Title: Silence Broken

Author: Joy


Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue. "Uncle Fucka" is Trey Parker and Matt Stone's. "Love Shack" is the B-52's.

Rating: R, for language. Slight hinting at a Harper/Hunt pairing.

Summary: Harper downloads info from a probe, much to everyone else's disturbance.



By Joy

It was a relatively quiet evening in space on the Andromeda Ascent. Dylan Hunt was enjoying a challenging game of basketball with Tyr in the gym. Trance was caring for some plants, lost in her own little world. Beka was on the bridge, keeping an eye on things. THe Rev was attempting to nap and dream of the Way.

Everyone was nearly deafened by the sudden racket that nearly blew out the intercom system. It was music, or what shouldn't have been called music.

"Shut your fucking face uncle fucka...
You're a cock-sucking ass-licking uncle fucka!
You're an uncle fucka yes it's true
Nobody fucks uncles quite like you..."

Dylan jumped up into the air, nearly being jammed in the face by Tyr's elbow. The obscenities being uttered by someone with access to the ship's main console disturbed him. Greatly.

"Andromeda! What the hell was that?"

Silence answered him, then Rommie appeared, covering her mouth from hysterical laughter. "Captain, Harper is downloading the information from the probe we picked up yesterday. It seems it is a collection of music files."

Tyr glared in typical Nietzchean fashion. "That atrocity is not music."

Rommie smiled ambigulously. "Apparently, Harper found it humorous." She was interrupted by another blast from the speakers.

"Loooooove shack! Love Shack yeahhhhh...
Love shack, love shack, love shack babyyyyy..."

Dylan put the basketball down gently into Tyr's hands. "I'll take care of this."

"With all due respect, Dylan, maybe you could use some assistance." Tyr offered.

Dylan shook his head. As he stomped out of the gym to the beat of some more "music", he muttered, "Somebody is going to get a spanking for this."