These questions and answers are a compilation of discussions and questions asked on the mailing lists attached to the archive. The questions and responses come from any number of list sibs. I truly hope this page comes in handy for someone.

Q. What does the 'B' stand for in Frank's name?
A. Bartholomew. Poor guy. :-)

Q. In Buried Alive was Father Kelly Frank Parker's Father?
A. Father Kelly wasn't Parker's real father. Parker did call him Dad at the end, when the priest was dying, but that was more likely due to the fact that Kelly was *like* a father to Frank

.Q. Have they ever talked about what really happened to Frank Parker's parents by any chance in any episode
A. He's an orphan. His parents are dead.

Q. What do we know about Frank's time in Somalia?
A. In Buried Alive, there were flashbacks to Somalia. In one scene, the lid of the hot box opens and there stands Donovan, telling Frank that itll be all right. But it sort of blends into the scene where Frank finds himself pulled out of the mine-shaft and sees Donovan, so we don't know for sure if Donovan was the first one to pull Frank out in Somalia or what

A. In "The Fire Last Time" Frank relives a Navy SEALS misson in Somalia. (Donovan was not on this mission) In the beginning he believed the mission would be a cake walk for them but it turned out to be a blood bath for Parker because he was the only one of the squad who survived the attack or the major gunfire from the Somalian civilians.
He has this guilty feeling for so long from letting down the squad and he feels extremely guilty because he was able to survuive and Kip, a soldier who was like a kid brother to him.
When Donovan spoke of Hooter and told Parker that he always wanted a kid brother Parker told Donovan to shut up. Olga seems to be the only one to pull Parker out of his delusions. She reminds him he has a second family in the team. Parker, though, is afraid that he will fail again and not be able to save them.

Q. Who is Hooter?
A. He's a new recurring character. His name is Andrew Ouseley (SP?) and he worked with Ballard on theories of time travel. He was a child genius and appears to be about twenty years old or so. He was brought into the NNL fold to sub for Ballard who was taking some personal time (He won an island in a poker game and got married to some beautiful, bikini-clad woman or other ).
A. While I think he's all right, I don't like the fact that they're replacing Ballard. Since they brought Andrew ("Hooter") in, Ballard hasn't been back... :-(

FYI: from the "Deloris Demands" episode.... the Dean Loris profile:

Name: Dean Loris
REC. #: 325-76-08
Profile #: 2791-XI
Status: PSYS
SSN: 234-69-17689
Med. Hist. #: 5674-67-09
Hair: BRW
Eyes: BRW
LIC: 65473

At the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, there is a smudge Probably a finger print. What are those tiny columns of numbers beside the smudge?

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