Title: Emotion

Author: Growly

Fandom: EEnE

Pairing: Edd/Kevin

Rating: PG

Archive: Yes, as always

Feedback: Always welcome, thanks.

Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to Danny and AKA Cartoon Studios.

Notes: This is based on a song I was listening to at the time, and since I couldn't think of a title, I just named it after said song. Notes #2: The notes are almost longer than this fic! O.o;

By Growly

I still couldn't believe it. Double D was the last one I would have expected to turn traitor on me. Ok, so maybe not the LAST one. I don't think Ed could turn on me even if he wanted to, but you know what I mean. I mean c'mon! This is DOUBLE D! He's as much a part of the Eds as I am!

And there he sat. I never thought he was like that. Hell, I never thought KEVIN was like that either. It made me sick just to watch them. Double D hadn't changed much, but Kevin went all weird. He treated Double D like… I don't know, like he's something special.

"Is Double D going to help us, Eddy?" This from Ed, who else? The big lug hasn't figured out yet that Double D isn't going to be hanging out with us anymore.

I turned on him, impatiently, not wanting to look at Kevin and Double D any longer. "Of course not, Monobrow. He's too busy with Kevin."

Ed peered over at them, a gleeful smile spreading over his face, as if he was overjoyed to see them getting along so well. "They make a cute couple, Eddy."


Did he really have to put it that way? My fingers clenched around the blueprints I was holding, almost tearing the paper in two. Sometimes Ed is just TOO clueless.

The idiot was waving at someone over my shoulder – presumably Double D and Kevin. Well, I wasn't going to turn around.

Okay. So I figured I might as well turn around. You know, in case they were mocking me or something behind my back. You can never be too careful about that sort of thing.

Was it just me or was Kevin smirking? That jerk! Why, if it wasn't for my own sup… supi… um… greatness… I'd go have Ed teach him a thing or two about why he shouldn't mess with the great Eddy!

Double D was looking at us too. He'd been waving at Ed when I turned around, but he stopped almost immediately when I looked at him. We just kind of stood there for a second, me glaring and him wriggling in his seat like he had to go to the bathroom or something. Yeah, he's not stupid so he knows I'm not happy with this little rebellion of his. Just once, I wish he'd actually come out and SAY what he's thinking instead of dancing around the subject.

If he'd just said something instead of running off to Kevin…

Urgh. This is no time to be thinking that way. I don't really care what Double D does at all. He can go be gay with Kevin or whatever. It's no big deal. I don't need him anyway.

"C'mon Ed. We have people to scam."

For just a moment, Double D raised his hand slightly, as if he was signaling for us to wait. It seemed like he might just hop out of his chair and join us. But then Kevin wrapped an arm around his shoulders and mumbled something in his ear that made him smile a little and blush.

I almost growled, but instead I just turned around and stalked off. "C'mon Monobrow!"

Who needed Double D anyway?

I mean really?


*The End?
