Title: Steps To Healing

Author/pseudonym: Prodigette

Fandom: Batman Beyond

Pairing: Terry McGinnis/Bruce Wayne

Rating: R

Status: New

Archive: I'd like this to be in the WWOMB site

Feedback: Yes, please!

E-mail address for feedback: LilLita-N-Chyna@webtv.net

Series/Sequel: Nope

Other websites: http://ca.geocities.com/ADarkerKnight

Disclaimers: I don't own them, DC and WB do.

Summary: Terry has a bit of an injury

Warnings: This also includes an older man/younger man almost-relationship.


Steps To Healing
By Prodigette

Terry limped his way out of the Batmobile, cursing silently the whole time. He was used to the bruises since those were more of a nightly thing- while being Batman and otherwise. But the burning sensation that he was feeling right now was something he'd never want to have to bear
again. Some bats flew inches above his head, making all sorts of strange noises.

Looking around, he could only see Ace looking at him from beside the chair. The big black dog sat up a little with a curious look in his eyes.

"What are *you* looking at?" Terry said through clenched teeth. The dog kept looking at him for a moment and then layed back down on the cave's ground.

Bruce didn't seem to be around, but Terry knew he couldn't be far. Since the two started 'almost dating' over a month ago, things between them have gotten better between them. There was just still some minor trust issues they'd have to deal with. He took off the cowl and eased the black and red batsuit to his hips, clenching his teeth in pain again.

"Having problems?"

Terry jumped at the voice, and turned his head around some.

"How do you ...ah, nevermind. I'm shway. It's just a few bruises. I'll be okay, though." Terry said, faking a smile. He avoided touching the wound on his left hip. Bruce looked him over with silver blue eyes and tilted his head slightly. A flash of concern was shown in the older man's eyes. Terry couldn't fool him. Rarely anyone did.

"Let me see."

Terry's eyes widened and he shook his head. He didn't want Bruce seeing him like this. It was bad enough that Bruce was going to have to face his own mortality someday, but Terry didn't want him face his protege's too. "Wayne, I'm fine. I just need to- "

"Let me see it, McGinnis." Bruce said in a voice that said 'Don't make me repeat myself again.'

Terry bit his lower lip again, and limped some. The pain greatened, and he bit his lower lip. Bruce gripped his cane and walked forward make it easier on the younger man. They met halfway, and Bruce put his hand on Terry's waist. Terry jumped slightly at the touch of the large hands, and let out a low moan that wasn't exactly pain.

"Be still."

The older man tried to keep his composure as he ran his hands down the sides of Terry's body. Smooth, muscular skin was under his hands. He pulled down the kevlar batsuit a bit, and Terry yelped in pain. It was obvious that Bruce's suspicions were right. Quickly, he pulled down the
whole suit. It slid down long legs and dropped around Terry's ankles and feet, leaving his protege in his powdered blue boxers.

A spreading blood stain was on the left side of them. A tear was there, and he could see some cut flesh. Bruce shot Terry a "You-could-have-said-something" glare. He put his fingers in the boxers' waistband and tried to pull them down, but Terry put a hand over his. Bruce looked up with an almost questioning look in his eyes.

"Bruce... don't." Terry said, blushing a bit. He was still in pain, but wasn't sure if he wanted Bruce to see him nude yet. Not like this. The least that he wore around the man was his boxers, and even that was hard to do.

"If you want me to trust you, you're going to have to trust me." Bruce stated. Terry let go of the hand and looked at the computer, avoiding seeing what would happen next. Bruce pulled down the boxers a few inches, and saw the three inch wound on Terry's left hip. His chest tightened at that.

"Tear the boxers at the injured side, and lie down on the table." Bruce commanded. Terry turned a shade of red and had a small amount of fear in his eyes. "It's not deep enough for stitches. It will be cleaned and bandaged. When it's done, I'll give you something to wear."

Terry looked at him and shook his head repeatedly. "What? Wayne, no! No way. Just give me a band aid and some aspirin. I-I'll be fine!"

"McGinnis... the sooner you follow my orders and stop dramatizing- "

"Is the sooner it'll heal. Yeah, yeah, yeah." Terry interrupted, rolling his eyes.

"McGinnis, I'm serious." Bruce said with a bit of a growl. Terry looked down at the cave floors. He put his fingers into the side of his boxers and began tearing the cloth.

"Okay, okay. Just... hurry up. It's... it's *really* cold down here. In the cave."

"Sure it is."

Bruce took the suit and put it into Terry's backpack Terry tried to hold up the torn side of his boxers while he limped towards the table. Trying to climb it, he tried to find a way to get on there without causing himself more trouble. His eyes began to water a bit from pain and embarrassment. Before he could do anything, he was being carefully helped onto the table by a strong hand.


Terry wanted to reply to that comment, but he didn't even want look the other man's way. He just wanted this to be over with. He tried to ease himself onto his right side and laid there on the cold table, looking at the cave's stalagmites. If he wasn't hurt and this table wasn't cold, it could have been a sexy moment. Terry almost laughed at that.

"Uhm... thank you."

Terry could almost feel his boss nod. Having a naked young man down here couldn't have been easy for him, either. Terry knew he wasn't the first one. From what he could hear, a box was being opened and closed. Something wet and cold was being applied to his left hip. He hissed, but
not really out of discomfort. Terry furrowed his eyebrows and thought about sitting up to see what was going on.

"I know what you're thinking. Be still, McGinnis."

Now he was feeling a little scared. "What are you doing? What's that stuff?" Terry asked nervously. "Cleaning the wound. You're lucky it's not serious. This is a just special concoction that I picked up from an old friend."

Terry nodded slightly and restrained himself from curling up into a fetal position. He just felt stuck like this. A lamp from the cave ceiling was just a foot and a half above him. Maybe this wasn't a sexy moment, but an alien autopsy. A warm hand massaging his hip broke him out of his thoughts. He gave a small moan and scratched at the hard marble table. Terry tried to look over his shoulder to see Bruce.

"Uhhh... Oh wow. You *really* shouldn't do that. This is supposed to hurt. God, why *can't* this hurt? What is in that stuff, anyways? It'll be all your fault if I cu-"

"Stop babbling. I told you. Special concoction." Bruce interrupted again. Terry was about to open his mouth to speak again, but Bruce knew what he was thinking.

"If I told you, I'd have to-"

"Kill me? That's kind of old, Wayne."

"No, I'd just train you harder."

"Oh. Well, the killing doesn't sound half bad."

Bruce gave a small smirk at that comment and continued massaging his protege's hip. Just small, suggestive circles around the wound would shut the young man up long enough. Hopefully. He put the gauze on the cut, and got some surgical tape to put on top of it. Bruce helped him sit up. He put some black sweat pants on the table for the young man to wear.

"It'll be healed in less than a week." Bruce said, turning around so that Terry could dress. Terry tore off the boxers, and slipped into the pants, hissing a little.

"Uhm.. Bruce?"

Bruce turned around, seeming a little curious. Terry pulled Bruce close to him by fisting his black blazer. Terry leaned forward and gave the other man a light kiss on the lips. Letting go, he gave a small smile.

"Thanks....for everything, Bruce."

Bruce just gave a nod, and a hint of a smile.