Title: Unforgiven IV

Author: kirasmommy

Fandom: Batman

Pairing Batman/Joker

Series: Engraved Metal Hearts

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or song nor do I make any money off of this.

Rating: R

Summery: Alfred watches the proceedings.

Author's Note: Yay this is done and out of my draft folder...and yes this has elements from To Love is to Laugh and Dark Knight of the soul.

That's because this version existed first though unfinished and only in outline form. This ends totally different than that other series is planned to end. And actually goes a different direction. This has more angst in it too. Joker's real name is a tip of the hat to the movie. It sounded as good as any.



by Kirasmommy


Well this is an interesting situation. In all the years I've been with the Wayne family in particular all the years that I've been with Master Bruce I don't ever remember him making such a miscalculation before. Of course where the Joker is concerned he does have a habit of being a little irrational. Not that I blame Master Bruce. The crimes that the Joker has committed are enough to make anyone upset.

But I do think that Master Bruce is being a little unfair in this case. He is acting as though he was betrayed. Joker never claimed to be anyone but himself. It was Master Bruce that jumped to the wrong conclusions.

They have him handcuffed to a bar. At least they finally gave him a chair. He is after all still quite weak. I would almost feel sorry for him if it weren't for the fact that he is who he is.

When Nightwing and Robin came in Joker got extremely quiet. Until then he was badgering Master Bruce to take him home. I was quite surprised by his insistence that he was to be returned to Arkham. I'm afraid that Master Bruce is still extremely suspicious of the Joker and the Doctor. But he has yet to figure out their angle.

Since the Joker has already seen me I figure there is no more harm in me staying. Nightwing's arrival was not expected at all but apparently he was in town with Robin and stopped by. He keeps staring at Joker and I think it is making Joker uncomfortable.

Joker is still trembling but that is to be expected. Every once in a while he tries to get out of the cuffs.

This has been quite a day so far.

Joker has motioned for me to come closer and I do but not too close. He leans as far as the bar will let him and whispers. "Please take me home. The Doctor won't know where I'm at."

The plea is so pitiful I'm half tempted to try and help him but only half tempted. I know he can't be trusted.

"Sir, Wouldn't it be in everyone's best interest to return the Joker to the asylum?" I ask politely that I can at least do for him.

"Not until I figure out their game."

The Joker exploded at that point, "What GAME? There is no game! I just want to go home and take my medicine! I just want to talk to my therapist! I want my therapist, I want my therapist! I want DR. RAMON!"

He stomped his feet for emphasis and shook his cuffs. And I swear for a second that I found tears in his eyes.

"You two are up to something!" Master Bruce hissed at Joker.

And Joker collapsed in defeat. "The only thing we were up to was cleaning my system out, starting a new medicine and talking about my father."

The sound of his voice was so bitter. "Look either kill me or let me go home!"

Master Bruce ignored his tirade.

Master Dick and Master Tim seemed to look ambiguous. I think that either of them would have happily returned Joker to Arkham.

Quiet reigned in the cave while Master Bruce went out for an hour. Joker took the time to look around closer. I figure in an effort to look for a way out. His eyes strayed to the case of Master Jason's costume. He read the caption over and over again it seemed and finally looked down in confusion.

I was beginning to think he had somehow forgotten killing the lad when he made a strangled sound. "I remember!"

He looked at Master Dick and whispered, "You were the first! You grew up."

Then he looked at Master Tim and nodded, "You are the third."

The young man that is the new Robin nodded.

Joker seemed to be concentrating on something in front of him when he quietly spoke. "Crowbar. I remember a crowbar. There were three of us too. Jared, Justin, and me. Justin was the oldest and I was the middle child. He killed Jared with a..." His voice broke. "A crowbar."

"Mama tried to stop him! He killed her too and he buried both of them in the yard. Told us to never tell or we would die too." Joker collapsed against his arms crying. "A crowbar, a crowbar, a crowbar."

The scene was pitiful enough that I wondered if it was real. Master Tim and Master Dick apparently felt the same way because each took a minute step toward the sobbing man.

He was still crying when Master Bruce came back in. Master Dick took him to another room I think to tell him what Mister Joker said. When did he become Mister Joker to me?

When Master Bruce walked back in there was little difference in his countenance I figure it made little difference to him and in fact he probably though it was a ploy.

Mister Joker pleaded with him; "Please let me go to my therapist. I remember something! I need...I need his help! He knows and understands so much! It's like he knows me inside and out!"

"I'm not surprised considering he's your brother." Master Bruce spoke the words harshly. I could tell he felt vindicated in his suspicions.

"Brother?" Mister Joker thought it over.

"No, Justin ran away a long time ago. He doesn't care about me. Why would he be my therapist?" Mister Joker asked seriously.

"You tell me!" Batman pulled up on his arms.

"I...I...I don't know!"

"LIAR what are you two planning?"

Mister Joker didn't answer he just looked confused and angry himself while he slumped back against the chair. Batman kicked the chair out from underneath him.

Under normal circumstance while I consider such tactics extreme I understand how necessary they may be to get a reluctant criminal to confess or give information. But for some reason it just seemed cruel this time.

When he didn't answer Batman left the room and I found myself throwing caution to the wind and approaching The Joker. His bones felt almost brittle under my hands as I helped him back upon the chair. He didn't look me in the eye and he also made no aggressive moves.

"It can't be Justin. Can it?" He asked me.

"Batman is usually very thorough in his investigations." I try not to think about the major mistake that he made just last night.

Obviously Mister Joker hasn't forgotten. The unimpressed look says it all and I find myself giving him a weak smile and a shrug.

Before I can pull away from him he does grab my hand and a spike of fear lodges it self within my heart. "Please! Can you at least get my medicine?"

I can't see the harm in trying. "What is it called?"

Master Dick is standing at my shoulder suddenly but I hold my hand up.

"Its called Risperdal. Please get it for me?" He let go of my hand.

"Why is this so important to you?" I can't help but ask.

"Because for the first time in years I can think clearer. But I can feel the madness hovering on the edge I don't want it to win. Please don't let it win! This is the first time in years I feel like I can beat it! Even if my rat fink brother that bailed on me is the one that has been helping me." He sounds sulky as he says the last part and I hear a certain amount of sibling rivalry.

"Perhaps he's trying to make amends." It strikes me that if Mister Joker didn't know that his therapist was his brother than perhaps his brother was trying to help him and make it up to him.

Mister Joker doesn't look convinced. And I'm struck with a new thought. Perhaps Master Bruce and Mister Joker are more alike than I ever gave them credit for.
