Title: Heatwave
Author: Angela
Fandom: The Sentinel
Pairing: Jim/Blair
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Archive: WWOMB
Feedback: Yes
Email Address:
ladybug74873@hotmail.comSeries/Sequel: if you want any
Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Petfly and UPN own them
Summary: Jim, Blair, heat. ‘Nuff said.
Warnings: none that I know of
Notes: This is a challenge from Tayla and another list that she is on.
Cascade was having one of its worst heatwaves. What made it even worse was that the criminals didn’t want to stay indoors. Or so Jim Ellison, Sentinel of the Great City thought. The Sentinel looked at the limp body next to him and smiled. His beautiful lover was feeling the effects of this
heatwave just as badly as he was. This heat was getting to everyone especially the gang at the station. Tempers were short and so was Connor’s skirts. But Jim could care less about Connor’s short skirts. Even if they were on Blair and the young guide looked good. He just wanted to get out of this heat. He didn’t want to chase criminals, look at them or go to a crime scene unless
anyone of those things was being held in an air-conditioned place. And that wasn’t likely to happen. In Jim’s estimation all crimes needed to be held in a place that had air conditioning. Maybe the loft would be a good place to hold any crime. At least he and his guide wouldn’t have to leave the comfort of their home (and bed!). Jim again looked over at the limp figure of the
Shaman of the Great City and wondered if he had moved any since they had gotten home. Probably not. Neither one of them had even lifted a finger to even get a bottle of water.
"Chief, my love, we are going to have to go somewhere with lots of water and air conditioning." Jim puffed.
The curly head only moved slightly and no comment came from the direction of one Blair Sandburg. He was thinking that his Sentinel just made the understatement of the year. The Guide just slightly nodded his head and went back to contemplating his and Jim’s toes. And cute toes that they were. Getting no further action or statement from his lover Ellison decided to take some action. The detective got up from the couch to find some very cold water. He handed Blair a water bottle and then got himself one, too. Both men gulped down the cool liquid until they were satisfied. Jim sat back down by his limp lover and Guide.
"I’ll ask Simon for some time off and we could go down to some beach in California and just lay there. No movement. Nothing." Jim suggested.
"Sounds good. You think Simon will give you some time off." Blair agreed.
"I hope so."
Blair smiled and looked at his lover. The detective had a far away look on his face. The young man knew that the Sentinel was on the beach somewhere surfing and sunning himself. And hopefully having incredible sex with his Guide, too. The anthropologist chuckled and rubbed his lover’s hand and went back to contemplating toes.
"My love, why are you contemplating our toes."
Jim just looked at the young man and shook his head. This heatwave was affecting his young lover strangely. Usually Blair contemplated other parts of himself and the Sentinel not their toes. The detective eyed the young Guide and slowly got up from the couch to fix sandwiches for their
"Here, Chief." Jim said handing the young anthro professor his dagwood like sandwich.
Blair just waved the sandwich off and went back to contemplating the toes. Jim’s eyebrows went up into what was left of his hair. The Sentinel was thinking that it was time to get the young man out of Cascade and into some kind of cold water before he melted away and there was no sex. Jim couldn’t think of anything that was worse than not being able to make love to the beautiful man before him.
to be continued by adopting author.....