Author: Co-written by Jay Narra & Liana Kerzner
Rating: G
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Fandom: Think "The Killing Joke," & "Arkham Asylum." Mildly BTAS. Some point after the comic "Death In The Family."
Feedback: Definitely! Appreciated!
Archive: Yes, certainly! Just let me know it's there!
Disclaimer: Batman & Joker are (c) DC! Not mine!
Summary: Harley breaks her puddin' outta Arkham the next morning.
The Game We Play, Chapter 3 - The Break Out
Co-written by Jay Narra & Liana Kerzner
"Mmph.. gdmn.. hynah.."
Green eyes opened slowly and squinted against a faint glimmer of sunlight. "What..?"
Joker lifted his head from the ever-so-comfortable cell bed and grumbled to himself. He glanced around the small area and then laid back down, wincing a bit. All at once, last night flew back into his mind.. rushes of images, words, feelings..
After thinking a moment on that, he looked down, finally figuring out why his arms ached. A *very* tight straight-jacket had been placed on him. "Damn.." He squirmed a little against it, testing it's durability.. and then stopped when the pain in his stomach rose. The Arkham attendants hadn't even bothered to check on his injuries. They simply bound him and then dragged him to his bed, locking him away for as long as they could keep him.
Maybe they figured he'd be less likely to escape? Or maybe it was a cruel sort of revenge for the lives he'd ended in his years.. But whatever it was, it was inhumane. And it hurt. A lot.
"When's that idiot woman going to get here?!" he hissed, suddenly very moody after last night. He felt a lump of boredom growing in the back of his throat. Or was that sadness? Hard to tell, really...
There was a strange scritching sound on the other side of the wall, like a very large squirrel scurrying up it. Then the sound stopped. . .
Joker suddenly came out of his throughts, catching the sound with his paranoid ears. He waited, listening...
In a huge, almost cartoonish explosion, a huge chunk of the wall opposite Joker blew away. Sunlight streaked through the hole, becoming obscured by the dust and debris.
"Finally!" Joker spat, glaring through the floating dust. "I thought you'd decided to run away with that Weed again..."
But there was no answer. No one was there. There was a big, giant hole, but no one outside it. Not even a sound.
"Harley?" The green-haired clown shifted and forced himself into a sitting position, peering with narrowed eyes. "Poo? Are you out there?"
Some of the debris shifted and fell to the ground below, but there was still no sign of Harley.
Grumbling angrily, Joker stood up and made his way toward the wall. *I swear.. that woman..* He leaned over the edge and winced slightly. This was taking far too much of an effort on his half... and he was paying for it.
From above came the sound of a pulley system squeaking, and something black and red crashed down on the Joker's head.
"HEY MISTA JA-AY!" Harley squealed in a sing song rhythm. "GUESS WHO'S HERE TA SAVE YA?!?!"
She looked around the cell, but couldn't see the Joker anywhere. "Mista J?" She said softly, now less sure of herself.
Joker felt the rage exploding in his chest as a few broken ribs shifted. An inhuman roar tore from his throat seconds later. Had his hands been free, the woman would be dead.
"Ooooh! There ya are!" Harley gushed, patting the Joker on the bum before hopping off of him. "Ya know Mista Jay, ya really shouldn't go stickin' yer head out holes like that. Wouldn't want my Puddin' gettin hurt now, would we?" She did a little 'Harley did good' dance and hopped around to face the Joker.
Had his eyes been able to kill..... "HARLEY!" he screamed, his face contorting into a violent mingling of emotion.
Harley's face fell, and she looked confused. "What's the matter?" She asked. "Don't ya like the getaway car?"