Title: Happy Birthday To Me

Author: A.D


Fandom: Brimstone

Rating: G

Summary: Happy Birthday - For the John Glover Birthday Challenge, 7 August 2003

Feedback: Yes please. Offlist.

Disclaimer: Not mine. Not making money. Don't mean harm. Love. Really.

This story is also available on the web at:

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Happy birthday to me...
by A,D

"Happy birthday to me... "

Alone, with a little cone-shaped hat on his head and a single muffin on the table with a single candle stuck in it.

"Happy birthday to me..."

No real friends, no family to speak of. Not even a real birthday, but he chose this day randomly to celebrate.

"Happy birthday, dear Satan..."

The door slammed open.

"You didn't tell me it was your birthday!"

The devil sighed. Maybe one friend.

"Happy birthday to me." He blew on the candle.

Ezekiel came up behind him and hugged his shoulders, dropping a single chaste kiss on the top of his head.

"Happy birthday." He whispered.

[end. feed now]