Title: Unforgiven II

Author: kirasmommy

Fandom: Batman

Pairing: Batman/Joker

Series: Engraved Metal Hearts (this is part 2)

Archive: Yes just tell me where, Rareslash, WWOMB and KB's Misc.

Disclaimer: I don't own them I don't make money

Rating: R

Summery: Batman pays a visit to the Joker with unexpected results


Unforgiven II

By kirasmommy

I don't know what I expected really. I usually only come here to get information on a case. It's unusual that they would call me like this.

The therapist is new here. He seems to have the save the world attitude a lot of them has when they first enter Arkham. I've seen it before. They love to tackle the hard cases and then after a few years when none of them have cured anyone they become sad bitter little people who embrace the "dope them leave them" position.

As I glance through the thick glass at first I conclude that this one had adopted the policy already.

The Joker lay on a cot with glassy eyes looking straight at the ceiling. I found myself wondering what he was given considering he had built up a tolerance to most medications and drugs. The various bruises in the crook of his arms seemed to bare my assumption out.

The therapist, Dr. Ramón must have noticed that I was studying the scene and deduced my thoughts.

"He's not really doped up. He goes catatonic occasionally. In fact I'm slowly having him taken off the majority of the medications he's currently on."

I turned to him sharply. Perhaps this young man was extremely naïve to have taken him off his medication. I consider talking to someone and having him removed from the case. He was putting people at serious risk.

"Mr. Batman you must understand my reasons before judging me."

He is very astute I'll give him that much.

"Mr. Joker over the years has been diagnosed with a multitude of disorders. Ranging from the most obvious to the ridiculous. He himself realizes that it was for lack of knowledge that this took place." Dr. Ramón pushed up his glasses as he flipped through a file.

"And during that time he has been placed under an equal multitude of medications. Including believe it or not Ritalin." Dr. Ramón gave him a weak smile.

"Basically one Doctor would come in and prescribe something without first taking him off another medicine first or even seeing apparently what he was already on."

He cleared his throat in professional embarrassment. "I don't know exactly how this could have happened."

I do, Not many people in Arkham truly care about its residents. And the young doctors that come through on tour rarely stayed long enough to double check. The atmosphere quickly got to them. Neglect is not unknown here.

"So you are taking him off some of the medicines?" I ask him in a very low voice.

He nodded quickly.

"Oh yes indeed. The fact is a lot of the drugs actually contraindicate each other! That poor man was on different combinations of anti-depressants, stimulants, tranquilizers; you name it he was probably on it! I'm surprised he hasn't OD'd years ago."

The man is so...chipper it is almost annoying. I can't help but wonder if The Joker has tried to kill him yet. Either that or draft him into his service.

"Have you made a diagnosis yet?" Knowing he already has.

"No not yet."

Okay that surprised me.

"I want to wait until I have him to a point where his mind is clearer from the drugs." He smiled.

I looked back to the man lying on the cot. The bruises were fresh.

Before I can open my mouth he's already anticipating.

"He has blood drawn often to check the levels." He closed the file for a few minutes and looked through the glass himself. He looked almost fondly on the man and for a split second I felt...protective I suppose.

It wouldn't be the first time that a patient was taken advantage of here at this supposed hospital.

"Why have you called me here?" I tried to sound menacing perhaps to knock that look off his face.

"Oh! Yes. I believe that you are needed for the days to come." He looked between the Joker and me.

I didn't say anything I let my silence speak for me.

"He has a certain...obsession for you, you might say."

"I've noticed." I say rather wryly.

The Doctor laughed and for a second my blood froze. The timber was too familiar. On the other side of the glass the Joker sat up slowly.

"Hey Doc, I don't feel too good." The Joker trembled as he slowly stood up and shuffled to the window.

I start to relax as I see that it is the Joker safely on the other side of the glass.

"It will be okay Mr. Joker. You are just going through some withdrawal it won't be too much longer." He gently tapped the window with his fingertips.

"Are you sure?"

His voice suddenly sounded so small and fragile and I noticed just how thin the Joker had become. When had he gotten so weak?

"Why don't you go lay back down?" The Doctor smiled a big friendly smile and again I felt cold.

I started to get suspicious.

Doctor Ramon smiled at me and I studied him closer. His hair was a dark shade of brown and skin a normal color but his eyes were the same as the man on the other side of the glass.

I act as though I don't notice this similarity. Or the facts that they are the same basic build.

I have to make a decision, bust the Joker now or wait and see what he plans. Chances are there is more to his game than switching places with a hapless Doctor. I try to see his angle and see none. I don't think it would be safe to leave the Doctor in the Joker's place and considering that security is taking the Doctor at his word that he is indeed who he says he is I doubt they will believe ME right off.

I decide to wait then rescue the Doctor.


I disabled the monitor with ease then set about unhooking him from the various machines. It makes me nervous that he was on oxygen but I have an oxygen tank in the car. The IV was a little trickier but after a few seconds I had the blood clotting.

The idea is to get the Doctor out of here and conscious and then letting him go forward and unmasking The Joker. In the recent past I've gotten the reputation of being paranoid and certain Arkham officials no longer take my warnings seriously.

I lift the man up in my arms and gasp at how light he really is. He moans slightly as we hurry through the corridors.

He only opens his eyes briefly as I slip the mask over his mouth and nose. It bothers me how fast he is actually breathing. I radio Alfred a head of time. He will have the medical room ready by the time we get there.

We pull into the cave not a moment too soon for my nerves. The Doctor's breathing has become ragged and was hitching in places and he was making pathetic whimpering noises.

"Bring him back here sir." Alfred's cool tone has always managed to calm me when I feel panic trying to set in.

I would hate to rescue the Doctor only for him to die before he can snap out of it.

"He looks remarkably like the Joker sir." Alfred comments with a lift of his eyebrow.

"So does the *Doctor Ramon*" I tell him quietly.

Alfred was a medic in the war and quickly worked, as he looked the patient over. He pulls out another IV and places it in the opposite arm. The other arm already has an angry purple bruise spreading over the dozens of other bruises already there.

As Alfred works I look closely at his new patient. Deep dark circles are under his eyes and lines pattern places in face. Light hard to see lines but lines nonetheless. No smile upon his face, though his lips were thick and generous.

"Sir I hate to mention this but...the white don't come off." Alfred looked at me critically.

"The Joker is thorough if nothing else."

"Indeed sir." Alfred remains unconvinced but continues his work as he places an oxygen mask over the man's face.

As Alfred turns away to grab something I find myself pulling back a stray hair that had dropped over the man's eyes. The hair was course and thick and had a curl to it. I give into the impulse and stroke his head for a second.

His eyes opened briefly and I whispered, "You will be okay."

He nodded a short nod.

"Perhaps sir would consider calling a Doctor?" Alfred asked as he filled a syringe.

"No not yet. The Joker has everyone convinced that he's the Doctor."

Alfred nodded. "Of course sir."

I sat down and waited. Waited for what ever was going to happen to happen.


It was touch and go for a while. But the man on the table was a lot stronger than his frail appearance led one to believe.

Eventually he fell into a deep sleep, as did I.

When I awoke he was staring at me. A very serious stare, one that said that he didn't know if it was reality or another fevered dream.

"You're awake." I told him quietly.

He nodded slowly. He still wore the oxygen mask.

"Where am I?" his voice croaked.

I imagine his throat was very dry from the air.

"You are safe." I patted him on the shoulder. I noticed that he flinched when I touched him and I felt angry with the Joker for hurting him.

"Why?" was all that he said.

I didn't understand the question to tell the truth.

"You were being held prisoner."

"That was the idea wasn't it? After all surely you don't go to the trouble of capturing me just for me to get out again. What's wrong? Bored?" He struggled to sit up but finally gave up and collapsed again upon the table.

As he pants for breath I feel my stomach drop. I seem to have made a serious mistake.
