Title: Wonder of OZ

Author: Denyce

Fandom: BtVS/AtS

Pairing: Lindsey/Angelus, slight mention of Oz/Xander.

Rating: NC-17

Date: originally posted March 31, 2003

Archive: Yes, for list archives.

Category: Slash/Au

E-mail: denyce36@yahoo.com

Warnings: Nc17, prison life, language, N/C, tattoos, piercing, slight kink

Disclaimer: The characters here are the copyright and intellectual property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, WB, Fox, and UPN. The concept of OZ is completely owned by HBO. No infringement on any rights is intended.

Feedback: Yes, all FB is greatly cherished, and especially constructive criticism because it's where I can learn, grow, and improve as a writer.

Dedication: This is dedicated to Seadragon Lady, my beta, and my friend. I can't tell you how much your support has helped me over the last year--you are one special GEM. Happy belated Birthday :-)

Summary: A very AU of BtVS/AtS crews. The concept of OZ, a prison is from the HBO show OZ. From there everything else is twisted Sunnydale style. OZ a demon prison was created after Initiative/Watches/Slayers combined forces. OZ sits on the sealed Hellmouth guarded by those who created the prison.

Notes: Just beware that everything and everyone is fair game to twist from their standard canon/fanon characterization. In this fic they say & do just as I have written them because it's my twisted AU. If you don't like Alternate Universe please don't read this is a very, VERY AU.

New Note: ((HUGE)) THANKS goes to Vamp Lover & Lunanne who worked very hard at the last minute to help beta—you're very awesome ladies. And any & all mistakes are mine & mine alone. Last but not least to Lawrence who's tag line: "I'm still working on a plan, but so far it
involves being sent to prison and becoming somebody's bitch." always intrigued me & eventually led me down this path, gee I wonder why— thanks Lawrence ;-)


Wonder of OZ
By Denyce

The last few months raced after I was framed, booked, and sentenced to twenty-five to life in OZ, the demon prison located on the Hellmouth. I barely remembered Warden Robin Woods' welcome speech blaring from the speakers. OZ was the first of its kind, a prison where the Watcher's Council worked jointly together with the Initiative, an organization that worked to stop and control the demon population through behavior modification microchips. It was my former employer, the law firm Wolfram & Hart, that established the guidelines and laws protecting the rights of demons by bringing them into the public view. It was a lucrative decision both financially and politically making Wolfram & Hart extremely powerful in and out of the country. With backing from established clients, and lobbying, OZ was created. Publicly it was campaigned as a "humanitarian" solution to the demon problem that even boasted about having two Slayers working side by side with Initiative soldiers as guards to the new prison.

And here I sit, waiting for the process to really begin, and to be assigned an inmate to take me to my cell and show me the ropes. But all I can think about is that it should be Lilah here. For once she lucked out and her plan came together. Holland was dead, and I had been convicted of the crime and imprisoned---in the inescapable OZ. Her only problem is that I lived. And that's one mistake I'll be happy to make her regret.

"McDonald, stand." The guard bellowed.

I stood, and the chains clanked around my wrists and ankles as I was pulled forward. Two other guards each grabbed an arm and pulled in opposite directions, and a young man in a white coat rolling a cart stopped in front of me. He picked up a syringe, tapped it, to let the air bubbles out and proceeded to inject the liquid into my arm. Releasing the syringe he dabbed my arm with some cotton, and then took a measuring tape and measured my neck. I knew what was going to happen; I, had heard about it and, read the details Wood had published on Walsh's findings. But now it was happening to me, and there wasn't a fucking thing I could do about it.

The med tech was humming under his breath. I was nothing but a routine procedure. After he measured my neck he began to swab it down with alcohol. Then turned back to his cart and opened a large box that contained all the different various neck rings, or human collars. He looked up brushing my hair away while staring into my eyes, and then looked back into his box. "He's a pretty one, gonna be really popular indeed." After holding up several different ones medic exclaimed. "Ah here I think this will add just the right touch." He held up a stiff solid silver ring with no opening clasp against my face. "Yes, just the right tone." As he moved the ring forward my neck began to burn and itch as the ring magically opened and moved on its own accord, attaching and sealing itself around my neck.

The two guards holding my arms abruptly let go and my chains were released. The med tech gathered his things and mildly stated the obvious, "Welcome to OZ."

Still dazed and confused and feeling more like Alice than Dorothy, I was pushed through a door and slammed in front of another guard whose large hard chest stopped me from tumbling any further.

"McDonald you're officially in OZ now. Name's officer Miller, and your final check point in entering Emerald city the demon center of OZ. Now you may feel a bit dazed from the drug injected into your system for about an hour or so. Each human adjusts differently to the collar. When you get to your cell you might want rest until the last of the drug wears off. The collar signifies to everyone that you're human. At the same time prevents say a vampire from draining you dry. You're listed and protected as a human, but that doesn't mean things will be easy for you, or necessarily keep you alive. We have few humans, and even with those we do have will turn up dead every once in a while. This is still a prison—things happen. You're best bet is to follow the rules with your eyes and ears open. You have a problem, talk to a guard, or, if you're lucky a Slayer. Lorne will show you around. If he offers you any advice pay attention. Lorne's a good man to have at your side."

A buzzer sounded allowing a green horned demon, a prisoner to enter through the glass door, "Officer Miller?"

"Lorne, this here is McDonald. Please, escort him to cell 6B; he'll be working for Sister Winifred. If he's worthy, share your wisdom."

Lorne nodded, "Sure thing sugar cakes." Miller smiled then turned and walked back through the door Lindsey was pushed through earlier.

"Sugar cakes?" Lindsey asked.

"Don't knock it, from around here he's one of the sweetest, and still can snap your neck under five seconds. For a human that's a friggin record." Lindsey looked sideways at the demon's comment. "It was put to a test a year ago when Adam tried to take over OZ." Lorne stopped and looked Lindsey over, taking hold of his shoulders forcibly turning him around. Whistling, "Oowee, but you sure are a pretty thing for around these parts. So let me hear your pipes."

"Excuse me?" Lindsey couldn't help the shocked confusion seep into his voice.

"Your voice sweet cheeks only way for me to decide whether, or not I should help you." Lindsey just stared at the demon.

"Don't worry singing won't do you any harm---OZ is magically enhanced remember."

Lindsey nodded remembering the nationwide advertising for psychic/magic enhancers for various key positions at OZ, and the ads had touted the most magically controlled area directly over the sealed Hellmouth.

"Come on, sweet cheeks, we don't have all day. I've got to get you through the process, and either we do this silently, which means you learn everything the hard way, or you can sing a verse, or two. If I read everything right, I'll give you a heads-up, which could give you the power of knowledge and save your life."

"And if it doesn't read right?" Lindsey asked.

"There is that possibility; then it's just silence. Thing is, whether you sing or not, I can't use the info—enhanced magically, remember. I can do the reading to see for myself, but I can't do anything with it— not even repeat it back to you. It comes down to if you want a friend here at OZ or not, but in the end I decide if I want you as a friend. So, you game?"

Lindsey eyed the demon, closed his eyes sang a couple of verses of "Happy Birthday", and then opened his eyes, waiting for the red-eyed demon's verdict.

"Woo, baby, you got a voice as pretty as your ass. Might I suggest you don't sing again unless you're fiercely protected? Now lets go and make the rounds. I'll try and point out as many of the main players here at OZ as I can."

Lindsey nodded, "So you really can't say anything about what you saw?"

"Nope, but I can tell you this, you better watch your ass here. There's plenty who still give their loyalty to Wolfram & Hart, and those who want to rip apart anything associated with them. Not exactly a great place for you to be in sweet cheeks. Now if you look over to the left, those two playing chess. The older white one's----"

"The mayor, and Trick." Lindsey interrupted, "Who's the little guy— he's human." He said when he noticed the collar.

"Yeah, that was his assistant, and now his pet. Watch your step around them."

"Hey, Lorne, whatcha got? Fresh meat?" Lorne grimaced and watched as one of Harris's pack, Tor, stalked, sniffed, and then proceeded to lick and nibble around Lindsey's collar. Lindsey froze, at the intimate gesture as his highly sensitive neck tingled making him feel even more dazed.

"Tor, don't you think you're being pretty presumptuous? What if Xander wants him? Think he'll take kindly to a cub openly trying to mark him before he's even had a look?" Lorne questioned and watched as Tor removed his lips from Lindsey's neck.

"Having some problems, Lorne?" Lorne turned to the soft voice and smiled as a slender young man sidled up next to him.

"Sweet pea, you're out of solitary?" The young man nodded smiling back. "Yeah, full moon's over, but it seems some cubs don't know their place."

Lindsey watched as the man Tor growled at the other man, which Lindsey thought was a curious thing since Tor was taller and out weighed the man probably by 50 pounds. Tor had sandy blond hair and steel blue eyes, but there was a weirdness that Lindsey picked up on that he couldn't explain when he looked at Tor. The other man, the one Lorne called sweet pea was shorter with spiky almost strawberry blond hair, an elongated face, and piecing blue eyes. He was of a leaner statue, but when he took a step forward Tor retreated growling showing definite fear of the smaller man.

"Problems?" A voice behind Lindsey asked.

"Losing control of your pack Xander?" Lorne's sweet pea asked between clenched teeth. Lindsey cringed when he heard a light chuckle behind him.

"That's a good one Oz." The newcomer with a mop of brown curls framing his face, sidestepped around Lindsey. "How was solitary? Must be difficult now a days without a mate. What is it now, six months? Lonely yet? Or is the fresh here yours? Should I be jealous?" The man leaned back sniffing Lindsey like the first guy, Tor did.

Slightly pulling away from Lindsey's neck, and tense with anger Xander asked, "You're not trying to mark without my permission are you Tor?" Xander's low growl was followed by a whimper as Tor prostrated himself in front of the dark haired man.

"Xander, it looks like you have some discipline to conduct, so we'll be going." Lorne nervously stated as he grabbed Lindsey, pulling him forward.

Xander reached out and held Lorne in place, "First, you'll show your manners and introduce the fresh, right Lorne?" Lindsey watched as the green demon turned a deeper shade of green then nodded his consent.

"Sure, honey, didn't mean to forget my manners." Lorne rushed.

Xander smiled, "I know. Now who's the fresh?"

"Yeah, sure," Lorne looked quickly at Harris and then at Oz. "Xander Harris, Daniel Osborne—or Oz, I'd like you to meet Lindsey McDonald, former lawyer at Wolfram & Hart, and currently serving twenty-five to life."

Xander looked at Lorne and almost purred at Oz's inclusion in the introduction, and then he turned back toward the lawyer, and took a deep breath, "What cell?"

"6B." Lorne answered quickly.

The giggles started slowly then built into a full, cackling laughter, causing others to look their way. "Does he know?"

Sadly Lorne shook his head, "I can't, I saw it in his reading."

"Oh, that's rich, and my wolf boy here doesn't know, does he?" It wasn't a question, but when Xander saw Oz's confusion he just doubled over in laughter. Weakly controlling his laughter, Xander leaned in to Lindsey's ear but didn't nuzzle or lick him as Tor had done, for which Lindsey was grateful. "Hmmm, if you don't end up liking your options, I always have room in my pack—maybe not as my beta since that position will be filled soon." Lindsey watched as Xander's eyes went meaningfully to Oz as talked about his beta. "But if you came willingly, Lindsey, I'd make you exclusive for only my beta and myself."

Lindsey exchanged glances with Lorne as they watched Xander leaned in closer to Oz breathing in his scent. Trapped between the two men Lindsey could feel the heat they were creating as Xander slowly licked Oz's neck in an erotic dance. Almost as abruptly as it started it stopped as Xander turned and walked away. His footsteps were followed by a single word, "Crawl." And they stood there watching as Tor whimpered crawling after the man.

"What the hell was that all about?"

"Xander Harris, alpha hyena possession since high school, deadly. Caught shortly after he killed his parents viciously, he didn't even eat them. He's serving a life sentence with no chance for parole." Lorne answered.

"He eats people?" Lindsey started to turn a slight shade of green.

Lorne started laughing, "Many here do. Don't forget you're in a demon prison where vampires, werewolves, and goblins are all held accountable for their crimes."

Lindsey swallowed and then looked at the man next to him, Oz the one Xander was licking. Without thinking he asked, "And he wants you for his beta? Why doesn't he just take you?"

Oz glared and started to growl, and Lorne interjected, "He doesn't know sweet pea, Fresh remember."

"I didn't think Wolfram & Hart had any fresh?" Oz spat out between growls.

Lorne placed a hand on Oz's shoulder giving him comfort, and then stared at Lindsey. "Normally that's true. You know I can't really say what I saw, but I can say he's fresh, the freshest we've had here in a long time."

Oz looked Lindsey in the eyes then slowly nodded entrusting his friend's judgment and powers. "Werewolf, no collar. Remember only humans have collars, and magic enhancers have tattooed collars. If you remember a few things, and keep your mouth shut you might survive through tomorrow—fresh. Later Lorne." Oz walked away without waiting for a reply from Lorne.

Lorne nodded to Lindsey. "You shouldn't piss off sweet pea, besides being dangerous—he's hurting right now."

Suddenly concerned, Lindsey asked, "Will he be able to stop Harris from making him a beta?"

"That's the thing, sweet cheeks, Xander can't really make him, but he's winning, and they both know it."

Lorne wouldn't say anything else and started toward what Lindsey assumed was block B. After several minutes of silence, Lorne spoke again. "Tomorrow I'll bring you over to Sister Winifred's office. Must be all your academic learning that you landed such cushy job. Well, here we are."

Lindsey looked into the glass cell that held the standard prison bunk bed, sink, and toilet as Lorne continued to speak. "Lock up is at 7:00. They buzz an early 6:00 a.m. call; the breakfast line starts at 6:30. If you're there, I'll take you over." Lorne refused to meet his eyes and then turned to leave.

"Wait, what aren't you telling me?" he squeaked, kicking myself for his weakness.

"Lots, sweet cheeks. I already told you that. You should rest while you can." Lorne turned away again.

Forcing him to stay, Lindsey tried another line of questioning. "Lorne, ok, what about-- who's my cell mate?"

Shaking his head, Lorne pulled his arm away and rushed out, knowing Lindsey wouldn't follow. Lindsey stood there, not knowing what to do. Lorne had said he couldn't talk about the reading he received, so that meant the cellmate was in his reading. Then Lorne made a comment about him feeling up to it. He was in prison, a place that didn't give him obtains, so he'd have to get up—unless he didn't survive the night.

Lindsey's heart started pounding in his chest, and all he wanted to do was run, run as far away as he could, but he could only crawl into the dark corner of the bottom bunk trying to hide. Lindsey was so caught up in his fear that he never heard the door open, until a broad voice broke the silence, "Well saints preserve us, and a morsel human to boot. Ah laddie those are delicious scents you're throwing my way."

Lindsey didn't think his fear could get any greater, but when he heard that voice, a voice that haunted him from nightmare to nightmare. "`No it couldn't be, PLEASE, NO NOT ANGELUS,'" his mind screamed.

Angelus slowly moved closer into the cell enjoying the heavenly scent. "Ambrosia, and you're all for me, laddie."

Part 2

The door opened again. "Angelus, what treat do you have; even I can smell him from here?" Angelus turned growling, "Did I invite your scraggly asses in here?

"Ah, come on, Angelus, Father. Tell us you'll share just a small taste. His scent is so intoxicating, a fresh human." Penn whined.

"That's true, Angelus, you'll have to decide very quickly with this one." Doyle breathed deeply and then ducked to see the shadowed figure cowering in the corner. "Someone even tried to mark him, a pack cub. Should make negotiations with Harris more interesting, don't ya think?"

Angelus almost took a step toward the bunk beds and his intoxicating morsel when he realized what Doyle had said. The young man was half-demon without too many powers, but seeing imprints of scents was a specialty that came in handy. "Seems you're right as rain, and Harris will pay for not training his cubs. Now take that worthless ass from me, so I might enjoy my new toy."

"Father, please just one taste?" Angelus turned his back on him, with a growl as Penn's only answer.

"Come on, Penn, before he dusts your ass--if this one survives through the night I have a feeling he'll be Angelus's exclusively." Doyle chuckled as he pulled Penn away to leave Angelus with his prey.

"And Doyle, bring me an appropriate pet uniform before the morning meal," Angelus added without looking away from his prey.

"You got it, boss." Doyle called back as the door shut behind him.

Angelus waited until leering eyes moved away from the glass cell, knowing they were finally alone he said, "That one has more sense than my stupid childe, and if blood did anything for him I might even consider giving him a taste, but he's right. You're going to be MINE, exclusively. Now let's see if you're as nice to look at as you are to smell."

Lindsey's mind continued to scream as he tried to squash himself tighter against the wall to stay hidden in the shadows, but he was quickly pulled off the bed and held in front of Angelus. He knew that a crazed, revengeful Angelus had turned against his own Sire when he wanted to satisfy his own blood lust by ravaging the country, continuing tradition as the Scourge of the Americas. His Sire, Darla, had hired Wolfram & Hart--or rather, one Lindsey McDonald—to represent and protect her against Angelus and the new laws concerning demons. Lindsey won. Darla was safely hidden in a demon sanctuary courtesy of Wolfram & Hart, and Angelus was here at OZ, serving a lifetime sentence, which to a vampire meant eternity. And Angelus had been very descriptive after the verdict in detailing what he'd do to Lindsey when he was free. Angelus wasn't free, but neither was Lindsey. Lindsey had hated, feared, and privately lusted after Angelus. Now he was at Angelus's mercy, and at the moment Lindsey hated his own basic human instinct for survival, as his mind demanded that he lived.

Angelus started laughing at his good fortune. "Ah, damn, and my father told me I was a worthless unlucky bastard. Ha! But he might say that about you now, huh, Lindsey, mmmmmm-well, at least the unlucky part." Angelus pulled Lindsey closer to him, his fingers enjoying the quivering dance Lindsey's body was doing. One hand went under Lindsey's chin, gently stroking with the back of his fingers and lingering around the collar, forcing Lindsey to look up at him. "Open your eyes."

Lindsey quickly did, as he was ordered, unable to control his own actions where Angelus was concerned, and he just stared at the creature that tormented his dreams as he stood there in black leather pants that only accentuated his bare chest. Lindsey tried to swallow down his own fear, but one look at the demon's smirk and his fear increased.

Angelus wiped away Lindsey's tears, searching his eyes. "Ah, gone is the arrogant prick lawyer, huh? No matter, you're MINE now-all of you, every part, every inch make no mistake about that. Now step back and strip. I want to see that every inch."

Angelus smirked as Lindsey registered what Angelus had said and the human stepped back, his hand automatically started to unbutton his shirt while he toed off his shoes. Shucking his shirt, Lindsey quickly undid his pants, and pulled them off along with his underwear and socks. Lindsey tried to hide himself with his hands until Angelus slapped them away. "Never hide from me in any form." Angelus slowly walked around him, eyeing his new prize. "And what do you say, fresh?"

Swallowing his fear, Lindsey nodded and answered in a quivering voice, "Yes, Sir."

Suddenly Angelus's finger traced a line on his limp cock. "Now, as much as this is a pretty little thing, 'tis not showing me the proper respect. Makes me think you're not happy with me--tell me fresh, are you not happy?"

Lindsey mumbled incoherently from fear as Angelus leaned in closer, wiping another tear. "You need to speak louder than that-fresh."

Lindsey choked out the first words, "Yes, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir."

"That's a start, laddie. Now, do you know what I want to see to show me how happy you really are?"

Lindsey nodded his head and began to cry harder. He knew what Angelus wanted, but there was no way he could summon an erection on his own in the emotional state he was in. "I don't think, I'm sorry, I want to be hard for you, but--"

Angelus cooed between wiping tears away and fingering his collar, "Shhhhhhh, that's a start, fresh, that's a start. Ask me; ask me to help you be happy."

Gulping, Lindsey nodded again, "Sir pl--pleas-se help me, Hellllp me be appppppy for you."

"Ah, fresh, that was beautiful. I will be happy to train you. You're mine now, laddie, and you'll show everyone just how happy you are to be mine--isn't that right, fresh?" Angelus asked as his fingers encircled around Lindsey's cock.

Lindsey quivered in fear, but nodded his consent.

"Mmmm, I don't think I'll ever get enough of your scent, though I think it will be more intoxicating once the drug wears off..." As his voice trailed off, Angelus leaned in closer, and started to lick Lindsey's neck just above the collar then nibbled his way up toward Lindsey's ear. A cool tongue traced around the outer rim as Angelus other hand gently stroked the hardening cock.

Lindsey's heart drummed an erratic beat as the excitement of his dark, illicit fantasies concerning Angelus came to the fore of his mind. The beat pulsed from his heart, pumping all of his blood down to the throbbing hardness encased in cool fingers, fingers owned by a demon, the vampire who now owned him.

"Ah, very good laddie, now that's showing me how happy you are. Stay." Angelus laughed as he pulled away admiring the view of his new pet.

Angelus turned toward the bunk beds and pulled back the sheet on the top bunk off the mattress and began to open one side of the mattress exposing a ripped seam that exposed a hidden compartment. After a moment Angelus grinned while extracting several items from within the mattress. A few items he left sitting on the bed, and a couple he palmed and placed inside the pocket of his leather pants.

"Now I know you want to be good for me laddie-don't you?"

Lindsey nodded frantically, "Hmmmm, Yes Sir."

Angelus smiled, "I know, laddie, but you're still in training. I could just leave you and add to your punishment when you do come. " Walking up to Lindsey, Angelus reached out a finger and touched the length of Lindsey's slightly curved cock, watching it pulse and spasm at the cool touch. Lindsey watched as Angelus's finger circled the head, gently wiping up his pre-cum then bringing the finger to his own mouth to lick and suck. Angelus' breathless voice whispered in Lindsey's ear, "But punishment isn't the issue, is it laddie? You're mine now until your last breathe. You'll be punished just for my pleasure alone at any moment, and in any way I choose. But I have plans for you Lindsey..." Angelus pulled his finger away from Lindsey's talented tongue then pressed his thumb across the glistening lips before walking away as he gathered one of the items that sat on the bed.

Turning back to face Lindsey, Angelus relished the sight as Lindsey stood there with sweat gleaming off his body. Scents of fear, shame and lust poured off his lad, filling the air. Breathing in the sweet aroma of his newest pet, Angelus was delighted with the different games he could play to break the boredom that was beginning to set in during his time in OZ.

"Come here, lad," Angelus demanded.

Lindsey willed himself to move his overexcited body. Standing in front of Angelus, Lindsey whimpered as Angelus grabbed his hard cock. Lindsey's traitorous body pushed forward, eager for more of the exquisite torture of Angelus' touch. Lindsey squeezed his eyes shut, as he was flooded with overwhelming need.

"Shhh, lad, not yet; only when I give you permission. Since you're only human, I'll help with your training." Angelus's deft fingers tightened and moved around the human's throbbing cock as Angelus tied something to it-a braided leather cock ring decorated his cock and enabled him to maintain Angelus's demand that he show his happiness.

"You'll wear this until you're trained to the level I expect from any of my pets. Do you understand, lad?" Angelus asked looking into Lindsey's eyes as he silently nodded. Angelus leaned in licking away the tears and then dipped lower, tracing the hot lips that opened further under his tongue as Lindsey moaned his consent. "Ah, but you're so hot lad, hot and delicious."

Lindsey stood there being ravished by the cool tongue as it made its way inside his mouth, where it engaged in a primal dance of dominance with his own tongue. Lindsey loved every moment his body arching, embracing, wanting, needing the cooler body to calm the scorching heat that was burning him from the inside out. Then a pain sliced through him and his tongue throbbed, even as a tangy, bitter taste filled his mouth. Lindsey realized Angelus was tasting him, savoring his essence, and the only coherent thought in his mind was, "`YES, More!!'"

Angelus moaned as the lad crushed his body closer wanting more. This was even better than he had hoped for. Forcibly pulling away from the heat radiating off the lad, but tonight was not about pleasure. No, tonight was about claiming, and he only had a few hours left before the intrusion of prison life in OZ would steal away his time. Lindsey only wanted to be back in Angelus's arms, to be to be taken by him. Angelus held him at a distance, his voice soft and steady, unlike Lindsey's beating heart. "It's time I mark you, Fresh, don't you think?"

Lindsey stood there wide-eyed as reality of what Angelus said sank in, he wasn't sure what that meant but he needed Angelus to cool his burning skin, so he did the only thing he could, he nodded an affirmative, "Yes, please, Sir."

"Close your eyes, lad, and keep them closed until I say otherwise." Angelus hand started to caress the stomach and chest before him. Without allowing Lindsey to move closer Angelus began playing with his nipples, enjoying the look of ecstasy on the lad's face. As one nipple was caressed gently, almost lovingly, the other was twisted, pulled, and stretched until Lindsey's face was flushed with the heat of pain and pleasure. Then Angelus alternated nipples until both were highly sensitive, swollen nubs. Moving one hand back on Lindsey's shoulder, Angelus leaned forward and without warning swallowed one nipple whole, sucking hard. Lindsey swallowed his scream of agony as Angelus's hand on his shoulder squeezed him tight holding him in place. Lindsey bit his lip again, this time drawing blood.

At the smell of blood, Angelus eased the pressure and made his movements gentler as he licked and sucked the erect nipple before moving up to lick away the blood from Lindsey's lips. Angelus smirked into Lindsey's mouth, enjoying the noises the human unconsciously continued to make; soft throaty moans escaping swollen lips. After licking every drop of blood, Angelus returned to his torture of Lindsey's nipples, bringing him a sensation of pleasure-agony. As Lindsey became more vocal, and didn't think he could take anymore; Angelus ravished his mouth, drawing blood that he lapped it away. Then Angelus pulled away making Lindsey look at him, his demon. In
the heat of lust his demon emerged his yellow eyes, fangs extended as his stared at his prey licking away the blood from his own lips.

"Now lad, I will start to mark you, and I will mark you in every conceivable way so there'll never be a mistake of who you belong to- And who do you belong to, lad?" Angelus asked, caressing his pet's bloody lips and spreading the red rich ambrosia with his thumb just as his other fingers caressed his pet's throat waiting for him to speak.

Lindsey's eyes fell to the movement on his lips as they fluttered open, showing clearly his desire to suck on that thumb. But another finger tilted his head, forcing him to look up into the eyes of a
demon, a vampire, his Master, Angelus. "You, Sir, I belong to you, Angelus," Lindsey answered firmly.

Angelus smiled, hearing the truth of his words. "Yes, you are, lad. I'll remind you even when the drug wears off and you try to be the W&H cookie cutter arrogant prick lawyer-but then I'll enjoy
humiliating and punishing him, until he accepts me like you have so graciously done." Angelus leaned down and licked, pulled, and stretched the left nipple. Letting it go, Angelus stared at the erect nipple for a moment and then held Lindsey firmly in place with both hands, making it impossible for him to move his upper body. Slowly Angelus covered the nipple again with his mouth then extended his fangs and expertly piercing his pet's nipple. Lindsey jumped as he felt a burning sensation on his chest. Angelus petted the lad's flanks, calming him as the vampire deftly moved to retrieve the ring from his pocket and replaced his fang with a small silver hoop. Once it was attached, Angelus licked the red, swelling nipple and then turned to the other one and repeated the procedure.

Lindsey stared; amazed as Angelus pierced his second nipple, and this time he didn't even jump as he felt the sharp burning sensation. Enjoying the loving attention of his new owner, Lindsey watched as Angelus finished then continually lick his nipples, and salivated over the rings for several minutes.

Angelus stopped and looked up at his new pet that was still in a drugged haze from the collar injection, but his look was one of adoration this time. Angelus realized that he would miss this from his pet once the drug wore off, but then he also looked forward to taming the callous spitfire of Lindsey McDonald, lawyer extraordinaire. "You have a question, pet?" Angelus asked as he nuzzled the man's ear.

"Sir--no thank you, Sir." Lindsey whispered back in awe.

Angelus chuckled. "You're quite welcome pet. They should be completely healed by tomorrow, one of the advantages of a master vampire's saliva."

Lindsey gingerly fingered one hoop, still amazed at the significance of the rings.

"Now be a good lad, and go lie down on your stomach. I'm not quite done marking you." Angelus watched as Lindsey carefully went to lie down on the bottom bunk. "No, the top bunk. I want more light."

Lindsey moved quickly to accommodate Angeles's wishes.

Angelus moved to the edge of the bed and held the remaining items in his hand as he moved swiftly; he sat down comfortably with his back to the cell wall and moved Lindsey so he was draped over his lap. Angelus watched as his round muscular ass quivered and jumped in excitement. Taking an unneeded breath, Angelus tried to calm his own excitement as he petted his new pet, an enemy delivered into his hands. One, who's fresh, never has been bitten, claimed, or tasted in any way--a virgin, by blood and body. Such a heady mix was almost unheard of nowadays. But, Angelus will complete the claiming and the marking before the start of the new dawn. When Lindsey walked out of this cell tomorrow, no one would doubt the claim. No human, demon, magic user, OZ authorities, or even Lindsey McDonald himself will be able to deny Angelus' rightful claim.

Angelus studied the body in his lap as it wiggled, trying to find some relief for the aching cock trapped underneath. Lindsey was more muscular than his stylish suits would have led people to believe. He must have worked out with weights doing squats on a regular basis Angelus thought as he continued to study the human's body, and moved to feel the radiating heat from the thick, corded thighs. Fingers dipped in closer as Angelus pulled the legs apart wanting to see the virgin treasure hidden there. Angelus couldn't contain his laughter as he slapped the quaking flesh in his lap.

Several slaps echoed loudly in the stillroom and Lindsey had to bite his lips to keep from crying out half in pain, half in pleasure. Heat traveled through his ass, then directly to his balls that ached with need of release. Angelus took his forefinger and sucked on it and then sliced open the skin. Holding his finger over the crack of his pet's ass, Angelus allowed his blood to saturate the area before he spread the blood further into the crack, covering the hole generously before he dipped his fingertip into the small opening. Immediately it tightened around his finger in a crushing grip.

That reaction caused Angelus to take deep breaths as he thought of those virgin muscles clamping down on his cock as he forced his way in. It was a heady mixture for a vampire, and an ordinary vampire would have given in to pleasure of draining a virgin as they took him, but Angelus wanted more. More than a moment, he wanted Lindsey in a way he hadn't wanted anyone since William. His William was gone, but Lindsey was here and Angelus was determined to mark and keep him.

Angelus reached out with his other hand and stroked his pet's hair, making him turn his head toward him and then wiping away the tears he saw there. "You're mine now, lad, relax and let me in."

After a moment he could feel the difference as his finger slide further in. "Oh, that's right, laddie, open up, such a sweet boy you are." Angelus pushed Lindsey up so he was partially kneeling, that change in position gave Angelus a better angle as he eased his way in completely. The room echoed with the lad's breathing as he tried to force himself to stay calm as Angelus filled him.

Angelus held still, allowing his pet's body to accept the intrusion. As Lindsey's heart rate and breath calmed, Angelus started to slowly move within the tight channel, allowing the friction to open his wound and creating more lubrication. After several minutes of pushing his finger in and out within the tight channel, Angelus changed his angle looking for that magic spot. He knew he found it when Lindsey jumped in his arms. Slowly he added another finger and hit the same spot again. Angelus chuckled as Lindsey changed his position so he could rock back to meet Angelus's fingers, "You like that pet, hmm? That's good, now show me; I want to see you fuck yourself on my fingers. That's it, push back."

Angelus watched, enjoying the performance as he released himself with one hand, stroking in the same rhythm he was using on Lindsey, as the lad started to frantically fuck himself on his fingers his moaning turning into begging as it finally dawned on the lad that he couldn't cum not without his Master's permission.

Angelus smirked as the whimpering sounds bounced off the walls, he laughed at the lad's frustration and quickly removed his fingers. "I certainly enjoy all those lovely sounds, but you don't have permission to cum yet, lad." Smack. "Now turn over. I think I want to mark your front first." Lindsey turned over as quickly as his sore body would allow him. His cock was a painful-looking purple standing out in agony. As Angelus finger lightly touched the tip, Lindsey moaned and chased the finger for more contact, silently begging for more. "Nah, laddie, not until I say so. Now scoot down." Lindsey did as he was told and as he lay in Angelus lap he realized that he was now facing Angelus's own weeping cock. Unconsciously he licked his lips. Angelus seeing that pulled on a nipple ring and said, "Not without permission, understand lad? I own you; you're mine, for my pleasure not yours-what I say goes not what you want. Now I'm going to start your next mark. I don't want you moving-Now don't disappoint me lad."

Angelus opened a jar and dipped a medium-sized needle into the ink before swiftly bringing it down and placing the first mark just above Lindsey's heart. Angelus ignored his own aching cock as he moved quickly, using his vampire speed to fill out a large A over Lindsey's heart, along with a Celtic chain vine that intertwined around the A. Angelus patted the excess ink dry and then licked away the small bubbles of blood that oozed out as the skin swelled. Recapping the jar, Angelus admired his handiwork, trailing his fingers over his jeweled pet, and he was pleased to know that every time McDonald stood in the mirror he would know that the Master Vampire Angelus owned him body and soul. The hoops didn't match the collar perfectly, but he would fix that later maybe even add a few things. He hadn't expected the prize he now had in his hands.

Angelus watched, as Lindsey's lids grew heavy from the drug in his system as it settled into its final stages. He made a mental note to give the med tech an extra bonus. He usually overdosed the pretty ones so he could manipulate them or sell them out without any hassle. A willing bitch was a higher commodity here in OZ than a fight that more often than not ended in death among various demons. Gently Angelus turned Lindsey over for his final tattoo. As he watched the relaxed state his pet was in, he decided to change the design slightly. Angelus knew he had little time left and preceded to outline the new design another A in small of Lindsey's back at the center. Once the A was filled in Angelus began to pattern out another Celtic vine. This vine descended from the bottom A, small and delicate, the vine headed downward toward Lindsey's ass cheek in a spiral design until it framed his pet's hole. As Angelus entered the more tender skin Lindsey involuntarily started to flinch away and moan in pain. Angelus ignored the lad's pain, using his legs and free arm to hold him in place and concentrating instead on the intricate design. After several minutes of viewing the design, Angelus was finally satisfied with his mark.

"You are definitely are a prize, laddie." Angelus's words fell on deft ears because Lindsey had finally passed out. Leaning over him, Angelus began to lick away the smeared blood covering the lad's ass. Then he began carefully covering the area with his saliva, later mixing in his own blood with the saliva to help heal the area quicker so he could fuck his human pet sooner.

Angelus watched the swelling slowly subside away from his delicate design he had created. Staring, he realized the unblemished half of Lindsey's cheek was incomplete and needed one thing to complement the design. Bending forward, Angelus placed a kiss on Lindsey's right cheek seconds before he sank his fangs deeply into the unblemished skin, drinking small mouthfuls of fresh blood as he left a permanent mark.

"Tis much better, laddie. A sight I will enjoy looking at for years to come." Angelus pulled Lindsey up to him draping him over his body delighted by the warmth that flooded him. Lindsey moaned as his body was jerked into place. "Shhhh, sleep, my sweet laddie. We have so much to do before you leave this cell, and first up will be claiming McDonald." Angelus secured Lindsey's legs with his own and then relaxed into a sleep enveloped by the warmth his new human pet created.


I did start the next part, but was stalled. But because of Connie's persistence I started it again & from the recent surprise from Angel S5 I was inspired & hope to finish it soon. Any thoughts/suggestions of what you'd like to see---please share/let me know.