Title: Realisation

Author: Susanne

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: None of the character really belong to me in the real world, but in my own little warped world they do, oh yes they do!!:)

Summary: Angel does some soul searching, and Cordelia does a brave unselfish thing!!!

Authors notes: Sorry, some of the lists I am posting this to are more concerned with other members of the show BTVS, but you don't have to read it.

Feedback: Yes!! I need it, you know you want to give it!!:) susanne@zoom.co.uk

Pairing: Angel/Cordelia, (not so much romance though)

Spoilers: none really, takes place some time after 'Parting Gifts'

Authors note 2: This fic uses lines from a song, it is not a song fic, it merely adds to it's enhancement.

Song: Jimmy Nail, Dragons, from the album Crocodile shoes. Feel free to mail me about it, or if you want all the lyrics to it, but I think I might have included all of them. No copyright infringement intended.



By Susanne

This was not going to happen again, not to Cordelia Chase. Angel was all she had left, all that really meant anything to her in this cruel world.

She could hear the fight inside, she didn't know if Angel was winning or not, and she wasn't about to stand around twiddling her thumbs waiting.

Glancing up at the abandoned warehouse she had been instructed to wait outside of, for her own safety, she resolved to do something.

"Demons rage outside your door
But I'm on my way to save you
Demons wage unholy war
But I'm on my way to save you"

Summoning all the courage she could, she gripped the stake Angel had given her and walked around the warehouse to a staircase leading to the side entrance.

"You can do this, you can do this, you can do this. Do it for Angel, Do it for Doyle!" she whispered quietly to herself.

She snuck up the staircase and eased the door open. Peeking inside she gasped. What she saw nearly made her heart stop. Angel was pinned down about to see the end of his vampiric immortal life.

"The forces of darkness may mobilise
One hundred million demons
An army to keep you far from me
Determined to stop me they'll
Spend eternity regretting
They ever crossed me
They'll suffer - believe me"

Oh Cordelia would make them suffer, if they so much as s laid one more demonic finger on her Angel, so help them, eternity wouldn't be long enough for them to suffer.

Racing down the steps, ignoring the danger to herself, she dusted a few vamps on the way without even thinking about it. Now behind the leader who was about to deliver the final blow that would make dust of Angel. Determination on her face she raised her arm and staked him through the back. Instantly he turned to dust, she had a moment to register the shocked look on Angel's face before she was grabbed, punched a few times and flung to the floor unconscious.


"The first time I saw you I realised at once
You were an angel in torment
How could I desert you
I vowed in that moment
Nothing in this world
Or any other world would ever threaten or hurt you"

Angel sat on the edge of his bed and stared at the still form of Cordelia. She was battered and bruised but alive, he was eternally grateful. She had risked her own life to save him, he had totally misread her all these years. He always thought she was a spoilt rich kid, who only thought of herself. She had proved him wrong tonight with a totally unselfish act.

He remembered that night a few years back in the Bronze when he had been waiting for Buffy and Cordelia had cornered him. She was talking about Barbie's and leather car seats or something, he had smiled and been polite thinking her completely self absorbed. He then thought back to a conversation he had had with her only last week, they had talked of fighting tactics, tactics that she herself would use to save other people, including himself. Not bad for a self absorbed person. She had changed before his eyes and he hadn't even noticed before.

He looked back to her, lying in his bed she looked so small, as if she needed his protection. He had a new found respect for her now, he knew he needed her just as much as she needed him. He gently touched her hand, right now all he wanted was for her to wake up, her first unselfish act couldn't be her last, he would not allow it. He had already lost a good friend he wasn't going to loose another. She was all he had left now, and whether he liked it or not The Powers That Be had pushed them together. They were together forever now and he wouldn't have it any other way.

He slid on the bed next to her, he pulled her close to him and embraced her. He was her protector now, he had promised Doyle that, but now, he did it of his own free will. No-one would ever hurt her if he had anything to do with it.

"Angel?" he faintly heard his name being whispered.

"It's ok" he soothed, stroking her hair.

"I thought I was going to loose you" she whispered, putting her arms around his waist she hugged him back.

"You saved me. Thank you" he whispered back to her.

Cordelia slowly began to sob and held onto Angel.

"I couldn't loose you Angel. You're all I have. I lost Doyle, but I won't loose you!"

"Shhhh. It's ok. I'm not going anywhere."

They stayed entwined in each others arms until sleep claimed them both.

Angel saw Doyle smiling at them. He knew Doyle loved Cordelia, and she him in her own way, Angel could never replace him. He could always protect her and be there for her, be as unselfish as Doyle was when he saved them and the group of half demons. What had he done to deserve such good friends? From now on he would learn from their unselfishness and grow.

He drifted further into sleep thanking Doyle for giving him his eternal link with Cordelia and for blessing him with a friendship he felt sure he didn't deserve.

Cordelia snuggled closer to her and wrapped his arms tighter around her, a smile spread across both their lips, they were both having the same dream, both realised how special the other was to them.

*****************THE END********************