Peter Horton as Ezekiel Stone & John Glover as the Devil PILOT
In 1983, after murdering the man who raped his wife, conscientious detective lieutenant Ezekial Stone(Peter Horton) died in an unrelated incident and went to Hell. But now, 15 years later, the Devil (John Glover) promises to allow Stone to go to heaven if he retrieves 113 escaped, damned souls that are creating havoc on Earth.
The escapees have acquired supernatural powers and cannot be killed by conventional means. Stone must destroy their eyes in order to return them to Hell. He discovers that his torso is covered with 113 runic tattoos, one of which will disappear each time he sends someone back to the Hell.
Stone's first bounty is a priest who first lived in the late 1800's and kidnapped young boys as sacrifices. Today, he wants to kill four innocent children simultaneously to fulfill a prophecy.
An idealistic young policeman, William Kane, believes Stone's story. Their search culminates in the abandoned subway tunnels beneath New York City, where Stone rescues the boys and banishes the priest. Meanwhile, Stone searches for his beloved, still-living wife.

While investigating a series of rapes in suburban New York, Stone is horrified to deduce that the rapist is Gilbert Jax, the man who raped Stone's wife 15 years ago. Stone went to Hell then because he killed Gil for revenge. Now back on Earth, Gil continues raping married women and taking their wedding rings as mementos. Stone fights Gil, but he cannot destroy Gil's eyes. The Devil tauntingly refuses to tell Stone how to defeat Gil. Meanwhile, Stone copes with the awful memories of his wife's ordeal and his own uncontrollable anger at the time. He counsels the distraught husband of a rape victim not to commit murder. Finally, Stone discovers that he must channel the rage that first led him to kill Gil. The Devil demands that kind of passion for all of Stone's accursed bounties. In a final battle, Stone releases the souls of Gil's rape victims by breaking a necklace made of dozens of stolen wedding rings, thus condemning Gil's soul once again. During the mission, Stone seeks the wise guidance of Father Horn, a blind Roman Catholic priest whom Stone has consulted before--and who learns and believes Stone's incredible life story.

The Devil resolves to show a disbelieving Stone that he was destined for Hell even before killing his wife's rapist. He transports Stone back to his childhood when he was cruel to a schoolmate. Then, the Devil makes Stone watch as the grownup version of himself is unsympathetic towards his wife while trying to conceive a child. The past Stone also falsely arrests a known criminal, Nick Keeney, that he could not apprehend ethically--leading to Keeney being murdered in jail. Anguished, Stone believes the Devil's assertions of his guilt. Then, an Angel (John Glover) assures Stone that he was a good man whose fate was redeemable. The Angel shows Stone a family of five that would have been killed if Stone had not arrested Keeney. But the Devil makes Stone recall a scene from early in his happy marriage when Stone allowed a sexy woman to almost seduce him. In the present, the Angel takes Stone on a tour of the many people whose lives Stone recently saved by vanquishing the Devil's escaped souls.

At the Devil's urging, Stone investigates a vicious killer, Vic, who attacks Stone and escapes. Along with his companion, Tammy, Vic protects a vulnerable teenager, Brian. With Vic and Tammy gone, Stone pities the reticent Brian and cares for him for awhile, forming a strong father-son relationship with him. But when Stone leaves Brian alone in his hotel room, Vic and Tammy apparently return and abduct Brian. Brian then mysteriously returns to Stone. After talking to Brian and doing some research, Stone makes a startling deduction.

Someone is murdering homeless people and cutting their eyes out. When a homeless man,Harry, tells Stone that he saw a shrouded figure leave the scene of a murder and leap off a high overpass without injury, Stone knows that an escapee from Hell is involved. With the help of a quirky historian, Stone identifies a uniform button found at the scene and follows clues to determine that his bounty is Martin Benedict. During the Nazi era, Benedict was a well-intentioned "angel of mercy" who gathered 18 Jews to rescue them. But he became unnerved and ultimately caused them to be killed in concentration camps, resulting in his incarceration in Hell. As Stone becomes familiar with the staff of a homeless shelter, including young former homeless man Toby, he learns about a modern-day "angel of mercy" who surreptitiously defends homeless people. But who is killing them, and why are their eyes removed? Stone discovers Toby taking drugs and finds out where Toby got the money to buy them: from selling human eyes to an organ bank. Toby is the killer.
Apparently, Benedict was trying to protect the victim on the overpass where Harry saw him. Stone apprehends Toby before he can kill Harry, but the Devil still orders Stone to banish Benedict. After the guilt-ridden Benedict pleads with Stone to let him continue doing good deeds on Earth as penance for his deadly cowardice in the past, Stone allows Benedict to flee. But Benedict returns--knowing that he cannot escape his true fate--and tells Stone to condemn him to Hell again. Stone does.

Stone learns that a Latino activist, Paco Gomez, who was active in the 1960s, is back on Earth. Paco accidentally drove his car off a cliff after murdering two Beverly Hills socialites during an apparent robbery. Paco and the gorgeous, rich heiress Jocelyn Paige are in love, and he secretly robs and kills to get money to impress her. Paco also kills a rich young man, Brad Armstrong, whom Jocelyn's aunt, Ruth, wants her to marry. Ruth is unaware that Jocelyn is dating Paco. Stone tries to warn Jocelyn that Paco is a dangerous man, but she won't listen. Finally, Stone corners Paco and destroys his eyes, returning him to Hell. But Stone's work isn't over. Jocelyn lures Stone to her house and attacks him. She's also an escaped soul! Ruth believes Jocelyn to be her long-lost grandniece, but Jocelyn is actually Ruth's niece. Before she died and was damned, Jocelyn murdered her parents for the inheritance and died in the car crash with Paco. Now, she murders Ruth and tries to kill Stone. After a battle, the anguished Ruth pokes her own eyes out so she can rejoin Paco in Hell forever.

Stone seeks the arsonist who has been burning many houses of worship of all religious denominations. Meanwhile, despite his ongoing quest to find his wife, he feels more and more attracted to sexy detective Ash, his occasional ally on the L os Angeles police force. Ash knows that he's not really a cop, but she isn't aware of his true identity. Stone compares a finely crafted kni fe found at the latest arson scene to two knives from other burnings and discovers ancient pagan verses inscribed on them. Ash works with Stone on a few unauthorized searches and questionable investigations, and Stone soon becomes suspicious of Busch, the owner of a knife factory, and Busch's employee, Leo Varner, both of whom are neo-Nazis and former convicts. Later, Stone an d Ash finally get romantic, but Ash stops and flees when she notices the tattoos on Stone's torso.

Stone is approached by another escaped soul walking the Earth again: an invincible ancient Carthaginian warrior, Hasdrabul Skaras (RICHARD BROOKS). Skaras wants to team up with Stone to defy the devil and wreak havoc on Earth. Stone refuses and tries to destroy Skaras' eyes, but the warrior is too deft. Skaras begins killing the widows of murdered policemen, promising more innocent deaths--including Stone's wife--if Stone doesn't comply with him. With clues provided by his occasional ally, Detective Sergeant Ash of the Los Angeles Police Department, Stone seeks Skaras' probable next victim.
When the police see Stone fleeing from the scene, they publicize him as the prime suspect in the ongoing kill ings. Stone gains the trust of another police widow, Gina Brayker, and hides her in a church managed by his longtime confidant, blind Father Horn. Hoping to protect as many potential victims as possible until he can vanquish Skaras, Stone is almost captured by the police while abducting Gina's friend.

After s everal people are murdered by electrocution, Stone realizes that they are all criminals who escaped justice because of technicalities--and they were all unsuccessfully prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Julia Trent. Stone questions Trent, who knows nothing about the electrocutions. After witnessing Trent's loyal mailboy, Willy, being roughly treated by Stewart Lambert, Trent's obnoxious colleague, Stone suspects Lambert. On the Internet, Stone finds out about a self-righteous traveling executioner in the 1920s who often disregarded the law in his zeal to dispatch suspected criminals. A photograph of the man looks exactly like Willy--and Lambert is soon found murdered with electricity. Trent believes Stone's theory about Willy after finding court papers detailing her failed prosecutions hidden in Willy's locker at work. She and Stone try to warn Willy's next victim, who actually is innocent, but they are too late. Finally, in a battle involving several live power lines, Stone vanquishes Willy.

Po, a fugitive from Hell, is back on Earth murdering beautiful, young, virginal Chinese immigrant women. Stone learns that Po lived 1,000 years ago and was part of the Tang Dynasty. Originally banished to Hell for killing a Chinese princess, Po now wants to compose an epic love poem for the princess with the blood of the pure. Stone infiltrates the Chinatown community of Los Angeles, California. With the help of a Chinese teacher, Stone puts an end to Po's murderous spree.

Stone pursues another escaped soul, Gwendolyn Debare, who poses as a sexy California college student studying Medieval history. Gwen formerly lived in the Middle Ages and was brutally raped before killing her attackers and their families for revenge. Now back onEarth, she continues her rampage, aided by the supernatural power to emit intense heat from her body. First, Gwen seduces and attacks her lecherous professor, James Albright, but feels too guilty to kill him. Fearing a scandal, Albright refuses to tell the police or Stone who burned him. But when a psychiatrist, Dr. Julia Martin, unknowingly causes Gwen to confront her desires, Gwen flirts with a fellow student and later boils him to death with her touch. After she seduces a policeman guarding Albright and explodes the officer in his car, Gwen finally kills Albright. Then she travels from bar to bar, having sex with strangers and killing them with heat and fire. Stone pretends to be an unwitting bar patron and takes Gwen back to his apartment where, after a massive battle, he destroys her eyes and sends her back to Hell.

Stone's bounty is a typhoid carrier, Sally Annie McGee, who, in the 1920s, escaped from a cruel asylum and knowingly infected hundreds of people before committing suicide. Today, Sally Annie is back, and her hellish strain of the disease is resistant to the antibiotics doctors now depend on. Anyone who comes into contact with Sally Annie's saliva dies horribly within minutes. Stone first learns about Sally Annie after she passionately kisses and kills a lecherous bartender who demands sex to pay for her drinks. Then, Sally Annie meets a partygoer, Wolfie, whom she truly likes. Wolfie defends her from an obnoxious bully, and Sally Annie kisses the bully, infecting him and fleeing with Wolfie. Two other people die after drinking from the same beer can as the bully. When Stone confronts Sally Annie, she explains that she just wants to have fun like she did before being infected--and she will kill anyone who tries to stop her. Stone discovers that even he is ulnerable to the disease after Sally Annie kisses him on the eyes and escapes.

Valentine's Day is soon, and Stone can't stop thinking about his beloved wife, Rosalyn. After much agonizing, Stone decides to finally reveal to Rosalyn that he is alive and tell her the truth after being gone for 15 years. But while approaching Rosalyn's unoccupied house, the surprised Stone meets Rosalyn's handsome current boyfriend, Barry Ceniza. Posing as a detective questioning residents, Stone is pleased to learn from Ceniza that Rosalyn still loves her supposedly dead husband. Suffering from her own romantic problems, the sardonic desk clerk at Stone's hotel, Maxine, flirts with the receptive Stone. But she later urges him to return to his ex-wife. Meanwhile, Stone is bitten by a cobra. He learns that people in Rosalyn's neighborhood--which is where Ceniza sells real estate--have been mysteriously dying from cobra bites. And there's a shed cobra skin on Rosalyn's lawn.


fox initially ordered SIX more episodes of Brimstone, episodes which were in various stages of preproduction before the plug was pulled -- WHAT WERE THOSE EPISODES? What happened to Stone & Roz? What about Ash?

RIVALS (#14)
RIVALS - shut down a mere three hours into production, episode 14 pitted Stone with two dilemmas: an escaped damned Soul who is killing illegal immigrants and a beautiful kick-ass damned woman, late of the Irish Republican Army, who the Devil has brought back in order to test Stone. The Deal? Whoever sends this week's Damned Soul to Hell FIRST gets to stay on Earth and hunt the down the rest of the 113 -- whoever fails gets a one-way ticket back to Eternal Damnation! Zeke wins, but not before getting somewhat PHYSICALLY involved with the IRA woman, who proves to be almost his match in every way, shape & form.

DEADLINE - an episode with a BACKWARDS structure. A Reporter shows up on the scene just in time to witness Zeke sending a Damned Soul back to Hell, then tracks the story BACKWARDS in his attempt to find Stone and find out what's up...

ANGEL (#16)
ANGEL - Stone tracks down what he THINKS is a Damned Soul, but turns out instead to be a Rogue Angel bored with heaven, desperate to taste everything life has to offer -- including Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, and murder! Stone has to figure out how to trick the bad Angel into going back to Heaven -- with a little help from someone who 'aint the Devil and prompts the Devil into yelling at the Heaven's: "He's working for me, not you!" Also in this episode, a mysterious woman shows up and starts asking questions about Zeke Stone -- it's ROSALYN!

PARTNERS - Stone tracks another Damned Soul, but this time the Devil shows up and wants to tag along on Stone's investigation! This one's personal for ole' Lucifer, 'cause this is the one guy who never broke, the one guy who never begged for mercy, who did his time in Hell defiantly, always telling the Devil to F-off. Who is this tough-as-nails Damned Soul? None other than a meek, mild-mannered CLERK who looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly! Lots of darkly comic antics with Stone showing the Devil how to be a detective, etc. Also more on Roz tracking down the husband she was sure was dead... until now.

INNOCENCE - Stone tracks down a Damned Soul who turns out to be none other than one of his relatives, a beloved Uncle from Stone's childhood who claims that he was innocent, that Somebody Up There made a mistake! Stone embarks on a bizarre quest -- not to hunt down this week's Damned Soul -- but to try to clear him and find the real bad guy...

BIRTHDAY (#19- The Season Finale)
BIRTHDAY - Maxine finds out that Stone's birthday is coming up and tries to throw a a party for her loneliest hotel guest. Problem is she can't find any friends or relatives, except those that claim Zeke Stone has been dead for 15 years! Plus the return of ASH, the return of Zeke's CAT and a stunning cliff-hanger: Max brings a a special, suprise guest to Zeke's Birthday Party -- a guest whose arrival was to serve as our season-ending finale -- his wife, ROZ!