Title: Blasphemy

Author: A.D

[ glitterjungle@squidge.org ]

Fandom: Brimstone

Rating: NC 17

Pairing: Devil/Zeke

Summary: PWP

Warnings: Religious content, m/m slash, blasphemy

Feedback: Yes please. Offlist.

Disclaimer: Not mine. Not making money. Don't mean harm. Love. Really.

This story is also available on the web at:
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by A.D

In some filthy back alley, with his face against a brick wall and thirty six dollars and twenty seven cents shoved back into his pocket, his hat thrown carelessly on a pile of *things* nearby and the large body behind him, giving him this pleasure that is worth paying hell for - whispering in his ear, "Satan is my bitch, Satan is my whore" and he doesn't protest, doesn't set this whole town on fire for witnessing however blindly this blasphemy - pardon the pun - just moans and agrees.

Getting pounded and his human body is taking it so oddly - obviously hurt and scraped and burning, stretching, slamming against the side of this building repeatedly, but at the same time he wants to scream with delight, with intense sensation and he does scream, scream out loud and a window above them opens and someone is shouting at them to shut the fuck up, and Zeke just throws his head back and yells "I'm fucking the devil in your back yard!" and laughs ecstatically.

The man in the window mutters something about calling the police but neither Zeke nor Lucifer even give a fuck - figuratively anyway. Literally, Zeke is definitely giving it to Lucifer, and the devil takes it and takes it hard, loving every single moment. Can't help but think in some more higher-being part of his brain that this is all wrong, all twisted and *wrong*, because he shouldn't be the type to get all hot and bothered - the flames of inferno couldn't do it, so why should a low, throaty voice telling him he's just a bitch to some ex human and - fuck you 'til you don't remember a single soul but me - fuck you 'til you won't forget it for eternity and then some - fuck you 'til you can't scream out God's name, can't say anything - fuck you until you're mine, Satan, Lucifer, Serpent, fucking little prince of hell - fucking whore - mine...

Lucifer leans his forehead against the bricks and moans and comes, not crying because that just won't happen, but feels like melting in Ezekiel's arms, not in a reality-bending, body-shaping way but in a small, soft, needy way, and Zeke wraps his arms around the thinner body and gentles his movements, keeps fucking but not pounding, slowly stroking instead, whispering completely different things in his ear; about love, about caring, about compassion and human feelings. And comes.

Lucifer crumbles by the wall and Zeke falls with him, and they fall forever, just like he did the first time, the Big Fall - but this one ends abruptly at the pavement and they sit there and hold hands, leaning against
each other until a blue light flickers at the other end of the alley and they get up, almost laughing, collect all their clothes and walk away into the dawn.

[end. feed now]