga leaned back a little on her hands, her legs crossed at the ankles in front of her. Frank and Donovan both faced in toward her, still looking a little puzzled at the change in Olga.

"Well, Olga, we're here and we're comfortable, now what did you want to talk about?" Frank asked.

Olga sat up slowly as she said "Well, talking wasn't the only thing I had in mind, Mr Parker." She moved in quickly to kiss him. The kiss almost knocked Frank off the bed. There was no holding back the passion he felt from Olga at that moment. Her tongue probed his, hard, demanding, and he kissed her back with just as much desire as she was showing him.

Behind them, Frank heard Donovan clear his throat. "Maybe I should go and let the two of you..."

Olga broke away from Frank quickly to turn a lust-filled eye on Donovan. "I don't think so, Mr Donovan. You're VERY important to the conversation." And she turned to kiss him just as passionately as she had, a moment before, kissed Frank.

What the hell, Frank thought, as he reached around Olga to caress her breasts through the fabric of her blouse and bra. Her heard a low moan escape from Olga's throat as she continued to kiss Donovan. He felt her hand tug feverishly at the blouse that was tucked into her short skirt. Frank and Donovan both helped her to pull it out, and Frank unclasped her bra from behind. Olga stopped her kiss with Donovan to pull of her top and her bra. Donovan took the opportunity to reach over and kiss Frank quickly, the two meeting in front of Olga's now exposed breasts. Olga's hands caressed the men's backs as both broke their kiss to turn their lips to Olga's breasts. Her back arched as a feeling of electric pleasure coursed through her body. Her nipples became as hard as erasers, as each man did something different to them. Frank's style was fast and rough, sucking her nipple into his mouth quickly, and then rolling it around on his tongue. He also nipped at it, tiny, electrical bites that brought extreme pleasure with the small amounts of pain. His hand squeezed the mound, moving it to his direction, taking complete control of the breast that was his for that moment.

Donovan's style was more gentle. He rained small kisses on the breast and the nipple. He licked slowly and delicately around the hard nipple, flicking it with his tongue, sucking it slowly in and out of his mouth. One hand rested at Olga's back, while the other played with her stomach, sending tiny shivers down her spine, as a million other erotic sensations took over the rest of her body. Her left hand reached up to tangle through Frank's hair, grabbing tightly with every jolt that Frank and Donovan sent through her body.

She left Donovan leave his ministrations on her breast and then felt his soft breath whisper in her ear "Mind if I help you with that skirt, Olga?" She shook her head yes as Frank caused another moan to escape from deep in her throat. Donovan reached behind her and deftly undid the button that held her skirt. Olga stood up so Donovan could pull the zipper and remove the skirt, pantyhose, and panties from her body. Frank continued to caress her with one hand while Donovan removed Olga's clothing, placing small kisses on the exposed portions of Olga's anatomy. He stopped a little longer at Olga's clean-shaven pussy to lick her clit and hear a moan escape from her lips before he moved on to remove the rest of her clothing.

"You know, gentlemen," Olga gasped between moans, as she sat back down and Donovan removed the pantyhose from the ends of her feet, "It doesn't seem particularly fair that I am the only one completely undressed here at the moment."

Donovan grinned up at her as he removed the last bit of pantyhose, and threw the whole bundle over in the corner. "You're wish is our command!"

Frank held a hand out to her, "Do you want to help?"

"Certainly." Olga took Frank's hand, and as she stood, used her other hand to pull up his shirt. She pulled the shirt as high as she could, letting Frank take off the rest that she wasn't quite tall enough to reach. She teased his nipples with her tongue, she hands feeling the hardness of his chest, moving slowly down to the narrowness of his waist. Her tongue and lips caused a low moan to come from deep inside Frank. Paybacks are a bitch, Olga thought saucily.

Behind her, Donovan was removing his boots and his shirt. Olga stopped her enjoyment of Frank's chest in time to turn around and see Donovan begin to unbutton his pants. "Leave that to me, Mr Donovan." Her voice was deeper, more seductive, that either man had ever heard from her before. Donovan took his hands away from the button on his pants as Olga took over. "Frank, why don't you come over here, and I'll help you with that." Frank stepped closer to the pair and he felt Donovan's strong, sure hands unbutton his pants and start to move the zipper down. He looked over at Olga, who was already pushing Donovan's pants down his legs, her body sinking with the movement. He closed his eyes as he felt Donovan begin to push his pants lower and his warm hand envelop his dick, her heard a quick intake of breath from Donovan. His eyes flew open to see Olga's mouth slip over Donovan's hard cock. Her eyes were closed as she spent a few moments making sure that Donovan's dick would be at it's hardest before she resumed her mission of removing his clothes. Then Frank's eyes closed again as the warm feeling of Donovan stroking his dick with sure strokes brought waves of pleasure through his body. He reached his hand behind his friend's head, and pulled his lips closer so he could kiss him.

Frank kept his eyes closed so he could enjoy the sensation of having Donovan on him completely. He felt his pants being pulled the rest of the way down his legs, and he quickly stepped out of them when they reached his ankles. Then, to his surprise, he felt a smaller, softer hand caressing his balls as Donovan's hand stroked his cock. He opened his eyes and stopped kissing Donovan long enough to notice that Olga's mouth had resumed it's earlier position on Donovan's large cock, while one of her hands was almost absently caressing him. The feeling was almost to much for his balance.

"Olga," Frank almost squeaked, "Why don't me move on to your bed? The way I feel now, I could probably fall and hit my head, and then how would we explain it to medical?"

Olga gave Donovan one last, long suck before she looked up at Frank and Donovan, almost identical looks of pleasure and overload on their faces. "A good idea, Mr Parker. It is definitely more comfortable than our current positions." Frank and Donovan both sank to the bed behind them, while Olga climbed around them to be closer to the back of the bed. She bent down to kiss Donovan, her hands resting on his shoulders to steady herself. She felt Frank let his full weight down on to the bed. He inched his head closer to her thighs and she felt him push her legs gently. She raised her leg enough that he could move underneath her. When his mouth first touched her extremely wet pussy, she almost fainted from the feeling. Obviously, kissing Donovan wasn't enough of a distraction from keeping her from getting off in a second. Oh well, she thought with little regret, I'll have to start back sucking his cock.

"Mr Donovan," she husky voice whisper, "why don't you move up a little on the bed so I can resume my earlier position?" Donovan readily complied, inching back until his large, hard cock was position directly under Olga's mouth. He reached one hand to Olga's dangling breast and kneaded it while her mouth worked wonders on his engorged dick. He could almost feel every move Frank was making on her, as well, because of the moans that she let escape around his dick, and the small forward motions she made as Frank inserted first one, then two, and finally three fingers into her tight pussy, fucking her with them while his tongue swirled around her clit, his mouth sucking it in and his teeth almost nibbling it lightly. Frank could feel Olga getting closer and closer to getting off, the way her pussy clenched at his fingers as the slipped into and out of her. She pulled herself off of Donovan's dick for just a moment and cried, "Please, harder! I need it harder." Frank was glad to oblige, pounding his fingers into her ever tightening pussy while he sucked hard on her clit, knowing the sensation had to be driving her crazy. Behind him, he heard Donavan moan, "Olga, if you keep that up, I'll get off far too soon." Olga's head shot up from Donovan's dick, and her hand took it's place, slower, but still stroking it hard. She knew there would be no stopping the release now... it was a good thing she was multi-orgasmic, because she now knew that this excursion that started as a fact finding mission was to enjoyable to stop any time soon. The words "Oh God!" were torn from her lips as Frank unmercifully pounded her pussy with his fingers. "I'm coming, Mr Parker! I'm coming!" Frank worked his fingers faster into her pussy, and put his mouth everywhere his hand weren't. Donovan's hands got rougher on her breast. As waves of pleasure tore through her body, she started jerking on Donovan's dick a little faster, she just couldn't control herself. She heard Donovan moan at the pleasure she was giving him. She rode out the waves, and slowed down her strokes on Donovan. She let out a sigh of contentment. But she was far from finished.

"Mr Parker, I believe its about time you received some return treatment." She moved her body down his until he was positioned right over his extremely hard cock. "Do you think I could make use of this?" Frank groaned out a yes as he pulled Donovan closer to him. He wanted to know what Donovan's cock felt like in his mouth while he was feeling the tightness of Olga's pussy on his own. He knew how close to the edge Donovan had to be after Olga's attention to him, so he made sure to take it slowly. He felt Olga reach toward the nightstand. He hoped he knew what she was thinking. In all the excitement, none of them had thought about protection. As he felt a cool sheath being rolled down his cock, he heard Olga say, "Just to be on the safe side."

"I understand, Olga. But, please, hurry. I want to be inside you."

Donovan mentioned, "I hope you have some for me, because this isn't all I have planned for this little outing."

Olga laughed, "Of course I have plenty for you, Mr Donovan. I don't think any of us are going to feel left out today." With that, she lowered herself onto Frank's rock hard cock, gasping with pleasure as he filled every inch of her. She used her strong thigh muscles to propel her slowly up and down on Frank's dick. She could feel his hips move to meet her thrusts. While she clenched her pussy around Frank's shaft, she watched Frank's lips caress Donovan's cock, not taking it in yet, but kissing the outside of it, moving down to lick his balls. Donovan was on his knees above Frank's head, and looking into his eyes, Olga knew that she had to be kissed while her pussy was slowly taking advantage of Frank. She moved her upper body toward Donovan, as he moved toward her. Their lips met ferociously, both were too inflamed by what Frank was doing to them to think much about anything other than the passion. Donovan could taste himself on Olga's lips. They gasped into each other's mouth's while Frank would do something especially pleasurable to each of them. By now, Frank had Donovan fully in his mouth, and he swirled his tongue around the head of Donovan's cock. At almost the same moment, he thrust deeply into Olga. She and Donovan broke apart for just a moment. They all knew they were getting close, but Olga decided she didn't want to end it this way. She had something she'd fantasized about many nights, and now was the perfect time to try it.

"Mr Donovan," she gasped as she slowed the pace on Frank's cock, "Put this on." She threw him the other condom she'd gotten out of her nightstand. "I want to have both of you in me at once." She climbed off of Frank, kissing him as she did so. "I'm not sure which is the better way... " She paused while she thought. "Mr Donovan, lay down on the bed, and let me climb on top of you." Donovan did as she instructed and she climbed on top of him. "You're a little bigger than Mr Parker, and since I never have had anyone in my ass before, I think this is the best way to proceed."

Frank and Donovan both spoke up at the same time. "Olga," Frank started. "You don't need to explain." Donovan finished. "Let's just get started."

Olga eased herself slowly onto Donovan's mammoth cock. Being as wet as she was from having Frank inside her was a definite advantage, she thought as her pussy walls expanded to take all of Donovan. Once she was settled, Frank moved behind her, pushing her body gently down to rest on Donovan's chest. While Frank began to enter her from behind, Olga started to kiss Donovan again. She just couldn't seem to keep any part of her body still. She gasped as Frank slowly pushed into her virgin asshole. He knew enough to take it slow, so it wouldn't hurt as much. The extra lubrication from earlier helped make it easier, but Donovan being inside her pussy, stretching her inward also made it just a little painful for her. She bit her lip to get through the pain that she knew would be over soon. Donovan looked at her in concern, but she shook her head to let her know that she was ok. The further in Frank got, the more comfortable she felt. Soon, he was all the way in, and she started moving back and forth between the two of them, unable to get away from the feeling of pleasure, no matter which way she moved. As she felt Donovan's cock moving out of her pussy, she felt Frank's moving into her ass, and as she felt Frank moving in, she enjoyed Donovan moving back into place. They started slowly, but soon the feeling was too great for any of them. They moved faster and faster, Olga like a ping pong ball between the two men. Frank kissed Olga's neck, sucking on it and bringing her even higher, while Donovan made sure that her breasts were well taken care of. "Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God" Olga moaned, over and over. "I know I'm going to come. I can feel it."

Frank whispered into her hair, "You aren't the only one." Donovan sighed, "I'm there too." Olga could feel both men's cock's tighten inside of her, as her own pussy and ass tightened on them. Frank arched back as he shot his load in her ass, and Donovan grabbed her breasts tight as he came in her pussy. Olga screamed out "OH MY GOD!" as her got off better than she ever had before. She collapsed on top of Donovan. She felt Frank slowly pull out of her, and then she rolled off Donovan, staring at the ceiling as she basked in the feeling of this incredible threesome. She looked at both the men she'd just had, smiling.

As she opened her mouth to compliment Frank and Donovan, she heard a knock on the door and Ballard's concerned voice call through the door "Olga? Are you okay?"


"Ah, Christ," Frank whispered, diving for his clothes. "Does that man have timing, or what?"

Donovan stretched like a big cat, dragging Olga into a quick kiss. "Don't panic, lovely. Our lady can get rid of the nosey bastard without letting him know we're here, can't you, my dear?"

"If I can't I deserve to be deported back to Mother Russia, don't I?" she responded, sliding across the silk sheets and into a black robe.

She slinked across the room, running a whipser-soft caress over Frank's chest as she moved past him out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

Frank cast a glance toward Donovan, then tip-toed across the room and cracked the door.

" you want, Ballard?"

"Heard some strange sounds coming from you're room. Wanted to make sure you were...all right.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Well, the noises...They were sort of...strange. Like you were in pain....Or...."

"Or?" Olga asked, a wicked smile in her voice.

"Oh....Oh, I see....Ah, well....ah..."

"Good day, Ballard." Olga closed the door with a firm hand.

David Lee Rickman II

Talmedge picked up the phone as Mentnor entered his office.

"Yes, this is Talmedge speaking...I see...Well, I'll take a look at it....Fine, I'll keep waiting, so call me if there's anything else."

"Anything interesting to report?," Mentnor asked, but he had a good guess at what was coming.

"They just found the flight box recorder of Air Force one."


"And it's blank."

"How could that be Talmege?"

"Short of intense electromagnetic fields, I don't know. Tell Olga and Ballard to come to work an hour early tomorrow. The O.S.I. is shipping the black box here tomorrow. If there is so much as a cough that can still be recovered, I am sure they can get it."


"Well folks," Talmadge started as everyone filed into the room, "as you all know by now the black box was discovered yesterday and both Olga and Ballard have been going over it with a fine tooth comb."

"What about the plane?" asked Donovan,

"We don't know yet."

Everyone stared at Talmadge in shock.

He held up his hands "All I know is that they found a black box. I've not heard anything else since then."

"What did I tell you folks?" said Frank as he jumped up from his seat. "You're never going to find them. It's the Bermuda Triangle!" he continued excitedly.

He was beginning to feel very uncomfortable sitting there. He had caught Ramsey staring at him with a weird look on his face a couple of times and it just hit him that they had had a confounded spectator during last He flashed a quick smile at Ramsey as he caught him staring again and decided to turn his attention back to Talmadge. He'll deal with Ramsey later.

"Are you kidding me? We have a black box but no signs of debris?" asked Mentor, looking perplexed.

"They are still looking for the plane. The weather hasn't been very cooperative. It's there somewhere." Replied Talmadge as he looked in Frank's direction.


"What have you got Ballard" barked Talmadge.

"Oh, uh.. not good news I'm afraid. Though the tape was erased Olga and I managed to get a few..."

Talmadge quickly cut in "Hold on a minute! You say the tape was erased?"

"Oh, I thought you knew. It may or may not be important but with the weird magnetic field in the area it's not that surprising. Anyway we did everything we could but all we could recover from the tape where chopped words here and there. From what we could put together it was all of a sudden. We think the pilots saw something weird on their radar. Whatever it was we couldn't figure it out. One moment they're there on the plane talking about their families and the next minute they're gone. Complete silence."

Stasia standing in for Callie

Talmadge went absolutely still. "John, what was the very last thing you could make out on that tape?"

Ballard thought for a minute before referring to his notes. "Let me see...Like I said, most of the words were chopped off or unintelligable. But it looks like they were talking about a bright star. I thought that was strange, since they weren't flying at night, but..."

Ballard looked up from his notes and noticed his boss staring off into space, biting his lip in thought. "Sir?"

Talmadge shook himself out of the malestrom of thoughts that had taken hold of him. "Thank you, Ballard. Why don't you go check the Sphere? We could get enough information to send Frank back any minute, and I want to make sure we're ready to go as soon as the word comes in."

Ballard started to make his way to the door when he remembered something else he had wanted to mention to Talmadge about the tape. He turned back to speak, but noticed that Talmadge was once again deep in thought. 'It can wait,' Ballard thought as he continued out the door.


"Come in," Isaac Mentnor called at the light knock on his office door. He closed the folder he'd been studying and looked up to see Talmadge slip through the door, closing it quietly behind him.

"Bradley," Mentnor greeted the project head warmly. "I'm glad you're here. I was just going over some of the past files on the Bermuda Triangle, hoping that maybe something in the past files would help us solve this mystery."

Talmadge sat heavily into the chair across from the older man. "I think I can tell you where to look. Bring up the file named 'Bermuda7'."

As Mentnor looked for the correct file, Talmadge rubbed his temples, trying to erase the headache that had come on the moment he heard Ballard's report. It was a confirmation of something that had been tugging at the back of his conciousness since this situation arose. He watched quietly as Isaac read the file, understanding slowly dawning in the older man's eyes.

When Mentnor finished reading the file, he looked quickly toward his friend, the question waiting on the edge of being asked. Talmadge nodded before a word could be uttered. "They aren't going to find any hint of Air Force One. Ballard just confirmed it for me. It's exactly like the last time."



"The last time," Mentnor repeated, then nodded once, curtly. "So it would appear. We going to have trouble with Parker, do you think?"

Ballard took his turn to nod. "He's jumping around this one like a rabid cat on a stack of glowing coals."

"Does he remember?"

"He is afraid. Donovan has tried to get him to talk, I beleive. With no success...according to his report."

"You suspect he may be holding something back?"

"I suspect there is more to Donovan and Parker than either man would have us believe."

Mentnor frowned. "Yes, well he has no choice. You will remind him of that, I trust."

Ballard nodded, rising. "Yes, sir.


Ballard went down to Parker's room and he could hear Frank arguing with Olga and Donovan about the backstep.

"What are you so afraid of Frank?" Olga said

"I'm not afraid of anything Olga I just do not want to backstep this time so Donovan can do this one for a change" Frank said.

"I appreicate the offer buddy but you know damn well Talmedge or the Pentagon is going to let me backstep on this mission because it is so important, and the chance of the same thing happening to you twice in the Triangle is unlikely" Donovan said.

Then Ballard made his arrive be noticed " Parker you have no choice in this matter so get ready to backstep before the day is out."


Parker turned round to see Ballard by the door. "We've just received word that a number of terrorist groups are planning to take advantage while the country is in confusion and plan to strike NATO bases soon. Possibly within a week. The backstep's been moved forward to tomorrow morning" he continued.

"Why the wait?" Jonathan asked, "Should we be suiting up now?"

"We still have an open window of 3 days but the NSA want's to see how this plays out. They think they might get a handle on whoever might be behind the disappearances." Ballard replied.

Everyone turned towords Parker's direction. He had been listening to the exchange between Jonathan and Ballard in total silence. He knew they expected him to say something or blow up in anger. He could see the pain and worry in Olga's eyes as she looked at him. "Damn," he muttered under his breath, it was like talking to brick walls.

He turned and walked towards the fridge, opened it and pulled out a bottle of vodka he had been saving for some occasion that was supposed to be special. Heck, this probably qualifies. He'd been shot at, stabbed jumped ot of airplanes and high rise buildings but nothing scared him more than this assignment. "Don't tell me, let me guess" he asked Olga as she moved to stand beside him, "You're going to say something about it being timefor me to face my fears."