AUTHOR: Gabriele Lamm-Deiss

FANDOM: SEVEN DAYS - Adult-Fan Fiction

PAIRING: Frank/Olga

RATING: NC-17 (contains graphic sex, incl. Bondage, violence)


ARCHIVE: YES!!! Others please ask first!

FEEDBACK: Very appreciated!

E-MAIL: gabriele.lamm-deiss@jungheinrich.de

SERIES/SEQUEL: Spoilers to "Dragons and Angels", "SALVA MI" And "déjà vu all over again" (2nd season), "OLGA'S EXCELLENT VACATION" (3rd season)

DISCLAIMERS: All characters belong to UPN/Paramount. EXCEPT: I am proud to say that THE ADULT SALLY DANZIGER and her Ex-husband JEROME 'ANGEL' DANZIGER are entirely mine as well as every other possibly appearing character!

No infringement of copyrights is intended.

NOTES: Thanks so much to Breanne for the entire beta!

SUMMARY: Frank has had a scary night and now he has to go through the living incarnation of Olga's liquid dreams about sex in the sphere!



by Gabriele Lamm-Deiss

Thursday, July 18th, 11.35 p.m. (PDT) Frank Parker's quarters, NNL


Frank Parker lay on his bed and was reading H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine" for the fifty-ninth time in his life - despite the fact that due to his photographic mind he knew the book by heart! If he was not going through physical examinations - ordered by his wife, Dr. Olga Vukavitch-Parker, or performing other sports activities or hanging around with his best friend, Captain Craig Donovan, having a beer, he spent most of his daytime, up to 60 %, reading. He read almost everything, including the classicists - Dante, Thomas von Deliano - books about time traveling, astrophysics and, and, and.

 But tonight it was different! Olga was still working and would be busy for at least the next one and a half hour. Over the past weeks, since this unfortunate incident with Sally Danziger, his old schoolmate and by the way the NSA Panel's watcher at the Never-Never-Land Base, he was in a twilight zone of emotions - neither black nor white - gray, simply gray! He hovered in a gray cloud, surrounding him like the mist wavering above the Base area on a cold and foggy November morning! This aforesaid morning he had wanted to reel off his usual daily jogging program - the 15 miles track around the Base area - and had found her in her office very early this morning. He had shaken her up - obviously she had had a nightmare and had screamed of fear and pain.

And then? He had taken her in his arms, had tried to soothe her. And ... he had made one of the biggest mistakes in his life! Overwhelmed of his feelings for her, the scent of her wonderful perfume, the scent of her hair, when her head had leaned against his shoulder, the warmth of her body against his chest ... the hitherto still desperately, more or less successfully, suppressed spark had become a flame, had spread to epidemic proportions ... he had stroked her gently and ... had kissed her. For the first time in his life he had kissed her this way! His feelings for her had overcome him, irresistibly, the waves of emotion had engulfed him, had swept away every logical thought, had washed out every functioning cell of his brain and had only left pure passion, pure need, pure burning love!

And the cognition that Sally must have the same feelings for him! For this precious and very short moment she had shown her true face, that she was a very special person, caring, lovable and vulnerable - not only having the brain and the body! Though she was engaged with her ex-husband again and he was married with Olga and both loved their partners, they were in love with each other! Again! She was the first love of his life! Twenty-four years ago, when they had been children, he had fallen in love with her head over heels, had never forgotten her until he had stood face to face with her and had learnt that she was the Panel's merciless watcher! Both had a mute agreement not to live these feelings! Both had been quite successful in hiding their feelings up to this damned moment when he had kissed her!

It had run away with him! So simple and though so unmerciful cruel! The depth of his feelings for her and her refusal had almost killed him! The pain had almost torn him into pieces! She had pushed him away and had told him to keep his hands off - under mobilization of the last remnants of her will power! But for him the kiss had been like a drug! A drug that made him dependent on her, made him hovering in this gray cloud!

He was alone, nobody to hang around with. Donovan was off for a few days, Sally was in Washington and he was deadly sure that she met her ex-husband again and would spend more than the daytime with him! It was ridiculous, crazy, but jealousy sent its regards because her ex-husband would have what he wanted so much!

And Olga was working! And he was far away from being in the mood to take the piss out of Ramsey - even not with the help of Andrew "Hooter" Owsley, who was certainly hacking into some secret data at the moment, as every time in his spare time or playing some new games on his computer or reading comics!

'Hooter' was an expert in comics! He liked the freaky boy - his sort of humor was very similar to his own - though sometimes "Hooter" was a plague, they often shared their spare time just fooling around! But not today!

So he had decided to distract himself by reading a book!

He had to laugh. Reading? Oh, yes, for the fifth time now he tried to read this damned page but after a few lines his thoughts drifted away - back to Sally! Back to his unlimited wish to make love to her! Since this special morning he had - really -thought about making love to her! It scared him! Up to today he had never betrayed the women he was engaged with! Neither his ex-wife Patricia, when he was off a few months for a black operation nor any other woman! But now he was actually thinking about ... betraying Olga!

He loved her, but he was in love with Sally too! This was crazy! An absolute dilemma!

Sometimes when he was taking a shower after the matutinal jogging, he had to realize that - unconsciously - the pure thought had granted him an iron hard erection! He tried to calm down by turning on the cold water - as cold as ever bearable, but the heat in his loin didn't vanish, did not even cool off! Then he remembered the first lines of a famous song, "Frankie goes to Hollywood": Relax don't do it, if you want to go to it! Relax don't do it, if you wanna come ...!

... Senseless! Every time! Senseless until he masturbated, one hand leaning against the walls, bracing his feet against the wet floor, standing under the spray head - the ice cold water piercing like needles on his hot skin - and began to stroke himself firmly - hard - sometimes close to pain – to discipline himself! His hand moving faster and faster on his length until he had to throw his head back and released himself in a faked salvation – a spraying, frantic, outraging ejaculation over his hand and the tiled walls of the shower cubicle, pouring out his semen in a milky white jet – moaning her name between grinded teeth!

< Sally, why don't you let me love you? Why are you so afraid of me? >

He found no answer for his question! No answer for this question, which occupied his mind, which was his only thought!

But each time - shortly after he had caught his breath again - he had to learn that the masturbation had not been satisfying - in the literally meaning of the word - vice versa - it had only served it's profane purpose to let him ... to be blunt ... spunk, but had not satisfied the rest of his body including the brain! There it had only left emptiness - nothing but bottomless emptiness!

He mutely thanked God on his knees that Olga was not present at these moments, had never caught him under the shower! Jesus! He sounded like a sex monster! Only thinking about the one and only thing! Making love with Sally!

Sure there was this unbelievable physical attractiveness but it was much more than only pure sex! Sex would only be the ultimate compliance of his emotions, the climax for the depth of his insatiable love!

He sighed deeply.

With a start he felt something else! Sneaking out of the dark! Lurking! Creeping out of the darkest corners of his mind! Encircling him! Trapping him! Something merciless! Something very old! Something very bad! Something endlessly horrible! ... Something so much intimate, so well known over the past years - since Somalia - but buried and banished quite successfully in the last corners of his brain - at least over the past half year – had broken off its chains, had freed itself!

His oldest archenemy! His enemy always appeared at his weakest moments -when something very serious, very grave was on his mind - distracted him, so he could not concentrate on suppressing his fear, his doubts in his feeling of his own worth, his hidden doubts in his self-confidence, hidden behind a façade of male display pattern, nonchalant bravado to veil his true vulnerability, his real Achilles heel: whether his mind was sane or ...insane!

The abyss was back! His endless fear to lose his mind - to be insane!

The merciless maelstrom of insanity had caught up with him! The ultimate brink, the ultimate challenge for his poor tortured soul was back!

He felt the sudden outburst of cold sweat, bathing his entire body, soaking his clothing! He felt the icy coldness grabbing his heart, burying his chest under tons of stones, trying to smother him! Chains of iron were tied around his chest and were slowly but surely pulled tight! The book slipped out of his hands, dropped on the floor.

With the last revolution of his will power he rose and crossed the room in the direction of his small refrigerator. He had to prove something! He took out a bottle of beer, opened it and sat down at his desk, watching the golden liquid when he poured himself a glass of beer, dying to know whether the tiny air bubbles in the glass would rise - following physical natural laws and principles - they should or ... due to the unexplainable effects of time travel on him - this had occurred more than one and a half year ago - whether there were again these so-called time burps and - for the fragment of a second - they would fall to the bottom of this glass - leading all laws of nature ad absurd - before they would rise again - as if nothing had ever happened!

Suddenly the air bubbles stopped in their movements up to the surface ...

and fell ...

He felt the insane urge to laugh and to cry simultaneously! ...

And then he heard it! ...

He heard laughter! ... Low! ... Mockingly! ...

"Hello Frank! Old buddy! ... How is life! ... How is my favorite toy?

... Do you really think I have forgotten you? Do you really think you would be able to banish me? Do you really think you would be able to escape? ... You must be kidding! ... You should know this far better!"

The laughter grew! Echoed in his ears! The abyss approached him like a predator and stood in front of his desk - smiling at him - a sardonic grin in the faceless darkness! A jet-black shadow carrying along icy coldness and wrapping him in pure horrifying desperation!

He grabbed the rim of his desk so hard that his knuckle-bones became white -grinded his teeth:

"Go away!" He was breathing rapidly now! Desperately inhaling the air into his lungs like a drowning man the water in a last attempt to survive! The inhaled air in his lungs felt like molten iron - roasting his lungs - burning them in to ashes!


"Awe! Frankie! ... C'mon! ... You can't mean that seriously! You disappoint me! Really! ... Now that I am here I can just as well stay for a while!

I enjoy being with you! You know that I love you! I have always loved you and I have always watched you! First from a distance, from the shadows of behind! I became aware of you a long time ago at the orphanage in Philadelphia! Jesus how much I was impressed! An orphan kid with such an incredible strong will to survive, to find a family, to find his salvation - so proud! But I decided to wait, to stay patient until you were ready for this game! I admit I had to wait quite a long time! Again you surprised me and impressed me even more! I even wanted to give up! You even withdrew in Dr. Lee's hands in Chittagong! ... Up to this day in Somalia! This day they trapped you in the heat box and the first symptoms of claustrophobia appeared! You felt so guilty! You were alive and your thirteen comrades -your SEALS-family - had died! This was my chance, my triumph and I grabbed this chance with both hands!"

Again he heard the malicious laughter in his ears!

"Oh yes! The heat box! Perfect! - Finally! I got you, just when I wanted to give up! I am so dark, ugly and mean, I am deep inside of you, I am the hidden animal inside you! I relish tantalizing you almost to death because I am your evil torturer! I am not scared, I am brutal, and I stop at nothing!

I am low, insidious and false and like to hurt you because your pain is my elixir of life! I am so evil; I am the turmoil in your head! I slip into your brain without a warning and I will never go away again!"

He looked into malevolent eyes - fluorescing like blazing charcoals - smiling at him, laughing at him - a grotesque inhuman and horrifying grimace - the face of insanity! He ran his fingers through his hair - damp strands of short dark brown hair and wiped off the pearls of cold sweat running over his face, down his cheeks like tears, dropping on the desk underneath, but stayed mute.

"Frankie? ... Seems as if you are not in the mood for talking! You are very monosyllabic today! ... Okay! If you don't want to talk to me I will talk to you! Come with me my love! Let yourself fall! Don't try to balance along this brink! It's just a step away! A single step! I know you can do this!

I'll get you! I'll catch you!"

Icy cold fingers reached out for him. Long claws of pure ice gently touched his cheek, caressing him lovingly! His hope was nipped in the bud! The gentle severity of a bony cadaverous hand engulfed him, merciless, leaving no chance to withdraw!

The abyss' voice bootlicked him, lulled him with soothing, soft words! Seduced him! It would be so easy! The only thing he had to do was to follow the voice, to let his mind jump over the rim into the bottomless darkness of insanity! The darkness would devour him and maybe he would continue to exist, vegetating, tied up in a straightjacket on an iron bedstead - back in Hanson Island - insane, but with an idiotic happy grin on his face!

No! Before he would lose his mind finally and for good and would end up in the nuthouse again he would prefer to put an end to this perfidious and morbid game!

"I ... AM ... NOT ... INSANE!" Each word was carefully emphasized. The drowning man was clutching at the last thin straw! "SO ... GO ...

AWAY!" He covered his ears with his hands! An absolutely senseless attempt of pure desperation! The voice was in his head - the abyss was in his head!


The abyss continued, his voice soft as if a lover would speak to him: "Frankie! Believe me! Just let it be! A single step and everything will turn out well! You will see! Don't be so stubborn!"

"NO! NEVER! BEFORE I END UP IN THE NUTHOUSE AGAIN I WILL PUT AN END TO THIS!" He shook his head, was bathed in cold sweat but inwardly his body seemed to go up in flames - his blood seemed to boil - had exceeded the boiling point! Sensual and psychical overload!

He opened the drawer of his desk and with trembling fingers he pulled out his service weapon, releasing the safety catch and holding the cold steel in his hot sweating hands - frowning, panting of exertion to gain back the upper hand over his tortured brain!

"I'll give you my life! Can you give me eternity? Peace? I don't know who I am, who I was! I hate this world, they only question me, they don't love me, they don't accept who I am, how I am! They only tolerate me because they need me! But in reality I am dispensable! They have told me that everybody is dispensable! They don't care about me, they put me into this blue ball, into a machine which cuts my veins up, tears me apart, beats me until the pain is almost killing me, feels like a train is running over me! This world is so empty, so senseless! I don't want anymore! I can't anymore!"

"What are you doing?" The voice was strident now! "You disappoint me again! You are no coward! Far away! I always admired your strength, your will power and your intelligence - the nonchalant bravado! And now you want to give up? So easy? Stealing away like a thief at dead of night? ... Suicide? ... This is not your style! We have already discussed this once and I was able to convince you that this is no solution! Sure .... I admit ... this is the easiest way to escape, to leave behind the grief and the sorrow, the gnawing doubts ... at least for an average human being! But you are more! Special! Very special! Your instinct of self-preservation is impressive! As foresaid - you are my favorite - this is why I love you so much! And ... think about Jimmy! Your son! He loves you! He needs you!"

The abyss had a lurking tense expression in his hollow face!

Frank swallowed hard, still playing with the weapon in his hands: "What do you want? Wasn't this enough? Haven't you tortured me enough? O Lord, please help me - I am about to lose my mind - this time for good! Have mercy on me! I can't resist anymore and I don't want to fight anymore! I am too tired! If I pull the trigger I will be free! No more doubts, no more Armageddons to prevent, no more pain! O God, I wish I would know how it feels to be free!" ... He laughed desperately: "Oh yes, my son! Patricia is married again and Mike is a good father to Jimmy! Sooner or later he will forget about me! About his crazy old man!"

A sob escaped between his lips, showed pure desperation. He wept silent tears! His wonderful jade green eyes showed how close he was to the brink of insanity! How close to make this last step!

"Enough? You pray to God? ... You believe in angels? ... No! ... I know that you have been raised in a catholic orphanage! You have always trusted in God! But I think God is busy elsewhere at the moment! He won't send you an angel who would take you under his wings! Salvation is not planned for you!... C'mon! ... You are too strong to pull the trigger! Too proud to commit suicide and too faithful!"

Frank looked at the grimace in front of his desk: "I wouldn't bet on this!" The smile appearing in his face was ... close to insanity! He slowly raised the weapon - still hesitating.

"Frankie! ... Don't do this! ... " The abyss seemed to be nervous, seemed to be concerned! "Not now! Not when I have just invented a new game for you! ... Spoilsport!... Not the moment I have brought in a new player! You know whom! I am so proud that I had this marvelous idea to bring her in!" The abyss rubbed its hands in glee: " ... Up to today the best idea ever!"

The abyss' voice faded to a whisper: "Sally!"

Frank threw his head back, against the backrest of his chair and cried out in pain: "No! No, not her!" He sobbed.

"Too late sweetheart! Too late! You know this very well! You have already tasted heaven! You have already tasted her candy sweet lips! The poison is already in your veins! You yourself are your worst enemy! You and only you! Nobody else! You - only you - have opened Pandora's box!"

The laughter was cruel now! Echoing in his ears! Trying to crush his brain into a slushy mass - leaving nothing but insanity!

Amongst tears of desperation he raised the weapon up to his temple, pressing the cold muzzle of the barrel against his head, relishing the coldness of steel against his flaming hot skin, slowly pulling the trigger a bit closer ...

But his self-preservation got the upper hand - this time - he slowly dropped the weapon, but with released safety catch! Each time the abyss appeared it was harder for him to fight, to struggle out of this darkness that tried to devour his brain, harder to climb back to daylight! Each time he was more exhausted, so tired of struggling against his personal boogeyman! Well aware, that some day, sooner or later, the abyss might win!

"YOU WON'T WIN! NO! I DON'T GIVE UP! I SHAN'T ALLOW THIS!" He expelled the words furiously.

"Okay! This is what I wanted to hear! My beloved buddy! I'll leave now!"

The abyss smiled at him and turned to vanish in the darkness of the room, but stopped and turned again, a diabolic grin on the contour-less features: "By the way! Are you sure that this IS real? ... Are you sure that you are not tied up in a straightjacket on a bedstead in Hanson Island? Are you sure that they don't abuse you for their illegal purposes - as a laboratory rabbit for the testing of the efficiency of their new drugs? ... Are you sure that you are NOT insane? ... Bye for now! ... I'll be back! ...


The abyss burst out in a peal of laughter, turned and vanished to thin air but its laughter was still echoing in his ears!

He cautiously put the weapon back into the drawer - this time with the safety catch on and closed the drawer - slowly and silently! He buried his sweat-glistening face in his hands, wiped off the pearls of sweat and ran his fingers through his hair! He leaned his head back against the backrest of his chair and stared into space! Finally he glanced at the glass of beer in front of him and realized that the air bubbles were peacefully rising up to the surface again and extinguished there - as if nothing had ever happened! Thoughtfully he took the glass, looking at the golden liquid as if he was able to read his future fate and downed the glass in one! He had no clue how long he had sat there and finally a glance at his watch told him that it must have been more than one and a half hours! A shower was all he needed at the moment - he was still bathed in sweat and almost sticking on his chair!

Like in slow motion he rose and crossed his room, vanishing behind the door of the bathroom ...


 Friday, July, 19th, 11.59 p.m. (PDT) Sphere hangar, NNL Base:

Olga was impatiently waiting for her husband, Frank Parker. She had told him that she wanted to meet him at the sphere at midnight! A secret date! She had her plans for this date - unambiguous, lascivious, unrestrained plans!

The pure thought of this sleazy date aroused her! The possible risk of being watched, worse being caught, turned her on, was unbelievable erotic, sent shivers of anticipation through her entire body! A few months ago she had told him about her fantasies, her liquid dreams! These liquid dreams she had had months before their first date! The reason why she had fled to Alaska for a backpack trip!

Up to today Frank had actually accepted to fulfill one of her fantasies – as a Valentine's gift for her! Bondage! She had tied him up at the bedstead! He had let her do what she had wanted with him! She loved him so much for the depth of his love he had proved with this sexy bondage game! This night one of her weirdest fantasies had become true! Wonderful! First she had been so scared of what he might think about her, that he had married a pervert!

But no, he had accepted with a smile and now she hoped that he would enjoy her plans in the sphere too! This was her ultimate dream - the ultimate kick for her - her darkest fantasy!

Over the past weeks he had been so secluded, so retiring, but she had no clue why and he had always given her evasive answers, assuring her that everything was all right and he was fine!

So she had decided that it was time for a little surprise, a little distraction for him! And a little punishment for his seclusion! Tonight she wanted to make things a bit harder! She knew that Frank was sexual adventurous, not averse to titillating little games!

So she had prepared everything including the champagne and ... her main supplementary equipment ... whipped cream!

She was dressed in black patent leather - a S/M outfit, she had found in San Francisco during her last stay for a scientific congress in February – the exactly congruous exemplar of the outfit in her liquid dreams! She wore a body without straps, the lace-up corsage had an attached wonder-bra, perfectly emphasizing her breasts - lifting them and making them bigger! Her S/M outfit was completed with long black gloves, over them black bracelets with silver studs, a black necklace with silver studs, black over-knee boots with high heels and ... a black whip!

The handhold of this whip was very special - a jet-black almost natural looking -natural feeling to the touch - erected penis - including the glans with the small slit, the bulging veins and even a foreskin, that could be moved like in reality! But the far more interesting purpose was - it could be used like in reality, in many ways - vaginal and anal! But up to today she had hidden the complete outfit in a box in the last corner of her wardrobe! She hadn't dared to bring it out yet but tonight she wanted to make use of this expensive outfit!

Then she saw him coming down the long hallway, walking in the subdued light, approaching the sphere! For her time seemed to have stopped! It was like in slow motion - like one of these gloomily weird science fiction movies! Her heartbeat became faster, her breathing rapid! He approached the giant iron landing platform of the sphere - glancing around the enormous hangar - searching for her! She stayed mute, this was part of her game – listening to the beats of her heart echoing in her eardrums, feeling her arousal!

Hesitantly he stopped in front of the stairs, shrugged his shoulders and slowly went upstairs! She couldn't wait patiently anymore and waited for him in the entrance frame of the sphere!

When he saw her and noticed her outfit - including the whip - he stopped in front of her - the expression in his face suddenly changing from neutral to ... completely baffled! He looked at her frowning, for several seconds she had actually managed to leave him speechless, it simply knocked him off, took away his breath, he was completely perplex:

"Whoa ...!" He cleared his throat: "Um ... Olga?" Again he found no words.

She stayed mute, but the smile playing around her mouth was lascivious and she hinted him to follow her into the sphere. Hesitantly he followed her and stood in front of her now! He was still so baffled that he didn't know what to do or to say - he had never expected that his wife was in S/M! This was far out! She closed the space between their bodies, her tongue playfully, voluptuously licking over her cherry-red lips and turned the whip to let him see the penis-shaped handgrip! She raised the whip and let the grip touch his cheek, outlining his cheekbone, tracing further down his throat, over his chest, over his stomach down to his crotch, touching his penis through the fabric of his pants, and rubbing the head of artificial penis against his! The touches electrified him - felt like thousands of tiny needles prickling on his skin. She removed the handgrip and raised it to her mouth, her tongue flicked over the glans, she sucked it into her mouth - in and out - closing her eyes, moaning around the dildo in her mouth, showing him what she wanted! She grabbed the lapels of his shirt - the yellow one with the dark brown pattern of leaves on it - and tore it open; the buttons came off and dropped on the floor!

Still he was so perplex that he stayed mute! She put down the whip. Her hands touched the smooth skin of his broad chest and tortuously slow she stroked his abdominal muscles, while she inhaled his scent - the musky fresh scent of his shower gel. She nudged him back to sit on the chair and reached for the bottle of champagne, poured two glasses and handed one to him!

She stepped over his hips and sat down on his lap.

His breathing had become faster, but the expression in his face, in his jade green eyes still showed his surprise, his pure disbelief! He wanted to wrap his free arm around her waist but she rudely interrupted him:

"Leave your hands on the armrests! Don't touch me!"

He startled astonished, obeyed and sipped at his glass but swallowed the wrong way and had to cough - not an easy undertaking with Olga on his lap!

She took his glass, rose and put it down on the armatures of the sphere together with her own glass. When he regained his composure, she kissed him passionately, fastened the seat belts of his chair and smiled at him – again a kind of bondage!

He frowned. He was not exactly in the mood for little games but he came up with the conclusion that this sort of distraction probably was what he needed.

She took her glass, sipped and poured the remaining champagne over his bare chest. He writhed and gasped sharp under the coldness of the liquid, running down his chest to his groin like a waterfall, soaking his dark blue pants. She leaned forward, lowered her head and started to lick off the champagne. Her tongue flicked over his nipples and his stomach and sinking with the movements she knelt in front of him to open his pants. He lifted his weight and let her remove the pants together with his boxers down to his ankles, she took off his sneakers and removed the wet pants and boxers completely, carelessly throwing them over her shoulders, leaving back only the tattered shirt!

She rose and took the bottle of champagne pouring part of the liquid over his chest again, rested her hands on his forearms to pin them down on the chair's armrests and bent down to lick over his skin, noticing with a smile against his navel that he was getting hard. She planted little nips and kisses on the hot flesh of his beginning hard-on. Teasing him, torturing him until his length sprouted up and his hips moved slightly upwards to intensify the contact! A clear drop of pre-come appeared on his glans and she licked it off - her lips closed around his glans - sucking him slowly - like sucking a Popsicle! She sucked a bit harder, took him deeper into her mouth! He arched into her mouth and she stopped her ministrations.

He gasped sharp: "Olga!"

"Shut up Frank! No talking, no touching! This is completely my part!" A slight slap with the whip on his chest followed her words.

She turned and took the glass dish with the whipped cream out of a small cooler, filled with ice.

The order was clear and again he accepted with a frowning! Up to now he was willing to play along but he was not exactly the man who obeyed unconditionally, he was far too dominant, too much an alpha male, to accept authority without protest - she should know him better! Quite apart from the fact that he was not exactly in the right mood for a S/M game, but he submissively decided to do her the favor as long as she would not go too far!

"Leave your hands on the armrests!" She looked at him and the whip's leather stripes touched his bare skin, traced down over his stomach. A few slight slaps followed, slight but noticeable and leaving light red marks on his skin. With each slap he jerked in his seat belts, braced himself against the chair.


His protest was immediately followed by a hard slap on his chest. This time rather painful - even for his remarkable high pain level - and leaving a deep red mark! He gasped sharp!

"Shut up Mr. Parker!" An unmistakable order! He hadn't heard this 'Mr. Parker' for a very long time and was simply baffled! Too baffled! For a moment she only watched the rapid rise and fall of his broad chest - admiring his beautiful muscular body - glistening with sweat now! She put the whip down and knelt in front of him, gently touching the whip's marks on his skin with her fingertips. Wordless, only looking at him, her eyes locked with his, relishing the still surprised expression in his eyes.

She turned and dipped two fingers into the cold cream and spread the cream over his hard-on and his testicles! He writhed in his chair and gasped!

More cream followed! She lowered her head and delightfully licked the cream off his testicles, sucking them gently into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the hot smooth skin under the cold cream. He was really hard like a rock now - the teasing was arousing him incredibly, the mixture of ice cold cream and her hot mouth skillfully working on him - made him wanting more!

Her tongue flicked over his shaft up to the glans and rotated around his length, removing even the faintest remnant of the cream. She knew that he wanted more and he would get more!

She urged him to slide further down the chair - as far as possible with fastened seat belts and covered two fingers of her right hand with cream. She engulfed his throbbing cock with her mouth again! Simultaneously her cream covered fingers slipped behind his testicles further down to his anus and began to massage the cream around the tight ring of muscles! He gasped sharp - very surprised! Slowly she inserted her finger into him, softly spreading him - while her tongue and lips slowed down the ministrations on his cock. She inserted a second finger, inch for inch she impaled him deeper. A sudden jerk of his body showed her that her fingertips had found what she was looking for - his prostate. He moaned loud. Slowly she moved her head up and down, sucking him harder and harder, her fingers in perfect harmony working in and out of him, she heard his low moans, felt his upward thrusts to meet her mouth, until she sensed that he was close to climax. She stopped, provoking a husky low protest and stepped back!

She removed the bracelets and the gloves. She traced her hands over her breasts, down her sides and reached for the buttons in her crotch to open them! She smiled at him, relishing that his eyes were focused on her -followed her moves! She slowly removed the smooth, thin leather of the corsage, rolled it further down and began to caress her hard nipples with her fingers! She reached for the whip, turned it, dipped it into the cream and began to rub the penis-shaped handgrip along her wet apex - her eyes locked with his! She was standing in front of him, raised her right leg and leaned her foot on the chair beside his thigh! This would grant him the full view!

Slowly she sheathed the handgrip - masturbating herself with the artificial penis while her left hand still caressed her breasts. Moaning under her own ministrations! Obviously he enjoyed the game especially the view in front of him, he was rock hard, and his breathing fast, he was longing to touch her, to enter her and to do exactly the same what the handgrip did!

With a deep lust filled last sigh she removed the handgrip and stepped over his hips again, she reached behind, grabbed his cock and lowered her pelvis on his lap! She rested her hands on the backrest of the chair on both sides of his head and slowly, delightfully she started to ride him! She leaned forward and kissed him, invading his mouth with her tongue, sucking his tongue hard, moaning into his mouth. She was so incredible wet and aroused that she had to speed up her moves on his lap. She rode him harder, needed it harder and broke off the demanding passionate kiss - panting of pleasure and lust! He leaned his head back and clasped the armrests.

Again she got faster and threw her head back: "O Frank! Harder, please harder!"

He grabbed her hips to press her down on his erection to support her moves on his hips and few moments, a few deep hard thrusts later, he came in a brain-frying climax, bucking upwards into her and gushing his semen in frantic jets!

With a last loud "O my God - Frank" she climaxed too - riding him almost painfully hard now, milking the last drop off his length and collapsed on his chest, heavily panting and totally exhausted!

When he caught his breath again he lovingly stroked her back, to soothe her and to calm her and bent his head, brushed back a damp strand of red brown hair and wanted to kiss her sweat-covered face!

She startled and leaned back. And before he realized what had happened she gave him a resounding slap on his face and rose, standing in front of him like an avenging angel!

"I said don't touch me!" She hissed the words furiously!

"Olga! Please calm down! I just wanted ...!" She had taken the whip again and began to slap him, harder, not the way she had used it on him before, leaving red marks on the skin of his chest! Again and again! For a moment he was petrified, did not even instinctively raise his hands to fight off the beats, just collected them.

But all of a sudden he opened the seat belts and jumped off his chair grapping her hands hard!

"Olga, this is not funny anymore! Never do this again! Never ever beat me again! This is my first and my last warning!" He was seething with rage, stretching every single word - but with a very sad expression in his eyes: "I love hot-blooded women! But enough is enough! None alive - male or female - will ever beat me unatoned! Do you read me?" His voice was throaty and very sad!

He wanted to pick up his spread clothing and wanted to get dressed again - when her furious fists hailed on his back!

"Joseph liked it! He loved it! Oh, maybe your pain level is not as high as I thought!" She yelled at him!

She had made the biggest mistake in her life! Unforgivably! She compared him with her dead husband, addressed him being a sissy!

With a start he spun around, grabbed her arms again and shook her! "Olga! I warn you! I am not Joseph! Calm down! I've never seen you like this before!" He was beseeching her.

"You will stay! I am not through with you!" She was panting; she was in a tremendous sensual overload and had completely lost her ability to think logical! The living incarnation of a hellcat!

And then he was not longer able to stay patient! Somehow he blew a fuse! Maybe because of his general shattered and strained mood over the past weeks, maybe because of her insults! "Okay, so you want it harder? You'll get it harder! Turn around!" His tone was furious! His words unmistakable - she had carried things too far had brought him to the point of no return!

She looked at him in surprise but didn't react. On the spot he took her arm and urged her to turn around. She gasped, he had never talked to her this way, so masculine, so dominate, but she liked it, she liked the animal attractiveness of the alpha male, her eyes were gleaming with lust!

"Lean on the armatures!" His voice was determined; his handsome face showed a very special smile - extremely dangerous - she had never seen him smiling like this before, had never seen this animal dangerousness before! "C'mon Olga! Hold out your sweet buttocks to me!" His voice was husky.

She did what he wanted and rested her arms on the armatures in front of her, dying to know what would come next!

"Look at my reflection in the sphere window! Don't close your eyes! I want to look into your eyes! All the time!"

A command! Unmistakably!

Via the reflection in the window she looked into his eyes, saw his upper body, the beautiful strong muscles, and the skin glistening with pearls of sweat under the tattered remnants of the shirt! It was incredible arousing!

She felt a short dexterous jerk, the thin laces of her black leather body burst open and the body dropped down.

Suddenly she realized that the remaining whipped cream - in the meantime molten again - was spread over her butts. He closed the last inch of space between their bodies, grabbed her hips and with his - in the meantime iron hard cock - he started to massage the cream into the space between her butts! An overwhelming feeling! She moaned loud! To feel his hard-on rubbing along her crotch was wonderful! Frank was well endowed but at the present moment she thought that his penis was even bigger and harder than usual!

She looked into the reflection of his eyes! They seemed to have the color of emeralds, darker, expressing unlimited lust and desire ... and furiousness!

She sank into his eyes! Suddenly she felt a burning ache! All of a sudden he had grabbed his length with his right hand, had invaded her rectum and stopped! Momentarily she had to gasp sharp! Instinctively she wanted to hit him with her fist, wanted to beat him and hit his shoulder!

He grabbed her shoulders pressed her forward onto the armatures again: "Look at me!" This sharp command was his only reaction!

She had never seen him so furious before! She had never thought that he would have sex with her this way and with such an absolutely unfamiliar hardness! Usually he was a wonderful, sensitive and experience lover!

First she was petrified, pressed her butts together! But in secret this was what she wanted, this was exactly what she wanted!

Unmerciful he started to impale her deeper, plunged deeper into her! His glance seemed to sink into her eyes - into her soul - deeper and deeper - simultaneously with his length into her backside! His fingers pierced into her hips - clasping her unmerciful in a vice-like grip!

He moved powerful, his thrusts strong and hard! He thrust into her, again and again and every time harder - his eyes still locked with hers! With a start her feelings changed! From pain to lust! Her butts relaxed, she became wet - incredible wet!

She removed her hand and reached down, inserted a finger into her vagina and felt his hard thrusts through the inner walls! She moaned loud! Removed her finger and encircled her clit, in slow, endlessly slow circles she began to stroke herself. A wonderful countermove to his frantic strikes! She saw the pearls of sweat on his handsome face, the tense expression, the v-shaped veins on his forehead!

Unrestrained, enormous waves of lust raced through her body! Not the faintest remnant of pain anymore - only pure lust!

She heard his loud moans - felt that he was close to climax and sped up stroking herself, rapidly getting close to her own orgasm. He gasped sharp, threw his head back and spurted frantically into her backside! With the last drop of his ejaculation she came too - an excruciating orgasm - sparkling stars dancing in front of her eyes! Crying out loud her lust and his name!

She wanted stay this way forever - with him inside her - two bodies united!

But he pulled back and turned - wordless - to pick up his clothing, slipped into his pants and shoes and left the sphere. In the entrance frame he stopped, turned around and looked at her! He wanted to say something, but shook his head - the expression in his face - in his eyes - incredible sad!

Wordless he left and went downstairs!


She looked after him, staring at his back, longing that he would turn and look at her again - only once - to assure her that everything was all right!

But he crossed the hallway and left - without a single glance at her!

For a moment she stood there naked - except her over-knee boots - seemed to be completely lost, desperate. Slowly tears began to drop down her cheeks, she sobbed and buried her face in her hands! What had she done? Could he ever forgive her? Would he ever forgive her? His eyes! The expression in his eyes - the incredible sadness!

She felt so small, so guilty - so dirty - felt like the lowest of the low!

She had pushed him too far, had abused him - had beaten him and she had been rewarded! He had warned her seriously - but she had ignored him – had ignored his love, had ignored that he even had accepted to play along again, as long as she wouldn't have gone too far! But she had crossed the limits!

But the worst of all had been that she had really enjoyed it! Slowly she slipped into her white lab coat, began to pick up the remnants of her tattered leather body and the other things and left the sphere too, hoping that nobody had watched them! She returned to her quarters. She didn't dare to come to him; carelessly she deposited the equipment on her desk and fell onto the mattress of her bed! Burying her head in the pillow she started to weep ... No backstep would undo this - he would know! ...

He entered his quarter, peeled off his clothing and his shoes and went into the bathroom. He needed a shower! Shortly afterwards he dressed again, took a fresh six-pack out of his refrigerator and left the quarter, heading for his place in front of the electric fence! He had to be alone now - had to think things over!

But somebody had watched them, had unnoticeably switched on the tiny cameras in the hangar and the sphere!

The slackening erection was put back into the flies of the underwear, the zipper of a pair of pants was closed again, the 'eject'-button of the VCR was pressed and the tape was removed - and with a mute pray to God that no backstep would destroy it -stored at the same place where the other tapes were kept! The tapes all showed Frank Parker! Frank Parker under the spray head of his shower! Nude - front or rear - almost his complete body, from knees to head - even a new scene - taken two weeks ago - where he was masturbating under the shower! Thank God for modern high-tech! The secretly hidden camera - behind the ventilation shaft of the air condition of the shower cubicle - was tiny small and absolutely noiseless! A wet rag was fetched to wipe off the damp patch of splattered ejaculate on the floor ...