Title: Angel's Family

Author: Kate R

Disclaimer: The Silver hawks belong to Rankin/Bass. Angel belongs to Joss. the idea for this story belongs to me and one too many Chocolate Brownie Frappuchinos.

Rating: PG-13 to R-ish. I try not to do graphic sex so it shouldn't be NC-17 unless demon flaying gets bad.

Pairings: Angel/Wes, Xander/Spike, Giles/Ethan, Cordelia/Faith

Summary: It's confusing, crossing worlds, science fiction, fantasy and vampires. Just read it and maybe it'll start to make sense. The closest I can come is there is a problem, Angel and his extended group go and secrets are revealed.


Angel's Family
By Kate R

Prologue: Call for Help: Answered

Kate Lockley looked down at the folder in her hand as she waited. Angel said he was coming and bringing his newly expanded team. She hoped he accepted this mission. The people who needed help really needed a group that was not bound by red tape. She could think of no one other than Angel and his group. Also, she knew Angel's---Differences would help out there.

Angel's speed and strength could help with the mess. And the sun out there didn't hurt vampires so he would be safe enough.

"Detective," a uniform said. "They are here. It's pretty big group so we have you in the conference room on the third floor okay?"

"Thanks Sanders," she said as she gathered the file.

She looked down at the picture of one of the people on the team and smiled to herself. How would Angel explain this one away? He was a ringer for that man except for his brown eyes. She made her way up the steps to the room and walked in where she found herself facing a larger group than was normal. Faith she knew and her lip curled. Cordelia, Wesley, Angel himself. But there was also a bleached blond man, a young man with dark hair and eyes and two older men there as well.

"What's the assignment, Kate?" Angel asked as his group all took seats. She noticed specific pairs sat together. The bleached blond and the dark aired youth, the two older men, Cordelia and Faith and Angel and Wesley.

She was confused but then shook her head. It wasn't her business and she needed their help so antagonizing them was not the smartest thing in the world to do.

"There is a group of cops in another place the require assistance. They are bound by rules that have gotten them hurt. I know you aren't bound like that so I thought I'd ask if you would help. The team is called the Silverhawks. These are their stats and bios. Angel, this one in particular I thought you'd be interested in."

She set the picture of the man he looked like down in front of him and she watched him get whiter than a sheet as he stared at the face.

"Sire?" the bleached blond asked.

Angel shook his head as Kate laid out the groundwork and things they knew. She could see by Angel's face she had him. He would help. Every few minutes she would comment on the resemblance and smiled every time she got a hit. When the coffee mug shattered in his grip though, the bleached vampire and the dark aired youth looked at her.

"That resemblance is remarkable, Angel," she said.

"You said that," the bleached vampire said.

"We can see that," the dark aired youth said at the same time.

"There is no reason for you to remark on it every five minutes," one of the older men said.

She had heard the dark haired youth refer to him as Giles. The other man she heard called Ethan. She watched as Faith sent her a death glare look and Cordelia gave her a nasty glare. Wesley just looked at her steadily until she looked down.

"When do we leave?" Angel asked finally speaking. "And you had better pay us for this."

"As soon as you've packed and are ready and you will be paid."

"Alright," Angel said. "Come to the hotel in about an hour.We'll be ready to go then."

They got up to leave and Kate watched as the bleached blond leaned to Angel's side and asked him something to which she heard Angel say yes.

Then, the doors to the room closed and she called to tell Stargazer help was coming. Help that could and would kick it old school.

In the hallway, Spike was looking at Angel and the others were as well. "Is it him, Sires?" he asked.

"Yes," Angel said. "It's him."

"Who?" Giles asked.

"My father," Angel replied. "My real father. The one being in all the world that Angelus would never have hurt. If he needs me then I'm going."

"We're going," Spike said. "We're all going with you. Rupes, Eth, go stock up on your magic supplies. Wesley, go pack your books and get your bike ready. Sire, leave your car. We'll get you when we get out there but the bike can be fitted. I was reading the file while she was pushing on you. Xan-Pet, you, Faith and Cordelia go pack the weapons. Spire, we're going to go get you packed. I'm picking your clothes because we need confidence and power up there. Can you do that?"

"You know I can," Angel said his eyes flashing gold briefly.

Spike nodded and they went to get packed. He knew this was going to be hard on Angel so he was going to have to tell his Xan-Pet to lay off the Dead Boy cracks. Angel was going to be on edge. Especially if his father was one of the ones who had been hurt.

Spike sighed and lit a cigarette. Time to get to work.


Chapter 1: Arrival and Fight

"Will, Look out!" Sergeant Steel Heart yelled when she saw her brother about to get hit by spinning discs from Buzz saw's hands. This attack had come from nowhere and they had been caught unaware. They had scrambled to fight but hey had been taken so totally by surprise that they couldn't get anything together for a defense. Now, she was watching in horror, as her brother was about to die. Well, the blades were about half an inch away from his back when some thing deflected them. Something big and dark. She was watching as he swung an ax deflecting everything Buzz saw threw. She saw others there helping.

"You the people Lockley sent?" she heard the commander ask.

A man with light brown hair and glasses nodded as he threw an orb of power form his hands. Hot Wing was gawking because he knew what it was the man was using pure, unadulterated, concentrated magic. The man behind him with black hair and dark brown eyes was doing the same. There was a bleached blond man fighting with what looked like a railroad spike. A girl with long brown hair firing a crossbow, a young man with dark hair and dark eyes swinging a bat, a girl with curly brown hair fighting barehanded and using the bad guys like punching bags. There was a girl with a quarterstaff fighting as well and a young man with blue eyes and glasses swinging a sword. Steel Heart was stunned. This group was taking the bad guys down left and right and they were bloodying them up pretty badly.

"STOP!" She heard Quick Silver yell. "We can't hurt them like this!"

"Maybe you can't," the dark man who had saved Will said as he hurled his ax at Sky Runner. "But we aren't cops and we don't give a flaying rats ass about rules that are stupid. We actually make a habit of breaking stupid rules. Isn't that right, Cordy?"

"That's right, Angel," the girl with the staff said.

Quicksilver watched as Angel turned to Will and smiled down at him. His face changed from the demonic visage but only Will saw his human face before he slipped a pair of sunglasses on. Steel Heart wondered what he saw that caused him to smile like that.

"I'm Angel," the dark man said. "Kate Lockley said you have been screwed by stupid rules to get you killed. Enter Us. We're not cops so the rules don't apply. Think of us as---The Ones Who Can. Because that is exactly who we are."

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" the commander asked.

They hid a good portion of Angel's face and Cordelia and the others of his team were the only ones who knew why. Well, Will did, Steel Heart thought but he wasn't saying it out loud. She however, had heard the echo in his thoughts. A name that Will had buried in his mind before they came out here. One name that meant more to him than anything: Liam.

"That's my Business," Angel said. "You'll find out when it is time. When He tells me I can tell you, then you'll know. Until then, if you see me without these, it'll be in my Game Face." Angel stopped suddenly as he heard Mon*Star roar and he sighed turning back. "Is that the best you can do?" Angel asked him.

The self proclaimed Planet master stared at him in shock. "You think you can do better?" he asked.

"Hell no," Angel said. "I know I can.

"Prove it," the Planet Master said.

"As you wish," Angel said as he stopped and the one with the railroad

Spike grinned evilly as he filled his lungs completely and then released it in a roar that had everyone staring.

"I win," Angel said casually as he again turned his back on the bad guys who were retreating.

"Cool," the dark haired, dark eyed young man said. "Mufasa just laid the smack down on your asses."

Angel laughed then and cuffed the boy gently on the back of the head.

"Mufasa my ass," Angel said. "So, give us the tour of this place. Seeing as we kind of need to know our way around here."

The commander nodded and led them into the base with his team following. Steel heart caught her brother's arm and looked at him long and hard.

"Is he?" she asked not knowing she was echoing Spike's words from LA.

"Yes," Will said as they followed the others in. "Yes, he is."


Chapter 2: Midnight Discussion

It was late and Angel was prowling. He knew the sun would not touch him here but he and his team were used to the night so he was pacing, prowling and learning the base. Plus, he wanted to speak to his father. He found his way to the lab, he thought he'd remembered the way and sure enough, he was right. The doors slid open and Angel walked in to the lab where he heard noises of work but only the one heartbeat he was looking for. He was wondering what to say as he walked into the lab area. Suddenly his dreams and the things in his head now written in Gaelic on the disk in the lining of his coat made sense.

He was thinking what he was going to say and muttering.

"Hi, I'm the Scourge of Europe. Nice to meet you. No, that wont work. I'm sure it'd go over like a lead balloon. Damn, what do I say?"

"Try something like...Hi, I'm your son Liam. I hear it works wonders if you keep introductions simple." His father's voice said from behind him.

Angel jerked in surprise and turned to face him. He slipped his sunglasses off and looked directly into his father's blue eyes. His father smiled at him gently.

"How are you, Liam?" he asked. "I'm sorry, it's Angel now, isn't it."

"Liam to you and only you," Angel said. "To my Childe Spike I'm Angelus, to everyone else bar Xander I'm Angel. To Xander I'm Deadboy most of the time. Don't ask, it's a long involved story about me, a Slayer, him being a jealous 15 year old and me losing my soul. It got fixed. So, you're my father. I've never forgotten you know. I remember everything. All those plans you put in my head to keep them safe. Of course they are now on an encrypted disk written in Ancient Gaelic so I pity the idiot who tries to read it. So, uhm, this is---interesting."

"I'm not angry with you, you know," Will said as he lifted Angel's chin. "You are my son. I am very proud of everything you've done. Good and bad."

"You are?" Angel asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? Liam, you are exactly as I hoped you would be. I know about you Angelus and to be honest I think vampires serve a purpose. I am very proud my son is Angelus. I guess that would make me sound a bit bent to some of the people back on earth but, Angel, you are special. You're strong and powerful and you are a master vampire. Do you know how proud that makes me?"

"Well, Kelsey O'Rourke wasn't"

"Fuck the church and that bastard who raised you, Liam. You are my son. Not his. You were never his and you are not worthless. You're very special. Trust me, I know."

"Will?" a female voice said.

Angel turned slightly with a growl but Will caught his arm.

"That's your aunt. She is the only person who knows exactly what the project titled Liam was. We're here, Em."

"So, this is Liam," she said. "Have to say he's very good in a fight."

"His mate Wesley would say he's good in other things too, ducks, but I wouldn't want to embarrass me Sire."

"William," Angel said smiling slightly. "You live to embarrass me. Dad, this is my Childe, Spike. Also known as William the Bloody. That's his mate Xander. My mate was exhausted after packing and then getting here. I'm surprised Giles and Ethan had enough power to fight with magic after they moved everything here with us. Of course, Ethan said Chaos is in everything so he and Giles don't have to do too much to recharge. Here except reach out. Uhm, I won't show the others my face until you’re ready for them to know. It's the reason I made sure I had sunglasses with me. This kind hides a good deal of the bone structure of my face. Oh, and if that bird spies on me and mine again I will pluck it. I have a wicked Irish temper that has been pushed to its absolute limits in LA."

"I'll tell the commander to tell John to pull it off before you kill Tally Hawk," Steel Heart said.

"Thanks," Angel replied. "But I said Pluck, not kill. Trust me, if you know anything about Angelus the butcher you know I can and do know exactly how to do things without death occurring."

"Will made sure he knew everything about Angelus the Butcher," Steel Heart said. "He's proud of you, Liam. No matter what you've done. He's good that way."

"Liam here's got issues to work out with parental figures," Spike said. "Kelsey O'Rourke was a first rate bastard."

"He isn't Kelsey O'Rourke, Childe," Angel said as he finally moved into the hug his father was offering. "He's my Da'. And he's never been disappointed in me."

"I'm glad you're happy Sire," Spike said. "Bout tmie you realized them sodding Oracles don't know shit about redemption."

"What does he need redemption for? He's a vampire. He did vampire things. Those gypsies had n right to hurt him this way."

Xander grinned. Angel was happy. His father loved him and would keep him safe, good. Better his father than bitchy---er, Buffy.

"C'mon love," Spike said as he pulled Xander away. "Let them talk up a bit. We'll be about Sire. Get Ethan and Ripper to make sure they eat and check on Wes so Sire can relax a bit. He needs this time without us about to bond with his Da'"

"Later Deadboy," Xander said as he and Spike left.

Steel heart, also known as Emily, smiled and left as well. Angel hopped up on the table to talk to his father and the door closed on them as they began. Two hundred and forty 'Cough' years would take time to get caught up on. They figured best to just leave them to it.

"So," she said to Spike as they walked. "You're my grand nephew huh?"

"Suppose you could say that," Spike said as they headed towards the mess hall. "It started in an ally in England in 1880---"


Chapter 3: Blue Grass Sees

He'd been watching for about a week now. Watching as the team known as Angel Investigations set up shop and got down to business. They were a very good group. They were solid and a real team. No one person got all the credit. The Skinny English guy may have been the one to come up with the plans but he used everyone's ideas and solutions to find what would work best.

Most often it was a mixture of all the ideas.

Blue Grass was interested in this group as a whole. From the Dark Man who led them to the Chaos Mages whom Hot Wing feared. He feared the Element of Chaos and having two full Mages who controlled that element on the base was making him edgy. But for the life of him, Blue Grass did not know why. Ethan and Giles had been nothing but polite in all things. Their Magic was always completely controlled and no one ever got hurt. Well, except the Mob but Blue
Grass just couldn't bring himself to feel to sorry for them. After all, they had started it. What Blue Grass was really amazed by was how no one in AI obeyed his Commander or Lieutenant. They looked to Angel and Wesley for instructions depending on the situations and Blue Grass had noticed it chafed both the Commander and the Lieutenant.

Right now, his attention was focused on Angel, The dark man who led Angel Investigations. Something about that man had been nagging him since he'd first seen him. Something about his attitude and his presence. You just couldn't miss that man when he was exuding his presence. And yet, there were times he was only in the background. He didn't do what Jon and the Commander did. He didn't personally over see everything his team did. He trusted them each to know their jobs and to do them and he trusted they had done them well. Blue Grass had never seen anyone lead quite like Angel did.

Of course, Angel had nothing to do with either the Commander or the Lieutenant. As a matter of fact, he spoke to them through the twins. That was something that had disconcerted and confused the Commander and the Lieutenant.

Angel was not one to spend his time in the command deck. He did not go to Jon or the Commander and join them for anything after a day of work and he had no interest in the officers' club. No, he spent his time with Will and Emily and the Kidd who were all NCOs. His team was the same. They had no interest in the Commander or the Lieutenant or their ideals.

Blue Grass already knew what Angel thought of those ideals and he knew the opinion was not high. Angel despised the ideals that had nearly gotten them all killed and allowed the Lieutenant to claim credit for all things that went right but blame them for all things that went wrong. Angel had made it clear he didn't give a rat's ass about the Silverhawks as a whole. He was here because he was needed.

No, that wasn't right. He did care about one. It was just now hitting Blue grass that Angel did care seriously about one member of the team. He cared about Will.

He hadn't realized it before now but Angel did care. It should have been obvious that first fight AI had joined them in battle. Angel did not go to protect the commander; he'd gone right to Will. He'd saved Will over any of them. Will had been in the most danger, sure but thinking back on it, the bleached blond known as Spike had been closer. So, why had Angel gone to save Will himself. Why had he reacted so violently to Will being threatened?

And it had been violent. He'd taken off Buzz Saw's hand with that ax and nearly removed one of Sky Runner's tentacles. His eyes, even for a vampire had been murderous. Why? What was it about Will that evoked that reaction from the dark vampire? Who was Will to him?

Blue Grass sat thinking and watching waiting to see if the answer would present itself to him. He wasn't the idiot everyone thought he was and he was damn good at seeing clues and there were hundreds off them about Angel and his tie to Will. Blue Grass started to add them all together to see if he could get a picture and was curious as to what it would be.

The next morning as he was drinking Coffee, he got it. In one hard kick in the guts way but he got it. Just by paying attention. Will made Angel's blood for him even though his mate, Wesley, knew it just as well. If Will was up before them, Will made Angel's blood. Will made sure the AI crew had everything they needed and he always spoke to Angel. He was taking care of Angel like---

Oh, fuck, like a parent.

Suddenly Blue Grass recalled something that had happened before the team had left earth. Will had vanished for a week or so and when they asked the General had said he was making something. What was he making? Blue Grass had a pretty good idea and his heart rate sped up. Angel, who was sitting talking to Will looked at Will after glancing at Blue Grass and Blue Grass saw Will nod imperceptibly. Angel turned to him and lowered the sunglasses he wore so Blue Grass could see his face. He damn near choked on his coffee when he saw it and all the clues suddenly came together and the picture in front of him was staggering.

"Learn to know when to spit and when to swallow," Angel said with a smirk as he slid the shades back up. "And, uhm, close your mouth. You'll catch flies."

"Who are you?" Blue Grass asked as he felt his world spinning.

"Liam," Angel replied. "But only to my father. To everyone else? I'm Angel. And if you tell anyone else? You'll learn exactly who I am in those old books. Get me?"

The obvious threat in Angel's voice had Blue Grass paling. It hit him Will didn't want it known for some reason and he had a pretty good idea of what that reason was. Will ahd been told to make something and put all the plans that had been forced into his mind into it so the general would have them. Oh, he'd made something and he'd put the plans in it. But the General could not touch Nagel.

Angel was not made with parts of military power. Angel was made with DNA and knowledge that Will had on how to bend it so Liam became his son. And then? Well, to make sure Liam was safe, Will moved him someplace else. Someplace the General could not hurt him. He'd hidden Angel in the one place he'd be safe. He'd be safe because no one knew about him where he was hidden. He was sent to the past. And Boy howdy had he grown and learned and become powerful. He was Angel all right. And Blue Grass had a feeling he could be a Hell's Angel if he was riled. He prayed no one was stupid enough to do that. He really did. Or else there would be hell to pay in Limbo and Blue Grass did not want to be the one to have to pay it.


Chapter 4: Crossing The Line

Angel was furious. He was so beyond pissed it wasn't funny. He growled as he walked into the suite they were using where Gunn, who had just arrived, was sharpening his ax.

"Charles," Angel said in as civil a tone as he could manage. "William, Alexander! Front and center!"

"Sire?" Spike asked nervously. Xander was behind him as were all the others.

"You know the members of this team we can stand?" he asked.

"Yes, Sire," Spike said.

Angel nodded. "Good. I want you to stop being nice to everyone else," he said.

Everyone stared at him.

"Angel?" Giles asked.

Angel took a deep breath to attempt to calm down. "Three things. 1, Ethan, why didn't you say anything about what that hack of a magician was saying about your element? 2, William, MoonStryker is Riley Finn, and 3 that idiot of a Commander just called me 'Will'. I don't look like my father from the back. I have a tattoo; he does not. You would think after him knowing my father for 5 years, if he knew him as well as he claims to, he would be able to tell the difference even with me standing with my back to him. I'm tired of the lack of respect, I'm tired of the attitudes and I'm tired of the insults. I'm tired of trying to be nice to assholes that can't do anything for themselves but take all the credit from those who can. I want to make this point clearly. We are not their puppets, they don't respect us and we don't respect them. Xander, I've known what you wanted to do. Go do it. Spike, go with him and help. Gunn, you'll find out how rude they've managed to be since we got here and I swear if they harass my father again I'll make bag pipes out of their lungs!"

Giles sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He'd known this would happen eventually. "Come on, let's go eat with the members we like. We can start the hell raising at the meeting this evening. I'm actually quite impressed you tolerated it for a month, Angel."

"I was trying, for my father's sake, to be civil. They haven't been civil to him since we got here because he knows what I look like. They do not. It drives them nuts that I chose an NCO to see my face then those with high rank. I have had it with those attitudes and I will make it clear I will not tolerate it."

"We will not tolerate it," Giles said handing Angel his sunglasses as they headed out the door and walked into Condor who was coming to get them for dinner. He had been let in on the secret when he'd heard Will and Blue Grass talking about Angel. He'd heard 'Liam looks like you, pard,' from Blue Grass and had asked. Once it was explained he agreed to keep it to himself.

He knew the Military was fairly corrupt. That's why he had originally retired. Meeting AI and he liked them. They were tough, they played hardball and they didn't take shit. He could see by the way Angel was walking that was about to extend to the other members of the team as well. He'd heard Gaze muttering about why did Angel look so much like Will and what made Angel think he had had the right to cut him that coldly when he mistakenly called him that.

Hell, Even Condor knew what that was about. You know your team; you don't mistake people who have only been there for a month for someone you've supposedly known for 5 years. It just isn't done. But, Gaze had done it. Now, Condor was seeing Angel getting angry. No, he'd been angry before. This was Angel, showing he was angry. And by God did he look about to pop off.

Condor couldn't help the spark of Glee. He knew something had needed to be said for a while now but it seemed no one could ever say it to the Commander because he didn't hear anything except what he wanted to hear. Of course, now there was Angel.

Angel who was not in the Military. Angel who did not give a flying rats ass what the Commander thought about things. Angel who only cared for those who earned his respect and his blood. His blood being his team, his aunt and his father.

Condor sighed thinking dinner tonight was going to be rocky and the meeting down right hostile. Condor chuckled. He couldn't wait.


Chapter 5: And Giles Says---

Friday Night Dinner.

Giles Loathed Friday Night Dinner. The food was usually okay; it was the meeting directly afterwards that was the worst. It was the worst because of the pushing that was done during the meeting and the fact that Ethan never had a chance to finish his meal so he went hungry. Giles hated that. However, tonight's meeting should prove interesting to say the least. Giles was watching Angel who seemed to be being casual as he sipped his blood and watched his team eat. Angel was going to start making his point tonight. And from what Giles knew, he was going to make it strongly.

"Lets get down to the briefing room for tonight's meeting," Stargazer said as he finished his meal.

"We're not done yet," Angel replied gesturing for Ethan to finish. "Be patient, the meeting isn't going anywhere."

"We have a schedule to keep," Stargazer said.

Angel simply raised an eyebrow behind his sunglasses. "You can let Ethan finish his meal. I am not putting up with you rushing my people and not your own. Kindly be quiet and wait. I won't rush him again."

Angel's group ignored Star Gazer until Ethan finished his food including his dessert and then and only then did Angel down the rest of his blood. "Now we can go," Angel said emphasizing the word now.

Spike and Xander ran ahead to set up the chairs and Angel couldn't help chuckling at the spark of Mischief in his Childe's eyes. He sighed, as he knew that no matter where they were, Spike would always be Spike.

He allowed Stargazer and his loyal flunkies to pass him and go in first then his group and finally the members of this team he could stand. His father was definitely among them of course his Father was in His group. SO was his aunt. Then there were the other four members of this group he could stand. The cowboy who had guessed, the Mimian child who had seen him without the sunglasses, the older guy called Condor and the younger guy called Fast Back. They sat on the same side of the table as his group did.

"So, what's up tonight?" Giles heard Angel ask.

Quicksilver looked at him and Giles just knew something bad was going to happen.

"Whose on shift tonight?" Jon asked.

"You are," Angel replied having read the schedule. "Why?"

"I want to take off tonight. Hey, Will, you cover for me."

"I think not," Angel said darkly.

Giles began to have a cold feeling as Angel's voice started to change. He knew that tone and timbre. This was not going to be good if Quicksilver didn't stop with this game.

"Why not? He doesn't have anything important to do."

"Says you," Angel replied.

Yeah, Giles was definitely starting to worry. "What the hell is your problem anyway? Being the leader does not entitle you to dump all your work off on everyone else. Get a life and do your work."

"Your people do all your work," Quicksilver said. "And it isn't as if Will has anyone important to talk to. He doesn't have a family and I know he has no idea what it is to give everything up for them."

"One," Angel began in a decidedly icy tone of voice, "My People do not do My Work. They do their work, which helps me do my work so I know what I'm walking into. 2) How DARE YOU say he does not have a family or know what it is to give everything up for them?"

"He was raised by the military. They wouldn't have let him have a family."

Giles was watching and he saw it before the others did. Angel's eyes were glowing behind the sunglasses. He could see the golden glow through the black lenses and he winced, as he understood what was about to happen.

He summed it up in two words that had everyone who knew him paling: "Oh, Dear."


Chapter 6: Run For It!

"'Oh, Dear?' Giles, I hate, Hate, HATE when you say "Oh, Dear" in that tone," Xander said.

"Why?" Blue Grass asked.

"Because something bad always happens when he says 'Oh, Dear' in that tone. Oh, Dear is 'It's the end of the world as we know it, put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye,' Giles' version of the F-Word strength trouble. 'Oh, Dear' was used when the Mayor Ascended, when Adam attacked, when The Master Rose. You name it and it was of the bad and
Giles said 'Oh, Dear' in reference to it," Xander explained.

"Oh," Steel Heart said. "So, what do we do?"

"We leave the room as quickly as possible," Spike said quietly. "None of us want to be here when Mt. St. Angelus erupts. So, we should likely be Sidling our way to the door and leaving because I gotta say, he is so close to blowing."

Everyone nodded and stated sliding towards the door. The Commander and his flunkies as Angel called them, seeing it, let the 'Unimportant' people leave. Finally it was just they and Angel.

"I have tried to be polite," Angel said after a few minutes of deathly cold silence. "I have tried to be tolerant and open minded. I have tried to be patient, calm and a million other adjectives that I am in no way close to being in real life. I have tried to accept that you people can't help that you really are the most close-minded bastards I will ever meet. You are also self important, stuck up, arrogant, unfeeling and think entirely too much of rank. I am not the one who is in charge of my group. That would be my mate Wesley. I may have the highest Rank as you would say but I am not the leader. And another thing, who I allow to see my face is none of your damn business."

"But Will isn't an officer," Quicksilver said. "You should have let one of us see you!"

"Why?" Angel asked. "It's none of your business who I am or what I look like. You did not order me or my group to come here; WE chose to come save your Asses. I do not work for you so I do not see you having the right to harass the one member of your time I think has a right to see my face."

"And what makes you think he has that right?" Star Gazer asked. "He is not an Officer, he is not commissioned in anything."

"That is exactly the reason," Angel responded. "He has the right to know because he does not demand to know. You just want to be petulant little children. God Forbid you not get credit for things you do not do anyway. But as I can see you won't let it rest, you want to see my face? Fine! Look really good and see what your military in its infinite Wisdom does to people, forces them to do!"

Angel ripped his sunglasses off and threw them across the room. Then, he turned to everyone still in the room could see his face.

"Oh. My. God," was running through everyone in the room's mind.

"Take a real good look you assholes," Angel growled. "And then, let me tell you a little story. And you will sit down and listen, Jon Quick. You will all sit down or I will sit your Asses down hard!"

"What story?" the Commander asked.

Angel flopped into his chair and propped his feet up on the table.

"Lets go back about 25 years ago to when Will Heart was born and sold to your fucking government. Then lets deal with the fact they made him a slave on pain of his sister being hurt. They made him invent things, RILEY, SIT DOWN! And then forced him to show them how those things worked. Now go up to about a week before the Silverhawks came out here. A week during which time he was told to Make something and put all the plans in his head into it. He Made something all right. He made something the military would never be able to touch. He made me. A five year old child built from his own DNA tweaked so that child became his son."

"That's impossible. That last project he titled L.I.A.M." Quicksilver denied.

Angel laughed.

"Who the hell said it was an anacronym?" the vampire asked.

"Everyone knows it had to be. Will can't have done anything else he's too simple to have done anything. And if it isn't an Anacronym, then what is it?"

"My name stupid," Angel retorted as he leaned back in his chair. "You see, Will made himself a son. That son has all his knowledge in his mind. That son grew up in the past, got turned into a vampire, and became Angelus the Butcher, Scourge of Europe. That Son is standing in front of you right now. That son doesn't think any of you have the right to know Jack Shit about him. That Son is giving you this warning and it is the last one you will get, Leave. My. Father. Alone!"

Angel stormed out after shooting Riley Finn a nasty look and walked into a woman he did not know. He ignored her going to where his family was. He had to ask his father something.

"Dad," he said as he entered the rec room where everyone was.

Everyone noticed the lack of sunglasses immediately and those who had not seen his face choked on their own inhales.

"Yes, Liam," Will asked.

"You know that Behavior Modification Chip they made you invent by threatening to have aunt Em raped?"

"What about it?" Will asked seeing the woman Angel hAd seen but not acknowledged behind him.

"Is there anyway to turn it off?"

"Of course there is, Liam. I never make anything that doesn't have an off switch. Why?"

"Because there is one in Spike’s head and I would really like it removed or turned off. What do you want lady?"

"To thank you for giving me some entertainment. Someone needed to say something. And Will? What's with the look?"

"Someone put one of those things in my grandson's head?" he asked darkly.

Angel nodded.

"Yes, I can turn it off. I can also do one better. I can remove it."

Angel looked at Spike and sent him with his father. He smiled at Xander then.

"My dad will fix your mate, Xander," Angel said. "Spike will be back to full strength soon."

Xander nodded and the smile lit up the room. Angel chuckled and walked to the couch. Sitting down and joining the group in the Loony Tunes marathon. Spike joined them again about thirty minutes later and Will came in and held something in his hand. He crushed in front of Spike who grinned and Angel smiled as well.

"Family, right Liam?" Will asked.

"Family," Angel replied.



Let me know if you want a squel to this one