Copyright: March 2001 By Robin R. Neher



Title: For the Glory

Author: Robin R. Neher


Rating: PG

Pairing: N/A

Archive: Yes

Summary: Picking up where "Publicity Hound" left off, Paramedic Tom Wheeler pays for taking credit for Johnny and Roy's well rescue..

Content Warning: Harsh Language.


For The Glory
by Robin R. Neher

As soon as 110's Paramedics returned to the station from the rescue of the little girl from the hole, Dirk tore into his blond partner,

"You really take the cake, Wheeler!" Dirk yelled as he got out of the passenger side of squad 110. "How dare you take credit for a rescue that Johnny and Roy did!"

"Look, Gage did the rescue, that's true, but people relate better to me." Tom Wheeler shot back. "I can't help the fact that DeSoto handed the kid to me!"

"You still should've told Carlton who really did the rescue!" Dirk replied. "What you did was unfair to John and Roy! I can just imagine how those two must feel now!"


Across town at station fifty-one, Johnny Gage was crying as he dried off after his shower. As Johnny's partner, Roy DeSoto, entered the latrine, he saw the young man's tears and approached

"It's not fair, Roy!" Johnny sobbed.

"Johnny, are you still upset about what happened at that rescue?" Roy asked.. "Johnny, Wheeler just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Reporters take pictures of who they can see at the time, this time, it happened to be Tom Wheeler."

"But we did the work, Roy!" Johnny sobbed. "Wheeler didn't do shit!"

"To a reporter, that doesn't matter." Roy soothed. "Carlton may have been assigned to ride with Wheeler this time. Partner, you don't need glory and publicity to know you did a good job! Just
feel good about what you did for that little girl. She's alive because of what we did."

"I know, but Tom Wheeler just bugs me!" Johnny sniffed. "He spends most of his time mugging for a fucking camera and we're the ones that have to take 110's calls!"

"Johnny, that's our job." Roy reminded the younger man. "Johnny, the Paramedic program needs publicity as well as the fire service. Johnny, I know our job is often thankless, but somebody has to do it. Think of how few men get accepted to join our ranks and how hard you had to work to get here."

"Roy, I know all that. It just bugs the hell out of me that there are Wheelers in our ranks!" Johnny cried. "Just once, I'd like to be acknowledged like that!"


"Johnny, you're jealous when you don't have a right to be." Roy told the young man. "Johnny, you have no reason to be jealous of Tom Wheeler."

"Roy, he stole my girl and my moment in the limelight!" Johnny sobbed.

"Johnny, Linda went to Wheeler. It was her doing." Roy soothed. "Junior, you really think any girl who could cheat on you is worth having?"

"I loved her!" Johnny cried.

"I know, John, I know." Roy soothed, rocking the younger man. "Johnny, I really don't think it's Wheeler you're mad at. I think you're mad at yourself."

Johnny thought it over and realized Roy was right.

"If only I'd been home more!" Johnny sobbed.

"Johnny, It's hard on a woman to have a man away from home for 24 to 72 hours at a time." Roy replied. "Look, Linda cheated. Is that the type of girl you'd want to marry and spend the rest of your life with?"

"I should've seen the signs." Johnny sniffed. "How could I have been so blind?!"

"Junior, there was no way you could've known." Roy soothed. "I didn't when I caught Joanne in our bed with our lawyer."

"Roy, what did you do?" Johnny asked.

"Johnny, I packed my bags and moved out that night." Roy replied. "Joanne and I were apart for over a year. Joanne and I are back together now and seeing a marriage counselor."

"Roy, why didn't you divorce her? I would've." John said.

"Johnny, when you've invested years of your life in a relationship, you do your best to rebuild that." Roy replied. "I love Jo, no matter what."

"I understand." Johnny said, quietly. "Now, what do I do about Wheeler?"

"Johnny, leave Wheeler and Linda alone. If you confront either of them, it would just create a huge stink." Roy advised. "Why make things worse then they already are? As for Wheeler taking
the credit for our rescue, I'll talk to him next time we're at Rampart, okay?"

"Okay." John nodded. "While you do that, I'll wait in the squad. I'm so angry that there's no telling what I might do to Wheeler were we in the same room."

"Very wise decision, Johnny." Roy smiled, approvingly. "Now come on and get dressed. The people of Los Angeles may need us again before you know it."

As Roy left the latrine, the tones sounded.

Engine 51, Squad 51, possible heart case, 844 Jason St. 844 Jason, St. Timeout: 15:02.

Johnny quickly dressed., trying to put on his shoes and get to the squad at the same time.

"Johnny, hurry up!" Roy called from the apparatus bay as Johnny tripped and fell on his way to the bay.

"Roy, just go without him!" An annoyed Chet yelled. "We can't wait on Johnny to finish preening himself!"

"Cap?" Roy asked.

"Roy, let's go!" Chet yelled.

"Go ahead, Roy." Johnny encouraged. "There's no sense in a victim having to wait on me to untangle myself here. I'll be okay! Just go!"

Roy turned on the sirens and sped out of the station, followed by the engine. Once they were gone, Johnny sat about trying to untangle himself from his tangled pants and boots which the
Phantom had tied together.

I'll get you for this, Chet! Johnny thought to himself as he tried to figure out how to get off the floor with his boot laces tied together.


Meanwhile, Chet was laughing to himself as they raced toward the scene. Cap was first to notice.

"Okay, Kelly! You tied Johnny's boots together didn't you?!" Cap Hammer demanded from his seat next to Mike.

Chet just laughed all the harder as he thought of Johnny tripping and stumbling all over the place, trying to free himself.

"You son of a bitch!" Marco Lopez yelled. "How could you do that to him?!"

"Cause he's easy! Nothing but a damn pansy!" Chet giggled.

"Chet, you're lucky we aren't going to a fire!" Engineer Mike Stoker yelled as he drove the engine.

"Chet, what were you thinking?!" Hammer demanded. "You're asking Roy to work without backup!"

"Cap, it's just a medical call!" Chet protested. "Roy can handle a heart attack by himself!"


At Rampart emergency as Dix was monitoring the base station, Dr. Kelly Brackett gad Tom Wheeler in his office.

"Tom, I saw your picture in the paper today. You've been getting alot of media attention lately." Kel began. "Tom. the child you're holding, isn't that the girl Gage and DeSoto rescued?"

"Yeah, but DeSoto handed the kid up to me." Tom answered. "I can't help that the reporter took a picture at that time."

"But did you bother to tell the man who really rescued her?" Kel asked.

"I didn't see the need." Wheeler told the ER chief.

"You didn't see the need?! You didn't see the need?!" Kel yelled. "Johnny and Roy should be the ones in that photo, not you! You've just been basking in the spotlight while squad fifty-one has had to handle your calls! Tom, that's just plain irresponsible medicine! You're here to save lives, not be a photo op!"

"Doc, I'm the one that best represents the program!" Tom argued. "As a reader, who would you best relate to? Me or Gage?"

"Tom, the story should be about the Paramedic program, not snobby firemen and small insignificant rescues!" Brackett roared. "If you want to be a hero, go be a movie star, but don't
use this program to feed Tom Wheeler's ego! I won't have it!"

"Okay, Doc, Okay. No more photo ops!" Tom agreed.

"I've called the newsman. He pulled your article and the pictures at my request. Tom, I think you need to think about why you joined the fire service. I don't think you joined to help people!" Brackett stated. "I think you joined because you wanted recognition! Tom, that's not what we're all about here."

"What do you want me to do?" A shaken Tom asked. "I'll apologize to John and Roy of course."

"That's a nice start." Brackett agreed. "But I also think that you should give up your Paramedic license for one year and go back on an engine. Tom, firefighting is about saving lives, not getting
your photo in the paper."

"I guess I was being a prima Donna." Tom agreed. "I guess I let all the attention go to my head. I really am sorry, Doc."

"Tell it to DeSoto and Gage, not me." Kel replied. "Tom, you're good at your job, you just have alot to learn about modesty. End of lecture."

"I'll take a long look at myself and think about why I behaved the way I did." Wheeler promised, handing over his Paramedic certification to Kel, then leaving the office.

Once outside, Tom met Dirk.

"Dirk, when we get back to the station, Cap's gonna have to get you a new partner." Tom told the dark-haired man. "Brackett stripped me of my certification."


Back at 51's, Johnny had managed to free himself from Chet's prank and was now fully dressed and awaiting the rest of the crew's return. As Johnny watched television in the rec room, a
plan came into his mind. One that would make Chet regret his earlier prank on him.

Getting up and going to the kitchen, Johnny took some of Chet's favorite ice cream from the freezer. Taking the dessert, Johnny scooped some into bowls, then put what remained back in the freezer. That done, Johnny sat the bowl intended for Chet aside from the others, then laced it with chocolate ex-lax. Just as he got done, Johnny heard the engine backing into the bay..

"Boy, is this gonna be fun!" Johnny snickered to himself as Cap and the engine crew came into the kitchen.

"Chet, don't you have something to say to Johnny?" Cap Hammer asked.

"Johnny, about what happened earlier, I apologize." Chet said. "My prank was ill-timed and inappropriate."

"Chet, I've already forgotten about it." Johnny grinned. "Here, Pally, have some ice cream."

"Why thank you, Gage. How kind of you." Chet smiled. "Hey, my favorite flavor, chocolate!"

"Only the best for you, Chester B." Johnny replied. "There's some for you guys too."

Enjoy the laxative, Chet! Johnny thought as he watched the short Irishman eat his treat with gusto.


Johnny watched and waited as Chet finished his ice cream. As the minutes passed, Johnny grew impatient for the laxative to work. Ten minutes later, Johnny got his wish.

"Chet? What's wrong?" Mike asked.

"I'm not feeling so hot!" Chet yelled, running toward the latrine.

As Chet ran, he hoped he wouldn't shit his pants in front of everyone. Chet's hope was dashed however, as he entered the latrine and shut the door. Roy came in at this time, just having returned from Rampart.

"What's going on?" Roy asked, joining the others in the kitchen.

Johnny snuck out back, snickering as he went.

"Gage got even with Chet!" Cap Hammer laughed.

"Johnny put Ex-lax in Chet's ice cream!" Mike laughed. "How does it feel, Chester?!"

Roy gaped in shock as even Marco laughed.

"Cap, how in the hell could you let Johnny do that?!" Roy roared. "Laxatives dehydrate!"

"Roy, calm down!" Hammer ordered. "Chet started it by tying Johnny's bootlaces together! Fair is fair!"

Roy just turned and stormed to the squad and got out the biophone and IV kit. He then went to the latrine where Chet was.

"Chet? It's Roy. Open up!" Roy called.

"Go away!" Chet called back, sobbing.

"Chet, you're losing fluid and could get dehydrated!" Roy argued. "Please, Chet!"

"No!" Chet yelled. "You go away!"

An angry Roy just sat the equipment down, then stormed out back, where Johnny sat in his Land Rover.


Johnny paled as he slowly exited his Land Rover, tears on his cheeks.

"Roy, it was just a prank!" Johnny sobbed.

"How could you be so reckless and irresponsible!? You should know better! You're supposed to be a Paramedic!!!" Roy yelled. "You know very well laxatives cause fluid loss!! Hope you're happy, Johnny! Hope you had your fun! Was it worth it, Johnny?! Was it worth Chet's health to get revenge?! Was revenge worth humiliating Chet in front of everyone?!"

"Roy, I'm sorry!" Johnny sobbed. "I didn't think-"

"That's just it! You didn't think!" Roy yelled, cutting Johnny off. "You never think at all of others! Only John Gage! You are stupid and brainless! Not to mention worthless as a fireman and a partner!"

With that, Roy went back inside to tend to Chet. Roy's words hung in Johnny's ears as Johnny began to cry even harder.

Roy's right, I am brainless and stupid! Johnny thought as took his badge off and threw it on the ground. Johnny then got into the Land Rover and left the station, running over his badge as he left.


Back at station 51, Roy immediately regretted his words to Johnny and went out back to apologize. Roy was shocked to find John and his Land Rover gone. As Roy looked around, he knew he'd really hurt his friend. Roy jumped at the feel of Cap's hand on his shoulder.

"Where's Johnny?" Cap Hammer asked. "Someone needs to ride with Chet to Rampart."

"Cap, he's gone!" Roy sobbed. "I was so mad, I yelled at Johnny! I called him stupid, brainless and worthless as a fireman and a partner!"

"Roy, take it easy." Cap Hammer soothed. "We've all said and done things out of anger that we don't mean. Johnny should've thought before he acted, that's true, but that doesn't make him worthless or stupid. Johnny is a good fireman, he just acts before he thinks sometimes."

"Cap, he should've known better. He's a Paramedic!" Roy sniffed,

"But he's also human." Hammer softly reminded Roy. "Humans are flawed and bound to make bad choices from time to time."

"Hell, why didn't I defend Johnny when Chet pranked him?" Roy wondered. "Why did I leave him alone in that condition?"

"Roy, we have to be ready to roll at anytime. That patient could've died had there been a delay in us getting there, even by a few minutes." Cap reminded him. "The next available squad could've been an hour away."

"I know, Cap. I just feel that I let Johnny down. I feel like I failed him." Roy sobbed. "I tell him he's my best friend, then act like his worst enemy."

"Roy, even friendship has it's limits." Cap Hammer soothed. "Yes, Johnny could've been hurt, but that possible heart attack victim could've died without us. Roy, you need to be more assertive with Johnny. It's all right to tell him to be quiet if he talks too much or stop it if he does something that bothers you. Roy, you don't always have to be his personal garbage dump for him to dump his problems and complaints on. You can offer an ear, but you don't have to be his problem solver all the time."

"Where did I go wrong this time?" Roy asked.

"Roy, you were abusive to Johnny. You could've chewed him out without attacking him personally. Calling someone worthless or brainless crushes their self esteem. Johnny may begin to believe that's what he is. Words do about as much damage as a gun or knife can do." Hammer replied. "Roy, help Johnny to feel good about himself and his abilities. Let him drive the squad more or lead a rescue from time to time. He's just as good a medic as you are. A little positive feedback on your part wouldn't hurt either."

"Like how?" Roy asked.


Somewhere in downtown LA, Johnny was wishing he hadn't left the station. He knew in his heart that Chet may have been hurtby his actions. Johnny sat on his barstool, feeling he was worthless.

"Bartender, another round." John requested.

"Coming up." The man behind the bar replied

"Gage, what are you doing here? Aren't you on duty?" Tom Wheeler asked from the stool to Johnny's right.

"I could ask you the same question." Johnny replied.

"Brackett stripped me of my Paramedic certification." Wheeler told the younger man.

"Tom, I'm sorry." Johnny shook his head.

"No need to feel sorry for me, Johnny." Tom softly replied. "What happened was my fault. I caught so caught up in the publicity, I forgot what the Paramedic program was about. I was acting like an ass and that was wrong."

"The program does need publicity." Johnny reminded Wheeler.

"Just not the kind I was generating." Tom replied.

"Tom, I think alot of it was Evan's fault too." Johnny stated. "To write a story, you have to get as much information from as many sources as possible. Evans only saw what he wanted to see."

"You mean, he wasn't being objective." Tom guessed.

"Exactly." Johnny nodded. "He zeroed in on you and pushed all others thing and people aside. He should've spent time with Brackett, Dixie and the other guys from 16's as well. He would've gotten a better story that way."

"Now, Gage, what brings you here?" Wheeler inquired.

Johnny told the blond man about his prank on Chet and how it had backfired. Wheeler shook his head.

"You two are like two kids on a playground!" Tom told Johnny. "You and Kelly, always trying to top each other! Johnny, why do you always have to prove you're better then Chet at something or other? Why can't you just be happy being Johnny and ignore Chet? Why do you always feel the need for revenge?"

"Because, he always does it to me!" Johnny argued. "Me! He never plays pranks on anyone else!"

"Maybe cause you ask for it." Tom told him. "Johnny, you can be trying at times and can act a little on the childish side. Johnny, when you get bent out of shape after a prank, you just invite more pranks. Your anger just encourages Chet, so do your attempts at retaliation."

"But do I just stand there and let Chet play his pranks on me?" Johnny asked as he sipped his bourbon.


"That's why we have Captains and Chiefs in the department, John." Tom replied. "Go to them if Chet's pranks bother you that much! Roy is right, what you did was downright irresponsible! Why should Roy want you as a partner?! Johnny, you are nothing but an immature, stupid, nobody!"

Johnny got up and left the bar after paying for his drinks without another word. Getting into his truck. Johnny drove away toward Rampart.

Arriving at the hospital minutes later, Johnny went straight to Chet's room. John cringed when he saw Roy there.

"Johnny," Roy said, softly.

"Save it, DeSoto! You wanna apologize. Well, I don't accept your apology! Where the hell were you when Chester here tied my boots together?! Huh?!" Johnny demanded, angrily. "What right do you have to be a fireman? Where were you when I needed your support?! All you did was preach to me about how wrong I was! You were wrong too, Roy!"

"Johnny, I'm sorry!" Roy sobbed.

"Sure!" Johnny scoffed. "Save it for someone who gives a damn! As for you, Chester, if you ever play a prank on me again, I will report you to Chief Houst! Find someone else to waterbomb!"

With that, Johnny left the room and stormed to the breakroom in the ER. Dr. Joe Early was concerned when he saw the anger in the young man's eyes.

"Johnny?" Joe gently asked.

"Doc, I'm tired!" Johnny hissed, slumping into a chair. "I'm tired of Chet Kelly and Roy DeSoto! One ties my boots and pants together, then when I get even, Roy gives me the riot act!"

"Johnny, giving Chet laxatives was wrong and very dangerous." Joe soothed. "I know that you were having fun, but you went too far. There has to be a limit, Johnny."

"Tell it to Chet!" Johnny growled. "Shift after shift, prank after prank! When does it stop?!"

"When you tell Chet to stop." Joe replied, his tone even. "John, Chet plays his pranks and you allow it."

"But Roy and Cap-" Johnny began.

"Johnny, you have to fight your own battles." Joe cut the Paramedic off. "Roy and Captain Hammer cannot do it for you. You can't always expect Roy to agree with you either. I agree Roy went a little far too, but he did have some valid points."

"I suppose." Johnny admitted, calming down. "We were all wrong."

"Johnny, there's nothing here that can't be talked out. You just have to be willing to talk and listen. Check your egos and tempers at the door." Joe said.

"Thanks, Doc." Johnny grinned, leaving the breakroom.


Two days later, all were back at 51's, awaiting roll call.

"Line up!" Cap Hammer called after everyone was in uniform. "I want everyone at attention!"

The crew fell into line in the apparatus bay and snapped to.

"First of all, I must say I'm very disappointed in Gage, DeSoto, and Kelly! Gage, you're supposed to be a Paramedic!" Hammer yelled. "Yet you played such a dangerous prank on Kelly! DeSoto, you failed to support Gage when Kelly victimized him! You're supposed to be John's partner! Kelly, the prank you played on Gage could've cost a victim his life!"

All the crew listened as their Captain yelled on.

"A fire station's crew is supposed to support and respect each other!" Cap yelled. "All I see is this crew coming apart at the seams! So, this is what we're gonna do! Gage, you and DeSoto are on round the clock duty till further notice! Kelly, you are out of this station as of now! I will not have a man in this station who gets joy out of victimizing a station mate! Get your stuff and get out!"

"Yes, Sir!" A crying Chet barked, then walked toward the lockeroom.

"DeSoto, I don't wanna see you or Gage in this station until lights out, understood?!" Cap growled. "Also, Gage drives, understood?!"

"Yes, Sir!" Both medics barked.

"New policy in this station! There will be no pranks of any kind tolerated, understood?!" Hammer demanded.

"Yes, Sir!" The crew barked.

"Dismissed!" Hammer barked.

"Station 51, fall out!" Mike Stoker commanded as Cap went into his office.


Later that afternoon, Mike timidly knocked on his Captain's door.

"Enter." Hammer called from inside.

Mike cautiously made his way inside and shut the door.

"Cap, you okay?" The sandy haired Engineer asked.

"No, Mike, I'm not." Hammer sighed. "Mike, what the hell is happening to my station? I had things running smoothly or at least I thought I did."

"What makes you think that station 51 isn't running as usual?" Mike quietly asked. "Cap, there's just some kinks that need to be worked out. Every family has issues, we're no different."

"Mike, these are more then just issues. This crew is coming apart at the seams." Hammer told him.

Mike watched as his Captain typed on the typewriter on his desk.

"What are you writing?" The Engineer asked.

"A letter to Chief Houst." Cap explained. "I'm recommending that Firefighter Chester B. Kelly be brought before a disciplinary board, Gage too."

"Captain, don't you think that's a little harsh?" Mike asked. "Johnny has an exemplary record. Why not just out a reprimand in his record and give him a warning instead? John was reacting to Chet's just as dangerous prank on him."

Mike waited while Cap Hammar thought things over.

"I was laughing right along at Johnny's prank." Cap realized. "How can I tell John he was wrong after that?"

"Cap, we all thought it was funny Chet was the victim." Mike reminded his boss. "It was good to see Kelly get his for once."

"You're right, Mike." Cap Hammer relented. "Chet's still in trouble though."

"I agree he should be." Mike replied. "Cap, we all share the responsibility for what happened, Chet most of all."

"Chet has done this time and time again and I did nothing to stop it." Hammer shook his head. "What Chet did to Johnny is harassment."


Later that night, squad fifty-one returned to the station. Roy and Johnny were not on speaking terms and hadn't been since Johnny's prank on Chet, two days before. As both men readied for bed, it was in complete silence.

"Night." Johnny whispered, climbing under his covers.

Roy just got in his own bunk without answering Johnny.

"Okay, be a child. Only a child would act the way you have been all day." Johnny yawned.

Roy just turned toward the wall without a word and was soon asleep. Johnny followed soon after.


"Squad 51, available." Roy reported as Johnny guided the squad out of the apparatus bay on their second straight day of duty.

Squad 51. Sam replied.

After hanging up the mic, Roy sat facing the window.

"Roy, I was wrong! Is that what you wanna hear?!" A frustrated Johnny asked.

"Johnny, I want nothing from you!" Roy hissed. "You and I were friends once, but you blew that out of the water! Johnny, I want nothing to do with you ever again!"

"Roy, what do you want me to do?!" Johnny yelled.

"Just let me off at the nearest station. I just want away from you!" Roy growled. "The mere sight of you makes me puke!"

"Fine." Johnny replied, flatly. "I'll let you off at 16's and partner with Bellingham from now on."

"Agreed." Roy coldly replied. "John, I hope someday someone does to you as you did to Chet. Maybe then, you and he will grow up. I hope someday, when you have kids, you'll think about how what you say and do affects them."

Johnny just focused on his driving as the squad arrived at 16's.

"Good-bye, John." Roy whispered, getting out of the squad. "I won't shed any tears over you.

Johnny just watched, emotionless as his former partner entered station 16 and the Animal came out and got in squad 51.

"Let's get back to the station." Johnny said leaving station 16.


Back at 51's twenty minutes later, Johnny told Cap about his and Roy's split.

"Is there anything I can do?" Hammer softly asked.

"I don't think so, Cap." Johnny shook his head. "Roy doesn't want me as his partner, that's okay. I can accept that. Roy has a right to work where he wants to."

"Are you okay, John?" Bob asked.

"Bob, I just don't understand. Just because of one thoughtless prank, I lose who I thought was my best friend!" Johnny cried, his voice breaking. "What did I do to deserve to be punished that way?!"

"John, friendships are like the wind. They come and go before you know it." Cap soothed. "Maybe you and Roy just weren't meant to be. Maybe you two are just too different to be

"Yeah, maybe." Johnny agreed. "Maybe Animal and I will have better luck. He and I are alot alike."


At station sixteen, Roy was settling into his new home. As he was putting his things in his locker, Captain Patrick Kennedy came in.

"DeSoto, your wife is here." The short brunette said as Jo came in.

"Roy, how could you?!" Joanne demanded, angrily. "Johnny doesn't play by your rules so, end of partnership! End of friendship!"

"Jo," Roy stammered, on the verge of tears. "Honey,-"

"Don't you honey me, Roy Francis DeSoto!" Jo yelled. "Your behavior as of late has been despicable! You have been downright mean to Johnny! You have a choice, either you apologize to Johnny or you can sleep here from now on!"

"Jo!" Roy protested as she stormed out of the apparatus bay. "Honey, please!"

Joanne just kept walking to her car and as she got in on the driver's side, she spoke one last time.

"No apology, no family!" Joanne told Roy. "Roy, grow up!"

With that, Joanne peeled out of the parking lot, running over Roy's foot, unknowingly as she left.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAA AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Roy roared in pain, hopping on his uninjured foot.

Roy's screams brought the others running from the station.


"Dwyer, get Roy inside and check out his foot huh?" Cap Kennedy suggested.


Thirty minutes later, Roy limped out of treatment room three in Rampart's ER on crutches, his right foot in a cast. Jo's car had broken two bones in the top of Roy's foot. As he was leaving the hospital, Joanne came running in.

"Roy, I'm so sorry!" Joanne sobbed "Is it bad?"

"I'm out of work for eight weeks now, thanks to you!" Roy growled. "Jo, why did you hurt me like that?"

"Roy, it was an accident!" Jo sobbed.

"How could you not see me?! I was standing right there!" Roy yelled. "Or were you just so sore at me you wanted to get even?! You wanted me hurt!"

"That's not true!" Joanne replied, her tears blinding her. "Roy, I love you! Let me take you home and take care of you!"

"Why, so you can chew my ass again?" Roy sneered. "Look, you had no right to yell at me like that in front of the guys! You humiliated me, Jo! Thanks, but no thanks! I'll be just fine on my

"Roy, you need help!" Jo pleaded.

"Not from you!" Roy growled as he hobbled out the double doors, leaving a devested wife behind.

Once outside, Roy hailed a cab.

"Driver, take me to the nearest motel." Roy requested as he shut the cab's door after getting inside.

"Yes, Sir." The driver replied, pulling away from the hospital.


Back inside the hospital, Nurse Dixie McCall led Joanne into the coffee room.

"Dix, I didn't mean to!" Jo sobbed.

"Joanne, Roy and Johnny's fight is between them." Dix told the crying woman. "The best thing we can do is stay out of it."

"But, Roy is acting like an ass!" Jo sobbed.

"Johnny isn't behaving any better." Dix reminded Jo. "If those two would stop pulling away from each other and check their egos at the door, they could work this out. It has to be up to them though."

"Meanwhile, the kids and I are caught in the middle." Jo sniffed. "Chris and his best friend had a fight the other day. Chris told Sean that he never wanted to see him again."

"Why'd he do that?" A concerned Dixie asked.

"Chris told me he did that cause that's what daddy told him he said to Uncle Johnny when Roy called yesterday afternoon." Jo sniffed.

"I see." Dix nodded.

"Dix, Roy should know better! He's a father!" Jo cried.

"You're a mother, yet, you yelled at Roy in front of his colleagues." Dix shot back.

"Touche," Jo agreed. "I guess I should apologize to Roy."

"Why don't you wait a day or two until you've cooled off and Roy has too?" Dix suggested. "It would also help if you'd stop punishing Roy as if he were a child. You can't take his home
and family away just because he acts poorly from time to time. Roy is an adult and should be treated as one. He should also know that your love is unconditional, the kid's too."

Jo hung her dark head, realizing that Dix was right.


Meanwhile, at a motel not far from Rampart, Roy lie in bed with his foot propped on a pillow, reading a magazine. A few seconds later, a knock was heard on the motel room door.

"Who's there?" Roy called.

The door opened and Johnny poked his head in.

"A friend with a peace offering." Johnny smiled. "Please, Pally, can we talk?"

"Sure, Junior, C'mon in." Roy grinned.

 "Roy, what I did to Chet was wrong." Johnny began as he sat down on the bed beside Roy. "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

"John, It wasn't the prank itself that upset me, it was the person who did it. You see, as Paramedics, we have an example to set. How can we treat people if we're the ones inflicting the
injuries?" Roy replied. "Johnny, you think Chet's a bully, maybe you oughta look in the mirror. Johnny, I know Chet's done alot of mean things to you, but why couldn't you go to Cap or me?"

"Because, I didn't want to be the station snitch." Johnny replied. "I just thought I could handle Chet myself. Yeah, I handled him all right, right into Rampart!"

"Johnny, I hope you see now just how dangerous pranks can be." Roy told him. "What you may think is fun could have unintended consequences."

Johnny nodded.

"Roy, what do we do about our friendship?" Johnny asked.

"Just work to repair it." Roy grinned. "That's what you do when any relationship is strained, you work to make it strong again."

"How bout I start by buying you a beer?" Johnny offered.

"You're on." Roy grinned as Johnny helped him to his feet.


Two days later, Roy returned home to his wife.

"Hi, Honey." Jo smiled, greeting Roy with a kiss. "Are you okay?"

"I am now that I have my best friend back." Roy smiled as Johnny entered the house.

"Johnny!" Jo squealed in delight. "You and Roy made up!"

"Either that, or we got these huge hangovers for nothing." Johnny teased, wincing. "Owww, my head!"

"You two tied one on last night." Jo guessed, laughing.

"Honey, you missed a heck of a beer party!" Roy told his wife, as he turned green and limped as fast as he could toward the bathroom.

Jo just doubled over laughing.

"C'mon, Johnny, come lay down on the couch. I'll get the antacids and aspirin." Joanne laughed.

"Thanks, Jo." Johnny smiled, wincing.


"Oh, no!" Johnny suddenly moaned, losing his stomach.

Jo grabbed Johnny as he ran toward the bathroom.

"Johnny, Roy's in there!" Jo reminded him as she guided the young man toward the kitchen.

Johnny retched as he put his hand over his mouth. As he ran, his stomach heaved violently. Johnny didn't make it to the sink in time. His stomach contents exploded all over him and Joanne.

Jo didn't flinch as she got Johnny to the sink and began to clean him up.

"Sorry, Jo." Johnny whispered, then vomited again in the sink.

"It's okay, Honey." Jo assured her friend. "This ain't the first time I've dealt with hangovers. Roy and his old stationmates would go partying on their weekends off. It was when Roy was at 112's."

"Before the medics?" Johnny asked as he washed his face.

"Way before." Jo laughed. "Roy used to be quite the party animal."

"Roy? You're kidding!" Johnny laughed, then winced at the pain in his head.

"Honey, In high school, Roy wanted so to be one of the popular kids. They'd never let him join them. So one night, Roy decided he'd throw a kegger at his house!" Jo laughed, remembering.

"He got an adult friend to buy the beer and his parents were away that weekend."

"Uh oh." Johnny laughed as Jo took his soiled clothes to be washed.

"Uh oh is right!" Joanne guffawed as she took Johnny to the livingroom and laid him on the sofa. "That party got way out of hand."

"What happened?" Johnny asked.

END PART 14: For The Glory