Title: Born Of Blood And Pain

Author: Scorpio

eMail: scorpio71@earthlink.net

Archive: WWOMB, CKoS, the Den, Nesting Place, anyone else, just ask and I'll say yes.

Fandom: BtVS

Pairing: (none) Angelus, Xander

Rating: R (for violence and mature themes)

Disclaimer: The big "J" owns 'em, not me. I'm just playing, no profit involved...

Warning: Character Death! Blood sports.

Summary: Angelus is back and he's come for Xander to fullfill a promise.

Born of Blood and Pain

By Scorpio

Xander felt his sarcastic façade shatter into a thousand pieces even as his frustrated irritation gave way to gut clenching fear. The large callused hand that was wrapped around his throat pressed his head against the brick wall painfully. A chill of horror ran down his spine and his blood turned to ice in his veins. His bowls churned and turned watery even as a violent tremor shook his terror-weakened limbs.

He could feel the muscles in his shoulders and back tense up stiffly as his eyes swept over the ridged features of the scowling vampire. Xander wrenched his focus from the bloody fangs, only to lock onto the swirling glowing soulless eyes.

"You!?! When? H... How?!"

"Of course it's me Xander. I did make you a promise after all... so I had to come back. You didn't think that I could be caged forever did you?"

Churning fear flooded his mind as his panicked thoughts chased themselves in endless circles of confusion. He desperately wanted to flee, to run and hide, to be somewhere else - anywhere else - but here. Terror paralyzed him. He couldn't move, he couldn't fight, he couldn't even scream.

Yellow demon eyes gleamed with madness and he felt his body being lifted up off of the ground. The strong grip on his throat shifted so that those strong fingers were clutching a fist full of his hair and the other hand squeezed his shoulder with bruising force. Pain blossomed in a brief flare as the hand in his hair yanked his head back at a sharp angle.

He had never felt more vulnerable and frightened then he did at that very moment. His neck was fully exposed, his pulse throbbing through his jugular, a feast just waiting on the pleasure of the demon that held him so tightly. Gibbering fear raced across his mind and his body trembled even harder.

Xander's only warning was the low throaty rumbling growl that washed over his ears. Then Angelus struck. Quick as a cobra strike, that demonic visage swooped down upon him and then he felt those razor sharp fangs break open his skin and sink into his flesh.

Bright white agony seared him with the sudden intensity of a bullet and he stiffened up in shock. Hot wetness pooled on his skin as it rushed out of the wound. A moan of exquisite pleasure caressed his ears only to be followed swiftly by the sounds of slurping and swallowing. A wave of nausea rolled across him at this audible proof of Angelus's pleasure in consuming his very life.

As the blood stopped welling up at the surface of the bite, it forced Angelus to suck down on his neck, effectively drawing the blood up and out of him. With each pull on his veins, white hot pain singed along his nerves. Pain flashed sharply in Xander's vision and he groaned at the sensation.

His heart began to strain in his chest, trying desperately to pump blood to his limbs. Blood that was no longer there. Xander could feel the life draining out of him. He could feel the numbness settling into his feet and hands. That deadened sensation swiftly traveled up his arms and legs.

Terror and pain swirled in his mind and he struggled weakly. Angelus tightened his hold on him and pain flared anew. Xander could feel his internal organs begin to shut down at the loss of blood. His vision began to dim and the world was filled with hazy shadows and muffled echoes of sound. All that remained was the pain. The bright searing agony that sang through his veins with every draught of blood that the soulless vampire consumed from him.

His heart was slowing down and Xander knew that it would stop soon. He could feel each tortured beat bang against his ribs as if it were a hammer blow. He hurt so badly. Pain was all that he had left. Xander wished that he would die soon, so that the agony would just *stop*.

He struggled to draw in another breath. His lungs felt starved for air, yet he was so tired. He wanted to sleep, to fade away, yet his lungs burned and his chest ached and... and... he felt his body shudder violently.

Xander was vaguely aware of that horrid face pulling away from his neck. His blurry vision barely registered the bloody fanged smile that hovered over him. In an act of defiance, he closed his eyes, erasing the sight of the demon from him. He did not want to share his pain with Angelus... for it was all he had left.

Cold wet coppery beautiful pleasure. Instinctively, Xander opened his mouth wider. Another couple of drops of that amazing liquid splashed down on his tongue. Joy and pleasure sizzled along his tongue and in a chilly line down his throat.

Then the source of that thick wet pleasure was pressed firmly to his dry lips and he clamped down upon it with all of the strength he had left. Coopery liquid pulsed into his mouth and the wonderful taste sent shivers of pleasure through his pain swamped brain. It rushed down his throat and into his stomach like a soothing balm, healing the hurt wherever it flowed.

Like a starving man suddenly offered a bowl of ambrosia, Xander drank deeply. He suckled at the fount of the thick cool liquid and swallowed down that amazingly luscious draught. With each mouthful that slid down his hungry throat, he could feel strength and energy and passion returning to his limbs. Pain receded as blood once more thrummed through his pulsing veins.

Yet his heart no longer thumped in his chest and his lungs no longer demanded that he breathe in the smoggy air. His only need, his only want, his only desire was for that sweet coopery fluid that flowed across his lips and into his mouth.

He could feel a tugging as the source of his food was slowly pulled away. He heard a soft whimper erupt from his own throat and he reached out for it, to hold it to him. A deep soft chuckle filled the air and then the source was torn from him. He opened his eyes to see who had stolen his precious and saw... Angelus.

The dark demon stood over him clutching at his own torn and bloody wrist and smiled down at him with fangs that dripped with Xander's blood. A jolt of terror sizzled through him and he drew back cringing. However, the fear of Angelus wasn't strong enough to abate his hunger... his thirst.


The vampire laughed with glee. The evil sound sent a chill through Xander even as it sparked his own sense of maniacal humor. He chuckled softly.

"Yes childe. More indeed. Let's hunt, shall we?"

He nodded quickly. He *wanted* and only his Sire could teach him how to sate that need.

"Yes Angelus. Let's... hunt."

END: Born of Blood and Pain