Title: Teacher Petting

Author: Scribe

Fandom: Austin Powers/The Sentinel

Pairing: Scott Evil/Blair Sandburg

Status: Complete

Sequel/Series: The Evil Series

Archive: Sure, to list archives. Others, ask.

Disclaimer: Neither Scott, nor Blair, are mine. If they were, I'd probably be published by now, because I'd want to keep them in style. Lessee, it's Pet Fly for Blair, and I guess Mike Myers for Scott. I love them more, though.

http://www.angelfire.com/grrl/scribescribbles and http://www.angelfire.com/grrl/foxluver

Summary: Scott's using looking for a college as an excuse to travel and meet (and screw) interesting people. While checking out the veterinary courses offered at Rainier, he happens onto a lecture by Blair Sandburg. ZING!

Warnings: I have been advised to put spew warnings on my comedy. Here it is. :D Hope it turns out to have been necessary.

Notes: The 'people' Scott knows (or more precisely, HAS known, in the biblical sense): D.C.--Alex, Fox, and Skinner (The Most Important Question, Knick Knack Paddywack, Randy Newman Had The Right Idea, Pout For Me Baby, De Nile Is Not Just A River In Egypt, and Hairless? I Could Care Less), Chicago--Fraser and Ray (Stanley)(Maple Leaf Sugar), and Sunnydale--Oz and Devon (I'm With the Band, and Something Wicked Cool This Way Comes), Number Two(How Cool is That?), Duane Cody (Rat Race) </plugs for author's previous works>

More Notes: In reference--to see why Blair gets that funny look on his face when he takes down his hair, read Dreams of a Dom II: You Knew It Had to Happen, or Clive Meets Hairboy. To explain Scott's comment about the casino, read Maple Leaf Sugar.

Rating: R

Teacher Petting

By Scribe

Marianna, the personal assistant of the Dean of Rainier University, smiled brightly at the sullen boy sitting opposite her in the cafeteria. "So, Scott, what do you think of Cascade?"

"Cold and wet."

*Geez, the dean isn't paying me enough to babysit this kid. I WOULDN'T be, if he hadn't spotted the father's occupation. Bruh-ther! He'd drop trou to get an endowment from Virtucon. They could spring for a couple of new buildings, including a dean's residence, out of their coffee fund.* "Of course you aren't seeing our weather at its best." *At its most COMMON--yes.* "Spring and summer can be quite lovely." *Then it's warm and wet, and HOT and wet.*

"Yeah, well, I suppose that actually HAVING a clearly marked change of season would be nice," Scott poked at his plate. "Tell me, is mystery meat casserole universal?"

*Shit! I KNEW I should have taken him to the pub. He looks like that would be a lure.* "Of course there are various meal plans available. You could have chosen a hamburger, and the salad bar looked good."

"Hamburgers are available on every street corner and, while I go the animal rights route, I am NOT a vegetarian. I'm workin' on the theory that I should try the iffiest item on the menu, so I'll be forewarned of just how bad it can get."

*Maybe you just like to gripe.*

"Plus I enjoy bitching. I have to warn you--so far Ranier is NOT in the forefront of my advanced education choices. I'm leaning toward D.C., Chicago, or California so far." He gave her a leer. "I know people there."

*Ah-HAH!* "Have I mentioned the very high female-to-male ratio of the student body?"

He stared at her. "That's not a selling point in my case."

*Shit. Guess I should have told him about the wrestling exhibitions instead.*

Scott ate his mashed potatoes ("Not quite library paste. They'll do."), and Marianna conntinued the tour. "This is our Student Union. As you can see, it's quite large, and modern. Hair salon, snack shop, bookstore, teevee room, there are pool tables and a couple of video games on the second floor. There are plenty of rooms of all sizes that can be reserved for club meetings, study groups, or frat activities."

"Frats?" Scott shuddered. Marianna gave him a puzzled look. Scott had struck her as the kind who would take to the boozing, Animal House side of frat life like Mr.T would greet a half-price sale at Chains R Us. He noticed. "They tend to suffer from a high level of self-congratulation and narrow mindedness."

Marianna kept trying. "We have an extensive schedule of guest lecturers on a wide range of subjects. For instance," she pointed to a medium sized lecture room. A steady stream on young women were pouring in.

Scott frowned. "What's the lecture on?"

"Let's check out the notice." There was a Xerox handbill taped to the wall. "Oh, it looks like Animal Spirits and Guides Throughout History."

There was a slightly smeary photograph at the head of the paper, and Scott zeroed in. "Guest Lecturer Blair Sandburg." He squinted, then went to the door and peered in toward the podium at the front. His eyes widened. "Oof!"

Blair Sandburg was probably in his early thirties, but looked younger. He was short, about Scott's height, but built more sturdily. He had a red-brown, curly ponytail that fell almost to the bottom of his shoulderblades. He was wearing rimless glasses that made him look scholarly and definitely edible. He was sorting through a pile of what had to be notes. He glanced up, scanning the growing crowd, and their eyes met. *ZING! Ooo, you blue eyed devil!* "Does he teach here?"

"He DID, but not as a full professor. He isn't with us any more, but he's doing a favor for one of his old teachers. This is an extra credit lecture for Anthropology, Cultural History, Theology, and Oral Traditions courses."

Scott studied Sandburg's mouth. "Oh, I'd like to discuss oral traditions with him." Not looking around, he slapped Marianna on the shoulder. "Tell ya what--you're off the hook. Go on about your business, and I'll amuse myself for the rest of the afternoon."

Marianna's brain was shouting *HALLELUJAH!*, but her survival instinct over rode it. "Oh, I couldn't just abandon you. The dean wants to be sure that you see the best of Rainier, and..."

"Girlie, I'm firmly convinced that THAT," he pointed at the lecturer on the podium, "is the best that Rainier has to offer. I'm staying for the lecture. Feel free to hang around, IF you want me to tell your dean that I'm sorry I can't attend a university with such annoying staff."

"Have fun." Marianne left. *If my memory serves me correctly, Sandburg is involved with a man-mountain of a bad-ass, award winning cop.* She giggled to herself. *Oo, I wonder how jealous he is?*

Scott ambled into the room, scowling when he noticed that there were only a few seats left, and they were deep in the back. He walked to the front row and sidled down till he was almost in front of the podium. He stood and gazed up at Blair, grinning when he caught his eye.

Blair blinked. *Whoa. Unless I've totally lost the clue bus schedule, THAT is an 'interested' look.* The boy's eyes raked over him, from head to foot. *Damn! I'm surprised my zipper didn't melt and drop my jeans. If he's going to study anthropology, maybe I ought to reconsider teaching that weekly class.* Not taking his eyes off the boy, he raised his voice, "Okay, people, let's get settled."

The boy turned and studied the first row. It was filled with young women and girls, all staring up at the lecturer with varying degrees of horniness ranging from puppy crushes to out-and-out, damp-your-panties lust. He chose someone somewhere in the middle and approached her. He pulled out his wallet, selected a twenty, and dangled it in front of her eyes. She zeroed in on it, then looked at him questioningly. "What do I have to do?"

He shrugged. "Gimme your seat." Her eyebrows quirked, as she tossed a quick look at the speaker again. "And you oughta be ashamed for what you're thinking. It's true, but you oughta be ashamed."

She gathered her things, stood, plucked the bill from his fingers, and headed toward the back of the room. Scott settled into the now vacant seat, smiling at Sandburg.

Blair cleared his throat. "Okay, this lecture is about Animal Spirits and Guides throughout history. I'm sure that many of you have run across references to this subject, especially as it has been addressed many times in popular cultural entertainment. Now, the two cultures most readily identified with animal spirits and guides in present day are the Japanese and the Native American. Indians believed that a person's animal spirit defined their nature. For instance, a brave person might have a mountain lion spirit, a great warrior might be an eagle spirit, a gentle soul might be a deer spirit. It's possible to misread your animal spirit. Many corporate raiders consider themselves
wolves, when they're more likely hyenas, or sharks..."

To Scott's surprise, the lecture was actually interesting. At the end, there was time for questions. Someone in the back asked, "So, does EVERYONE have an animal spirit guide?"

"Not EVERYONE," replied Blair. "but much more than you might think. I'm convinced that a lot of people would be a lot happier and more successful if they just recognized and embraced their animal spirit. I, personally, am a wolf..."

An unidentifed female voice said, "I would have thought you were a fox."

There was general laughter, and Blair rolled his eyes goodnaturedly. Scott called out, "I know a Fox. Different sort, but still intensely cute." More laughter, and now Blair tipped him a wry smile.

The questions wound down. A crowd gathered at the front afterwards, with Blair fielding questions, and invitations. When the last were starting to wander away, Blair began to pack his notes into his briefcase. When he snapped it shut, he looked up to find the boy with the dark, spiky hair still sitting in the front row, staring up at him with a small smile.

*I really ought to get out of here." he thought, "but... He must be legal, if he's here during the day on a weekday. And DAMN, he's cute. And he's interested. I don't think Jim would blame me. Besides, he may just want to flirt.* Blair stepped down off the dais. "Did you enjoy the lecture?"

Scott stood, nodding. "I'm not into anthropology, but I'm into animals." He offered his hand. "I know who you are. I'm Scott Evil."

Blair shook. As he was releasing, Scott's fingers tickled his palm. *Oooh-ho.* "Pleased to meet you. What's your major?"

"Nothing yet. I'm still shopping around for a uni, but I'm going to be a vet. You got anywhere you need to be anytime soon?"

Blair cocked his head. "No, not really. What did you have in mind?"

Scott smiled slowly. "Please, Professor!" He nodded toward a tiny knot of students near the door. "There are ladies present. How about a cup of coffee to start with?"

"Sure." Blair put a hand on Scott's shoulder and started to steer him out of the room. "There's a coffee shop just off campus. They have good pastries."

"Yeah? They'll hafta go a long way, dude. My Mom makes killer struedel, and I'm kinda spoiled. Yep, spoiled..." He leaned close to Blair as they walked and whispered, "but I'm worth it."

Blair laughed. "You're something else, Evil. I'm not used to little and cocky. I usually go with big and a little reticent--till you get close."

"I like those, too." Scott smiled nostalgically. "Whoa, they're fun when they break out!"

They arrived at the coffee shop and both got lattes. The clerk suggested buttermilk donuts 'absolutely fresh. Still warm.' Blair shook his head. "I get enough of those around the precinct. Gimme a blueberry muffin."

Scott was eyeing him. "Dude, you're a cop? I thought you were, like, a form of teacher."

"Both, actually. I'm a detective, and I still teach the odd class occasionally." He eyed Scott, one eyebrow raised. "Is this a problem?"

Scott smiled. "Fuck, no! Some of the hottest guys I've ever met are involved in law enforcement. Besides..." his voice dropped suggestively, "You have access to handcuffs, don'tcha?" Blair was glad he hadn't been sipping his beverage--he might have sprayed. Scott ordered a Napoleon, and they found a seat off in a corner.

"So," said Scott as he began to disassemble his pastry. "You with anybody?"

"Most definitely."

"Shit. You serious about him?"

Blair smiled, "Yes, I am."

"Double shit." He sighed.

"Wasting your time?"

Scott waved. "Nah, time spent flirting with a hottie is never entirely wasted. Just a little disappointed." Scott bent down and peeked under the table, studying Blair's legs, and lap. Blair was laughing when he straightened up. "Okay, make that a LOT disappointed."

Blair watched in amusement as Scott used his finger to scrape the pastry cream off the fragile pastry layers, then licked it off his finger. "You know, you have to be either under five or dead sexy to get away with that in public." Scott paused, finger in mouth, lifting an eyebrow. "And you're obviously of age."

Scott let the finger slide out slowly, keeping significant eye contact. "Thought you were in a relationship."

"I am--an open one, with a very, very understanding partner."

Scott's eyes widened, and he grinned slowly. "They stuck me in a dorm room, man, with some other prospective student."

"I have a place."

"And a roommate?"

Blair shrugged. "Jim works till five today. Besides," he gave Scott a leisurely, but thorough, look. "if he came home and found me with you, he'd be a hell of a lot more likely to strip off and join in than to get pissed."

Scott grinned. "Oooo, threesies! Me like."

Blair laughed. "Damn, kid! Not exactly a blushing virgin, are you?"

"Not for the last three or four years, no."

"Finish your snack. You're going to need the energy."

Scott started scarfing.


Blair ushered Scott into the loft, locking the door as the younger man began to wander around, examining things. "Way cool, man! The place is split-level, and you have a balcony!" Scott trotted over to the sliding doors, pressing close to get a look at the view without actually having to go outside, since it was raining--again.

"Hey, quit doing the Garfield car window hanger impression! Jim spazzes when there are smears on the glass."

Scott didn't budge. "Anal?"

"Not quite obsessive compulsive, but a long way from a casual housekeeper."

"Reminds me a little of Number Two." Scott turned his head to smirk at Blair. "But he's REAL fun when you get under the button downs."

"And you've been UNDER the button-downs?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"Well," Blair slipped off his jacket and indicated his shirt. "If you'd care to explore the more fun aspects...?"

Scott smiled slowly, and swaggered over to him, reaching for the buttons. "I expect to find a whole damn amusement park." He unbuttoned Blair's shirt. Holding the edges together, he opened them an inch and peeked, then squealed. "Oo, wooly bear! I'm gonna get tickled ALL over."

Blair couldn't help smiling. "Like that?"

"Yeah! And I don't get enough bears in my life. Most of the guys I've been with are pretty smooth, although," he sighed dreamily, "there IS this one Daddy in D.C. who may be slick on top, but he's nicely furred elsewhere."

"Exactly how experienced ARE you, Scott?"

Scott shrugged. "I'm a slut, but I'm a CAREFUL slut. I don't have a problem with it. Do you?"

"Hell no. One of Jim's pet names for me is Hornpuppy." Scott finished pulling off Blair's shirt and immediately sank his fingers into Blair's chest hair, scratching lightly. Blair hummed in pleasure as Scott found his nipples.

"Do me a favor?" Scott said.

"It's kind of hard to turn you down when you're doing that. What?"

"Take the hair down?"

Blair rolled his eyes. "Uh huh, a hair fetishist." He reached back and started to undo the ponytail, and paused, looking thoughtful.


"I dunno, I just have a funny feeling. Y'see, I had this dream once about this really hot guy who ran a beauty salon, and he had this mirrored back room..." Blair shook his head. "I better not think about that. I'm horny enough as it is. Okay." Blair fluffed his hair out and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Scott reached out and buried his hands in the lush locks, then used his grip to pull Blair into a scorching kiss. "Niiiice. I'd like to see how it would look spread over my thighs."

Sandburg snorted, but it was close to a laugh, "Don't be shy, Scott. Ask for what you want." He grabbed the boy's belt and started for the stairs, towing him.

As they climbed, Scott said, "So, WHEN is your roommate due home?"

"Not for another two hours at least." Scott snapped his fingers in an 'aw shucks!' gesture. "Too little or too much?"

"All depends on you, dude. I'M up for it." He took hold of Blair's wrist and slid his hand down to his crotch.

Blair felt carefull. "So I see." He stepped back and reached for his jeans' snap. "Last one naked is..." *whipsnaprustlethudthud* "DAMN! Scott, are you a quick change artist in your spare time?"

"You didn't finish the sentance. Last one naked is what?"

"Is very happy that he did the lecture bit today, cause he's feeling REAL lucky right about now."

Scott flopped back on the bed, sprawling artfully. "This is the pose I did for the Royal Purple mini-briefs and white fishnet tank top in the last Maurice's Manstuff catalogue."

Blair's jaw dropped, and he pointed. "That was you! I'll be damned. I ended up having to burn that issue. All the pages were gummed together from jism, and Jim still didn't want to give it up. He was going to buy me that outfit, but I absolutely refused to get a body wax, so the effect wouldn't have been the same."

"D-u-u-d-e," Scott stroked himself. "You're wasting valuable cocksucking time." *snap* *zip* *rustle* Scott stared, then sighed. "Oh, it's so nice to know that I'm appreciated." *pounce* *squeal!* "Damn, you're active!"

"So I've been told. Now, you mentioned something about being worried about being tickled..." *scrubwrestlewiggle*

*giggle* "Stoppit." *twistrub* *gigglegigglesnort* "I mean it, Hairboy, stoppit!" *writherubtickletickletickle* "Bwhaa haahaahaaa! Muh-muh-MERCY!"

"God, ticklish people are fun. I've managed to get Jim to control his sensitivity a little, but there were times when we were first starting out when he'd laugh so hard he'd throw me, and those weren't ALWAYS times I was TRYING for that effect."


"Frustrating as hell," Blair agreed. "Now..." He got up on his hands and knees and moved down Scott's body. "My, my. Scott Junior is a big boy, isn't he?"

"I have no problem with inferiority issues." *lick* "Ooo... enough people have expressed non-verble admiration for me to be pretty comfortable with myself."

"Love a confident man." *licknibbleslurp* *groan* "Yum. Barely legal, one of my favorite flavors."

"Aw, hell. I've been legal for MONTHS."

"Don't get indignant, Grandpa."

*wiggle* "So, what's your FAVORITE flavor?"


"Beg pardon?"

"Well, specifically, one PARTICULAR Sentinel."

"You're going right over my head here, dude."

"And that isn't where I want to be." *swoop* *engulf*

*WHOOP!* *sucksucksucksuck* *pantpant* *licknibblesuck* "MotherFUCKER!" *SUCKSUCKSUCK* *mooooooooan* *silence* *laplaplap* "You're TRYING to kill me, right?"

*smack* "I live with a detective--where would I hide the body? No, I just don't feel like getting up and going for a washrag. Now, what was this about two hours not being enough?"

"That's it, rub it in."

"Can't--licked it all up."

"Another smart ass. Joy! Just give me a few minutes, studmuffin. I recover quickly." *slam* *jingle* "What's that?"

"Since the door was unlocked rather than kicked in, I'd say it's Jim."

"Fuck!" Scott ducked under the sheets. "Oh, damn! Caught by the husband again!" The lump went still. "Wait a minute, the last time this happened, at the casino..."


"It worked out goooood."

Blair raised his voice. "You're home early, babe."

"Stakeout was over practically before it started. Dumbasses started unloading the shit in broad daylight. Thank God for stupid criminals. So I thought I'd hurry on home." Footsteps aproached across the living room.

Blair tugged on the sheet, whispering, "C'mon, Evil. The first sight of Jim Ellison is NOT to be missed."

"Exactly how open IS this relationship? Open enough for me to slip in and out without getting anything important ripped off?" Scott whispered back.

The steps were coming up the stairs. "Blair?" The voice was slightly annoyed. "Did I hear someone else up there with you?"

"Oh, shit!" Scott whimpered.

"I was hoping we could spend some 'quality time' together," the voice was close now. "But if we have a guest..." Blair whipped the sheet down. Jim stared.

Scott stared, jaw dropping. "Like, major wow. I haven't seen anything even CLOSE to that since Benny."

*double blink* Blair said, "Benny?"

Jim said, "Benny, as in Benton?"

"As in Constable Benton Fraser?"

Scott said, "Real tall, built dude, wears bright red and boots, looks like he needs to be fucked unconscious, hangs with a short, blond guy who's just as fuckable, but in a different way?"

Blair shook his head. "I don't think there could possibly be more than one of him. The world couldn't get that lucky."

Scott was giving Jim the patented Evil Eye--a very thorough examination that missed not a single component of masculine attractiveness. Jim was scoring big time on all levels. Yes, there was a little less hair there than was standard, but since Walter Skinner, Scott's standards on that had changed radically.

Jim was shaking his head, "You stumbled onto Benny and Stanley, AND Blair? You're a lucky son of a bitch, whoever you are."

"Jim, purple minibriefs," Blair said.

Jim's jaw dropped again. *Damn, he looks good with his mouth open,* thought Scott. Scott looked at Ellison's crotch, and lifted an eyebrow. "I see you
remember that particular photo spread."

"Damn right, I remember that spread. You know, they ought to make Maurice shrink wrap those puppies before they distribute them. Or laminate them, so that the pages can be wiped off."

"Yeah, I heard what happened to your copy. Harsh, man," Scott said. "I got prints, though, for, like, my portfolio." He gave them a proud look. "I've got a RESUME now. If you want, I have copies of that picture, and you can have one."

Jim's eyes lit up. "Can I have it autographed?"

Scott looked at Blair. "I like him."

Jim came over and sat on the bed beside Scott. He leaned over a little and sniffed. "So, Blair, you've been here already."

Scott smirked. "Well, yeah. I'd think that would be fairly obvious considering that we're both naked, and on the bed."

"True," Blair said, "But Jim would have been able to tell even if we were downstairs and dressed, with the bed made."

"Oh, big detective, huh?"

"Sort of, but he'd have been able to smell the sex."

"You know, if this was a teeny, closed room, I'd say yeah--it does leave a bit of a funk when you've been active. But this place is well ventilated, and..."

"Wouldn't make any difference. Jim has heightened senses. As a matter of fact, once he knew your scent, he'd be able to sniff me and tell it was you I'd been with."

*snort* "Yeah, right."

"I see we'll have to prove it. Jim, tell me what I ate last." Blair opened his mouth. Jim leaned in and sniffed.

"Mm... Blueberries." *sniff* "Not pie, because the smell isn't concentrated enough for that, and it's too strong for a flavored bagel, so I'd say muffin. And coffee." He looked at Scott.

Scott was impressed, but wasn't ready to show it. "That could be his regular order. Do me." He opened his mouth.

Jim stared at him. "Are you aware of the ideas those words and that pose inspire?" Scott grinned. "Thought so. Okay, I'll do you, but FIRST I'll check your breath." *sniff* "Hmmm..." *sniffsniff*


"Give me a minute. You apparently had several things. Mm, there's a lot of sugar there, so I'd say some sort of filled pastry." *sniff* "No coffee, some sort of soda."

"That's pretty good, dude," Scott said, a little grudgingly.

"I'm not through." *sniff* "Something with beef and mushrooms."

Scott gaped. "So THAT'S what sort of meat that was! Okay, I'm impressed."

"If you're impressed NOW, just wait," said Blair. He looked at his lover. "Jim?" Jim smiled, stood, and began stripping.

Scott's eyes got bigger and bigger. "Oh, man. You know, there are times when I figure I must've racked up a lot of bad karma to have to deal with the shit I get from my Dad, but then something like this happens to make me think that I must've done something REALLY nice in a previous life."

Jim climbed up on the bed with Scott and Blair. Blair said, "You remember I told you that my favorite flavor was one particular Sentinel?" Scott nodded, and Blair gestured at Jim. "Meet the Sentinel."

Scott's eyebrows climbed. "Oooh." He grinned. "Check. Do you pass out samples?"

Jim nodded toward his crotch. "Help yourself."

"Mm. You know, on second thought, I don't want just a sample. I want a full course meal." *glomp*

*yelp!* "DAMN, kid! Teeth, teeth!"


"'s okay. Just startled me a little."

*taptap* "Don't bruise the shoulder, Sandburg. Whatcha want?"

*point (and not necessarily with his finger* "What do you think?"

"Well, scoot in. I don't want to get whiplash during this ping-pong match."

(sound in stereo. In other words, coming from two sides)

*slurp* *moan*

*licklicklick* *groan*

*sucksuck* *grunt* *thrust*

*gag* "Shallow, dude, shallow." Jim grimaced in apology.

*lickslurpnibbleswirlsuck* *yip* Blair sighed. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." *slurpslurpslurpslupslurp* *testicle squeeze* *grrrrooooowl* "Hey!"

Blair petted Scott's hair. "It's okay, that's a sign of approval. Now, wait for it..." *purrrrrr* "I LOVE it when he does that."

They all tumbled back on the bed, snuggling together. Jim sighed. "You bring home the best surprises, Blair. Can we keep him? He can have your old room."

Blair propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at Scott. "Didn't you say you were looking for a university?"

"Yeah, but Alex said something about maybe finding me someplace in D.C. if I went there, and then I'd be close to Walter, AND Fox, so... " Scott was startled when both men sat bolt upright. "WHAT?!"

They exchanged looks over Scott. "What do you think?" Blair asked.

Jim shrugged. "Hell, how many guys named Fox could there BE in D.C.?" Blair looked down at Scott. "Is your Fox a very sexy, but slightly clueless FBI agent, heavily into conspiracy theories?"

Scott gaped. "That was ages ago! You mean to tell me that you can tell all that from sniffing me?"

"Um, no, not exactly."


Blair smiled. "Do you like bedtime stories?"

"Does it have porn in it?"

Jim laughed. "If he tells the uncensored version, it will."

"Then I'm for it." Scott snuggled down.

"Okay, once upon a time there was a bright-eyed, bushy tailed Fox who ran into a big, bad Sentinel and his not-quite-as-big, not-bad-but-naughty Guide..."

Scott sighed happily, murmuring, "I just hope that this doesn't have a moral."