Title: Unforgiven III

Author: kirasmommy

Fandom: Batman

Pairing: Batman/Joker

Series: Engraved Metal Hearts (this is part 3)

Archive: Yes just tell me where, Rareslash, WWOMB and KB's Misc.

Disclaimer: I don't own them I don't make money

Rating: R

Summery: The Doctor discovers his patient is gone.



by Kirasmommy


Well this was quite unexpected.

I didn't believe he would kidnap him. On the other hand I didn't think I would let him like that.

I'm just as surprised by my own reaction as his.

I wonder why he did that? Could he care about the Joker as much as the Joker cares about him?

I doubt it. Though for some reason he was rather adversarial to me earlier. Almost jealous.

Perhaps in some primitive way they have a Shared Psychotic disorder? Much like Joker and his father had.

Each believing that affection lay in violence. I can't really diagnose Batman without further study though. At this point I am merely grasping at straws.

I do wish I knew where he took Joker. He was in serious condition when they left. I doubt that Batman would let him die though. After all if he intended to kill him he would have done it long ago.

This does bare further study indeed.

I do wish he had taken Joker's new medication with him!

I've been looking for him for years I would hate for him to back track now that he's made such progress.

I went through so much red tape to be appointed here! I feared at times that I would NEVER convince them to let me near the Joker.

I remember the first time I saw him. I was just so stunned. Even with the green hair and white skin he looked like mother. I could even see the family resemblance between us. We were both lucky in that respect! Father had such a brutish look to him. Mother on the hand had a delicate beauty.

I will never forgive myself for running away without taking Jack with me! And if he knew who I was, I doubt he would forgive me either. ::sigh::

I left soon after Father killed our mother and little brother. Jack apparently has tried to block out much of what happened. He has regulated Jared and myself to imaginary friends in order to not feel the pain anymore. Our mother's death has been reduced to her being unable to deal with father's love.

But on some level it still hurts him. It has to for if it didn't why the elaborate fantasy in an effort to avoid the reality?

There were many elements of truth in his fantasy version though. It's just that he has rationalized father's insanity and has adopted it for his own.

I didn't save my brother when he was a child. This is my last chance to save him now. And maybe just maybe I can give him his greatest wish.

Someone to love and love him back.
