Daddy Knows Best

by Zadi

DISCLAIMER: None of these wonderful characters belong to me - unfortunately. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and a bunch of other suit-types I don't know. Joss, I promise to return the boys to you when I'm finished playing with them. Lyrics to "Breathe" by Lamar/Bentley

RATING: NC-17 (don't ya just love smut?)

ARCHIVE: If you really want it, sure thing. Just let me know where it's going!

CATEGORY: Spike/Xander/Angel and Angel/Lorne (The Host) suggested - Sequel to "I Met Him at the Stop and Rob"

SUMMARY: Several months after Spike saves Xander from the Kharlish demon, they travel to Los Angeles to ask for Angel's blessing on their union.

FEEDBACK: Yes, please!!! Feedback is better than chocolate, almost better than shagging with a sexy blonde vampire! (please don't make me beg . . . it's so undignified!)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Because one or more of the characters in this work of fiction is a vampire, they are immune from the effects of HIV and STDs. If you are sexually active (like, duh!), please play safely. I want you all around to read my stuff.

*Indicates a character's thoughts or silent monologue.*
ALL CAPS indicates emphasis on that word or phrase.
* * * * * indicates a passage of time.

Daddy Knows Best
by Zadi

"Spike!" the mortal shrieked in protest, immediately after stone-cold hands squeezed his bare bottom. Xander flipped himself over, throwing the sheets and blanket off the bed. Steel blue-gray eyes regarded him. He immediately noticed that there was a hint of mischief in those eyes.

"What?" asked the blonde vampire, feigning innocence. "Did I do something wrong?" Spike wriggled his eyebrows and then stuck his tongue out. His eyes danced with laughter and a smirk crossed his lips.

In spite of himself, Xander giggled. Although well over a century in age, his lover could, on occasion, behave like an eight year old. And this was one of those occasions. Xander rolled his eyes heavenward. "Oh gods, why did you have to saddle me with an immature vampire?" he said in exaggerated exasperation.

"Oi! No fair," Spike said in defense. He squinted and leered at the same time, if that was at all possible. "Din't hear no complaints from you last night when I was, and I quote, shagging you into blissful oblivion."

Snickering, Xander leaned into his lover's body and planted a kiss on his cool lips. "Minor details. Besides, I believe it was I who was doing the shagging last night, Fangboy."

The brown-eyed human leaned back on to the headboard, pulling Spike's body with him. He closed his eyes and sighed, relishing the feel of his lover's cool body on his chest. Spike settled his head on Xander's chest, his slender fingers circling lazy designs around the nipples that lay within reach of his tongue.

"That feels so nice," Xander mumbled, pulling Spike's body into his own more tightly. The coolness that was Spike's permeated the human's body. He smiled contently. "THIS is nice." He felt Spike's head shift, as the vampire attempted to look up at his face.

"What is?"

"This," Xander merely repeated. "You. Me. Here. Together. It's just . . . nice."

The lovers lay there quietly for a few minutes, content to simply be together and in each other's arms. In the months since Spike had saved Xander from becoming a midnight snack for a particularly nasty Kharlish demon, both of their lives had been turned upside down and inside out. Where there once was animosity and fear (animosity on Spike's part, and the fear on Xander's), now there was only passion, desire, and an insatiable need to be naked together.

A week or two after that fateful night, Spike moved into Xander's apartment. The vampire brought with him only a few belongings - mostly clothing, CDs, and journals. Xander found it highly amusing that Spike - also known as William the Bloody, also known as the Big Bad - kept a journal. The human spared no expense in teasing Spike about the journal (Xander referred to them as "Dear Diary," knowing full well that phrase irritated the crap out of the blonde vampire). One afternoon, Spike had caught Xander trying to sneak a peek at one of the journals.

"If I so much as THINK you're reading my journals, Brown Eyes," Spike had said, his eyes glowing gold and his face shimmering back and forth between the handsome human face and the face of the demon, "I'll have Red turn you into a toad!"

Xander had apologized profusely and swore he would never again dare to even consider invading Spike's privacy that way. And then they'd made love. Twice.

Living together was easy. The both knew it would be the explaining to their friends that was going to be the difficult part. However, it didn't take long for the Scooby Gang to figure out that something was going on with Xander and the Big Bad. Spike had been a proxy member of the Slayerettes ever since the Initiative had implanted the "hurt a human and feel pain" chip in the vampire's head. However, few of the Slayer's friends had made him feel welcome. With the exception of Willow and Tara, Spike was made to feel he was little more than an inconvenience to be tolerated. And suddenly, there was Spike, protecting Xander during a slayfest. And there was Xander, coming to Spike's rescue when the Slayer would get a little too enthusiastic about the possibility of staking the blonde vampire in the not-so-distant future.

Nothing could have prepared neither the mortal nor the vampire for the reactions of Xander's friends to their love affair. Xander received a frantic call from Willow that "something was wrong, really really wrong," and that he should come to Giles' apartment immediately, and oh, yes, can you stop and pick up Spike on the way? Rushing to the former Watcher's home, Spike and Xander could only imagine the worst. To their complete and total surprise, the apartment appeared to be completely deserted. Xander tentatively opened the door, surprised to find that it was not locked. Suddenly, the lights came on and there was a lot of noise. And food. And music.

Willow had figured out that Spike and Xander were an "item," so she had been secretly planning a surprise party for them both. The lovers stood in awe at the sight as each and everyone of Xander's friends (and as they soon discovered, Spike's) hugged and congratulated them. Most surprising of all was the Slayer's reaction.

"It's about damn time, you two!" she said, a grin as large as the Cheshire Cat's on her face. "I was wondering when you were gonna realize you were in love with each other." She hugged Xander tightly and kissed his cheek. Turning to Spike, she narrowed her eyes and took a defensive stance. "You better take care of him, Spike. I've got a shovel with your name on it if you hurt him."

Close to speechless, all Spike could do was nod his head. A smile spread across Buffy's face and she grabbed the shocked vampire, hugging him tightly. "Wouldn't want to have to stake ya, Big Bad. Especially now that you two have found each other."

Weeks later, Xander finally asked Buffy and Willow how they had known about his relationship with Spike. The girls turned to each other and burst into a fit of giggles. After a few moments, Willow answered, "About a year ago, I did a summoning spell to find out who my true love was. Well, it kinda went kaphlooey, and instead of mine, I saw yours." The red-headed witch smiled, and then added, with a wink, "Always knew you had a thing for blondes."


"Yes, Blondie?"

"We need to go to L.A."

Xander sighed, and again drew his lover closer. He stroked Spike's hair gently, soothing the vampire's troubled mind. "I know, baby."

* * * * *

As the sun finally fell below the horizon, Xander and Spike packed the car for the impending trek to Los Angeles. They moved in silence, only the sounds of the evening filling the air. It wasn't until Spike was behind the wheel, driving along the highway, that Xander spoke.

"Remind me again why we're going to see Deadboy?" he asked.

Spike glanced over at his lover, who was seated next to him, pressed up against the window. Xander's knees were drawn up into his chest, as he looked expectantly at Spike.

"Peaches is me Sire, Xan," Spike answered as he reached across the car seat and placed a hand on his lover's knee.


"And," Spike said, "I need to ask his permission."

Xander was totally confused. "Permission? Permission for what?"

"Xander, we've already talked about this," the blonde vampire said. "I thought you understood?"

Xander shifted his body, moving closer to Spike. "I guess I do. I just don't see why you have to get Angel's permission."

"I just do, pet," Spike said. "It's the vamp way."

"Oh." Xander started out the windshield, looking at lights of on-coming cars. "Can't we just go to Vegas and elope?"

Spike pulled the car over to the side of the highway and parked. He turned toward the mortal, taking his hands. "What's wrong, love?" Gently, he kissed the palm of one of Xander's hands.

Xander closed his eyes, a surge of desire bolting through his body. "Nuthin," he muttered.

Spike sucked on the end of a finger. "Don't lie to me, Brown Eyes," he said. "You know I can always tell when you're lyin' to me."

"If you don't stop that, I'm gonna get a woody," Xander said, desperately trying to change the subject.

Without taking his eyes from Xander's face, Spike answered, "Too late, pet, you've already got a woody. And stop trying to change the topic." He placed a final kiss in the palm of Xander's hand, and then stroked a slender finger along the mortal's jaw. "Now, tell me. What's wrong?"

Realizing that he was fighting a losing battle, Xander's resolve broke. "I'm scared, Spike."

"Scared? Of what? Peaches?" Spike snorted.

Xander nodded. "Yes."

"What the bloody hell for?"

Tears filled Xander's eyes, falling down cheeks that quivered. "What if . . . I mean . . . what if he says . . . no?"

In spite of himself, the blonde vampire laughed. He pulled his lover into his arms, the mortal's face pressed against his chest. "Is that all? Shit, Xan, I thought it was something important!"

Xander pulled away from Spike, a look of disbelief on his face. He sniffed and said, "This is important, Fangboy! Maybe not apocalyptic important, but . . . what if Angel says no?"

Stroking the brown-haired man's face, Spike softly answered, "He won't, pet. He won't."

Xander was not appeased. A look of worry shadowed his handsome features. "How can you be sure, Spike? I mean, it's not exactly as if you and he have a good relationship as it is." The human thought for a moment. "Or he and I, for that matter."

Spike remained silent, thinking for a moment. "That may be true, pet," he finally responded. "But, Peaches has a knack for doing exactly the opposite of what everyone thinks he's gonna do." He leaned in and softly kissed his lover's lips. "We're just gonna have to have faith that he does the right thing."

Xander sighed, willing his doubts and fears to vanish. Instead, they just increased in strength. He fell into Spike's embrace, shaking and near tears. "I wish I could, baby. I wish I could."

The two lovers stayed like that for an hour. Only when he could hear the steady rhythm of sleep in Xander's breathing did Spike decide to continue the journey to Los Angeles. Gently moving the brown-haired man into a comfortable sleeping position, the vampire started up the car and moved back onto the highway, his thoughts racing. Xander could very well be right in his assumptions. Spike sighed, offering up a silent prayer to whatever gods were listening that things would go as he hoped the would.

* * * * *

Los Angeles. The City of Angels. And pollution. And crime. As well as one particular Angel. It had been nearly a decade since Spike had visited the city (except for that unfortunate incident with the blasted crystal - *Hope Peaches isn't still pissed off about THAT*). He took in the sites as he sped down the street, knowing they weren't far from the hotel Angel called not only his office, but also his home. Not much had changed.

Spike stole a glance at the sleeping man next to him. Xander had slept the entire journey, dreaming bad things and murmuring about "stupid dead peaches" and such. Twice, his dreams had been bad enough that Spike had had to pull the man closer to comfort him. He was still fast asleep, curled up on the front seat of the DeSoto, his head resting on Spike's lap. Subconsciously, Spike ran his fingers through the dark brown hair. The simple movement brought him as much comfort as it did to Xander.

Making the final turn onto the street that housed the Hyperion, Spike leaned down and kissed Xander's forehead. "Wake up, love. We're almost there."

Xander stirred. For once, he'd been having a pleasant dream instead of the usual nightmares that haunted him as of late. He opened one eye cautiously, and found Spike gazing at him. The vampire snickered.

"You look like a cyclops, pet." the blonde said, leaning down and planting another kiss, this time on Xander's lips. "A cute one, but a cyclops nontheless."

"Shup, Fangboy," Xander muttered. "You don't look like Sleeping Beauty when you first wake up either, ya know." He pulled himself up and peered out the windows. "So, this is L.A. Big woo. Can we go home now?" He scooted closer to his lover, and curled his arms within the blonde's.

"It's not so bad, it is," Spike said. "'Sides, I gotta take you to WeHo while we're here. Might as well do a bit of site-seeing."


"West Hollywood. It's where all the nancy boys hang out." Spike winked.

Xander nodded. "Oh, yeah. Cool."

The Hyperion loomed before them. It was a large beautiful hotel, at one time the most exclusive and beautiful in Los Angeles. Spike pulled into the parking garage and parked the DeSoto. "Here we are." He turned to Xander, running his thumb across the mortal's lips. "You ready, love?"

Xander shook his head. "No." The man looked as if he would burst into tears at the any moment. "Hold me?"

Spike pulled his lover into a tight embrace, knowing that Xander needed as much comfort and reassurance as he could possibly muster. "It'll be alright, Xan," he whispered, caressing the mortal with not only his hands but also his words. "Trust me. Angel will come through." Spike lift his lover's chin toward him and softly kissed him. Xander whimpered, but accepted the comforting kiss. Cool lips flicked across his own, seeking entrance. He parted his lips, allowing the cool tongue to delve into the warm cavern.

Spike's kisses became more aggressive, the vampire NEEDING Xander. He pulled away from the mortal, knowing that if they continued at the rate they were going, they'd never make it into the hotel. He held Xander's face in his hands, staring into the chocolate brown eyes.

"Gods, I love you Xander," he said. "I never thought I'd love someone as much as I love you. I want to be with you forever." A single tear trailed down his face. Xander caught the tear,and wiped it away.

"I love you, too, Spike."

Spike cocked his head and looked at the mortal. "Yeah, I guess you do, at that," he said, after a few moments. "If Peaches doesn't give his blessing, I'll stake the son of a bitch myself." The joke caught Xander off guard, and he burst into laughter. Spike smiled. "Made ya laugh, pet, didn't I?"

Resolved to make the best of what could possibly be a very bad situation, Xander smiled back at his lover. "Come on, Fangboy. Let's get this over with." He opened the door and stepped out of the DeSoto, stretching as he took in the site of the hotel before him. Spike was at his side in an instant. "So, this is his place?"

The blonde vampire nodded, putting his arm around Xander's waist. "Yep. Don't know why he chooses to live here. Bloody ponce is daft if ya ask me. Place gives me the willies." He shuddered in a way that made Xander wonder if he was just playing.

"I beg your pardon?" a deep voice said from the shadows. As Xander screamed in a very girly manner, Angel emerged from those shadows. "You're losing your touch, Will. Was a time you could sense me from a mile away."

Spike snorted. "I knew you was there."

A knowing smile stretched across Angel's lips. "Right." His gaze turned to Xander. "Hello Xander."

"Hello Deadboy," the human answered. "How'd you know we were gonna be here?" A flash of understanding hit Xander. "Oh wait. Vamp senses and all. You probably knew we were in L.A. as soon as we hit the city limits."

Angel chuckled. "Actually, Spike called me before you left Sunnydale."


Spike cleared his throat. "Are we going to stand out here all night, or are we bloody well going to go inside?" He opened the trunk of the DeSoto and retrieved the two bags there. Slamming the trunk lid down, he turned back toward Angel, placed his hands on his hips, and cocked his scarred eyebrow. "Well?"

Not saying a word, Angel turned and walked toward the parking garage entrance to the hotel. Spike started following, and then realized that his lover was still standing there, just watching the older dark haired vampire walk away.

"Come on, pet," Spike said.

"Does he know why we're here?" Xander asked Spike as they followed Angel. Spike shook his head. "Oh great."

Spike stopped. He took Xander's arm and pulled his lover close. "Don't fret, love. Everything's gonna work out, it is."

Once inside the hotel, Angel first showed them to their rooms. Xander couldn't help but notice the amused look on his lover's face as Angel assumed they would be staying in separate rooms.

"Get settled in," Angel told the pair. "Meet me down in the lobby in thirty minutes." The Master Vampire turned to leave, but then stopped. He faced Xander. "It's good to see you, Xander." Without another word, Angel retreated.

Xander could only watch the dark haired vampire as he walked down the hall toward the elevator. He became aware that Spike was snickering.

"Now, THAT was priceless," the blonde said between giggles. "Just fucking priceless!"

Xander, more confused than ever, turned to his lover and gave him a scowl. "I'm glad you think so, Blondie. I swear, he never fails to amaze me."

* * * * *

"Absolutely not," Angel said with a finality that frightened Xander. The older vampire stood with his arms crossed over his chest, a look of determination on his face.

"But Peaches," Spike said.

"But Peaches, nothing!" Angel responded, shouting. "What you are suggesting is absolutely out of the question."


Angel and Spike both turned to Xander. They had forgotten that the mortal was sitting there.

"I mean," said Xander, "why? Why is it so out of the question, Deadboy?"

Angel sighed in exasperation. "Xander, you of all people should know that a mortal and a vampire entering into a relationship is a bad idea?"

"Why" Xander asked again.

"It just is!"

"That's not good enough, Angel," Xander said, standing. He crossed to his lover and wrapped his arms around Spike's waist. "I love Spike. That is not going to change. Spike wants your blessing. I don't give a shit one way or the other. We are going to be together, whether you approve or not."

Angel lost all control over his temper. "You have no fucking idea what you are getting yourself into, little boy!"

"Would the both of you just shut the bloody hell up?" Spike screamed. He turned to Xander. "You, sit."

"But!" Xander protested.

Spike shook his head. "But nothing. Sit." Xander sat. Spike turned to Angel. "You, sit."

Angel narrowed his eyes. Spike didn't flinch. Angel sat.

"Now," Spike said. "Just to make sure we're all on the same bloody page. I love Xan. He loves me. 'Nuff said."

"Will," Angel started. Spike glared at him, and he raised his hands up in acquiescence.

Spike sat next to Xander, taking his hands in his own. "We came to you because we wanted to do this the right way, Peaches. But, whether you give us your blessing or not, I WILL take Xander as my mate."

As Angel opened his mouth to respond, his cell phone rang. Fishing it out of his pocked, he held up on finger to Spike. "Hold on a sec," he said. He pushed the "talk" button on the phone and put it up to his ear. "Angel Investigations. We help the helpless." He listened for a moment, his face softening and a small smile crossing his lips. "Hi, Lorne." His eyes narrowed as he listened more. "You're kidding?" Angel shook his head slightly. "Okay. See you there." He pushed the "end" button and slipped the phone back into his pocket.

Angel looked intently at his Childe and Xander. Could this actually be happening? Spike, in love? With a mortal? With XANDER? He shook his head again, and let out a small laugh.

"What?" Spike growled.

Angel stood. "You and I are going out tonight," he said to Spike. "It seems TPTB think you're right."

"TPTB?" Xander asked.

"The Powers That Be."

"Wait a minute, Peaches," Spike said, standing abruptly.

Angel looked at Spike. "Trust me, Spike." He turned and started toward the elevator that would take him to his apartment. "Be ready at ten o'clock. Xander, sorry, but this is a father and son outing only."

As the two-hundred and fifty year old vampire stepped on to the elevator, the mortal and the one-hundred and twenty-five year old vampire simply looked at each other, their jaws dropped in shock.

* * * * *

With trepidation, Spike walked into the nightclub known as Caritas. He was not prepared for the site that he beheld. Demons of all sorts cavorting with each other. And humans. And no one even batting an eyelash. "What the fuck?" he muttered under his breath.

Angel laughed. "Relax, Will. Trust me on this one. Daddy knows best."

Spike glared at his Sire, but followed him in. A green demon, the type of which Spike had never seen, was on the stage, blasting out a Savage Garden song. *Nice voice,* Spike thought. He surveyed the audience, and was amazed at the countless number of demons he saw. And humans. All drinking, laughing, enjoying each other's company. *Only in fucking L.A.*

He followed Angel as he zig zagged amongst the tables, until he found one that was unoccupied. The two sat, and Angel signaled for a waiter. He ordered drinks, mineral water for himself and a Scotch and Soda for Spike. The waiter scampered off, it's tail brushing up against Spike's leg as it turned.

"Never thought I'd see a bleedin' H'alkariu demon serving up drinks in a Karaoke bar," he said to no one in particular.

"That's the beauty of this place," Angel said. "Everyone is welcome and there's no trouble allowed. Lorne," he pointed toward the green demon who was now singing an old Dusty Springfield song - something about having a minister's son - "doesn't allow fights."

The two vampires, Sire and Childe, turned their attention to the stage. After a moment, Spike asked, "So what's his story?"

The waiter returned with their drinks. "Thanks, Koshi," Angel said, paying the demon and giving it a generous tip. He raised his bottle of mineral water to Spike. "Bottoms up, Will."

Spike downed the drink. "Okay, ponce. Spill. What are we doing here?"

Angel regarded the younger vampire with a smile. "Lorne asked me to bring you."


"He says he needs to read you."


Angel laughed. "He reads auras. I called him to ask him about this . . . this THING with you and Xander. He said he'd been expecting my call."

Spike raised an eyebrow.

"He always seems to know when I need him," Angel said, looking at Lorne on the stage, a touch of longing in his gaze. He smiled as the green demon winked at him and made his way to the table.

"Need him?" Spike asked. "Explain, please." Spike's face lit up with realization. "Wait. You. Green Boy. Shagging."

"Well now, that's a rather indelicate way of putting it, sugar," a voice said from behind Spike, just as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look over his shoulder to see the Host standing behind him, a grin as large as the proverbial Cheshire Cat's on his very green face. "You must be William. Stand up so I can get a look at you." Lorne impatiently gestured for Spike to stand.

"What the bleedin' . . ."

"Just do it, Spike," Angel said, an amused look on his face. "I've found it's easier to do what he asks than to fight him on it."

Lorne chuckled. "Pumpkin, you learned so well!" He turned his attentions back to Spike, and once again gestured for the blonde to stand.

With a resigned sigh, Spike stood. He took a step away from the table. Lorne indicated for him to turn around. Spike looked at Angel, who only nodded. Another sigh, and Spike slowly turned around.

"Not bad, sugar," the green demon said. "Not bad at all." He seated himself in Angel's lap and kissed the older vampire's cheek. "Hell, if I wasn't involved with Pumpkin here, I'd do you myself."

Spike groaned, and then sat back in his chair. "I think I'm gonna bloody hurl."

Lorne laughed. "Angel said you were a piece of work. I can see he wasn't exaggerating."

Spike had had enough. He turned to his Sire, his eyes flickering gold. "Will you please tell me what the fuck we are doing here?"

Angel started to answer, but his lover interrupted. "Well sweet cheeks, it's like this. Angel doesn't believe that you and this . . . what's his name?"

"Xander," Angel interjected.

"Right. Xander. Angel doesn't believe that you and Xander should be together." Lorne turned to Angel. "Although, why, I don't understand at all. If you'd only listen to me . . ."

Angel groaned. "Please, Lorne, not now."

"Right. Sorry." Lorne turned back to face Spike. "Okay, honey, here's the Reader's Digest Condensed version. I see auras. Angel wants me to read your aura, to see if you and Xander are really meant to be soulmates. Or some such nonesense. I mean," he continued, looking at Angel, "it's plain to see that you are."

Spike rolled his eyes heavenward. "Oi, gods, give me patience, please." He placed his elbows squarely on the table and looked Lorne in the eyes. "So, get on with it, mate. Read me bleedin' aura so I can get back to me pet."

This time, it was the dark haired vampire who laughed. "It doesn't quite work like that, Will."

"You see," Lorne said, leaning into Spike, and kissing the tip of his nose, "you have to sing for me."

Spike blinked. "Say what?"

"You have to sing for him," Angel said.

The three stared at each other for a few moments, before Spike stood up. "Well, it's been nice meeting you, Lorne."

A strong green arm reached out to grab Spike before he could walk away. "Spike, you have to do this."

"I bloody well do not!"

"Yes, you do," Angel said, his eyes hard. "It's the only way I'm going to give you and Xander my blessing."

Spike looked at Lorne, who only shrugged.

After a moment, Spike sighed. "I hope you have some Sex Pistols in that bloody karaoke machine."

Lorne laughed. And laughed. And laughed some more. "Not hardly, sweet cheeks," he finally managed to say, his red eyes glistening with the tears his laughter brought. "I'm thinking something ballady. Maybe . . . oh, I know!" He jumped out of the chair and quickly made his way to the stage.

"May I have your attention," Lorne said into the microphone. "We have an extra special treat tonight." He turned toward the table and motioned for Spike to join him on the stage. "Come on, sugar."

Spike turned to Angel, a look mixed with dread and irritation in his eyes. "I swear, I'm going to stake you Peaches," he said between clenched teeth as he stood and walked toward the stage.

"Everybody, this is Spike," Lorne said, putting his arm around the blonde vampire's shoulders when Spike stepped up next to him. "Say hi to Spike, everybody." Lorne held the microphone out to the audience.

"Hi, Spike!"

Lorne turned to Spike and giggled. "Doesn't that just make you all gooey inside?" Spike responded by merely snarling. Addressing the audience again, the green demon continued. "Seems Spike here has found himself a special someone and . . . well, his Daddy just isn't sure if it's the real deal or not. So," he turned to Spike and winked, "you all know what that means. Ladies and gentlemen, and those of you who aren't quite sure, I give you Spike."

Lorne handed the microphone to Spike, and walked over to the DJ booth. He whispered something to the Lojiweran demon who was working the karaoke machine, pointing toward the stage.

"I know I'm gonna regret this," Spike whispered, not realizing that the microphone was still turned on. The audience laughed and applauded. The music started . . . a soft guitar. Words popped up on the television screen in front of him. "Bloody hell!" he cursed under his breath, this time remembering to pull the microphone away.

"I can feel the magic floating in the air," Spike sang tentatively. Catcalls and whistles from the audience assaulted his ears. Ignoring them, Spike sang on. "Being with you gets me that way."

Lorne made his way back to the table where his lover sat attempting to not laugh. The green demon sat in the chair next to Angel and put his arms through the vampire's. "Now Pumpkin, don't laugh. I seem to remember a certainy Mr. Broody Pants up there singing MANDY not too long ago."

In spite of himself, Angel continued to giggle. "I know, Lorne.But it's SPIKE. I can't help myself."

Lorne turned his attention to the blonde vampire on the stage. He focused on the aura he saw around Spike, tuning out the distractions of the nightclub. After a moment, he turned to Angel. "You're not gonna like this, Angel."

"'Cause I can feel you breathe, it's washing over me," Spike sang.


"Suddenly I'm melting into you."

Lorne sighed, then kissed his lover's lips. "They're meant to be with each other."

"There's nothing left to prove, baby all we need is just to be."

Angel looked at Lorne, and returned the kiss. "I know. I just wanted to make sure."

"Caught up in the touch, the slow and steady rush," Spike sang, "baby, isn't that the way the love's supposed to be? I can feel you breathe."

As Spike continued singing, Lorne and Angel looked on. Soon, the song was finished and, amidst more cat calls and whistles from the audience, Spike made his way back to the table and sat.

"Now, that wasn't so terrible, was it precious?" asked Lorne, tweaking the blonde's nose.

"It was bloody awful."

"Naw," Lorne responded. "Although, I wouldn't give up your day . . . ehr . . . night job if I were you."

Irritation crossed Spike's face. He gave Angel a tentative look, and then said, "Can we just get on with this, Peaches?"

Angel looked at his Childe. It had been a very long time since Spike had come to Angel in need of something, least of all a blessing. He stood and walked around the table. Pulling Spike up from his chair, Angel put his hands on his Childe's face.

"You have my blessing, Will," Angel said, kissing Spike tenderly.

* * * * *

Spike took in the sight of his lover's naked body. The mortal lay on the bed face down, his head turned to the side. A sheen of sweat covered his body, glistening in the moonlight that shone through the window of the guest bedroom. Xander snored softly in his sleep, a sound that Spike had grown accustomed to over the past months. The blonde vampire stood in the doorway, enraptured by the beauty that was Xander Harris. He felt a stirring in his loins and knew that, without a doubt, they would make love tonight. Their love-making would be more than just sex. It would be their mating.

Slowly, deliberately, and very quietly, Spike closed the bedroom door and then made his way toward his lover's sleeping body. His duster hit the floor on the way, followed by his shirt and shoes. He sat on the bed, next to Xander's head, and gently ran pale, slender fingers through the brown hair. The black nail polish he wore blended in with the dark hues of Xander's hair. Spike's other hand traced the muscles of his lover's back, moving slowly further down the man's body.

Xander stirred, vaguely aware that his dreams were being interrupted. He was, however, calm and at peace, for he knew that the interruption was his lover, Spike.

"Hey Blondie," he murmured, eyes still closed and his mind groggy.

Spike leaned down and placed a sweet kiss in the middle of Xander's back. "Hiya, Brown Eyes." He leaned over and lay his body across his lover's. "Sleep well, pet?"

Vaguely aware that Spike's cool hand was caressing his ass, Xander replied, "Uh huh. Was having really nice dreams. About you. And me. Naked. And sweaty." A smile spread across his lips. "Did you and Deadboy have fun?"

Spike's hand traveled further down, between Xander's legs, finding the treasures that lay there. Xander moaned a tiny little moan of pleasure to let his lover know he approved, and then spread his legs apart a little more. The vampire's cool fingers caressed his scrotum, sending impossible heat coursing through Xander's body.

"It was . . . interesting," Spike finally answered. "That green friend of his is something else. Got a nice place, he does."

"Did he make you sing?"

Surprised, Spike answered, "Uh, yeah, he did."

Xander waited for his lover to elaborate. After a moment or two of silence, he finally asked, "And?"

Spiked sighed. "Seems like Peaches is gonna have to let us mate after all."

Suddenly wide awake and alert, Xander turned over and pushed Spike up. He grabbed his lover's shoulders. "Really?"

The blonde vampire smiled, and ran a thumb down Xander's jawline. "Really."

A bigger smile replaced the small one already on Xander's lips and his eyes lit up. *Here it comes,* Spike thought to himself. *Brace yourself, mate!*

"Fucking A!" Xander whooped. "Deadboy came through."

"That he did, Xan," Spike replied, leaning in to the human to steal a quick kiss. "That he did." Spike leaned in more, using only the proximity of their closeness to push Xander's body back to the bed. "Wanna make that dream come true, pet?

Cool lips met his own. Xander welcomed the kiss. "Uh huh," he answered, between kisses.

"Was hoping you'd say that," Spike said, standing up. He started to unfasten his jeans, but Xander's hands stopped him.

"I think it's customary to let the recipient unwrap the pressie," Xander whispered, unbuttoning the tight black jeans.

"Oh, is it now?"

Xander nodded his head, never taking his eyes off of his lover's. "Yep." The sound of a zipper. With the aid of the human, the jeans slid down muscular legs. Spike shuddered when Xander's hands brushed the inside of his thighs, barely inches from the part of his body that ached to be feel the warm touch of the man. He closed his eyes, allowing a myriad of colors and emotions to bombard his faculties. He sensed his lover moving in closer, could feel the hot breath caress his skin, the tongue lick the side of the shaft that had suddenly taken on a mind of it's own. Xander's mouth licked the head of his cock, and then Spike's mind went numb when warm moistness encased his aching flesh.

The hard cool flesh slid down Xander's throat, bringing much needed relief from the heat he was feeling. Ever since they had been in Los Angeles, Xander had been experiencing the most incredible sensations and desires. His sex drive, normally very high, was running rampant and it seemed that he couldn't get enough. Out of respect for Angel, however, Spike and Xander had decided to abstain from any kind of sexual contact until AFTER the older vampire had given permission for the couple to mate. Xander understood the reasoning behind this decision, but dammit, he needed sex. Lots of it. With Spike. Hot, sweaty, dirty, monkey sex.

Spike began thrusting his cock in and out of his lover's mouth, finding the rhythm that they always seemed to be able to find with each other with no difficulty. The century old blonde vampire felt Xander's mouth tighten around his hard flesh, and he growled. If history held true, Spike knew he wouldn't last long with Xander performing his duties so well.

Xander whimpered as his lover pull away, taking his cock with him. He looked up at Spike, seeing that the blonde's eyes were glowing filled with passion. "Is something wrong?"

Spike shook his head. "No, love," he said shrinking to his knees so that his eyes would be on the same level as Xander's. "Nothing wrong at all." He pushed the man he'd grown to love back down to the bed, forcing willing legs apart. Spike settled between the open legs and laid his own body on top of his lover's. "Just want to make this time last, pet."

Xander nodded knowingly, and relaxed his head back on to the bed. Spike hungrily pressed his lips to the mortals, forcing the warm lips open so that his tongue could explore the cavern. He tasted the very essence of Xander, relishing in it and thanking The Powers That Be for sending this happiness his way. Spike pressed his body down in an attempt to be closer to the mortal's. His hard flesh ground against Xander's, forcing both cocks to harden more than each man thought possible.

Needing to breathe, Xander pushed his lover's mouth away from his own. He stared raptly into the eyes that were normally steel-gray blue, but were now flecked with gold. "I love you, Fangboy," he said, meaning every syllable. "Forever."

Spike felt his unbeating heart lurch at the words his lover spoke. "I love you, too, Brown Eyes," he finally said, his own voice betraying the immeasurable emotions bombarding his very being. THIS was the reason for their visit to Los Angeles, to visit Angel, Spike's Sire.

Spike turned his attentions back to Xander's body. Pert nipples, the color of roses, begged for his caress. He licked one, allowing his tongue to linger on the bud for a few seconds so that his lover could enjoy the cool sensations. His fangs dropped willingly, and Spike scraped the nipple ever so gently, just hard enough to scratch the surface skin. Xander's body shook with pleasure as the vampire licked the small drop of blood that rose up.

"Please Spike," the brown haired man begged. "More?"

The desperation and desire in Xander's voice were all Spike needed. He bit down into the nipple, deeper this time and with more aggression. Xander's body bucked up off the bed, his back arching as he involuntarily gave his lover more access. The sweet blood burst into Spike's mouth, washing over his tongue, blunt teeth, and sharp fangs. He suckled, relishing in the tastes and sensations that washed over him. The passion and desire within him surged higher and higher, willing only one thing to happen. It spoke to him as a lover speaks to a lover.

Spike became aware of a warm hand around his cock, stroking it with an urgency that defied reason. He forced himself to pull away from Xander's chest, retracting blood-drunk fangs from the man's nipples. "What do you want, Xan?" he whispered.

The mortal's only answer was to spread his legs further. Needing no other words, Spike instinctively knew that his lover was inviting him to enter his body. He slid down, tracing a line down Xander's body with his cool tongue. Without warning, Spike swallowed the mortal's cock to the base. Xander once again bucked up, forcing his hard flesh further down Spike's throat. The blonde vampire could taste the saltiness of precum. In his mind, he smiled, knowing that the pleasure he was giving his lover far outweighed the pleasure he himself was receiving. He pulled his mouth off of Xander's cock, and licked down the shaft, to the balls below. Taking them into his mouth one at a time, he laved with his tongue, sucking on them. Xander squirmed, the pleasure pain almost too much to endure.

Spike pushed Xander's hips up, supporting the man's weight with his strong arms. The strong scent of arousal permeated the air, and the vampire's nose twitched. He momentarily morphed into demon face, growling. The demon sniffed, moving in closer to the entrance of Xander's body that begged to be filled. A rough tongue darted out of the demon's mouth, poking at the entrance. Xander hissed with pleasure as Spike's handsome face shimmered back, his cool tongue pushing further into the human. Strong hands pushed Xander's ass cheeks further apart, giving the vampire's tongue and mouth better access to the sweet bud. With a force that seemed to come from the very depths of his soul (that is, if he possessed a soul), Spike pushed his tongue inside Xander further.

"Omigod omigod omigod omigod omigod," is all Xander could say, repeating the mantra as Spike continued to tongue-fuck his ass. With each thrust, the blonde delved deeper in, reaching spots that Xander had never thought would feel the intimate touch of another. When it seemed he could no longer take the intense and pleasurable ministrations of his lover's tongue, Spike pulled away.

"I want to be inside you, love," Spike whispered raspily, his eyes once again flecked with the demon gold.

"Please fuck me!" Xander cried out.

With vampire speed, the blonde pulled out a bottle of lubricant from the nightstand and poured some into his empty hand. He put the bottle down, and dipped a finger into the liquid. Once he had covered his finger, he slipped it under Xander's body, searching for the now empty cavern that had moments before housed his tongue. He gently pushed into the hole, turning the finger first left and then right and then left again. Xander's muscles loosened and Spike pushed in further.

"More," Xander pleaded. Spike raised his scarred eyebrow, but complied with his lover's urgent request, inserting a second finger easily. "More!" Xander cried out again. A third finger now joined it's brothers. "Fuck, that feels so good, Spike," Xander murmured, his eyes rolling back and eyelids fluttering. Spike thrust the fingers in further, twisting them. Xander pushed down, wanting to meet the digits and take them in wholly inside his body.

With his free hand, Spike stroked his cock, slathering it with the lubricant. His thick and hard flesh ached. It needed to feel the warmth that was Xander's body.

"Fuck me, Spike," Xander urged. "Please, fuck me!"

Spike withdrew his hand from inside Xander's body and placed the head of his engorged cock at the entrance. He pushed in slowly, not wanting to cause the mortal pain.

Xander shook his head furiously. "Fuck me hard!"

Spike looked at his lover in amazement. Never before had Xander asked to be toyed with roughly. Their sexual contact, for the most part, was sweet and wanting. It was Spike who usually wanted to play hard, not Xander. Where could this be coming from?

Xander's eyes narrowed as he looked at Spike. "Dammit, Fangboy, FUCK ME!"

Spike rammed his cock into Xander's body with such force that it pushed the mortal's body a foot up toward the headboard. The brown haired man screamed. Spike withdrew and pushed back in, even harder than before.

Neither noticed the tall handsome vampire who had quietly entered the bedroom moments before. Dark eyes took in the scene. Angel, knowing that he could never thwart the desires of The Powers That Be, had resigned himself to the fact this his Childe, Spike, had decided to take a mortal for a mate. He stood in the doorway, his own passion beginning to ignite as he watched the lovers in their dance.

Spike, continuing to thrust into Xander's body, sensed his Sire in the room after a moment. Without looking away from his lover, he said "We have an audience, pet." He turned his head toward the door. "Well, come on in Peaches."

Angel stammered. "I . . . uhm . . . I don't want to . . . ya know . . . interrupt."

"It's okay, Deadboy," Xander said, reaching a hand towards the handsome older vampire. "I know what you have to do. Spike explained it to me."

Angel walked toward the couple tentatively. "Are you sure? I mean, is this what you really want?"

Spike's face morphed to it's demon visage. "Yes, Daddy," he hissed. "It's what we want."

Angel looked at Xander, the question still in his eyes. Xander nodded. Nothing more needed to be said. Spike turned his attention back to Xander and they resumed their mating. With each thrust, Xander felt himself getting closer and closer to the climax that his body had been denied for too long. His hands clumsily stroked his own erection.

Sensing the impending climax of both the human and his Childe, Angel morphed into his demon. He moved closer to them, placing his hands on Spike's shoulders. The animal within him roared as the couple's mating ritual drew closer to it's fruition. Angel nuzzled his Childe's neck, fangs scraping the pale skin.

"Aw, cripes, I'm gonna cum!" Spike shouted.

"Me, too!" Xander hissed breathlessly.

As the blonde vampire rammed his cock one last time into the warm cavern, both he and Xander exploded. Warm seed from Xander arched high, hitting Spike in the face and chest. His tongue reflexively shot out and caught a drop or two. His own cold seed spilled into Xander's body, forever marking him as the vampire's mate.

As the two orgasmed, Angel's fangs sank into the soft tissue of his Childe's neck. He both fed from the blood and gave his approval for the mating. The intense emotions and carnal lust he felt as he joined with the couple were enough to satisfy his doubts. Spike and Xander DID indeed love each other. Of that there was no doubt. His own cock grew hard and he spontaneously orgasmed, his cold seed soaking the fabric of the silk boxers he wore.

As his Sire greedily drank, Spike's fangs found his lover's neck and he bit in, both passionately and sweetly. Xander's body arched up high, in a vain attempt to meet and match the intense pleasure that coursed through his very fiber as Spike drank. The memories of the vampire's mortal life flooded through Xander's mind, overloading the mortal's brain. His body shook and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. As he drifted into unconsciousness, Xander Harris heard himself cry out, "I never knew . . . . ."

* * * * *

Floating. Floating up. Slowly. Total blackness surrounding him. But not unpleasant. He felt cool.

Xander slowly regained consciousness, and became aware that he was lying in a very soft bed, covered up. He was also aware that he wasn't alone in the bed. In fact, he was very un-alone. A cool body to his left. And another cool body to his right.

He opened his eyes. The room was dark. Every light had been extinguished, and the draperies were shut tightly. As his eyes adjusted to the dark, he turned to his left. Spike. Asleep. Xander turned slowly to the right. Angel. Wide awake. And staring at him.

"Uh, hey Deadboy," Xander whispered, his mouth and throat suddenly as dry as any given desert in the planet.

Angel smiled. "Hey." The older vampire leaned toward Xander and gently kissed him on the forehead.

Confused, Xander asked, "What was that for?"

Angel propped himself up in the bed, satin sheets falling to reveal smooth skin. Xander realized the vampire was naked. "That," he said, "was for bringing my William back to me." He kissed Xander again, this time on the lips. "And that is for loving him."

Xander smiled a shy smile. He DID love Spike. With every ounce of his being and his soul, he loved the blonde vampire. He glanced to his left, to the sleeping figure of his lover. "I couldn't help it."

A look of seriousness came over Angel's face. "He'll take care of you, you know," he whispered, placing his hand on Xander's chest. He felt the human's heart beating, pumping the fluid of life through veins and feeding vital organs. "And you must take care of him. He needs you, Xander. He'll never admit it, and God forbid you should ever bring it up. But he DOES need you."

"I know," Xander replied. "And I need him, too." Xander thought for a moment, and then asked, "Do you think . . . I mean . . should I ask him to . . . turn me?"

Angel raised an eyebrow and regarded the mortal man with surprise. Could this be the same Alexander L. Harris who had once referred to all vampires as "evil dead blood-sucking creeps"? How far the human had come from the days when he considered all demons the spawn of Satan.

"That's up to you, little one," Angel finally answered, tenderness and understanding in his voice. "I think that, one day, you will both realize that YOUR life is only borrowed." They laid there, mortal and vampire, holding each other's hands. "You will know when - and if - the time is right."

Angel pulled the blankets back and stepped out of the bed. His eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, Xander took in the beauty of the vampire's naked form. Solid muscles under pale skin. Smooth, almost hairless, skin that looked as young as it had the two hundred plus years ago when Angel had been turned. The older vampire walked to the windows and pulled a drape back. He peered out into the darkness. A small smile came across his lips.

"There's a full moon out tonight." And then, after a moment, he turned back to face Xander. "If you hurt him, I will kill you." There was no emotion in his voice or face, nothing to belie the fact that he was either joking or deadly serious. It was a simple statement of truth.

Without another word, Angel dressed. Leaving his shirt unbuttoned, he sat on the bed and turned to Xander. "I give you my blessing." A final soft kiss on the human's lips, and then Angel was gone.

Xander laid awake for an hour or two, listening to the soft snore of his lover. Millions of thoughts, emotions, fears, and desires flooded his brain. Too much had happened in the past few months. It was almost too much to process.

*I give you my blessing.* He repeated the words in his mind over and over again, still not fully sure if he understood their full meaning. Angel, also known as the demon Angelus, Childe of Darla, Sire to William the Bloody and Drusilla the Insane, had given his unmitigated blessing to their mating. He had WITNESSED the mating between Spike and Xander, and had blessed it.

Xander suddenly realized that he was mated. Mated. Married. Not single. He silently laughed, and sadly wished that his friend Jesse was still alive to enjoy the irony of the situation.

"Whatcha thinking, pet?" a sleepy voice asked.

Xander scooted back down on the bed and pulled Spike's cool body closer to his own, spooning with the blonde vampire. He kissed Spike's back, right between the shoulder blades. "Nothing, really. Just thinking that I want a ring."

Spike looked over his shoulder into the smiling eyes of his mate. "A ring? What in bloody hell for?" he asked with a quizzical look.

Xander kissed Spike's lips. "If I'm going to be Mrs. William the Bloody, if we're gonna be doing this domestic bliss thing - then I want a ring. White gold, with at least a quarter carat diamond."

After a moment of looking into each other's eyes, both the vampire and the mortal burst into laughter.

The End