Copyright: November 2002 by Robin R. Neher


Title: The Grand Experiment

Author: Robin R. Neher


Rating: R

Pairing: N/A

Archive: Yes

Fandom: Emergency!

Summary: Chief McConnikee has an idea for an experiment and wants station 51's A-shift to be his test subjects.

Content Warning: Harsh Language.


The Grand Experiment
by Robin R. Neher

Is was mid morning and the squad was just returning from a run.

"Hey, Roy, isn't that McConnikee's car?" Paramedic John Gage asked as they watched the red sedan with department logos pull into station 51's parking lot in back of the station.

"Sure is." Roy DeSoto replied as he back the squad into the driveway, then into the apparatus bay.

Johnny and Roy left the squad and walked into the station's kitchen.

"Gage, DeSoto, you're just in time." Chief McConnikee greeted them. "I was just about to announce my little plan for this nut hatch."

Roy and Johnny took places at the kitchen table and listened with the rest of A-Shift as the Chief began.

"Men, the times, they are a changin." The Chief said. "Other departments now have women among their ranks. Some have even advanced as far as the rank of Captain. We must change with the times if we are to keep pace. To that effect, this shift is going to take part in an experiment of sorts. Captain Stanley, effective next shift, you will be reassigned to operations

Hank nodded.

"Chief, are you saying that a chick will take command here?" Chet Kelly asked.

"That's one way of saying it, Kelly." McConnikee nodded. "Yes, you will have a female Captain for a few weeks. A Captain Tilly."

"Chief, just what is the purpose of this experiment?" Roy wanted to know.

"Well, DeSoto, we at the department want to find out how male firefighters will react to a woman in a leadership role." The Chief replied. "We want to know how a woman in charge will affect the general morale and attitude of station personnel. To achieve this, you all will be issued small tape recorders and blank tapes to record your day to day feelings about working under a woman Captain."

"Chief, with all due respect, I don't like the idea of having a lady as my boss." Chet stated. "I mean, what are we gonna do about sleeping quarters and when she needs to change in and out of uniform?"

Chet was answered by the klaxon going off.

Squad 51, possible drowning at the daycare. 448 Dixon Place. 448 Dixon Place. Crosstreet: Hogan. Ambulance is responding. Timeout: 11:25.

"Squad 51, KMG-365." Johnny acknowledged as he and Roy sped out in the squad, lights and sirens on.


"Squad 51, available." Johnny advised dispatch twenty minutes later as they emerged from treatment two at Rampart General.

Squad 51. LA returned over the HT in Johnny's hand.

"That's what I like, a male voice." Johnny remarked as he and Roy walked down the hall.

"Johnny, do I detect a little sexism there?" Asked Nurse Ellen Bart as the medics joined her at the nurse's desk.

"It sure sounds like that to me." Replied Head Nurse Dixie McCall.

"I'm sorry, Dix. We're getting a new Captain at the station." Johnny explained.

"A female." Roy added.

"And I take it you're not thrilled with the idea." Dix guessed.

"It's a blow to their fragile male egos." Ellen joked. "A lady in control scares the hell out of them."

"Why? You work with me." Dix reminded them.

"Yeah, but you have no authority over us." Johnny replied.

"Ellen, these two are long overdue for some vaccinations." Dix said. "Make the shots especially painful."

"Yes, Miss McCall." Ellen snickered, then led a couple of nervous medics into treatment four.

"Hey, Dix, did you make sure-" Dr. Kel Brackett began.

"AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" Screams rang out from treatment four.

"Yeah, you did." Kel smiled as Ellen rejoined them.

"One injection given in each butt cheek of each Paramedic." Ellen reported, smiling.

"Good." Dix smiled as Roy and John limped to rejoin them.

"Said the wrong thing to the women, Huh, Guys?" Kel asked.

The Paramedics nodded.

"Guys, you gotta watch your mouths, especially with women skilled in the use of syringes." Kel laughed.


Roy and John grimaced as they limped through the double doors to the squad.

"Women!" Johnny griped.

"Johnny, I don't like the idea of a female Captain either, but the Chief thinks this will work." Roy replied. "All we can do is go along with it."

"Or transfer." Johnny suggested.

"Look, we are not gonna be childish about this." Roy stated. "We are gonna show this Captain the same respect as we would Stanley."

"I still don't like it." Johnny griped as they left Rampart for station fifty-one.

The next morning, Roy and his wife were discussing the prospect of a new Captain over breakfast.

"I think it's a damn good idea." Joanne DeSoto stated over her coffee and doughnut.

"Jo, men should be led by a man." Roy argued over his oatmeal. "Men respect other men."

"Are you saying that a woman couldn't lead a crew?" Jo asked her husband.

"Look, Firefighting is a job that demands physical strength. If you're a captain, you have to have a strong leadership presence." Roy answered. "A man has that."

"Roy DeSoto, I don't believe you!" Joanne rebuked her husband. "Here it is 1976, yet you still wanna live like it's the 1950's! Women are just as capable as men!"

"Jo, save your breath." Advised her younger Sister, Karen as she arrived for a prearranged shopping date with Jo. "Roy here can't help his cave man, macho, attitude. Roy, I hope this new lady Captain shows all of you macho men up and puts you all to shame with her skills."

"As do I." Jo agreed. "Maybe then, you'll all realize that women can be more than just housewives, nurses, and teachers."

With that, Jo and Karen got ready to leave.

"We'll be gone all day, Hon." Jo said as she and her sister walked toward the door.

As they passed Roy, Karen elbowed his very hot oatmeal into his lap.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!" Roy roared in pain, jumping up from the chair he'd been sitting in. "OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!"

The sisters just snickered as they left the house.



Two days later, Roy reported for duty to face the inevitable, as did Johnny and the others. A few minutes later, Captain Shawn Tilly entered the lockeroom.

"Good morning, Gentlemen. I'm Captain Tilly and I'm gonna be your Captain for the time being." The woman said with an Irish brogue.

The guys all stood in silence as the looked the woman over. She was 5'4 with red hair and blue eyes.

"What's the matter, Boys?" Tilly asked. "Ain't ya never seen a lady before?"

"Uh, I'm John Gage." Johnny finally introduced himself. "Paramedic."

"Nice to know ya, Lad." The Captain smiled.

"Roy DeSoto, Paramedic." Roy introduced himself.

"Roy." The Captain nodded.

"Mike Stoker, your Engineer." Mike took his turn.

"Marco Lopez." Marco took his turn.

"Chester B. Kelly." Chet brought up the rear.

"Ah, Yes, Kelly." Tilly scowled at him. "I served with your Aunt Agatha at the station back home in Ireland."

"You're that Captain Tilly?" Chet asked, his eyes wide.

Tilly nodded.

"Your Auntie warned me about you, Chester Brockston Kelly." Tilly told the short man.

"Brockston?!" Johnny snorted.

"Wanna make something of it, Roderick?" Chet shot back.

"I warn you, Chester, the Phantom better stay out of my station or I will make your on duty life a living nightmare." Tilly warned.

"Yes, Ma'am." Chet gulped.

"I want a line up in ten minutes." Tilly ordered. "And I want another pot of coffee made."

"Something wrong with what I made, Cap?" Johnny asked.

"Nothing's wrong with your coffee, Laddie, unless you like the taste of paint at the start of the day." Tilly smiled, then left the lockeroom.


A few minutes later, A-Shift was having roll call in the apparatus bay.

"Kelly, you take the washroom." Captain Tilly instructed. "Gage, you and DeSoto take the kitchen. Lopez, the lockeroom, Mike, the dorm."

"Who's cooking, Cap?" Roy asked.

"I am, Lad." Tilly replied. "I'm keeping the menu hush hush til it's time to eat."

"Smart move, Cap." Roy smiled.

"Okay, let's get to work." Tilly instructed. "John, Chester, I wanna see you two in the office as soon as ya get your chores done."

"Right, Cap." Johnny replied.

Chet nodded.

The men then went to get started on their chores.


Thirty minutes later, Johnny knocked on the office door.

"You wanted to see us, Captain?" Johnny asked.

"Come in, Lads." Tilly replied. "Shut the door."

Johnny entered the office with Chet right behind. Chet shut the door as Johnny sat in a chair across from the Captain. Chet joined him a second later.

"Boys, I've had extensive talks with Henry Stanley. He said that you're a pretty good bunch of guys. He also mentioned some friction with you two." Tilly said. "Wanna tell me about it?"

"Well, Cap, I wouldn't call it friction exactly." Johnny replied.

"What would ya call it then, John?" Captain Tilly asked him.

"I guess a clash of personalities." Johnny shrugged.

"Well, whatever ya call it, I don't like problems with my crew. Are we reading each other?" Tilly asked.

"Yeah, Cap." Johnny nodded.

"Chester?" Tilly asked.

"Yeah, Cap." Chet nodded.

"I don't care what you two have to do, but I will not tolerate the other members of this shift being caught in the crossfire of you two's disagreements. I also will not tolerate you two disturbing the others at night with back and fourth pranks. Is that clear, Lads?" Tilly asked

"Yes, Ma'am." The men replied.

"Either you two work out your problems or I will and you won't like my soulution." Tilly warned. "I am serious about this, Gentlemen."

Both men nodded.

"Dismissed." Tilly said.

The men left the office as the tones went off.

Station 51, man down at the skating rink. 234 Lore Ave. 234 Lore Ave. Crosstreet: Bonner. Timeout: 08:45.

"Station 51, KMG-365." Captain Tilly acknowledged.

"Our first call with the new Captain." Johnny remarked as he strapped on his helmet. "We'll just see if she has what it takes to lead a crew now."


Johnny gasped as Tilly approached the squad.

"Do you have something to share with everyone, Fireman Gage?" She asked.

"Uh, No, Ma'am." Johnny stammered.

"Why don't ya be a man and tell everyone here what you just said?" Tilly encouraged.

"All I said was that we'll just see how you can lead a crew." Johnny explained.

"Stand up, Lad." Tilly instructed.

Johnny got out of the squad and joined the Captain.

"Men, Firemen Gage just said he doubted my leadership abilities." Tilly announced.

Chet and the others all snickered at Johnny.

"Tell me something. When was the last time ya served on an engine other than as a substitute at another station?" Tilly asked John.

"Eight years ago. My rookie year." Johnny answered.

"Well, we have a man here who hasn't set foot on an engine since he first joined the department." Tilly said. "I don't think you're qualified to judge my abilities, Fireman Gage. Listen, you stick to patching up the injured, okay? Move out."

A humiliated Johnny got back in the squad. He and Roy then rolled out of the station with the engine right behind.

Station 51 arrived at the skating rink minutes later.

"LA, station 51 at scene." Tilly reported.

Station 51. Time: 08:50. Sam acknowledged.

"You guys stay here til we see what we have." Tilly ordered the engine crew.

"Right, Cap." Mike replied.

Captain Tilly then joined Roy and Johnny at the squad.

"Cap, can you take the biophone?" Roy requested.

"Sure, Laddie." Tilly nodded as Johnny got the drug box and Roy the oxygen.

The trio then entered the rink and were met by the manager.

"On of our skaters says he's not feeling well." The man with a receding hairline said. "He's in my office"

"Did he say what was wrong?" Roy asked.

"Just that he was having pains in his stomach." The Manager replied, leading the way to his office. "He's a hypochondriac. Every sneeze or cough is reason to stay home."

"Well, let's take a look anyway." Cap Tilly replied as they arrived at the office.

Upon arrival, Roy John and the Captain saw a man in his twenties, laying curled up on the office floor.

"Fire department." Roy said, kneeling beside the man. "I understand you're not feeling well."

"It's my stomach." The man with blond hair the color of wheat winced.

"What's your name?" Johnny asked.

"Tommy Weller." The man replied.

"Tommy, I need you to roll over on your back so we can examine you." Johnny explained. "It's gonna hurt, but it's the only way."

The young man complied.

"How old are you?" Roy asked the patient.

"Twenty-two." Tommy replied as Roy started taking his vital signs.

"Cap, you wanna open a line to Rampart for us?" Johnny requested.

Tilly nodded.

"Rampart Emergency, this is squad 51. How do ya read me?" Tilly asked into the receiver of the biophone.


Minutes later, the victim was on his way to the hospital with Roy in the ambulance. Johnny put the equipment on the squad, then approached the Captain.

"Captain Tilly, I'd like to apologize for what happened back at the station." Johnny said. "You were impressive back inside the rink."

"Thank you, Laddie." Tilly smiled. "See you back at the station."

Johnny nodded, then got in the squad for the trip to Rampart.

"Squad 51, 10-8 to Rampart Emergency for follow up." Johnny reported.

Squad 51. LA Dispatch returned.


When Roy arrived at Rampart minutes after Johnny, he saw his partner at the nurse's desk.

"She humiliated me, right in front of the guys!" Johnny was griping to Dixie as Roy arrived at the desk.

"You were wrong." Roy told Johnny.

"DeSoto! Who's side are you on?!" Johnny demanded.

"The department's." Roy answered. "Johnny, you were wrong back at the station. Whether you wanna admit it or not, you were wrong."

"She stood me right up in front of the guys and said that I should stick to patching up injured people!" Johnny griped.

"So? Captain Tilly was just trying to point out that you weren't exactly the best judge of her ability to lead." Roy explained, remaining calm. "When you make Captain, you can judge her qualifications."

Squad 51, are you available? Dispatch came over the HT in Roy's hand.

"Squad 51, available." Roy responded.

Squad 51, return to quarters. Sam advised.

"10-4." Roy responded. "Let's go, John."

Johnny just followed his partner outside without another word.


When squad 51 arrived back at the station minutes later, Cap Tilly was waiting to meet it.

"John, my office." She ordered.

Johnny followed her without argument. Once the door was closed, Tilly looked the young man in the eyes.

"Gage, do you remember apologizing to me just before ya left for the hospital?" Tilly asked him.

"Of course." Johnny replied.

"I understand that people call you Johnny." Tilly said.

"They do." Johnny nodded.

"Okay, Johnny." Tilly nodded. "Johnny, I called you in here cause I'm concerned about you."

"In what way, Cap?" Johnny asked.

Johnny watched as the Captain came around from behind the desk and stood in front of him.

"You seem to have a bit of a defensive streak." Tilly replied. "It came out before we left on that run a bit ago. Are ya afraid of me?"

"No." Johnny answered, softly. "Cap, when you stood me up in front of the guys and they laughed at me, I have to admit, I felt embarrassed, not to mention humiliated. I know that it was my big mouth that caused that. I didn't mean for you to think that I doubted your skills. You do have to admit that there aren't many stations run by women Captains."

"That may change, John. Sooner than you think." Tilly told him.

Johnny fidgeted in his chair.

"I guess that this all scares the hell outta me." Johnny admitted.

"You're scared that I'm gonna make you all look foolish." Tilly guessed. "I'm not here to do that, Laddie. I just wanna show that I'm as capable a Captain as Captain Stanley is."

"You showed that you are on that run." Johnny assured her, grinning his crooked grin. "Ya, know, you think being a woman is hard in a fire station, try being me for a change. I grew up on a reservation."

"You mean an Indian reservation?" Tilly asked.

"Yes. I'm part Native American. My Mom is full blood Seminole. My father's white. Anyway, I grew up being called Half-breed, among other names that you can't say in front of a lady. I was beaten to a pulp as well on several occasions too, simply because of my mixed race." Johnny said.

"Is that why you're here now?" Tilly asked Johnny. "In LA I mean."

Before Johnny could answer, the klaxons sounded.

Station 8, engine 51, unknown type rescue at the amusement park. 123 Alf Circle. 123 Alf Circle. Crosstreet: Wyatt. Timeout: 09:15.

"Engine 51, KMG-365." Tilly responded as the engine rolled out, Code R.

As the engine was leaving, Joanne DeSoto walked in through the station's back door.

"Hi, Honey." Roy smiled. "What brings you here?"

"Well, I just came to see how my favorite men were faring with their new boss." Joanne smiled as her husband kissed her. "I was on my way to do a few errands and thought I'd drop by. So, how are things going?"

"I think I'm faring better with the Cap than Johnny is." Roy replied. "He's already gotten in trouble with her."

"Knowing him, I can't say I'm suprised." Joanne replied. "What happened?"

"Oh, he shot off his big mouth and Tilly heard him." Roy replied. "She took him to task in from of all of us."

"Poor guy." Joanne sympathized. "Where is he anyway?"

"Probably somewhere pouting." Roy sighed as the tones sounded.

Squad 51, man down. 477 Issacs Ave. 477 Issacs Ave. Crosstreet: Heath. Timeout: 09:30.

"Squad 51, KMG-365." Roy responded as Johnny ran in and took his place in the passenger seat.

Roy then got in the driver's seat and strapped on his helmet. Joanne watched as the men left the station in the squad, lights and siren full blast.


Squad 51, cancel. Dispatch advised minutes after Roy and John left the station.

"Squad 51." Johnny responded as Roy killed the code R response.

"Johnny, we need to get something straight." Roy said. "I'm not gonna spend an entire shift with you pouting cause the lady Cap put you in your place."

"I'm not pouting." Johnny replied.

"Then why the silent treatment?" Roy asked.

"Roy, I wasn't pouting." Johnny insisted. "I was thinking."

"About?" Roy prompted.

"Cap asked if I was afraid of her." Johnny replied.

"Are you?" Roy asked his friend.

Before Johnny could answer, the two-way radio buzzed to life.

Squad 51, child choking. 1132 West Williams St. 1132 West Williams St. Crosstreet: 1st. Timeout: 09:35.

"Squad 51, 10-4." Johnny acknowledged as Roy flipped on the lights and siren, then turned the squad around and sped toward the scene.


Engine fifty-one meanwhile, was just returning to the station from it's run.

"You all did a fine job, Laddies." Cap Tilly was telling her men. "You all acted professionally and with skill that I never see in Ireland."

"Captain, you'll never find any better firemen than those at station 51." Mike Stoker beamed, proudly. "We are proud of the job we do, right, Fellas?"

"Right." Marco Lopez replied.

"Chester? All ya alright, Lad?" A concerned Tilly asked, noticing that Chet hadn't said a word since they'd left the station.

"He just gets a little cranky without his first prank of the day, Cap." Mike teasingly explained as he drove. "He loves to set his favorite pigeon up at least once a shift."

"And who might that be?" Tilly asked, a glint in her eyes.

"One John Roderick Gage." Marco grinned. "Chet here knows that ol Johnny's not the most observant man on the planet."

"I nailed him four times with my patented water bombs." Chet grinned at the memory."

"So? What's the big deal about that?" The Captain wondered.

"In one shift?" Marco replied.

"You're kidding!" Tilly guffawed. "You actually got John four times in one shift?!"

"Sure did." Chet smiled from his seat behind her. "I Blasted him every chance I got."

"Why, Chet?" Marco asked, from his own seat behind Mike.

"Why, what?" Chet prompted.

"Why do you pick on Johnny all the time?" Marco wanted to know.

"Oh, I don't think Chester here does it to hurt John, he does it to get his goat, right, Lad?" Captain Tilly smiled.

Squad 118, stand by for response. LA came over the radio.

"Get ready, Lads." Tilly ordered as multiple tones went off.

Chet and the rest quickly strapped on their helmets as the broadcast came over.

Station 12. Station 6, station 86, station 16, engine 10, engine 51, engine 8, truck 8, squad 118, structure fire. 100 South Forbes St. 100 South Forbes St. Crosstreet: 7th. Timeout: 09:45.

"Engine 51, 10-4." Tilly responded as Mike turned on the lights and siren and drove toward the scene.


Roy, meanwhile, was just arriving at Rampart hospital in squad 51. Johnny had arrived minutes earlier with their victim. As he went inside the ER, he was greeted by Dr. Joe Early, who was filling out a chart at the nurse's station.

"Hi, Roy, how are you?" The neurologist greeted.

"Fine, Doc." Roy smiled.

"I hear the station has a lady Captain." Joe remarked.

"Yep, Captain Tilly." Roy replied.

"How are Johnny and the others handling it?" Dr. Mike Morton wondered as he worked on his own chart.

"About as well as can be expected." Roy answered.

"Just give em time to get used to her." Joe advised. "She's as new to them as you are to her."

"I know." Roy nodded. "It's gonna take time for all of us to adjust."

"Doc," Johnny greeted as he joined them.

"How's the victim?" Roy asked his partner.

"He's gonna be here for a few days." Johnny sighed.

"Let's get back to the station." Roy said. "Squad 51, available."

Both men perked up as tones sounded over the HT in Roy's hand.

Squad 51, possible heart case at the deli. 778 Jones St. 778 Jones St. Crosstreet: Thomas. Timeout: 09:50.

"Squad 51, 10-4." Roy acknowledged as he and Johnny ran for the squad.


The squad returned to the station three hours later.

"Boy, what a day." Johnny remarked as he got out of the squad. "Fours hours on duty and we've already had nine responses."

"No kidding." Roy agreed. "I'm beat and I'm starving."

"Let's go see what Cap is planning for us." John suggested, his stomach growling.

"I'm with you." Roy answered.

As the men walked toward the kitchen, the tones stopped them in their tracks.

Squad 51, man sick at the pet shop. 12 Holliston Ave. 12 Holliston Ave. Crosstreet: Limpin. Timeout: 13:09.

"Squad 51, KMG-365." Roy answered, then resumed his seat in the squad as did Johnny his.

"Don't they ever give us a break?!" Johnny griped as he strapped on his helmet.

"There's no rest for the wicked, Johnny." Roy smiled, wryly as they again left the station, code R.

As they rode toward the scene, both men knew they had a job to do, no matter how tired or hungry they were.

"Roy, this place is clear across the district." Johnny noted as he consulted their map.

LA, squad 209. We're closer to 51's incident and will handle. A voice came over the squad's two way radio. ETA 2 minutes.

10-4, squad 209. Sam responded. Squad 51, what is your ETA?

"LA, Squad 51, our ETA is 20 minutes." Johnny reported.

Squad 51, Cancel. LA advised.

"Squad 51." Johnny answered as Roy killed the lights and siren.

"We come clear across the district for nothing!" Johnny griped as he hung up the mic.

"This is our area." Roy replied. "Look, there's a pizza place. What do you say we get a bite to eat?"

"That's the best offer I've had all day." Johnny grinned. "LA, squad 51 available at Eric's pizza emporium."

Squad 51. LA returned.


As the guys entered the eatery, engine 51 pulled into the parking lot and Tilly and the crew got off.

"She sure don't look too happy." Johnny remarked as the Captain and her crew joined him and Roy. "Something wrong, Cap?"

"Yeah, I had the great misfortune of meeting a hemorrhoid of a Paramedic who calls himself Craig Brice on our last run!" Tilly hissed. "That lad's been wearin his helmet too tight!"

"We should've warned you about him." Roy mused. "What happened?"

"Uh, DeSoto, that scoundrel and I almost came to blows." Tilly scowled. "He's like a broken record."

"Rules and regulations, right?" Roy guessed.

"More like a school marm." Tilly replied. "I thought he was gonna slap me on the wrist with a ruler."

"Cap, I had to work with him for two weeks while Johnny was in the hospital one time. I'll admit that Brice takes annoying to a whole new level. Even I wanted to hit him." Roy soothed.

"I wish you had, Laddie." Tilly shook her head. "What are you lads doin here anyway?"

"We were hungry." Johnny grinned. "Have you eaten?"

"You buyin, Lad?" Tilly smiled.

"Sure." Johnny grinned.

"Well, this is a switch." Chet teased. "Gage is actually payin this time."

"We've got company." Marco called.

"Oh no." Tilly scowled. "Brice, what do ya want now?"

"Simply to remind Gage and DeSoto that we have a tape review this afternoon." Craig Brice replied.

"A tape review or a public criticism?" Tilly demanded.

"Captain, I'm only trying to help better the program." Brice replied.

"You have us sit around a table while you pick apart our every action at a call." Johnny scowled. "You and Morton both."

"I think the whole thing's a waste of time." Roy added. "The Chief Engineer even thought so."

"I know." Brice sighed.

"Brice, don't feel bad, Laddie." Captain Tilly offered. "These men have enough to deal with without being graded like schoolboys every week."

"Brice, we have a call." Called his partner, Bob Bellingham, who was standing by squad 16.

Brice started to walk toward his squad.

"Brice?" Tilly called.

Brice turned to face her.

"I believe you're a good man at heart, but that's overshadowed by you acting as if you're a Captain. Think about it." Tilly advised.