Title: Sono Collegati ("They're Connected")
Author: Prodigette
Rating: R
Fandom: Batman Beyond
Pairing: Terry/Bruce
Type: Combination of things
Feedback?: Constructive criticism wanted!
Archive?: Sure! Just let me know where
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em. DC and WB does
Summary: Bruce knows how to soothe Terry
Note: The ficlets will be stringed together soon Thanks to: DragonLady for the inspiration!
Sono Collegati ("They're Connected")
by Prodigette
Terry's eyes flew open. Even though he didn't get too much of it, he didn't want to go back to sleep. Terry was more than grateful that it was only a dream. He his heart was beating so far that he was afraid that he'd wake Bruce up. If there was someone who needed sleep more than him, it was Bruce Wayne.
"Another nightmare." Bruce said. It wasn't a question, but the older man knew what was going on. He always did. The younger man heard a hint of sympathy in his lover's voice and nodded against a broad shoulder. They had their differences, but Terry knew that Bruce would understand.
"It was-"
"Worse than the other ones. I know." Bruce finished for him. Terry rubbed his hands up and down Bruce's chest and tried to focus his thoughts elsewhere. Something would have to cheer him up. Bruce held back a chuckle.
He gave Terry a quick kiss to the temple and ran his left hand up and down the smooth back. In a silent reply, his protege changed his position to climb on top of him.