Title: Surreal
Author: Prodigette
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Batman Beyond
Pairing: Terry'Bruce ('Berry')
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em.
Thanks: Souljah, DragonLady, L&L
Summary: A quiet moment for them.
By Prodigette
Terry loves moments like these.
These are moments when things are simple and relaxed. There doesn't seem to be any sort of chaos going on, and the world looks a little more beautiful to him.
Things seem to be somewhat normal.
Sky blue eyes look ahead as if there is no glass between him and the outside world. The sound of heavy rain drops hitting the window doesn't break his reverie at all. Gotham City is at it's most beautiful when it rains during daylight.
Instead of gargoyles scowling, they look to be crying just like everyone else. Terry feels the chill of the cool air inside the mansion, and it gives him goosebumps.
Terry is fully aware that he's standing naked in front of the bedroom window. He's also fully aware that Bruce is watching him from their bed. But, he makes no attempt to cover himself.
Looking over his shoulder, Terry sees Bruce sitting on the edge of the bed, only wearing a blue bedsheet. The look in his silver blue eyes reflects Terry's perfectly. He seems to be at peace. It's a look that Terry has rarely seen in the past two years.
It's gotten to a point where Terry knows almost everything that Bruce isn't saying.
Turning his head once again to look out of the window, he presses one hand against the cool glass. Terry jumps slightly when he feels muscular arms wrapping around his waist. Warmth is surrounding him.
Bruce isn't wearing the sheet any more.
Leaning against the broad chest, he gives a sigh. Maybe this is what normal feels like. Bruce gives him a kiss on the shoulder as they watch the rain together.
Through all of this, the sky still looks very blue.