Title: Discovered

Authors: Creed Cascade and Echo's Revenge

Fandom: Batman

Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson

Rating: NC-17.

Status: new

Archive: If you want it, go ahead. Just knock me upside the head and let me know.

Feedback: creed_cascade@hotmail.com and echosrevenge@hotmail.com

Other websites:



Disclaimers: We have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. You don't ask where we get these strange plots starring mysteriously familiar characters, and we won't tell you that I make no money, only

deliriously happy satisfaction. Very hush-hush.

Notes: Sequel to "Running Scared".

Summary: Bruce and Dick face a challenge and find resolution in their new relationship.




By Creed Cascade and Echo's Revenge

Alfred paused outside Bruce's door. Toward the end of the previous week Bruce had taken him aside and politely asked him not to deliver breakfast for a while. Dick was still a little embarrassed to have Alfred seeing him in bed with anyone. This was Monday though, and Bruce had to see the paper before he went to the office. Dick should know, too.

He knocked loudly and gave them a minute, just in case they were busy. The suite was soundproof and there was no way to tell what they were up to. "Good morning, Master Bruce, Master Richard," he said walking in with a tray of food and the newspaper. "I thought you

might want to see the newspaper before you went out."

Dick attacked the food with the enthusiasm of a nineteen-year-old boy, while Bruce unrolled the paper. Plastered across the front page the headline "Wayne Makes Boy Toy Out of ex-Ward" and underneath was a picture from last night. Bruce had bought Dick a new motorcycle and they'd taken it out with Dick riding behind Bruce. They had stopped on a hill to watch the stars at Dick's urging and apparently some paparazzi had snapped a picture of Dick sitting on the bike,

with Bruce between his legs kissing his lover senseless.

"Bruce, what's wrong?" Dick asked looking up from the plate of food. Bruce had gone strangely quite reading and had not stolen any food off his plate, which had become a habit of his since they had become an item. "Bruce?"

Bruce folded the paper in his lap and covered it with his hand. "How do you feel about going public, Dick?"

"Bruce? I thought you wanted to wait before announcing anything. It's just going to be a lot of gossip columnists following us around, well more then normal, making our lives miserable when we leave the mansion."

"Someone took a picture of us last night," Bruce said. "That's not our decision to make anymore."

Dick took the paper silently. "It's a good picture at least. Are you okay with this, Bruce?" He didn't look up from the paper. Things had been good with Bruce, but he wasn't sure this was something Bruce was ready for.

"I don't like what they called you," Bruce said darkly.

"It's nothing I didn't expect. Hell, it's nothing I haven't been hearing for years, Bruce. There were always people who thought that was the only reason you let me stay here, but now at least it's true

when they say it," Dick risked a look up at Bruce.

"Alfred, please leave the room," Bruce growled, his eyes narrowing.

"It's okay, really, I can handle it," Dick said leaning into Bruce. "It's not going to cause you too many problems is it?"

Bruce waited until he heard the door close behind Alfred before he clasped the back of Dick's neck. He held him firmly in place and looked directly into his eyes, "You are not my boy toy, do you understand me?"

"I know that. I never thought I was. It's fine, I promise it doesn't matter," Dick said.

Bruce's grip lightened and his hand move from Dick's neck to caressing his cheek. "You're my equal and probably my better."

Dick laughed, "You're the respected business leader. You're Batman. Maybe I'll be your equal someday, but that's not important as long as you're not gonna get rid of me now that people know."

"I had just the opposite in mind," Bruce said with a small smile. When Bruce smiled, it was dangerous. "I think it's time I took you out on the town."

"You sure?" Dick asked hugging him. Having Bruce willing to put them in public like that meant he was really ok with it, with him.

"I was thinking something very… public," Bruce said, hugging Dick back. "This is almost worth it to see you out of those rags and into a nice suit."

"You know, Alfred did wake us up early..." Dick trailed off. "If you don't distract me I'm just going to ask all sorts of annoying questions about where we're going tonight, and what I have to wear."

"You're so high maintenance…" Bruce quipped with a staged heavy sigh.

"Me?" Dick asked trying to sound upset. "You think I'm too much work?"

"Oh yes, you brat," Bruce said, making sure to use his favourite nick name for Dick, even though Dick hated it. His hand started to ghost over Dick's torso, moving down to his boxers. "Sex, sex, sex… that's all you ever want."

Dick flipped himself over and on top of Bruce. "So you don't want to have sex?" he asked rubbing his boxer clad erection against Bruce's.

"Didn't say that," Bruce groaned and his hand palmed Dick's ass cheeks.

Dick started wiggling down Bruce so he could get his boxers off before tossing his own off. As soon as his were out of the way he leaned down and deep throated Bruce until he got a moan out of him. Once he knew Bruce was starting to let go he slid up until Bruce's erection was pressed against his ass and said, "Lube."

Bruce reached out and grabbed the lube from the bedside table. He handed it to Dick, grunting one word, "Hurry."

Dick squeezed some lube on Bruce's fingers then started coating his cock while he was being stretched. He grinned down still amazed at how easy it was to get Bruce interested in sex almost anytime of the day.

After going years without sex regularly, if at all, having a nineteen year old for a lover was pushing all of Bruce's buttons. Dick was the most beautiful thing in the world to him, even though had hard time expressing how he felt. Like right now, he was looking up at his lover and was struck by Dick's passion. "You look… so good," he muttered, trying to vocalize what he felt. He could go days before Dick came along with out speaking more than few gruff words, but for Dick, he was willing to try.

"You too, Bruce. You've always looked good," Dick hissed as he quickly lowered himself onto Bruce. This had gotten a lot easier over last few days but there was still a little sting when he went fast. "Course, this flushed look is even better," he said rocking up and down.

"You'll be the death of me," Bruce groaned, his hands on Dick's hips tightening and helping to guide his lover.

Dick just smiled at that and bent down for a kiss. It took a little more work to kiss in this position but feeling Bruce moaning into the kiss was worth it.

This was the first time that Dick had been in this position or had this much control in their lovemaking. The sexual feelings were overwhelming, but it was the mental image of taking Bruce the way he'd been taken before, was what finally pushed Dick into orgasm.

"Shower?" Bruce asked after they had both caught their breath and he had slipped out of Dick. "I do have to go to the office today unfortunately."

Dick gasped mockingly, "You mean the famous playboy, Bruce Wayne actually works?"

Bruce ruffled Dick's hair and sat up. "Yes, work, and while I'm working you need to go shopping to get yourself a new formal outfit. It will have to be classy for..." Bruce trailed off knowing Dick was going to go crazy wondering what he had planned.

"For what?" Dick begged, perking up at the teasing mystery. "C'mon Bruce, do I really have to wear a tie? I hate ties."

"You don't have to wear a tie, but then I'd have to go out by myself," Bruce said as he dragged Dick toward the shower. "It will be a lot more fun if you wear a tie and come with me."

"Can it be a fish tie?" Dick deadpanned.

"I'm having Alfred dress you," Bruce said with a sigh. "That's the only way I can think to get you to dress respectably." He pulled Dick into the shower and a kiss to stop any more complaints.


Dick knew he wanted to dress better than he ever had for tonight. It was going to be their first official date after all. That meant he couldn't go to the mall where he usually shopped and would have to go to one of those fancy stores they had to buzz you into. He let Alfred know he was going out then picked out a bike to ride into town. He thought about taking a car to carry his new clothes in, but then realized he could just have whatever he bought delivered.

It took a few moments for whoever was behind the tinted windows to buzz him into the exclusive shop, but they did and he walked in with his helmet under his arm. He felt out of place in the store already and hoped he just get it over with as quickly as possible.

Dick was distracted from looking around when he heard a couple in the corner muttering about how Wayne's boy toy must have talked him in to a shopping spree.

"Does anyone work here?" Dick called out. He wouldn't let this get to him. He couldn't.

A haughty looking older man came up to him. "Please lower your voice, sir. What were you looking for today?"

"I need a formal outfit," Dick said. He wished he'd worn something dressier, but the idea of wearing dress slacks to ride a motorcycle was just plain stupid. So what if he was wearing worn jeans and a leather jacket? He still deserved service, just like anyone else.

"I assume this will be on Mr. Wayne's account?" the salesman asked managing to be perfectly polite but insulting at the same time.

"Ah, yeah," Dick admitted, looking away. "I need something fancy."

An hour later he was in a formal suit and had to admit he looked damn good as checked it out in the mirror in the front room. His thoughts were interrupted by the comments from the rest of the people in the store. The same girl from before was telling her boyfriend that she hoped Wayne didn't plan on flaunting him in public.

"Yeah, I'll take this," Dick muttered to the salesclerk. "Can you have it delivered?"

"Of course, just let me call Mr. Wayne and authorize this charge," the salesclerk said loud enough for the whole store to hear.

"I can put it on my credit card," Dick said, just wanting to shut her up. "Unless you don't want our business?"

The salesman who had helped him pick out the tux quickly pushed the salesclerk out of the way. "No need for that. We don't need to call anyone Mr. Grayson. If you could just sign the invoice we'll have everything re-pressed and sent out."

"That's good to hear," Dick said. "Cause I'm not sure we'll ever be coming back here again." He made sure to add the `we' part. If he was going to be labelled Bruce's boy toy, he might as well have a temper tantrum every once and a while.

He was still fuming as he left the shop. He was tempted to ride over to Wayne Industries to see Bruce, but didn't want to bother him at work. Instead he drove around aimlessly until he got hungry enough to head back to the mansion.

Since he'd gotten into his mid to late teens, he'd always had to put up with rumours about his place in Bruce's life. People wondered why a single, mid-aged man would keep a teenaged boy around.

He hadn't lied when he'd told Bruce he was used to it, but now it bothered him a lot more to hear the same comments. It was like they were all making him nothing more then a convenient sex toy for Bruce, and he knew that wasn't true. Well, he was pretty sure it wasn't true.

The moment he walked into the house, Alfred knew something was wrong. Sometimes he thought Alfred was a mother trapped in a butler's body. "May I ask what happened, Master Dick?"

"Nothing, just people being idiots. Did the clothes get delivered?"

"They are hanging up in your bedroom. May I suggest another store next time? I never liked service in that store."

Dick grinned. "You'd think after all this time Bruce and I would know to just tell you everything that goes on since you already anyway. Yeah, they were jerks, but I'm going to have to put up with it. It's just going to get worse now that everyone knows it's true."

"You'd be surprised what true love and time can over come," Alfred commented. "I doubt they will call you his boy toy when you're my age."

"Yeah, if we're still together then," Dick mumbled. "So, can you tell me where Bruce is taking me tonight, Al?" he asked raising his voice back to normal.

"He's taking you out, young man," Alfred scolded. "You're worse that Master Bruce was at your age."

"I know he's taking me out," Dick said digging into the sandwiches Alfred had made. "I wanna know where we're going though."

"Of course you do," Alfred said, calmly placing more sandwiches onto the plate. "Just like you wanted to know what he got you for Christmas and your birthday."

"Okay, okay, I'll go burn my curiosity off in the gym," Dick said finishing his sandwich.


"Mr. Wayne before you leave we have to discuss this public relations nightmare," Matt Thomas said, throwing down the paper on Bruce's desk. He'd been one of Bruce's closest advisors for years, handling much of the day-to-day running of Wayne Industries..

"There's nothing to discuss, Matt. I already directed the company spokesman to refuse to comment on my personal life," Bruce said. "Once people get used to the idea it will not be news anymore."

"People will not get used to this, Bruce," Matt sighed. "You've already lost employees over this."

"If they are that narrow-minded then I doubt it's any loss, and, maybe, it's better they go now. After tonight there is not going to be any question about if Dick and I are together. You can work up a plan to minimize the business impact and let me look it over tomorrow."

"Bruce, what do you have planned for tonight? You're not going to do anything stupid are you? Think about the business."

"I'm taking Dick out on a date, and I don't particularly care what it does to the business," Bruce growled. "The details of our relationship is not open for discussion nor will it be influenced by business decisions."

"It's time for a wake up call. You have no idea how far your stock dropped last night. Why couldn't you keep the line like you have all these years?"

"It wasn't a line, Matt. Up until a few days ago it was the truth, but things have changed.. You and everyone else are just going to have to accept it because I'm not going to lie about it. The business side of things should smooth out in a few weeks," Bruce said.

"Bruce, don't lie to me if I'm going to clean up to this mess. Everyone knows what's been going on. I hope he was at least sixteen I hope when this started? We've all seen the way he looks at you… the way you touch him."

"Damn it, Matt, last week was the first time anything happened like this," Bruce said. "If I was trying to hide this would I be admitting it now that there is something going on? Plus, if it had been going on longer something would have gotten out before now."

"Can you at least keep the boy on a short leash?"

"Don't make the mistake of saying something like that again," Bruce said very calmly while his hands clenched on the edges of his desk.

Matt wasn't a stupid man and knew when to back down if he wanted to keep his job. Bruce had always been over protective of the boy, obviously that hadn't changed now that he was fucking him. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Wayne? I have work to get back to."

"No, just keep me informed, and make sure there is no statement about this other then 'no comment' without my express approval." Bruce was surprised to have to have this argument Matt of all people.

Matt suddenly stopped, not wanting to leave on a bad note with his friend. "Bruce? Just promise me you'll be careful, for both your and the kid's sake."


Bruce got home almost an hour earlier then normal. After the argument with Matt he had pulled up the files and been shocked to find out just how many people had resigned or quit already. It wasn't enough to cause any real problems, but it was enough to shock him. "Alfred, where's Dick?" he asked walking into the mansion.

"In the workout room, Master Bruce," Alfred answered without looking away from the flower arrangement he was fussing over. "Oh, you know that tailor shop on 6th street you're fond of?"

"What about it?" Bruce asked wondering if Dick had gotten his clothes there and they had messed something up.

"I suggest you frequent another establishment from now on," Alfred said and deadheaded a rose quickly.

"They gave him a hard time about us didn't they?" Bruce asked realizing what had happened. "And Dick went to the gym to burn off some steam. Maybe I'll join him. We have some time before we need to leave."

"I'll be in the kitchen, sir," Alfred said. In other words, the kitchen was very far away from gym. "Your clothing is laid out for you."

Bruce headed to the gym, still in his suit. He knew he could change there and if Dick was upset enough to need the gym he didn't want to wait any longer to see him. When he came into the room, Dick was working out in only sweatpants attacking a heavy bag. Sweat was pouring down his chest and Bruce was struck again just how much his lover had grown up. Dick was chiselled and had a body most men would die for.

Dick noticed Bruce and turned toward him. "Oh shit, I thought I told Alfred to let me know when it was time for me to clean up. He started quickly unwrapping the tape from his hands. "I'm sorry, Bruce, I didn't want to ruin whatever you had planned."

"Leave it," Bruce growled, already stalking towards Dick.

"I can hurry and get..." Dick stopped talking when Bruce started kissing him. He let himself be pushed back against the wall without breaking the kiss. Once he felt his back up against the mirror he grabbed Bruce to pull him closer, the partially unravelled tape on his hands trailing down Bruce's back.

Bruce had moved down to Dick's neck and was licking the sweat off. His hands moved to Dick's ass and started to push his sweat pants off. "I love you," he said barely above a whisper and against the salty skin.

"Love you too," Dick whispered back between moans. "Missed you today." He wiggled the rest of the way out of his sweats and started pushing Bruce's jacket off.

"You're mine and I won't let anyone take you away from me," Bruce growled. He ripped his shirt off, not caring as the buttons popped.

"You mean it, Bruce?" Dick asked. "Cuz people don't like this very much. I was worried you might want to stop or keep it a secret."

"I already have too many secrets," Bruce huffed, giving Dick another deep kiss before gracefully sinking to his knees. He had his lover's cock in his mouth before the younger man could even comprehend what was happening.

"Bruuuccce," Dick screamed in pleasure when he felt his cock enveloped with no warning. He put his hands over Bruce's which were gripping his thighs, trying to hold back.

Bruce didn't let go, instead Dick's cry made him only suck harder. Some people might think this was a submissive act, but he knew he had the power here. He had the power to prove they needed and loved each other. He wouldn't do this for anyone else, but with Dick it was different.

Dick's yell when he came echoed in through the gym. He slid down the wall until he was face-to-face with Bruce. "I love you. Don't want you to be forced to get rid of me," he said. He buried his head in Bruce's chest. "When I heard what people were saying in town I knew it had to be worse for you at work."

Bruce cupped the back of Dick's head. "I mean what I said… ya know, before."

"I know, it was just different to hear people say stuff like that when it when it was true," Dick looked up. "You know it doesn't matter to me what they think right? It's none of their business who I'm in love with."

"I won't hide," Bruce said. "I won't let us hide this. It's too important."

That was what Dick wanted to hear. "Want you now," he said trying to undo Bruce's pants. "Need you."

"You don't have to," Bruce said, although he didn't sound very convincing.

"I want to," Dick said worming a hand into Bruce's pants. He looked around until his eyes landed on a bottle of massage oil across the room. "Be right back," he said scrambling up to get the oil.

Bruce looked again at the mirrored wall and thought having sex into the workout room was suddenly a very good idea. He wondered exactly what Dick had in mind.

Dick walked back to a now standing and naked Bruce. He trailed one hand down Bruce's chest to cup his erection. Not saying anything he used his other hand to drizzle oil on Bruce's cock and covered it in oil. With a slightly embarrassed look on his face he pressed the bottle into Bruce's hand and turned around, bracing himself against the mirror.

"I like it when you blush," Bruce said. His eyes locked with Dick's in the mirror. "I want you to keep your eyes open and watch your face while I fuck you."

"Was planning to," Dick said arching back into Bruce's fingers. "Needed to feel you and see you.."

"I want you to feel it tonight…" Bruce whispered as he slipped three fingers in. "I want you to think about me, about what I can do to you and give you. Don't want you to worry when others give you trouble."

"Don't care about them as long as you're here," Dick said looking at Bruce in the mirror. "And I always feel you, Bruce."

"Watch," Bruce hissed again, this time grasping Dick's hips and entering him.

Dick moaned and alternated between looking straight ahead and into Bruce's reflection and to the right where he could watch Bruce pump into him. "Harder," he gasped out.

Bruce groaned deeply but did as his lover demanded, pushing in deeper and harder. He knew his hands would leave bruises on Dick's hips, but somehow that was strangely satisfying.

Dick's erection started to come back as Bruce rubbed over his prostrate repeatedly. He started rocking back at just the right time to meet each thrust. "Please," he begged Bruce.

"Do you want it bad enough?" Bruce demanded.

"Please, Bruce, don't tease me," Dick said. With his arms supporting his weight he couldn't move his hands down to take care of himself. He thrust back harder whispering 'please' over and over.

"Love the way you beg," Bruce whispered and shifted his hand down to rub his lover's cock.

Dick kept his eyes locked on Bruce's in the mirror. He tensed and came, mouth open and panting but not saying anything. Bruce came right after him, his own eyes locked with Dick's. Each time they made love, it topped the last time, each time intense and moving.

As soon as they had both stopped shaking he pulled Dick back against him. "Feel better?" Bruce asked. One hand was wrapped around Dick's waist and the other was brushing over his chest. "You look so good," he added.

"You look better," Dick panted.

"Could stay here all day," Bruce said. "But then we'd be late. We really need to get ready soon."

"You gonna tell me where we're going yet?" Dick thought maybe he could get at least a hint from Bruce when he was still in a compromising situation.

"There will be food involved," Bruce said, grinning at Dick's frustration over having to wait for his surprise.


"I know this isn't exactly your kind of thing," Bruce said as they rode up in the elevator alone. His hand was on the small of Dick's back and he kept caressing the crisp new material of the suit. "It's nice here… the view is spectacular. There's… other stuff."

"It's good," Dick said. "Just a little nervous, but I doubt anyone will say anything with you here. Thanks for bringing me though. Nobody's going to wonder about us any more."

"I just get to show off what they're missing," Bruce said quickly as the elevator came to a stop.

The conversation in the room died down when people noticed them stepping off the elevator with Bruce's hand still on Dick's back. This was the upper crust of Gotham though, and no one stared too overtly or stopped their conversations altogether. They were led to their table on the edge of the dance floor, fielding greetings from people they passed on the way there.

After they were seated, Bruce laid his hands over Dick's and leaned over the table to whisper to him. "I promise we can go wherever you want next time. Maybe that pizza place you like."

"Do I get to pick your clothes for that?" Dick whispered back with an evil grin on his face..

Bruce gave his lover the patented Wayne scowl that would frighten anybody except Dick and Alfred. "Bruce Wayne doesn't do jeans."

Dick didn't answer, but he was still grinning when the waiter came up to take their orders. He was going to get Bruce out in jeans and a t-shirt soon.

The waiter turned to Bruce, indicating that he expected Bruce to order for both of them. "What can I get for you gentlemen this evening, sir?"

Bruce had ordered for both of them and was considering drinks when he realized Dick might not appreciate having his dinner picked for him. "If that's okay with you, Dick?" he tacked on awkwardly.

"Hey, don't look at me," Dick held up his hands. He hadn't understood what most of the menu said. "Just promise me it'll be dead and cooked."

Dinner passed without much conversation other then commenting on the food. It was a comfortable silence just enjoying being out in public without anyone bothering them. They could both tell who wasn't happy to see them together but no one was complaining out loud. Even better a few people stopped by to talk to Bruce and make it clear that they were fine with the two of them.

The live band started to play something slow and instrumental, as they were finishing up their desert. Dick was eating a large piece of chocolate cake and Bruce was sipping a double scotch. Couples were drifting towards the dance floor when Bruce cleared his throat. "I thought… we could maybe, have a another photo opportunity."

"You asking me to dance Bruce?" Dick said starting to stand up. "Because there's no way I could say no to that."

Bruce gulped down the rest of his scotch swiftly and stood up. "I have to lead," he said and then added quickly. "It's the only way I know how to dance."

Dick snorted as he took Bruce's hand. "I don't mind when you lead, Bruce. I kinda expected it actually."