New Year's Surprise

Series: To Each Holiday There is a Reason

Author: Shara Nesu

Feedback: - give me a chance to say Happy New Year to you all!


Disclaimer: I don't own anyone it all belongs to Joss etc.

Spoilers: None really - basically all the seasons - and lets just say Spike has a soul.

Category/Pairings: Spike/Angel

Rating: NC17 Warning: M&M Sex - PWP

Distribution: Want, Have, Take.

Summery: A sequel to 12 Days. 10 years into the future, a souled Spike seduces his Sire with 12 gifts for Christmas. Now they decide to then celebrate New Year.

Note: Dedicated to Rose, Helen & Kld - Love you Guys! And Happy New Year to all!

New Year's Surprise
By Shara Nesu

31 December 2012

Angel’s Journal:

Snow. I’m surrounded by friggin’ snow. Why the hell did I ever let Cordelia talk us into coming to the mountains for New Year? I mean I could be in a nice warm hotel, a comfortable bed, and shagging a bed warmed body - a certain bleached blond who spent the journey pouting about his iced up cigarettes.

It was a nightmare getting here. The snow, the cold, and the constant complaints from another bleached blond. Female this time. We travelled in two cars, me driving my Plymouth and Gunn in his estate. He replaced the pick up when Erin was born. Off course, Cordelia came with us and that put an end to any cuddles me and Spike would have shared. She sat in the front while Spike was forced into the back seat with Liam. Connor and Erin were travelling with Gunn. My Grandson and Childe seemed to have their own fun, while Cordelia talked about the current price of shoes.

When we finally arrived at the log cabin, that Cordelia had rented for the week, we found it without water, heat or logs. Gunn and Connor went into a nearby town for supplies, Cordelia tried to warm the place with fan heaters, while I sorted the water problem, and Spike collected firewood from a nearby barn. It was snowing, freezing, and damn horrid.

Later, I managed to get an old water pump working, and the others arrived home. We eat in silence and then crawled under a pile of blankets, fully clothed, and tried to get some sleep.

The next day - today - didn’t go so well either. I had to go and get the water pump working again, while Cordelia made breakfast. When I returned, Spike was no where in sight. I haven’t seen him all day, and now it’s getting to mid-afternoon and there’s still no Spike.

I put my journal back into my overnight bag, and grab my skiing jacket. The others are busy getting dinner ready, and since I don’t eat, I don‘t need to hang around. I leave quietly and walk out into the freezing snow. It’s dark already, and the wind is bitter. The only place I could ever dream that Will would be in - is the barn... but surely that would be colder than the house. I stumble over, my feet turning to blocks of ice in seconds. Sometimes, I really hate being a vampire. We aren’t really effected by the cold - well, I mean that we don‘t suffer from frostbite - but it effects us in different ways. It makes my feet ache, increases hunger because of the cold blood in our bodies, and the sensations of nerves lessen. Being room temperature is much more pleasant.

I pull open the heavy barn door and step inside.

“I thought ya would never get here,” a voice calls from deep inside.

I move towards the dim light, wading through the old hay. In the back stall there’s a warm glow, and I enter inside, closing a shuttered wooden gate behind me. A wave of heat surprises me and I gasp in the warm air. I can’t believe what Spike has done. Before me is a bed of blankets and hay. A warm fire in an old pot bellied stove, and the smell of roasted chestnuts.

“What?” I gasp, looking around. It’s so warm in here, warmer than even in the cabin.

“You know this is the second time I’ve waited for you.” It’s William speaking. That soft voice edged with a purely English, well-to-do accent.

I don’t remember the first time straight away, so I reach back into my memories. Back to when I was Angelus and another New Year’s eve.

It was snowing then as it was now, but in an entirely different continent. The land of his birth.

“You were 3,” I mumble.

“Yeah, and you were a bastard.”

“Hey!” I look up and for the first time see my Childe. Oh good lord, he’s naked. Soft pale skin is revealed to me - like the first snow. Smooth and pure in the light of the small fire. He smiles and bends over to the stove, giving me a perfect view of rounded buttocks.

“We were caught in a blizzard,” William begins to speak, turning the roasting chestnuts. “Darla and Dru were off elsewhere and we were alone. We took shelter in a barn - not unlike this one - and I lit a fire for you. I undressed and then...”

“I left,” I finish.

William continues to turn the chestnuts, looking away from me. I remember that day now. Begin caught in a wintery blizzard, the cold, and the ice. I was angry at the time, angry because I was hungry and I had to look after my Chide. We had taken shelter in a barn, and William had made the best of it. He had tried to seduce me and I never even noticed. In the end, I had run off to a nearby farmhouse and killed the family residing there.

“Maybe, we can make a new memory,” I suggest slyly, finally realising what all this is about. “This is the New Year, a new beginning.” I reach up to the zip of my warm jacket, and slowly pull it down.

“I’m not Angel, here, I’m Angelus. This is that barn in England and I’m going to do it right this time.” I pull off the jacket, which is quickly followed by shirt and shoes.

“Yes, Sire,” my Childe replies. He grins from the stove, collecting the heated chestnuts with a stick. They fall onto a piece of bark, ready for us to eat.

“Come here Childe, and finish undressing these wet clothes.”

My order is obeyed, and his lithe form slides across the floor to kneel at my feet. I shiver delighted, and moan as delft fingers caress the bulge in my pants. Quickly, they move on to push my slacks down my legs and off. He caresses my thighs on the way down, but nothing more. He’s being obedient and willing just as he would have been that other night. I wonder if things would have been different between us if I had stayed. Would we have been together - loving together? Then again, I didn’t have a soul... and well, neither did he. Does regret only happen when you have a soul?

When I am as naked as he is, I hold out my hand and help him to his feet. My lips find his and I kiss the soft coolness of him. Would it have been as this? Would I - Angelus - have held him tenderly, loved him thoroughly, and then fucked him into the soft hay?

“Oh what the hell!” I proclaim, giving up the pretence of being Angelus. I grab my beloved to me and crush us chest to chest. He moans into my embrace and I lean down to his pouty lips. “Can we start again? My new years resolution?”

“Sire?” William asks confused by my suddenly need.

“My New Year’s resolution - forget the past and start anew. You are mine, my Childe, my William. I am your Sire, Angel and we are one. I’m sorry I wasn’t there all those years ago. This is different, Will. I can’t pretend to be that Angelus. I thought I could, but I can’t. I want to kiss you, eat with you and then screw you into the hay. I don’t want to think about if that is what Angelus would have done. I’m not him. I’m me, and this New Years Eve I want to show you what this new Sire wants.”

I kiss him again, our lips crushing together, splitting under the force.

*Yes* comes the answer within the blood.

I break the kiss, and lead my beloved over to the stove. The pure heat buffets my skin, making me warm and comfortable. I lay down, and he follows me, to lounge in the soft blankets. His skin is so yielding and velvety next to mine, making my nerves tingle with his gentle touch. I pull him over me, a blanket of flesh and bone, rubbing my hands over his silken flanks.

Tapered fingers reach out and gingerly pick up one of the chestnuts. The skin is burnt, and breaks away easily in Will’s firm grasp. Inside is the warm soft heart of the nut. He breaks it in two and presses half to my mouth. I’m not usually one for eating, but food from his fingers is finer than pigs’ blood any day. My lips close around the offering, and I lap at his fingertips. He groans, his eyes wide, and fixed to my lips as I chew. I take the other half from him, and press it to his lips. They part, like soft rose petals against my rough digits, and a warm tongue wraps around the nutty offering. I moan as he takes nut and finger into his mouth. He licks me clean and then swallows.

Will picks up another warm chestnut and once again breaks the skin. Oh good lord, he’s going to kill me. I don’t know if I can take another finger treat.

I watch though half-closed lids, as William breaks the nut in half and leans towards me. I lick my lips in anticipation, just waiting for those fingers to touch my mouth again. This time, he leans closer, and just when I expect the treat - he pops it into his mouth. I snarl softly, but he grins. Seconds later, his lips cover mine, and that hot sweet is dropped inside. He moves away allowing me to chew, as he pops the other half into his sweet mouth.

As Will reaches for another Chestnut - I decide that I can’t take anymore!

I grab his arms and mould him to me. My warmed tongue lapping at his lips. Will laughs at my lack of control and impatience.

“Some things never change,” he mumbles into my mouth.

“My resolution was to start again, not to get rid of the good things...” I reply, kissing him deeply.

“Your impatience is a good thing?” Will manages to choke out between chuckles.

“Hmmm...” I slide my hands around his chest, rubbing the fine lines of his waist and then moving them to the small of his back. Such a strong back. Perfect lines of ribs and spine, muscles that flex and tense under my ministrations. I kiss his lips, map out his mouth, and let my hands drift further down. I cup his firm cheeks, stroking the pale skin, pinching lightly on the dimples.

“Err... Sire?” Will asks, managing to break my lip lock.

“Will, shut up,” I answer.

I kiss him again, silencing whatever question he wanted to ask. I need him now. He’s seduced me again. He never fails. I’m powerless against the force of him. His face, his character, his body, and his sexy voice. Oh yeah, and his tongue. I dip deeper into his mouth, lapping at his throat.

Just under a week ago, he gave me 12 presents. 12 sighs of his desire for me - his love, his needs, and the proof that he is my perfect companion. My childe, my slave and my lover. I can’t believe it took me 10 years to find him...and a hundred years before that. Off course, it was him who found me, and he’s seduced me... again.

I roll William under me, pressing him into the warm blankets and hay. He’s so hot! His flesh moulding to mine, passing the heat on. He must have been here all day, close to the fire, absorbing it’s heat. Bastard! I was out there in the freezing cold, carrying water for Cordelia, over and over again. With a sudden movement, I roll us over so that he looms above me, and slap his pale ass.

“Hey!” he yelps, breaking away from my lips with this startled look in his eyes.

“No speaking, whelp!” I snap.

For a moment there is apprehension in Will’s eyes. Then I slide my finger down his spine, between his tight cheeks, and find his hole. I slip inside his warm tightness.

“Warm,” I whisper, “Little brat, you’ll make me warm, yet.”

There is humour in my eyes and Will grins, before remembering the game. “Oh please Sire, I didn’t mean too!” he wails with an edge of laughter to his voice.

I love this. I love him submitting to me. I shove my finger deeper into his dry passage, holding him tighter with my other arm as he struggles.

“Warm lube,” he gasps, flicking his eyes over towards the stove. There is a small bowl of custard. I laugh and pick it up. I remove my finger from his body, and dip it into the yellow, creamy liquid. I shiver at the warmth; just thinking about smothered over my cock is driving me to the edge. Will catches this too, giving my dripping cock a luscious glance.

“You’re being punished, boy,” I remind him. “Spread your pretty legs.” I return my slick-fingers to his tight channel and piston them in and out. He moans as the warm liquid relaxes and soothes him. I don’t think I can wait. He’s so damn gorgeous. His lithe body rocking over me, his knees stretched out, and his cock thrusting before my face. I press deeper, touching that special spot. Will yelps, rocking more fiercely over me. I think that’s enough.

I grab the bowl with trembling fingers, and just dump the contents over my straining length. It’s so hard and erect; pointing towards Will’s dark haven, that I think it will split open if I wait a second longer. With strong hands, I grab my lover’s hips, and yank him down into my lap. William screams as my cock spears him open. My own cries joining in at the pure pleasure of his body. His anus clenches around me, hard and tight, as he yells his desire.

“Fuck! So fucking good, Angel!” he bellows. Sharp nails dig into the muscles of my chest, as he starts to raise and drop himself on my length. I grip my fingers into his hips, guiding his movements. I want it hard, deep and fast. It seems he has the same ideas. I release his hips, running my fingers up to rub his raised nipples.

William pants with each thrust, his body rocking above me. He clenches around me, holding my penis tightly into his body and then lets go. I slip out, pop free, and then thrust back inside. Over and over our movements continue in a long continuous stream of torture.

“My Childe!” I bellow. I arch up towards his body, pinching his nipples fiercely.

“Oh god, Angel! Please touch me! Oh fuck!” he begs - so beautiful mixing the pleading voice of William, and the sharp tones of Spike.

I laugh a gasping sound. My fingers move down to his erectile rod. It’s hard, dripping and so desperate. It’s coloured a deep rosy hue, the bulbous end throbbing with need. I ring my finger around the tip, touching the pulsating flesh. He groans deep, his rocking interrupted as he thrusts into my touch.

“I’ve chosen so damn well,” I pant. “When Dru found you, I was so jealous. I claimed you from her, I wanted you, and for days all I could look at was this cock. I wanted it. Wanted to make it mine, and now it is. Mine.”

I slip my other hand between Will’s spread legs and clutch his balls. He screams, and I start to pump his length with harsh strokes. Minutes later, a deep howling roar echoes around the room and he comes, covering my fingers. I free his throbbing cock, and grab the back of his neck. I drag him forward, forcing another inhuman howl from him, as I sink my fangs into this throat.


With that sound I fill his body, wave after wave of cum flowing from me, until all I can do is collapse back into the hay. My fingers tight in his hair as I suck deep at his life’s blood. I make sure only to take a little, and reluctantly drag my fangs from him skin. I want to repeat this later, so I’ll need him at full strength. I’m happy just lying here a moment in our aftermath, but Will remembers the treat of the custard and cock down below. The disengages himself and slides down my body. He makes a meal of custard and cum. Cleaning me, arousing me, and then finishing me off with a huge slurp. I have no problem just lying here all night long... and tomorrow too.

“Oh shit!” Will cries suddenly. We have been lying still a moment, relaxing into our warm embrace.

“Don’t move,” I murmur. I don’t want to move, I’m just too comfy. Warm and sated. “Will, keep still.”

“No! It’s nearly midnight! I wanted to share something with you.” He jumps up, and starts searching for our clothing.

“What? Why?” I pout. I’m too comfortable. Suddenly, a sock lands in my face and I growl.

“Get dressed!” he cries, pulling on jeans and shirt.

I sigh and redress myself. He throws over my jacket and scarf, and then...

“What are these?” I hold up a pair of boots with big steel blades attached to the bottom.

“Skates,” Will replies, as if I asked what the date was. “Surely you’ve skated before?”

My eyes widen in surprise. I have a sudden memory of Christmas and winters long ago. A memory of the lake behind our little house in Galway. In the cold, cold winter it would freeze over, and on the icy days we - the village children - would stake and dance on the frozen water. It was also a wonderful way to seduce girls. Teach them how to skate. How you put your arms around them hold them up. Oh yes, I made sure I knew how to skate.

“There’s a pond just behind the house, it’s frozen over and there’s no one around. The night is clear, the moon is bright and full...” He pulls his stakes on, and then stands before me. He looks like that boy from all those years ago. The young poet William. The fledgling Spike. It’s strange how the past now mixes with the future. It’s strange how it doesn’t bother me anymore. I’ve got to learn to accept the past and future, if I want to keep him. That’s my resolution - To love him. No matter what he calls himself.

I shove my feet into the skates and stand unsteadily. Will laughs as I try to balance myself and take a step forward. It’s hard walking on solid ground with skates. Suddenly, I’m worried.

“Where’s the pool?”

“Just out back, not far,” William replies. He holds out his hand and I take it, steadying myself. He grins, but says nothing as I stumble out of the warm barn. It’s only a couple of steps to the pool, and it’s easier to stand on the ice, the blades cutting into the soft snowy surface. I put out a foot, and attempt to slide. My leg slips out too far, and my foot too quickly glides out on the slick ice. I continue to lose my balance, but strong arms wrap around my chest. William leans up behind me, pressing out bodies together. I sigh, and slide my fingers in-between his.

“Dance with me?” he whispers into my ear. His voice is so soft and unsure. He’s afraid I’ll refuse him.

“Yes, my beloved,” I answer.

Our legs start to move, and we glide across the frozen water. The moonbeams sparkle and glint across the pool, and lights shine in the darkness, glittering of frozen snow. I twist myself in Will’s arms, until we are face to face. In the distance there is the sound of bells.

“Happy New Year, Sire,” William whispers, his lips a breath away from mine.

“Happy New Year, my Childe.” Our lips touch, and under the pale moonlight two vampires dance the night away.

The End.